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Holding on for you (Saved #2)

Page 17

by Shelby Reeves

  Jess arches her hips and back, letting out a moan. “Come on, darlin’, let go.”

  Her hands claw at my back as she screams my name. I have never seen anything so beautiful.

  “So beautiful,” I murmur, brushing my lips against hers. A serene smile forms on her lips.

  As I curl her into my chest, it hits me that I didn’t use protection. Sighing, I kiss the top of her forehead. I can’t worry about that right now. Jess is cocooned in my arms, where she is going to stay for a while. There is no way I am ruining this moment.



  Who knew this is how my life would turn out to be like? I have dreamed of this moment since high school and now it’s finally happening. It’s hard to believe I am currently staring into the specs of his eyes. I didn’t believe that the pain would eventually decrease and there would be happiness to follow. But now I am a believer. The journey may have been long and tiresome, yet Bo and I made it home to each other. Brilliant turned out to be the home I had been searching for because of the man who holds my heart.

  There is still no word from Craig or his whereabouts. I’m scared that something will happen and someone will get hurt because of me. I don’t want that to happen.

  I’ve been lying in the comfort of Bo’s arms ever since he made love to me. This day seems so surreal, like I’m dreaming.

  My heart races when he whispers sweet-nothings in my ear and peppers my face with kisses.

  Is this real life? This isn’t the Bo I remember, but I like this version of him.

  His phone rings, breaking the silence. He reaches behind him to pick his phone up off the nightstand.

  “Hello,” he answers. His body suddenly becomes tense. Whatever the other person is saying, it isn’t good. Bo uncurls his arm from around me, then sits up in the bed, leaving my body cold from missing his touch. He talks in hushed tones, making me curious as to who he is talking to and what is going on.

  When he finally hangs up, he gets out of bed and begins pulling his clothes on. I admire the view until he covers it with fabric. “Jess, get dressed, darlin’.”

  I do as I am told, wishing he’d elaborate and not leave me in the dark. Bo has our bags in his hand waiting for me to get ready. “Where are we going?”

  “Home,” is all he says.

  “So, the threat from Craig is over?”

  Bo snakes an arm around the small of my back before leaning down to capture my lips, making me weak in the knees. “I’ll explain in the truck,” he murmurs.

  “Okay,” I breathe, satisfied.

  “Stick close to me until we get to the truck, got it?” Now, I am worried again. There is something he isn’t telling me. A shiver eases up my spine causing me to tremble slightly in his arms. “Nothing’s going to happen to you, Jess. I won’t let it.”

  I trust he will keep me safe. “I know.”

  Bo opens the hotel room door and sticks his head out. With one bag on his shoulder and one in his left hand, his other hand reaches back, taking hold of mine, leading us down the hall.

  I don’t think I breathed until I was safely in Bo’s truck. He wastes no time cranking the truck and backing out. “Duck down,” he orders.

  I lean forward until I am no longer visible. “Bo, what is going on?”

  “He knew we weren’t in Brilliant, Jess. How, I don’t know. You can sit back up now.”

  “So, what do we do now?”

  “Give me your phone.”

  I dig for it in my bag and hand it to him. Before I can process what he’s doing, he rolls down his window and chucks my phone out the window. “We believe he has a tracking device on your phone.”

  Oh god, I think I am going to be sick. I never saw him with my phone, yet it doesn’t mean he didn’t mess with it while I was asleep. “Is going home safe?”

  His smile seems forced. “Yeah.” In my gut, I know he knows something is going to happen, but he’s lying to me so I won’t worry.

  Bo parks his truck as close to the house as he can get it and cuts the engine. There are a couple of lights on inside that J left on for us. Bo tells me not to get out until he is there. So, I wait for him to make it around to my side of the truck.

  He keeps me close as we walk inside, locking the door behind us.

  “Bo, what are you not telling me?” I ask, hesitantly, worried what he knows.

