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Spark (Electric Series #2)

Page 5

by E. L. Todd

  “About a year ago.” He drank his beer and kept his eyes glued to me. He had the features of a classically handsome man, someone you would see on TV. “It was a mutual parting. Just wasn’t working.”

  “Sometimes that happens.”

  “Ever since then, I’ve been dating here and there…trying to find someone new. You’d think it’d be easy in a big city like this but it’s just the opposite. There are so many choices that people can’t make up their minds.”

  That sounded like Volt. “I know what you mean.” Despite what Drew did, he did seem like a good guy. Maybe the temptation was just too much. There were too many beautiful women in the city for him to keep his hands to himself.

  “There are a lot of beautiful people here,” he said. “But it’s very rare to find a beautiful soul.” He clanked his beer against my glass. “And I think we’ve both found that.”


  “What are you going to tell your parents?” I walked beside Volt in my burgundy dress with sleeves and black-heeled shoes. It was a sunny day, but the chill had crept in.

  “What do you mean?” He walked beside me with his hands in the pockets of his suit. It was charcoal gray and of the finest material. He looked taller in the clothing and somehow broader.

  “Are you going to tell them I’m your girlfriend?”

  “Why would I say that?”

  “To get them off your back.”

  “I just told them we were friends…” His eyes drifted away, and they became darker like he was thinking of something only he would understand. He turned back to me, a different look on his face. “You’re okay with pretending to be my girlfriend?”

  “Sure. Why not?” What could be the harm in that? His parents would hear what they wanted, and Volt would be off the hook for at least a few months. “Just don’t stick your tongue down my throat and we’re good.”

  “Dang…” He gave me a teasing smile. “I wanted to play some serious tonsil hockey with you.”

  I rolled my eyes because I knew he was joking. “I’m sure Sage would love that.”

  “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

  I rolled my eyes again.

  Volt grabbed my hand when we reached the front door. His fingers interlocked with mine immediately, like we held hands all the time. He pulled me in close to his side. “My parents are nice. You’ll like them.”

  “I’m sure I will.” They raised a fine son, so I was sure they were good people.

  The door opened, and his mother greeted us with a smile. She had dark brown hair just like Volt, and she had his eyes too. She was a petite woman, barely five feet tall. The fact she gave birth to a six foot two man was oddly cute. “Hello, dear.” His mother pulled him in for a hug. “I’ve missed you.”

  Volt hugged his mother without any embarrassment. “Missed you too, Mom.”

  She squeezed his hips tightly, pushing the air out of his stomach.

  “Whoa, Mom. You’ve been hitting the weights, haven’t you?”

  She pulled away then patted his cheek gently. “Those wedding dresses are heavy.”

  Volt pulled me to his side. “Mom, this is Taylor.”

  She looked at me like I was a miracle sent from the heavens. Her eyes sparkled with absolute joy, and it seemed like she wanted to squeeze me just the way she did to her son. “You’re so beautiful, dear.” She hugged me with the same motherly affection, but thankfully, she didn’t break my ribs.

  Volt rolled his eyes.

  “We’re so glad you could come.” His mother pulled away and cupped my cheeks. “Please call me Vivian.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Vivian. Thank you for letting me come along.”

  “No. Thank you.” She squeezed my shoulders before she entered the house. “So…I have some bad news.”

  “What?” Volt asked as he stepped in with me.

  “Your father is very sick,” Vivian explained. “He won’t be able to come.”

  “Sick, how?” Volt asked. “Is he okay?”

  “He has food poisoning,” she said. “He’s been lying on the bathroom tile all day.”

  “Aww… I feel so bad for him.” Food poisoning was the worst.

  “Poor guy,” Volt said. “Maybe we should stay home and look after him.”

  Vivian shook her head. “I offered, but he was insistent that we go without him. He said he’s just going to be throwing up anyway. Not much we can do.”

  “I guess we’ll only be gone for a few hours.” Volt eyed his watch. “He won’t be alone too long.”

  “That’s very true.” Vivian grabbed her purse from the counter. “We should get going.”


  After the ceremony was over, we took our seats at the round tables underneath the almond trees. The flowers were in full bloom, and white candles glowed from all the tables.

  Volt sat beside me, and his hand immediately moved to my thigh under the table. He was adamant about keeping up appearances, even if no one could really see his hand on my leg.

  I noticed a lot of women looked Volt’s way, probably hoping he would be single for the evening. Some of the bridesmaids made eyes at him, and the women sitting at different tables kept casting looks his way.

  Maybe bringing me was a mistake.

  Vivian turned her attention on me. “Taylor, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m a teacher.”

  Her eyes lit up in affection. I clearly gave the right answer. “Elementary school?”

  “Actually, high school,” I answered. “This is my first year teaching.”

  “Volt used to be a teacher,” Vivian said. “It’s such a great profession.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Even though I was seriously struggling with it.

  “Where do you teach?” she asked.

  Volt suddenly stood up and extended his hand to me. “Dance with me.”

