Revolution Song

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by Russell Shorto

  331As soon as he had bought . . . bought him out: Haddam Town Land Records, 10:191; Blevins, 48; Karl Stofko, unpublished “Notes on Knowlton Family of East Haddam and East Hampton.”

  332Whacket bought Base: Karl Stofko, “Whacket Freeman” and “Peter Freeman,” unpublished talks presented on Venture Smith Day, East Haddam, Connecticut, September 2, 2004.

  332Two months later . . . moved in: Haddam Town Land Records, 10:201.

  332As an indication of Smith’s role: Dexter, Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, 2:619.

  333In December of the same year . . . Smith’s property: Blevins, 53; Stofko, Karl, “Sawney Anderson.”

  333The black population: Blevins, 54.

  333Physically too he was a presence: Venture Smith, A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Venture, Revised and Republished with Traditions, by H. M. Selden, 32.

  333he had to turn sideways: Smith, Narrative, Revised, 34.

  333On visiting an acquaintance: Smith, Narrative, Revised, 35.

  333Abraham Yates was feeling lost . . . Alexander Hamilton: Abraham Yates to ———, Yates Correspondence, September 7, 1777, in Yates Papers, NYPL; Bielinski File, NYSL.

  334“your Maps and Globes”: Matthew Visscher to Abraham Yates, Yates Correspondence, August 15, 1777.

  335“Ab. Yates . . . late Cobler of Laws”: Philip Schuyler to Gouverneur Morris, February 3, 1778, Gouverneur Morris Papers.

  336“elevating Yates will forward”: Bielinski, “Abraham Yates Jr. and the New Political Order,” 38.

  336The Atlantic crossing . . . her fate: Coghlan, Memoirs, 44.

  337forced to intervene: Coghlan, Memoirs, 44.

  337“leaving me”: Coghlan, Memoirs, 45.

  337“his design”: Coghlan, Memoirs, 46.

  338“turned MY BACK ON LIBERTY!”: Coghlan, Memoirs, 33.

  339“must entirely overturn”: Wharton, The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the U.S., I:347.

  340“I expected cooperation”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 295–297.

  340“who were obliged”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 329.

  340“scolded like two oysterwomen”: Toynbee, The Letters of Horace Walpole, X, 254.

  340“the most decisive censure”: Parliamentary History of England, XIX:1200.

  341“the honours and emoluments”: Adolphus, History of England, 2:560.

  341“our Fleet and Army”: Brown, 163.

  342He convinced . . . give up the fight: Stopford-Sackville, II:94–99.

  342“the generality of the people”: Stopford-Sackville, II:95.

  342“use your own discretion”: Stopford-Sackville, II:99.

  342“to bring Mr. Washington”: Stopford-Sackville, II:96.

  343“It having pleased”: Washington Papers, General Orders, May 5, 1778.

  343“Upon a signal given”: Washington Papers, General Orders, May 5, 1778.

  344“the ancient fabled God of War”: Kapp, Life of Frederick William Von Steuben, 637.

  345Washington spurred . . . steep defile: George Washington to Henry Laurens, June 28, 1778.

  345“What is the meaning of this”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 305.

  345“Burgoyning Clinton”: Anthony Wayne to George Washington, June 18, 1778.

  345“seemed to vie with each other”: George Washington to Henry Laurens, July 1, 1778.

  346Three days later . . . eastern Pennsylvania: Richard Cartwright, The Life and Letters of the Late Hon. Richard Cartwright, 29–31.

  346Cornplanter had an idea . . . their preparations: Betts, The Hatchet and the Plow, 69.

  347Americans in the region. . . . armed combatants: Abler, Cornplanter, 46.

  347“the Barbarians from Deluging”: Pennsylvania Archives, VII: 3.

  347“a very important Indian Chief”: Pennsylvania Archives, VII: 5.

  348He led more than 300 Senecas . . . for supplies: Abler, Chainbreaker, 103–105; Betts, 77–80.

  349“they plundered”: Seaver, 131.

  350“reconcile our spirited Assertions”: David Wallace, The Life of Henry Laurens, 475.

  350“The policy of our arming Slaves”: George Washington to Henry Laurens, March 20, 1779.

  351“it would be a matter”: George Washington to Lund Washington, February 24–26, 1779.