  He sighs, pulling me into his arms. “Craig was who called me and was laughing about how he knew where we were. How he knew I couldn’t figure out so the only thing I could think of was a tracking device because he said wherever we go, he’d know. You don’t wear any jewelry so the first thing I thought of was your phone.”

  “Oh. What do we do now?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not going to keep running from him, Jess. As long as you’re safe, I can handle him. I want to hide you, but yet, I don’t want you out of my sight. I saw how distraught J was when Cassie was kidnapped. There is no way in hell I’m going to feel that way. For all we know, he could be bluffing.”

  I pray Craig is just messing with us and doesn’t show up. I couldn’t imagine how J felt when Zack took Cassie. Thankfully she was okay and nothing happened to her.

  Not knowing what to say, I let him hold me. Having his arms around me makes me feel safe.

  Right when I starte to feel safe, all hell breaks loose.

  “Get down!” Bo yells over all the noise. Glass breaking, the whizzing sound of bullets flying everywhere has us hitting the floor. Bo shields my body with his, holding onto me tightly.

  All I can do is pray that neither one of us get hurt or worse. It feels like an eternity before everything grows eerily quiet.

  “Are you okay?” Bo rasps.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Bo rolls over and I lift my head. Shards of glass and bullet holes riddle the place.

  I shakily move closer to Bo, careful not to get cut with glass. Bo pulls his phone from his pocket and places it to his ear. At first, I thought he was calling J, but then I realize he called 911.

  Movement from the doorway has me jumping, almost shrieking in fright until I notice it’s J.

  “Where is he?” Bo asks J.

  “He took off through the woods. I’m glad I pulled up when I did because he looked like he was about to enter the house.”

  Thank god J showed up. Otherwise Bo and I would both be dead.

  “Are either of you hurt?” J asks us.

  “I’m okay,” I tell him.

  “One got me in the shoulder,” Bo says and my blood runs cold.



  My shoulder is fucking burning and yet, all I am worried about is if Jess is okay. Thank god one of the bullets didn’t strike her or I would have lost it. I felt helpless as I was unable to get to my shotgun.

  Jess clings to me as we leave the hospital. She’s still frightened and while I can’t blame her, it only makes me worried about her more.

  For now, we will be staying with my mom and dad until my house gets fixed. I hope it doesn’t take too long. I want to be alone with Jess so I can watch her come apart beneath me, screaming my name.

  Mom ambushes us as soon as we open the door. “Oh, I have been so worried about you two! I’m so thankful it wasn’t worse!” Me too. They removed the bullet and stitched me up and I was ready to get the heck out of there.

  “We’re okay, Momma,” I assure her. Dad doesn’t seem to be home yet.

  Seeming satisfied, Mom moves and Faith is next. I’m so glad she wasn’t there. “Are you okay?” I ask her.

  She gives me a pointed look. “I’m not the one you should be worried about.”

  Sighing, I kiss the top of Jess’ head. “I think we’re going to call it a night.”

  “Okay, you two get some rest,” Mom says as she kisses my cheek.

  Jess hasn’t talked hardly at all and I need to know what she’s thinking.

  I lead her to my old bedroom and shut the door behind us. “Talk to me, darlin’. What’s going on in that
pretty head of yours?” I ask her gently.

  Her body starts shaking uncontrollably and a sob breaks free. “You could have died, Bo!”

  “I’d take a bullet for you at any given moment if it meant you were safe,” I whisper in her ear.

  Jess doesn’t answer me, but her body finally stops trembling in my arms. Pulling off her shirt and jeans, I give her one of my shirts to put on. “Let’s get some sleep, darlin’.”

  With her head resting in the crook of my arm, her own draped across my middle, and her legs tangled with mine, I kiss her hard. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Bo,” she murmurs back.

  I wait until her breathing has evened out before I close my own eyes.

  Dad is in his office when I wake. Jess is still asleep and I didn’t want to disturb her. “Tell me something good, Dad.”

