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The Most Expensive Lie of All

Page 17

by Michelle Conder

  ‘I thought she looked quite smart.’

  ‘Not Lauren. Aspen.’


  Cruz scowled. ‘This is not a dentist, amigo. Close your mouth.’

  Ricardo smiled. ‘Are you going to tell me what she’d done now?’

  ‘According to Lauren, she’s signed Ocean Haven over to me.’

  ‘Shouldn’t you be happy about that? I mean, isn’t that what you wanted?’

  ‘No.’ He ignored the interested expression on his brother’s face. ‘I don’t want anything to do with that property ever again.’ Scowling, he punched a number into his phone. ‘Maria, get the jet fuelled up and cancel any meetings I have later today.’

  ‘I thought you just said you didn’t want anything to do with that property ever again?’

  ‘I won’t after I handle this.’

  ‘Ah, hermano, I hate to point out the obvious, but this didn’t end so well for you last week.’

  Cruz picked up his bag and shoved his racquet inside. ‘Last week I was too attached to the outcome. I’m not now.’

  * * *

  Aspen was in a wonderful mood. Super, in fact. Her chores were almost done for the day and all that was left was to bed Delta down in her stall. Now that the polo season was over there was less pressure on her and Donny to have the place ready for Wednesday night chukkas and there were fewer students. That was a slight downside, but Aspen found that as winter rolled around the lessons veered more towards dressage, with her students preferring to practise in the indoor arena rather than get frostbite in the snow.

  Pity about the leak.

  ‘Or not,’ she said, to no one in particular. Roofs and their holes, walls and their peeling paint, fences and their rusted nails were no longer her problem. And she couldn’t be happier.

  ‘Ow!’ Aspen glanced down at her thumb and winced. ‘Damn thing.’

  She looked at her other fingers with their newly bitten nails. When had that happened? When had she started biting her nails again? She hadn’t since she was about thirteen and her grandfather had painted that horrible-tasting liquid on the ends of them.

  Rubbing at the small wound, she picked up the horse rug she planned to throw over Delta and headed for her stall.

  Delta whickered.

  ‘Hello, beauty,’ Aspen crooned. ‘I see you’ve finished dinner. Me? I’m not hungry.’

  Which was surprising, really, because she couldn’t remember if she’d even eaten that day.

  ‘Who needs food anyway?’ She laughed. Who needed food when you didn’t have any will to live? ‘Now, that’s not true,’ she told Delta. ‘I have plenty to live for. Becoming a vet, a new beginning, adventure, never having to see Cruz Rodriguez ever again.’

  She leant against the weathered blanket she’d tossed over Delta’s back. He’d told her he loved her but how could you love someone you didn’t know? And she’d nearly convinced herself that she had loved him too.

  ‘It’s called desire,’ she informed the uninterested mare. ‘Lust that is so powerful it fries your brain.’

  But she wasn’t going to think about that. Had forbidden herself to think about it all week. And it had worked. Sort of.

  Aspen took in a deep breath and revelled in the smell of horse and hay and Ocean Haven. Her throat constricted and tears pricked at the back of her eyes, her energy suddenly leaving her. She would miss this. Miss her horses. Her school. But things changed. That was the only certainty in life, wasn’t it?

  ‘The man who now owns you is big and strong and he’ll take care of you.’ Delta tossed her head. ‘I’m serious. He loves horses more than anything else.’

  ‘Is that right?’

  Aspen spun around. Stared. Then swallowed. Cruz stood before her, wearing a striking grey suit and a crisp white shirt. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I think you know why I’m here this time.’

  She straightened her spine. ‘Boy, that lawyer of yours works fast.’

  ‘She should. She’s paid enough. Now, answer my question.’

  Aspen straightened Delta’s already straight blanket over her rump. Better that than looking at Cruz and losing her train of thought. ‘I would have thought it was obvious. You bought Ocean Haven so it’s yours, not mine.’

  ‘I told you that was a mistake,’ he bit out. ‘The whole thing happened while I was playing polo.’

