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I am Yours (An Alpha Male BDSM Romance)

Page 17

by Linnea May

  “Considering my recent behavior, yes, you’re right,” he admitted.

  He cleared his throat once more, obviously trying regain composure, before he continued speaking.

  “You know, you scare me a little.”


  I looked at him in disbelief. “I scare you?”

  He nodded. “I usually don’t fall for people against my own will.”

  I raised an eyebrow and looked at him as if he had said something silly. Which in my opinion, he had. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I went into this because I was looking for some fun, some relaxation, letting off steam once in a while and play with a cute little pet. Someone I enjoy but who doesn’t occupy too much of my time and effort,” he explained. “Someone I wouldn’t think about much when I was at work. The things I do ask for my full attention. And you stole some of that.”

  He looked at me, probably checking if he was saying something hurtful. I responded with an expectant look and signaled him to continue with a slight nod.

  “I caught myself thinking about you way too much,” he said. “It’s surreal to me how well we connect, how well you respond to who I am. It’s been a while since I enjoyed playing with someone this much.”

  “I feel the same way,” I said, interrupting him. “And I still don’t see why that is a problem.”

  “Like I said, I’ve been thinking about you too much. You’re in my head all the time, even though I tried to shut you out,” he explained. “A relationship does not go well with my schedule at the moment. I have tried to convince myself that I wouldn’t have time for this.”

  “I know that,” I said. “Don’t you think I know that? I wouldn’t be here if I was someone who cherishes predictability and a simple life.”

  He looked at me. A loving smile appeared on his face as he lifted his arm to touch my face. He gently caressed my cheek, wandered down to my chin and held it between his thumb and his index finger, gently pinching my skin.

  “I know that my pet,” he whispered. “And that’s why I said you scare me. You had already invaded my thoughts more than I liked, and when I saw you on Friday, it was as if fate was slapping me in the face.”

  This time I raised both eyebrows, unsure what to make of what he was saying.

  “Because now it is even harder for me to keep you at distance. You know more about certain aspects of my world than I had anticipated,” he hurried to explain. “You were baffled to see me that night, but you weren’t attracted to me in the first place because of all those things. If anything, you appear to be unfazed by it. You sure caused me to unravel, just by being who you are.”

  His black eyes fixated on mine and he leaned in closer, so close that our noses were almost touching. He was back, I could literally see him regain his usual composure and become the man I had fallen for.

  There, I said it, if only silently. I had fallen for him. It was easier to admit now that I knew how he felt.

  The realization swept through both of us at the same time and was sealed by a kiss. A gentle kiss. Not as forceful and demanding as I was used to, but just as passionate. Our lips parted only reluctantly. He put his hand on my right cheek and fixed me with his gaze.

  I loved his eyes, his dark and unreadable eyes. Their reticence made it all the more special when I could actually see a rare spark or a hint of a feeling in them. I could now. I could see happiness. The same kind of happiness I had seen during one of our earlier play dates. And lust. He wanted to play, and so did I.

  “I hate losing control like this,” he whispered. “I think I might have to punish you.”

  I sighed with excitement. “Punish me for what, Master?”

  He smiled. “For making me want you so much. For making me doubt the comfort of seclusion.”

  He paused for a moment to plant a kiss on my lips, before he continued.

  “For making me call out your name when I never wanted you to be anyone but my pet.”

  Another kiss.

  “For being so damn irresistible.”

  This time I was the one to lean forward and award him with a kiss. “Punish me then.”

  He leaned back and reached into his pocket. A big smile appeared on my face when I saw what he was holding in his hand. The collar.

  He discretely closed it around my neck. “I will, my pet. You can be sure of that.”


  It had been too long since we visited a love hotel together. I strolled next to him, filled with excitement and lust. He held my hand in a strong grip, pulling me close to him.

  Just like last time, we only booked the room for a few hours. It was a Monday after all.

  “You’re wearing pants,” he commented after we entered the room.

  I turned around to him with a sheepish smile. “I wanted to make it a bit harder for you today.”

  “Is that so?”

  He smiled mischievously and approached me.

  “I might be unraveled,” he said and took my handbag, putting it aside. “But I always get what I want, my pet.”

  He gave me a little peck on the forehead and opened my coat.

  “Today I will do the undressing. Understand?”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  He took his time, peeling me out of my clothes item by item, and he never forgot to treat my trembling body with gentle caresses in between. I was still amazed by the effect he had on me. I was shivering under his touch. My breathing changed, increasing its pace with every item I lost, with every stroke he granted me. I enjoyed it to no end.

  He paused when nothing but my underwear was left and took a step back, intensely observing every part of my body. I kept my head low at first, but turned it up after few minutes, looking at him with a faint smile.

  “Remove your bra,” he said.

  I did as I was ordered and reached to my upper back. “Yes, sir.”

  “Panties, too,” he whispered. “Slowly. And look at me while you do it.”

  I reached down to my thong and slowly pulled it down without taking my eyes off him. Our eyes were glued to each other, making the moment even more intimate than it already was. His expression was as unreadable as always. Intense and focused, but with no apparent emotion showing.