  Volt danced?

  Vivian didn’t seem to mind being interrupted. She was just happy her son finally had a girlfriend. “This is such a great song.”

  I took his palm, and he pulled me onto the dance floor. It was a slow song, one of those cheesy romance ballads that people played on their anniversary. He pulled me to his chest and rested his hands on the small of my back, keeping me tightly against him.

  My arms linked around his neck. His cologne washed over me, smelling exactly like he always did. I recognized it from the scent of his sheets and his clothes. The smell was potent and made me think of that lazy Sunday we spent together. It made me think of all the times we were together, his smell infecting my memories.

  Volt looked down at me with a dreamy look in his eyes. They were linked to mine, and he hardly blinked. He guided me from side to side without ever taking his eyes off me.

  “You’re good at that.”

  “At what?” he whispered.

  “That sexy, dreamy look. You use that on all the girls?”

  “Not really.” He pulled me closer into him, his forehead touching mine.

  We’d never had this kind of affection before. It was even more intimate than the heated foreplay we had a few months ago. Our lips weren’t touching, and we were fully clothed, but it was still unnerving. We looked like two people madly in love, thinking about our own wedding day in the future.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat to clear the tension. I felt shivers run up my spine. My hair stood on end.

  Then I remembered this was all an act. Just a show.

  And that made me forget about all the sensations circling through my body.

  “Your mom seems happy.”

  “She’s over the moon,” he whispered. “When you aren’t around, she’s going to start pestering me about marriage and bullshit like that.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “I know she means well, but it annoys me sometimes.”

  “I understand.”

  “The fact she owns a wedding dress shop doesn’t help. She’s even more obsessed with marriage than most women.” />
  “She owns a wedding dress shop?” I asked incredulously. “That’s so cool.”

  He chuckled. “You’re obsessed with weddings too?”

  “I wouldn’t say obsessed…but I think about mine.”

  “Yeah?” he asked. “What’ll your wedding be like?”

  I felt embarrassment spread through my veins. I sounded like a dumb schoolgirl that only cared about marriage and babies. “You don’t want to know…”

  “Would I have asked if I didn’t?” He grabbed one hand and placed it over his chest as he continued to dance with me.

  “You promise you won’t make fun of me?”

  His eyes softened. “I promise.”

  “Well…I’ve always wanted to get married outside. You know, somewhere with lots of trees, grass, and flowers. I’m more of a nature person than a church person.”

  “I’ve picked up on that.”

  “And I want it to be small—a hundred people or less.”


  “I just don’t want it to be too big. You know, just our most intimate friends and family.”

  “That sounds nice. What about the guy?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What’ll he be like?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t met him yet.”

  He squeezed my hand gently. “How do you picture him?”

  “Handsome, sweet, kind…my best friend.” When our eyes locked, I felt the tension suddenly rise. My choice of words wasn’t the best, but now that I said it, I couldn’t take it back.

  “I think that’s a good description.” The song came to an end but he continued to hold me. A fast-paced song came over the speakers, and people were jumping around, having a good time. But we remained idle on the dance floor, just staring at each other. “And I don’t think it’s funny.”

  “Well, thanks for not making fun of me.”

  “I never make fun of you.”

  “Oh, whatever.”

  “When was the last time I teased you about something?”

  “Just the other day…” I drew a blank because I couldn’t actually think of anything.

  A victorious smile crept over his lips. “See? I told you so.”


  “This cake is so fucking good.” I shoved enormous pieces into my mouth as we stood near the bar. I forgot about everyone else at that wedding and just enjoyed the arousing relationship with my piece of cake.

  Volt watched me devour the whole thing. Of course, he didn’t take a piece himself. “That’s hot.”

  “Oh, shut up.”

  “I feel like I’m watching porn right now.”

  I gave him a light kick in the shin.

  He came closer to me and grabbed my ass, giving it a playful squeeze. “Two can play that game.”

  “Whoa, what are you doing?” I took a step back.

  “What?” he asked innocently. “You’re my girlfriend. I’m supposed to grab your ass.”

  “That’s not even kinda romantic.”

  “Real relationships aren’t about being romantic all the time. They’re about taking something you want without any explanation. They’re about those hot quickies in the bathroom. They’re about making each other come with just your fingers. Now that’s a real relationship.” He gave my ass a playful pat before he pulled his hand away.

  Images of us screwing in the bathroom or getting each other off with just our hands flashed across my mind, and I felt heat enter my cheeks until it burned. I remembered the make out session we had in his apartment. It was something I could never forget because it ignited my body and brought it to life. I hadn’t thought about it in a while, and now that I did, I felt the arousal return.

  I shook it off then grabbed his ass and gave it a squeeze. “How do you like it?”

  He grinned from ear to ear. “I’m always down for a little ass play.”

  “Oh my god,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

  “What?” he asked. “You’ve never gotten any?”

  “Any what?” What was he talking about?

  “Some ass play. Anal? Not ringing any bells?”

  I was drawing a blank. “I like sex. You know, the regular kind.”