  Aspen shook her head. ‘You really expect me to believe that?’ she scoffed. ‘That supermodel of yours wouldn’t blink without your say-so.’


  ‘We are talking about the brunette who happened to know you were in the shower, aren’t we?’

  Cruz narrowed his gaze and Aspen stared him down. Then he smiled. A full-on toothpaste-commercial-worthy smile. ‘I’ve never slept with Lauren.’

  ‘Like I would care.’ She jerked her head. ‘Mind moving? I’m tired of you blocking my way. No pun intended.’

  Cruz continued to smile. ‘None taken.’

  But he didn’t move.

  ‘You’re right about Lauren acting under my instructions,’ he began. ‘Unfortunately they were my old instructions. My new ones were caught up somewhere in cyberspace when her firm’s e-mail system went down.’

  ‘I don’t care. I’m moving on.’

  ‘Where to?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ She shrugged. ‘Somewhere exciting.’

  ‘And what about your mother’s horseshoe?’

  ‘It’s gone.’ She’d cried over that enough when she’d returned last week. ‘And before you ask I don’t know where and nor does Donny. When I came back last week it wasn’t here.’ She sniffed. ‘I’m taking it as a sign.’

  ‘A sign of what?’

  His voice was soft. As gentle as it had been the night she had told him about Chad. It made a horrible pain well up inside her chest. ‘A sign that I’ve put too much store in The Farm for too long. I thought I needed it, but it turns out I needed something else more.’

  He stepped closer to her. ‘What?’

  ‘It’s irrelevant. You know what that means, don’t you, Cruz?’

  Unfortunately he ignored her blatant dig. Blast him.

  ‘Try me.’

  ‘No.’ She moved away from him and fossicked with Delta’s feed bucket. ‘I’ve discovered that I do have some pride after all,’

  Cruz grabbed the feed bucket and took it out of her numb fingers. Aspen accidentally took a deep breath and it was all him. When he took her hands she closed her eyes to try and ward off how good it felt to have him touch her. She swallowed. Yanked her hands out of his.

  ‘I’m going to finish my vet course and take an internship somewhere, start over,’ she said quickly.

  Not taking the hint that she didn’t want him to touch her, he slid his hand beneath her chin and raised her eyes to his. ‘Start over with me?’

  Aspen jerked back. ‘I didn’t know you were looking for a new vet?’

  ‘I don’t mean professionally and you know it,’ he growled. Then his voice softened. ‘I’ve missed you, mi gatita. I love you.’


  ‘You don’t believe me?’ He blew out a breath. ‘Kind of ironic that a week ago it was me who didn’t believe you, wouldn’t you say?’

  Aspen’s chest felt tight. ‘No. I wouldn’t.’ Nothing seemed ironic to her right now. More like tragic.

  Cruz pushed a hand through his hair and Aspen wished he was a thousand miles away. So much easier to deny her feelings when he wasn’t actually right beside her.

  ‘I know you’re angry, Aspen, and I don’t blame you. I thought I knew about human nature. I thought I had it all covered. But you showed me I was wrong. After your grandfather kicked me out I vowed never to need anyone again. I saw money as th
e way to ensure that I was never expendable. I was wrong. I understand why you didn’t want me to give you The Farm now, and if you want we’ll consider it a loan. You can pay me back.’

  Aspen felt a spurt of hope at his words. But that didn’t change their fundamental natures. She couldn’t afford to be in love with him. She’d become needy for his affection and he’d do it again. At some point he wouldn’t listen to her and they’d be right back where they started. Better to save herself that pain now.

  ‘I can’t.’

  ‘I know you were hurt, Aspen. By your grandfather’s expectations, by the lucky-to-still-be-breathing Anderson. Me. But I promise if you give me a chance I won’t hurt you again.’

  Aspen shook her head sadly. ‘You will.’ Her cheeks were damp and Cruz brushed his thumbs over the tears she hadn’t even known she was shedding. ‘You won’t mean to, because I know deep down you’re kind-hearted, but—’ She stopped. Recalled what she had said to Delta. He would take care of her. But could she trust his love? Could she trust him to listen to her in the future? Could she trust that she wouldn’t get lost in trying to please him? ‘I’m not great in relationships.’