  Dad smiles, which is a good sign. “The K-9 dog found him hiding in a tree a couple of miles back in the woods not long after you left for the hospital.” I refused to ride in the ambulance so J drove us.

  That’s exactly the news I had been hoping for. “Good. Thanks, Dad.”

  “You’re welcome, son. No work until that arm heals, understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now, one more thing. Are you and Jess together?” Mom probably put him up to this. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mom was eavesdropping.

  “Yes,” I answer proudly. “It feels so good to finally be with her, Dad.”

  Dad chuckles. “Love is a wonderful thing, Bo.”

  “It sure is,” I agree, standing to my feet. “I’m going to go check on Jess. She was pretty shaken up last night.”

  “Okay, son.”

  Heading back across the hall, I slip inside my room quietly, careful not to wake her. I can’t wait to tell Jess that Craig was arrested last night.

  I slide in next to her and she automatically rolls over, curling her body into mine. Sliding one arm underneath her neck, I scoot her as close to me as I can get her. As I lay here and listen to her soft breathing, my heart swells with pride knowing that she’s mine. I’m never letting her go, ever.

  Jess moves in my arms, stretching. “Morning, darlin’,” I croon in her ear.

  Seeing a smile on her face makes me happy. “Good morning.”

  “I got some good news for you. Dad just told me that Craig was arrested last night.”

  She sighs in relief. “Good. I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”

  “Hey, what did I tell you last night? Jess, it’s over. Don’t worry about it, okay?”

  “Okay,” she murmurs.

  “How about we help Faith check off some items on her list today?”

  Jess nods in excitement. “I’m going to take a shower and get ready.”

  Jess moves from my arms, but I pull her back with my good arm. “You forgot something,” I mutter before capturing her lips. “Hmm…they taste sweeter than honey.”

  Jess giggles and for the first time since she’s been home, I notice how happier she is becoming.

  While Jess is in the shower, I head into the kitchen where Mom and Faith are cooking breakfast. I kiss the top of mom’s head and hug Faith before stealing a biscuit off the pan.

  “Is Jess still sleeping?” Faith asks.

  “No, she’s in the shower. What do you say we go do some things on your list today?”

  Faith grins in excitement. “Yes! We can leave after we eat.” Her eyes move to my shoulder. “How does your shoulder feel?”

  “It’s sore, but it’s not bothering me.”

  “Good,” she beams.

  I set the table as Mom and Faith finish the eggs. Dad comes in the kitchen and takes a seat so I begin talking to him.

  This morning is off to a great start and I can’t wait to see what the day brings.



  “Faith, are you sure you’re okay with this? I feel like I’m stealing your boyfriend.” Even though Bo had said she was okay with us being together, I still want to ask her myself and hear the answer from her.

  Faith smiles at me. “Of course, it’s okay! Bo and I were more friends than boyfriend and girlfriend anyway. It’s always been you for him, Jess.”

  Bo and Faith walk around acting like they are best friends and I can’t see how they do it. Didn’t they have an emotional connection? Didn’t it hurt them to break up? Aren’t breakups always tough?

  I feel like I’m in another universe here. “I feel like I broke some sort of best friend code here.” Or girl code, whatever.

  Faith grabs my shoulders and shakes me. “I said it was okay! You and Bo are meant to be, Jess. What’s it going to take to get that through your head?”

  Hell if I know. I just don’t want to lose my best friend. “I don’t want you to think that I stole him from you and I want you to be okay with us dating.”

  “Jess, you didn’t steal him from me and yes, I am more than okay with you and Bo together. Look how happy both of you are!”

  “Okay, I had to ask to be sure,” I relent.

  Bo is ready and waiting on us in the living room. He looks handsome in his flannel shirt and jeans. “You girls finally ready?”

  When his eyes focus on me, his smile widens. I love the way he looks at me. It’s easy to see that I make him happy.