  “Then you don’t know what you’re missing. I’ll show you sometime.”

  “What?” I blurted.

  “Kidding.” He winked at me. “Or am I?”

  “I hope you’re kidding. Because this is an exit only.”

  “They all say that…until they try it.”

  “I’m not letting anyone fuck—” I shut my mouth when Vivian walked over.

  “You two are so cute together.” Her hands were held to her chest. “I never thought my little Mur—”

  “Mom, don’t you dare.”

  Don’t dare what?

  “Oh, sorry,” she said with a sigh. “It’s a great name. I don’t know why you’re ashamed of it.”

  “What’s a great name?” Volt told me his middle name but never his first name.

  “Nothing,” Volt said quickly. “Mom has had too much to drink, clearly.”

  “Have not,” she said in offense.

  “Mom, how about a glass of champagne?” Volt asked. “Maybe a glass of wine from the bar?”

  “I’ll take some champagne, please.”

  “Coming right up.” Volt walked to the bar.

  When it was just her and I, she gave me that same look again. As if I was the answer to all her prayers. If she could squeeze me again, she would. “Thank you for making my son happy. I was worried about him.”

  Now I felt guilty as hell. He and I were both lying to her, making her believe something that wasn’t real and never would be real. One day, he would have to tell her we weren’t seeing each other anymore. Would that break her heart? I really didn’t feel so good about this. “Volt is a great guy.”

  “And you must be an amazing woman to get my son to come back around. He lost his way for a while, and I was afraid he would never find himself again. But seeing the way he looks at you… I know this is it.”

  This is what? “Uh, Vivian…”

  “He loves you. It’s written all over his face every second you’re by his side. He’s happy, and that makes me so happy. So, thank you for being patient with him and for making my son smile again.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Should I tell her the truth and break her heart? Could I really carry that kind of weight? Should I keep lying to her? This scheme was a bad idea. We never should have done it.

  Volt returned with a glass of champagne for his mother. Then he handed me a glass as well. “They had pinot noir. I thought you would like some.”

  It was my favorite kind of wine. I wasn’t even sure how he knew that. “Thank you.” I took a long drink and tried to cover up my unease.

  “Well, I’ll let the two of you get back to it…” She winked at her son before she walked away.

  Volt sighed when she was gone. “See what I mean? She’s obsessed with—”

  “I thought I could do this, but I can’t.”

  “Do what?”

  “Lie to your mother. She just came over here and told me how happy she is we’re together. Volt, can you really do this to your mom? Because when you tell her we’re broken up, she’ll be devastated.”

  “Why do I have to tell her we broke up?”

  “Well, eventually you will.”

  “Again, why? We can keep up pretenses. It’s not like I see my parents all the time.”

  “You want to keep up a lie like this indefinitely?”

  “Why does it have to be a lie? Why can’t we make it real?”

  Now I was lost. “What?”

  “Look, this arrangement makes my parents happy. It makes me happy. There’s no harm.”

  “Well, I’m going to get married someday, and I don’t think my husband is going to be thrilled about this.”

  He took a long drink of his wine, unusually long. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, alright? For now, just leave
it alone.”

  “When you settle down with the right girl, they’re going to dislike her since they’ll be attached to me. How is that fair to her?”

  “I’m never going to settle down, so there’s no problem there.”

  “Yes, you will. When you meet the right girl, you will.”

  “Well, I already met her, and she doesn’t want me. So no, that’s not going to happen.” He stared at me hard, barely blinking and looking so devastated it was actually painful.

  Volt was finally opening up to me, telling me his darkest secret at the most unsuspecting moment. “You’ve been in love before…but she didn’t want you?”

  He kept up his ice-cold stare before he finally turned away. “No… Forget I said anything.”

  “Talk to me.”

  “No. Just forget it.” He downed the rest of his glass before setting it on a nearby table. “Let’s just keep going with the plan. End of story.”


  “End of story.”


  Volt was tense for the next few hours. We spent that time drinking at our table and making small talk with his family members. He didn’t touch me for a while, and then his hand eventually snaked back to my thigh. I didn’t push it away because I didn’t want to start another fight.

  Since he and I weren’t talking, I spent a lot of extra time drinking the never-ending bottles of wine. My eyes began to droop, and I felt a little sluggish. I knew I had too much to drink after I already had way too much to drink. “You wanna dance?”

  Volt turned to me, having that same drunken look in his eyes. “Not sure if you could keep up with me, baby.”

  “Believe me, I’ve got some serious moves.”

  “Oh, yeah?” he challenged. “Then let’s see these serious moves.” He set his whiskey down and guided me onto the dance floor. People were crammed on the tile underneath the sea of stars, and there were only a few more songs left until the wedding was over.

  Volt did a fancy spin and pulled me into him like he’d done it a hundred times.

  “Whoa…someone used to watch Dirty Dancing when they were home from school.”

  He spun me around again. “Women think dancing is similar to sex. So, I had to make sure I was good in both departments.”


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