  “Down on your knees,” he ordered after my thong had fallen down on the floor.

  I did as I was told and looked up in anticipation as he approached me. Only now did I notice that he was holding something in his right hand. A thin belt?

  He kneeled before me. “Lift your chin, my pet.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He held the little d-ring at the front of my collar with one hand, giving it a light pull while he smiled at me. That was when I realized it was not a belt but a leash. I heard a faint clicking sound as he attached it to my collar.

  He straightened up, holding the other end of the leash in his right hand. “On all fours.”

  “Yes, sir.” I obliged immediately, making sure to hollow my back so he could have a nice view of my ass.

  “Good girl,” he said. “Now follow me.”

  He slowly walked toward the bed and I followed him on all fours. Every two or three steps, he would cast a quick look back, obviously enjoying the sight of me crawling behind him.

  “Up,” he ordered as we reached the bed. “On all fours, with your face to me.”

  I climbed on the bed and got myself in the position he asked me to. He kneeled down in front of me so that our faces were almost on the same level. Softly pulling on the leash he directed my face toward him to give me a quick kiss.

  “I have a special surprise for you today,” he said. “It may hurt a little, but it’s not dangerous.”

  I looked at him, my mouth half-open and with no attempt whatsoever to control my breathing. Every time he had promised me something new, it had only been better than anything I had experienced before. Naturally, I was excited to hear that he had yet another idea—and a tiny bit afraid, just the right amount.

  “Do you trus
t me?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered. “Of course I trust you.”

  “Do you remember your safe word?”

  “Yes, sir. Red.”

  “Good girl.”

  He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and got back up on his feet. I gasped when he yanked on the leash with a sudden unexpected move, forcing me to stumble to my right.

  “Over to the headboard!” he snapped and I hurried to follow his command as well as I could. He was literally keeping me on a very short leash, exceptionally limiting my leeway. It was impossible to look halfway elegant this way, but he did not seem to care about that.

  “Face down, ass up!” he ordered as I had turned around.

  I obeyed. “Yes, sir.”

  My words were faint and mumbled into the sheets. He didn’t appreciate that. Two strong slaps were placed on my behind, making me groan in surprise and pain.

  “I want you to speak clearly,” he said. “Your mumbling is silly and disrespectful.”

  I turned my head a little to make sure he would hear me this time. “Yes. Sir.”

  “Better,” he said, smiling mischievously as I received another spanking, one for each ass cheek, delightfully painful.

  “Try to sound less annoyed next time, will you?”

  I smiled. “Yes, sir.”

  He climbed on the bed next to me and placed the leash on my back so it was running down all the way to my ass. The cold leather felt so good on my skin. I caught myself wishing for him to spank me with the leash instead of his bare hands.

  But he had something else in mind. His right hand gently caressed the burning skin on my ass cheeks and slowly but unerringly wandered down between my legs.

  “God, you’re so wet,” he whispered in his endearing Dom voice. “Why is my pet so wet?”

  I blushed and lowered my head, while his finger was gently stroking my wetness.

  “Answer me!” He snapped, simultaneously yanking two of his fingers inside me. I raised my head and gasped in surprise. But my hip leaned back into him, asking for more. Fuck, it felt good. Instead of replying, I groaned and enjoyed his fingers inside me, circling and bending to reach my good spot. It was easy to forget that he wanted me to speak when I was feeling so pampered by his skillful moves.

  But he never forgot. He pulled his fingers and used his hand for spanking instead. Hard and unyielding strokes cut into my flesh, one after another. I moaned in pleasure.

  When he stopped, I looked back to him with a playful smile on my face. I wanted more; his hand wasn’t doing it for me today. He caught my smile and raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh, I see,” he whispered, in a dangerously low voice. He came closer and leaned over my back, grabbing my breasts from behind. He started kneading them, softly at first, but soon changed into harder grips, twisting my nipples between his fingers. I winced, but couldn’t help the smile on my face.

  “You’re right,” he whispered. “I promised you a special punishment, and you shall get it.”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir. I think so, too.”

  He let go of my breasts and pushed my head back down on the sheets. “Face down, ass up. Stay this way.”

  I heard him unwrap something, but couldn’t see what it was from my position. A few moments later, I felt one of his hands back between my legs, gently stroking my wet clit. I leaned back and moaned. My entire body was asking for more, but it didn’t appear as if he was about to give me the pleasure of his cock.

  His playful fingers moved up, now massaging my ass. I welcomed it with a delighted wiggle of my hips.

  And then I could feel something else. Some kind of object. It was cold, hard and a bit wet. He skimmed my skin with it and slowly moved towards my anus. It was some kind of plug, I assumed. Not a very big one, though. He continued to stroke my clit when he slowly pushed it inside my ass. It didn’t hurt at all. It was nothing compared to his cock.

  He made sure that the small plug was jammed tight, slightly tapping it. I still had no idea what it was until he enlightened me.

  “I thought I should treat you with this,” he whispered. “Since you like ginger so much.”