  351Slaves there were so numerous . . . attempted an uprising: O’Shaughnessy, An Empire Divided, 151–154.

  352the Jamaican slaves: Sheridan, “The Jamaican Slave Insurrection Scare,” 290–308.

  353“Destroyed the Settlement”: Edward Hand to George Washington, November 18, 1778.

  353“perfectly convinced”: George Washington to Henry Laurens, November 16, 1778.

  353“The expedition you are appointed to command”: George Washington to John Sullivan, May 31, 1779.

  354“into the heart of the Indian settlements”: George Washington to John Sullivan, May 31, 1779.

  Chapter 15: I Am Your Son! I Am a Warrior!

  355Earlier they had been secretive . . . herds of deer: Cook, Journals of the Military Expedition of Major General John Sullivan, 5–7.

  357“Corn, Beans, peas”: Cook, 90.

  357The American army overwhelmed . . . in their houses: Cook, 13.

  357They skinned: Cook, 244.

  358“rough and somewhat abrupt”: Worth, Random Recollections of Albany, 23.

  359“the printer be under an Oath”: Lynd, “Abraham Yates’s History of the Movement for the United States Constitution.” 234.

  359He had concluded . . . a mere $4.8 million: Schoderbek, “Robert Morris and Reporting for the Treasury,” 3.

  360In January 1780: Lynd, 234–235.

  360“the Center of Intrigue”: Lynd, 241.

  361In February 1779, mobs formed . . . in their beds: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 401.

  361“the several keepers of buck-hounds”: Burke, Plan for the Better Security of the Independence of Parliament, 69.

  362“the present Consitution”: Knight, 227.

  362Soldiers marched . . . doors and windows: Knight, 231; Valentine, Lord George Germain, 399.

  362“To say Truth”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 364.

  362“I am convinced”: Stopford-Sackville, II:192.

  362“Believe me, my dear Lord”: Stopford-Sackville, II:192.

  363“Be assured, my Lord”: Stopford-Sackville, II:193.

  363“Washington,” he wrote Germain: Stopford-Sackville, II:194.

  364“the Trees and Earth”: Washington, weather diary, March–May 1780.

  364“a country overflowing”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 355.

  365Washington, meanwhile . . . young officers: Chernow, 364.

  365“[W]hat were our feelings”: Seaver, 74.

  365“When the snow”: Seaver, 75.

  366“inconsiderable people”: Graymont, 227.

  366“four disaffected Indians”: O’Callaghan, VIII:797.

  367They burned their villages: Graymont, The Iroquois in the American Revolution, 235.

  368“You are now my prisoner”: Graymont, 235.

  369“If now you choose”: Seaver, 78.

  369“as a compliment”: Abler, Cornplanter, 54.

  Chapter 16: Numberless Meteors Gleaming Through the Atmosphere

  370“I fled from my tormentor”: Coghlan, Memoirs, 47.

  372“melancholy habits”: Coghlan, Memoirs, 54.

  373“unjust and unprovoked”: Hume and Smollett, 6:186.

  373“the actual dishonour”: Coghlan, Memoirs, 57.

  375“The war of the Americans”: Fox, Speeches of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, 31.

  375“a coward”: Toynbee, 11:309.

  376“The giddiness of extreme youth”: Coghlan, Memoirs, 59.

  376“pressed so closely”: Chernow, 378.

  377“Arnold has betrayed us!”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 386.

  377“a title”: Brookhis
er, Founding Father, 37.

  378“for three years past”: Alexander Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, February 18, 1781. “From Alexander Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, 18 February 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified March 30, 2017,

  379“I must tell you, sir”: Alexander Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, February 18, 1781. “From Alexander Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, 18 February 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified March 30, 2017,

  379“I request, in pointed terms”: George Washington to Benjamin Harrison Sr., March 21, 1781.

  380On January 29: Johnston, Record of Connecticut Men in the Military and Naval Service During the War of Revolution, 363,

  380Of the 330 men: Barnes, 44.

  381Cuff Smith . . . something to happen: Johnston, Record of Connecticut Men, 302.

  381“calm . . . calculated . . . admirable”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 435.

  382“soldiers composed of men”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 434–435.