  Our first stop, the tattoo parlor. Faith is pretty excited, not nervous at all. The tattoo took almost an hour to complete. She ended up with a bible verse on her left forearm. Proverbs is in cursive with an arrow under it. 31:25 is below the arrow. It fits her perfectly.

  Once her tattoo is covered and she has her after care instructions, we leave the parlor and Faith wants to go to the park.

  Bo drives us there, holding my hand, our arms resting on the console. When he glances over at me and smiles, my heart flutters.

  “You two are adorable,” Faith chimes from the back.

  Bo chuckles and I look over at him and grin from ear to ear.

  We walk the trail through the park, my hand tucked in Bo’s and my other arm looped with Faith’s.

  “Faith, are you sure you’re not overdoing it?” Bo asks, concerned. I want to tell him I think Faith knows when she’s had enough, but I keep my mouth shut and let Faith tell him.

  “I’ll let you know when I’ve had enough for today. Let me enjoy my time outside before I’m stuck in a bed, okay?”

  I squeeze Bo’s hand, knowing her comment is making him think of the future.

  “I’m sorry, Faith, I’m only making sure you are okay. I don’t need you passing out on me or something.”

  “It isn’t the time to be worrying yet, cowboy,” she muses.

  We all know the worst is yet to come and there is no way to prepare for it.

  Bo doesn’t reply and Faith turns her attention to me and we fall into an easy conversation.

  Bo eventually lightens up and joins our conversation.

  Soon we grow hungry so we leave the park in search of some lunch.

  “What do you want to do next?” Bo asks Faith when as we slide into a booth.

  Faith suddenly has a wicked gleam in her eyes. She’s definitely up to something. “Why don’t we have a bonfire tonight? And then we can go skinny dipping and sleep out under the stars? That will cross off two more things on my list.”

  Why do I get the feeling there is more to what she is saying?

  “Sounds good to me,” Bo says from next to me, his arm snaking around my shoulders.

  I have to admit, the last two sound good to me.

  After we eat, we head back to Bo’s parent’s house. His dad called someone to come out and take a look at the damage this morning. I hope it’s repaired soon so we can stay at his house again.

  Bo calls J and invites him and Cassie over for tonight. His parents are going to keep Ella for them for a little while.

  It’s been so long since we’ve all hung out for a night.

  Bo takes my hand, whispering for me to come with him in my ear. He leads me up t
o the bedroom, closing the door behind us.

  His eyes fix on mine as if he is mesmerized. I love the way he looks at me. It’s clear to see how much he cares about me.

  His lips descend to mine, warmth radiating through my body. “I’ve been wanting to do this all day,” he murmurs, sighing contently. “I can’t wait for tonight,” he adds with a wink.

  I can’t wait either.



  While Bo called J to help set up the bonfire, I left to go visit my parents. I sit there for a while and talk to them, telling them how much I miss them. On the way home, I realize I need gas so I have to drive an extra ten minutes out of the way to get gas.

  I fill my car up and head inside to pay for it. As I am walking out of the gas station, I bump into someone, but not just anyone. “Hi, Colt,” I greet him, still ill about how he treated me. Colt and I dated for a while in high school and our relationship ended badly. I was only with him to make Bo jealous.

  His eyes rake over me causing me to shift uncomfortably. “Jess, long time no see. How’ve you been?”

  “I’m okay.” One day at a time, I remind myself. “You?” I ask to be polite when I don’t really care.

  “I’ve been good. Still racing a lot and I have a good job, so I can’t complain.”

  An awkward silence falls between us as we stand there, staring at each other. Colt speaks up first. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Jess, but you look terrible.”

  If I hadn’t already come to terms with how awful I look, his words would’ve hurt. “Grief does that to you.” Not to mention that my best friend is dying.

  “I’m sorry about your parents, Jess,” he says sympathetically. “I know we didn’t end things on a good note and every day I regret hurting you.”

  “Apology accepted.” Colt seems to have grown up since I last saw him. He looks more like a man now than a boy. Maybe it’s because of his facial hair? Either way, time has changed him.


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