  ‘Then we really are perfect for each other because I’m hopeless. Or at least I was. You make me want to change all that. You make me feel human, Aspen. You make me want to embrace life again.’

  Aspen’s nose started tingling as she held back more useless tears.

  ‘I know you’re scared, chiquita. I was too.’

  ‘Was?’ She glanced at him.

  Cruz leaned towards her and kissed her softly. ‘Was.’ He gave a half smile and reached inside his jacket pocket. He pulled out a small red velour pouch. ‘You asked me last week what I would get you for your birthday and I had no idea. It took me a while, but finally I realised that I was imposing my way of fixing things over yours.’

  Aspen gazed at the small pouch he’d placed in her hand.

  ‘One of my flaws is that I see something wrong and I want to fix it. My instinct is to take care of those around me. The only way I knew how to do that without getting hurt was to remain emotionally detached from everything. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t do that with you. You fill me up, Aspen and you make me feel so damned much. You make me want so much. No one else has ever come close.’

  Aspen’s mouth went dry as she felt the hard piece of jewellery inside the pouch. She’d guessed what it was already and she honestly didn’t know what her response should be. She wanted to be with Cruz more than anything else in the world but the ring felt big. Huge, in fact. Oh, no doubt it would be beautiful, but it wouldn’t be her. It wouldn’t be something she would ever feel comfortable wearing—especially with her job—and it was just one more sign that they could never make a proper relationship work.

  ‘Open it. It’s not what you think it is.’

  Untying the drawstrings with shaky fingers, Aspen carefully tipped the contents of the pouch into her hand.

  ‘Oh!’ Her breath whooshed out of her lungs and she stared at a tiny, delicate wood carving of a horse attached to a thin strip of leather. ‘Oh, Cruz, its exquisite.’ Her shocked eyes flew to his. ‘It’s just like the ones I saw lined up on your mother’s mantelpiece. You did do them for her, didn’t you?’

  ‘I did,’ he confirmed gruffly.

  Studying him, she was completely taken aback by the raw emotion on his face and her lips trembled as her own deep feelings broke to the surface. ‘You do love me.’

  Cruz cupped her face in his hands and lifted her mouth to his for a searing kiss. ‘I do. More than life itself.’

  ‘Oh.’ Aspen clutched Cruz’s shoulders and welcomed the fold of his strong embrace as the hot tears she had been holding at bay spilled recklessly down her cheeks. ‘You’ve made me cry.’

  ‘And me.’

  Aspen looked up and found that his eyes were wet. She touched a tear clinging to the bottom of his lashes. ‘When did you make this?’

  ‘During the week. I couldn’t concentrate on anything and my executive team were just about ready to call in the professionals with white coats. I have to say it took a few attempts before my fingers started working again.’

  Aspen clutched the tiny horse. ‘I’ll treasure it.’

  ‘And I’ll treasure you. Turn around,’ he commanded huskily.

  Aspen let out a shaky breath, happiness threatening to burst right out of her. She clasped the tiny horse to her chest as he gently moved her hair aside and tied the leather strap around her neck. Then she turned back to face him.

  He looked down to where the horse lay nestled between her breasts. ‘You do know that in some countries this binds you to me for ever?’

  Aspen smiled. ‘For ever?’

  ‘Completely. And in case you’re at all unsure what I mean by that I have something else.’

  He produced a small box and Aspen knew this time it would be a ring. She also knew that no matter how ostentatious it was she would accept it from him, because she knew it had come from a place of absolute love.

  Smiling, she opened it and got the third shock of the day. Inside, nestled on a bed of green silk, was the most exquisitely formed diamond ring she had ever seen. And by Cruz’s standards it must have seemed—

  ‘It’s tiny! Oh, I’m sorry.’ She clapped her hand over her mouth. ‘That came out wrong.’