  382In Haddam, meanwhile. . . . on Fishers Island: Grace Denison Wheeler, Homes of Our Ancestors in Stonington, Conn., 67.

  383he did a bit of business: Haddam Town Land Records, X:297, 334.

  383“To all People”: Haddam Town Land Records, X:297, 334.

  383The decision to focus. . . . mounted from there: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 418.

  384“My situation here is very distressing”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 417.

  385“considerable part of our force”: Stopford-Sackville, 212.

  385“to discover Mr. Washington’s true design”: Stopford-Sackville, 212.

  385“I begin, at this Epoch”: Washington, Diaries, May 1781.

  386“unaffected cheerfulness”: Flexner, George Washington and the American Revolution, 435.

  386On August 14 . . . for the Chesapeake: Washington, Diaries, August 14, 1781.

  387“the feeble compliance”: Washington, Diaries, August 14, 1781.

  387“with 28 Sail”: Washington, Diaries, September 5, 1781.

  388“I have never seen”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 443.

  389“small and fat”: Chernow, 410.

  389“settled most points”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 452.

  389“reducible to calculation”: George Washington to Francois-Joseph de Grasse, September 25, 1781.

  391Sir, I propose a cessation: Cornwallis, Correspondence of Charles, First Marquis of Cornwallis, 1:523.

  391“an ardent desire”: Cornwallis, 1:524.

  391“ten thousand stars”: Scheer and Rankin, 491.

  Chapter 17: The Cause of Humanity

  395“a daring and outrageous”: London Gazette, November 24, 1781.

  395“of Lord Cornwallis”: Walpole, Last Journals, 2:378.

  395“like a ball”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 439; Lecky, A History of England in the Eighteenth Century, 5:122.

  396“obstinately, fatally pursued”: Parliamentary History of England, 22:802.

  396“ceased to be formidable”: Parliamentary History of England, 22:804.

  396“Peace with America”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 447.

  397“above all I must”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 445.

  397“If you consider”: Stopford-Sackville, 2:216–220.

  398“Am I out?”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 452.

  398“to dispose of me”: Valentine, Lord George Germain, 454.

  399“a person who in his military character”: Parliamentary History of England, 22:999–1006.

  399“the capture of York Town”: Parliamentary History of England, 22:1020.

  399“the author of all”: Parliamentary History of England, 22:1001.

  399“a servant who shewed”: Parliamentary History of England, 22:1013.

  400“I have no hope”: Anderson, Forgotten Patriot, 339.

  400“guide the torrent”: Hamilton, Papers of Alexander Hamilton, 254–255. “To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 13 February 1783,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified March 30, 2017,

  401“end in blood”: Hamilton, Papers of Alexander Hamilton, 278. “To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 4 March 1783,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified March 30, 2017,

  401“pass the remainder”: George Washington, Circular Letter of Farewell to the Army, June 8, 1783.

  401“shewn to all, but to military”: Lewis Nicola to George Washington, May 22, 1782.

  401“Sir, With a mixture”: George Washington to Colonel Lewis Nicola, May 22, 1782.

  402“to the army”: Washington, Circular to the States, June 3, 1783.

  403“a heart full of love”: Flexner, George Washington in the American Revolution, 524.

  404Ke-koi-no-us: Abler, Cornplanter, 202.

  404Burnt House: Abler, Cornplanter, 57.

  404moved yet again: Abler, Chainbreaker, 203.

  405“shameful and unpardonable”: Graymont, 261.

  405“were not abandoned”: Parliamentary History of England, 23:410.

  406In September 1783 . . . their options: Abler, Cornplanter, 61.

  406“ill winds blow”: Abler, Cornplanter, 64.

  406“The American cause”: Neville Craig, ed., Olden Time, 2:428–429.

  407his infant child: Abler, Cornplanter, 65–66.

  408“all men are created equal”: Menschel, “Abolition Without Deliverance,” 189.

  409“I never could”: Smith, Narrative, 30.

  409Shortly after: Brainerd, Court Papers of Ezra Brainerd, 1784 to 1798, Thankful Arnold House, Haddam, Connecticut.

  410“assaulted, beat, wounded”: Brainerd, Court Papers of Ezra Brainerd, 1784 to 1798.

  412And so they set out . . . in society: Elizabeth Gooch, Life of Mrs. Gooch, 136.