  Ginger? Why would he stick a piece of ginger root up there? And why cut it so small?

  “Don’t move,” he warned. “Even when the burning starts. I want you to stay still. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Just as I started to wonder what kind of burning he was talking about, I could feel it. My eyes widened as I realized the inside of my ass was starting to tingle.

  Of course, he could tell. “Feeling it now, aren’t you my pet?”

  “Yes, sir,” I breathed, trying to stay relaxed as the burning intensified. His hands were still on my body; one was massaging the wetness between my legs, the other was stroking my back as if he was trying to calm me down.

  “Lift your ass a little more,” he demanded. “Show me how pretty you are.”

  I hollowed my back and stuck my ass up in the air as high as possible. And now I could really feel it. The burning intensified by about five times. It started to hurt, but still in a pleasant way. I moaned, enjoying the stinging pain. It got stronger with every second now. The pain felt so different from when he had forced his cock inside me. It was more as if someone was massaging my insides with burning hands. Intense and in slow, deep pulses instead of sudden peaks of pain.

  “Oh God…” I breathed. It took all my effort not to move or follow my instincts and reach back to remove the burning ginger.

  His hand now rested on my neck, pushing my head down, while the other played with my clit. He was now stroking my most sensitive spot. The combination of the pain up my ass and the intense massage on my clit drove me insane. Fuck, I didn’t want to come without him inside me.

  “Don’t come yet,” he warned as if he could read my mind. “This is a punishment, don’t forget.”

  The pain caused by the ginger continued to increase. By now it really felt like fire. Sweet fire. Sweat was forming on my forehead. I didn’t know how much longer I could take this.

  He stopped caressing my clit. For a while he just sat there, his left hand still pushing my head down. He was observing me as I tried to deal with the pain without moving. My breathing grew restless and turned into heavy panting. Sweat was now running down my face and my back. And the pain still seemed to grow stronger. But it still didn’t occur to me to use my safe word. I trusted him; he was watching me and he knew I could take this. And I wanted to. As much as it hurt by now, I could feel the wetness between my legs. My body couldn’t lie.

  Eventually, I could hear him unbuckle his belt. Thank God! His hand left my neck. “Keep your head down!”

  “Yes,” I panted. “Yes, sir.”

  An explosion of sensation went through my entire body as he pushed himself inside me with one slow and deep thrust. He remained like this, with his pelvis pushing against my burning behind for a moment. All I could feel was the pulsating pain and his cock filling me entirely. It was glorious. He was so good at punishing me.

  He removed the ginger, but the pain didn’t stop. In fact there was hardly any difference except for the fact that there was nothing stuck inside me anymore. He grabbed my hip on both sides and violently fucked me, shoving in and out with brute deep thrusts.

  I moaned and instinctively lifted my head to embrace the feeling, but he instantly pushed me back down.

  “Stay down!” he snapped without interrupting his deliciously violent thrusts.

  My ass was still burning like hell. It didn’t feel like the intensity of the pain had decreased one bit since he had removed the ginger, and it was still increasing my arousal. I could feel my impending orgasm. But I needed approval, which he granted me just in time.

  “Come,” he breathed. “Come my, pet.”

  I didn’t even need to touch my clit—my orgasm took over as soon as I knew I was allowed to come. I yelped as I reached my climax, once again raising my head and once again being pushed
back down by him. His thrusts slowed down and as he remained with his entire length inside me. I could the pulsing of his own orgasm while my muscles were still tensing around him. Perfect.

  He collapsed above me. Breathing heavily and drenched in sweat, we didn’t move for a few moments. He was still inside me, slowly relaxing. My ass was burning as if he had never removed the ginger.

  “Good girl,” he whispered as he pulled out and moved next to me. We lay on our backs, my head resting on his flawless chest while he held me in his arms, gently caressing my skin.

  “Is it still hurting?” he asked with a soft voice.

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “It may take a few minutes to go away,” he said. “But I promise you, it will.”

  “I know,” I breathed. “I trust you.”

  He chuckled. “Did you like it?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  “Were you surprised?”

  Again, I nodded. “Oh, you could say that!”

  “It’s actually a common practice, called figging,” he explained.

  “Figging, huh,” I whispered sleepily.

  He squeezed me. “I thought it would be perfect for you, since you’re such a fan of ginger.”

  “Good thinking, Master,” I breathed and looked up to him.

  He looked so sweet and happy with his wild and sweaty hair. So different to the man I had met at the embassy.

  He smiled back at me with that rare spark of happiness in his black eyes. “Catch your breath, little girl. We’ll take a bath afterward.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed, utterly satisfied in the arms of my dominant. I still didn’t know if he’d become more than that, but it was probably inevitable. I had a sense that not many people could make his heart shine so strongly one could see sparks of it in his black eyes.

  He gave me a kiss on the forehead. “Linn?”

  I opened my eyes and smiled at him. “Yes, Jasper?”

  He mirrored my expression: the face of someone love-drunk.

  “Are you hungry? We could get some late dinner together.”

  Thank you for reading!

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