  Cruz grimaced and slid the beautiful ring onto her finger. ‘It wasn’t my first choice, believe me, but I knew if I got you anything larger you’d think it was impractical.’

  Aspen laughed and flung herself into his arms, utter joy flooding her system at how well he did know her. ‘I love it!’

  Cruz grunted and then lifted her off the ground and kissed her. ‘I’m getting you matching diamond earrings next, and they’re so heavy you won’t be able to stand up.’

  ‘Then I’ll only wear them in bed.’ Smiling like a loon, she rained kisses down all over his face. ‘Oh, Cruz, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.’

  ‘So does that mean you’re going to put me out of my misery and tell me you love me? Because I know you do.’

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘You called my lawyer a supermodel.’

  Aspen pulled back. ‘You think I was jealous of her?’

  ‘I hope so. Now, please, mi chiquita, say yes and become indebted to me for the rest of your life?’

  ‘You’ll really lend your wife money and let her pay you back?’

  ‘If she ever gets around to telling me that she loves me I’ll let her do whatever she wants, as long as she promises to only do it with me.’

  ‘Yes, Cruz.’ Aspen nuzzled his neck and basked in the sensation of safety and love that enveloped her. ‘I love you and I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life.’

  Cruz touched the tiny horse that lay between her breasts. ‘And I you, mi gatita. And I you.’

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from A DEAL WITH BENEFITS by Susanna Carr.


  “OUR GUEST IS early, Miss Ashley. Ooh, that boat is sweet,” Clea, the housekeeper, said and gave a squeal of laughter that rang through the hall. “You should see Louis running down the dock to get a closer look.”

  “It must be quite a boat,” Ashley said. Clea’s husband didn’t move fast. No one did on Inez Key. Their families had been here for generations and they followed the gentle rhythm of island life.

  Ashley took a step outside and stared at the scarlet red boat. The sharp and dramatic lines seemed obscenely aggressive against the lazy waves of the ocean. The boat said a lot about the owner. Loud and attention seeking. She squinted and noticed that there was only one person on the boat. “Damn,” she muttered. “He’s single.”

  Clea patted Ashley’s bare arm. “I’m sure he won’t require that much

  Ashley rolled her eyes. “Single guests are the worst. They expect to be entertained.”

  “I can meet him while you change into a dress,” Clea said as she headed down the hill to the dock.

  Ashley followed her. “No, thanks. I’m not dressing up for paying guests anymore. Not after that basketball player thought I was included in the weekend package.”

  Clea gestured at Ashley. “And what is this man going to think when he sees you dressed like that?”

  Ashley looked down at the bright yellow tank top that didn’t quite reach the frayed cutoff shorts. Her worn sandals were so old they clung lovingly to her feet and her long hair was gathered up in a messy ponytail. She only wore makeup or jewelry for a special occasion. A man did not fall into that category. “That we aren’t formal around here.”

  Clea clucked her tongue and stared at Ashley’s long brown legs. “You don’t know much about men, do you?”

  “I’ve learned more than I ever wish to know,” Ashley said. She’d got her education whenever her father had been around during the tennis off-season. What she didn’t discover from Donald Jones, she had learned from his entourage.

  She had finally used all that knowledge to secure a generous loan from Raymond Casillas. It had been a huge risk. She didn’t trust the aging playboy and knew he was going to find a way to have her repay him with sex. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Unfortunately, she was behind on her loan payment and she couldn’t miss another month. Ashley shuddered, the icy-cold fear trickling down her spine as she considered the consequences. Just a few more rich celebrities seeking privacy on her island—okay, quite a few more—and she would be free of the threat.

  Ashley walked down the hill with renewed determination. She strode along the sturdy wood dock, blocking the bright sun with her hand as she took a closer look at her guest, Sebastian Esteban.

  The man stood on the deck like a conquering hero waiting to be swarmed by the grateful natives. Her heart started to pound against her chest. She noticed the thick dark hair ruffling slightly in the wind and the T-shirt stretched against his broad chest. His powerful legs were encased in faded jeans. She felt an unfamiliar pull low in her belly as she stared at the gorgeous stranger.


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