  413“I know as well”: Flanders, H., ed. Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, 276.

  414“Well done, Harry!”: Flanders, Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, 274.

  414his baker’s surname: Flanders, Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, 323.

  414Very occasionally . . . hacked down: Toynbee, VII:250.

  415“I have done”: Cumberland, Memoirs, 279.

  Chapter 18: Rough Hewer

  416“I am reather Suspitious”: Abraham Yates to David Howell, August 29, 1785, in Yates Papers, NYPL, Reel 1, Piece 168; Bielinski File, NYSL.

  417“a man whose ignorance”: Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, August 13, 1782. “From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, 13 August 1782,” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified March 30, 2017,

  417“an office as it were”: Abraham Yates to James Duane, September 7, 1782, in Yates Papers, NYPL; Bielinski File, NYSL.

  419“the Yates’ and their Associates”: Alexander Hamilton to Robert Livingston, April 25, 1785. “From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Livingston, [25 April 1785],” Founders Online, National Archives, last modified March 30, 2017,

  419“The blunt Rough Hewer”: Gilje and Pencak, New York in the Age of the Constitution, 154.

  420“a Suspitious Man”: Abraham Yates to Jeremiah van Rensselaer and Henry Acthandt, August 29, 1787, in Yates Papers, NYPL; Bielinski File, NYSL.

  420presented a skin: Abler, Chainbreaker, 169–170.

  421“The offer that was made”: Abler, Chainbreaker, 170.

  421along the shore of Lake Erie: Abler, Thomas, Chainbreaker, 170–171.

  421in front of the town courthouse: Pennsylvania Gazette, April 12, 1786.

  422“Captain O’Bail”: Pennsylvania Gazette, April 12, 1786.

  423About 30 miles: Abler, Chainbreaker, 173–174.

  423It must have been utterly bewildering: Walsh, 83–84.

  424“Brothers,” he began: New York Daily Advertiser, April 25, 1786.

  426The goodwill extended: Merle Deardorff, “The Cornplanter Grant,” 9.

  426“QUEENS-WARE quart MUGS”: New York Daily Advertiser, April 27, 1786, 1.

  427“the King of England”: Journals of the Continental Congress, May 5, 1786.

  428Cornplanter and his men: Overton, “Commentary on Deardorff’s Notes Concerning Bartoli’s Portrait of Cornplanter.”

  428“At length my Dear Marquis”: George Washington to Lafayette, February 1, 1784.

  429“Our sincere Congratulations”: The Citizens of Fredericksburg to George Washington, February 14, 1784.

  429“my grammatical publications”: Noah Webster to George Washington, July 18, 1785.

  429“in the prosecution”: George Washington to Noah Webster, April 17, 1786.

  430“I would never have drawn my sword”: Lafayette to George Washington, July 14, 1785.

  430“there is not a man living”: George Washington to Robert Morris, April 12, 1786.

  430“a federal spirit”: James Madison to George Washington, November 1, 1786.

  431“some outlines”: James Madison to George Washington, April 16, 1787.

  432Abraham Yates stepped . . . boarding here: Abraham G. Lansing to Abraham Yates Jr., April 8 1787. Yates Papers, NYPL, Reel 1, Piece 183; Bielinski File, New York State Library (hereafter, NYSL).

  432“remedy defects of the federal government”: George Washington to James Madison, November 5, 1786.

  433“an elective despotism”: Richard Henry Lee to John Lamb, June 27, 1788, John Lamb Papers, New-York Historical Society.

  434He and Anna now had: Baptismal Records, Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.

  434“a small Cake”: Abraham G. Lansing to Abraham Yates Jr., April 8 1787, in Yates Papers, NYPL, Reel 1, Piece 183; Bielinski File, NYSL.

  434“my forbodings”: Robert Yates to Abraham Yates Jr., June 1, 1787, in Yates Papers, NYPL, Reel 1, Piece 184; Bielinski File, NYSL.

  435“thanked the Convention”: James Madison, Debates in the Several State Conventions, 5:124.

  435“The United States of America”: Madison, Debates, 5:126–129.

  437Washington dined: Washington, Diaries, July 2, 1787.

  437He went fishing: Washington, Diaries, July 1787.


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