Revolution Song

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by Russell Shorto

  Paine on, 242–43, 286

  of planters, 162–63

  slavery vs., 438

  of slaves, 224, 225

  Stamp Act and, 169

  Washington’s desire for white, 354

  Whig view of, 229–30

  of women, 472

  Yates’s espousal of, 419

  freedom of religion, 288

  freedom of the press, 115

  Freeman, Peg, 332

  Freeman, Peter, 332

  freemen, in Wintermute, 346

  French and Indian War, 120, 220, 238, 247, 436

  Fort Duquesne abandoned in, 130, 131

  Fort Duquesne battles in, 108–9, 110, 123, 125, 130, 141, 144, 209, 312

  Fort William Henry massacre in, 121

  as global chess game, 140–41

  Hoosick attacked in, 109

  Iroquois convinced to ally with British in, 130–31

  Lake George battle in, 111

  Pitt’s strategy for, 131, 134–35

  preparations for, 93–94, 102–3, 109–10, 111

  soldiers stationed in Albany in, 111–14, 116–17, 119, 135, 193

  Washington’s march to Forks of the Ohio in, 105–8

  see also Seven Years’ War

  French Revolution, 470

  English fascination with, 468–69

  runup to, 446–47, 458–59, 460

  start of, 461–62

  Yates’s worry about, 473

  Fulani, 17, 516n

  code of conduct of, 30–31, 32

  creation myth of, 18

  Furro, Broteer, see Smith, Venture (Broteer Furro)

  Furro, Cundazo, 491

  Furro, Saungm, 17, 18, 29–32

  in Smith’s memoir, 491

  torture and death of, 31–32, 46–47, 57, 177, 491

  Furro, Soozaduka, 491

  fur trade, 62, 64

  Gage, Margaret Kemble, 371, 373

  Gage, Thomas, 200, 258

  Bostonians confronted by, 201

  on Braddock’s expedition, 152

  Coghlan desired to go to convent by, 371–72

  Coghlan set up in home by, 372–73

  Germain’s desire for replacement of, 208–9

  Indian uprising ended by, 149

  song attacking, 201

  Gah-hon-no-neh, 55, 56, 57–58, 141

  Gansevoort, Peter, 307

  Gates, Horatio, 283, 330

  in battle of Camden, 380

  in Braddock’s march to Forks of the Ohio, 312

  Burgoyne attacked by, 299

  Burgoyne defeated at Saratoga by, 315–17, 318

  made commander in north, 311

  put in charge of South, 364

  Washington’s command sought by, 312, 313

  Washington’s relationship with, 312–13, 317–18

  Gauls, 42

  Genesee, 54

  Geneseo (Big Tree), 463, 485

  gentlemen, 32, 33, 62

  George I, King of England, 14, 38

  in battles with Parliament, 156

  George II, King of England, 42, 140, 240

  in battles with Parliament, 156

  cabinet dissolved by, 133–34

  death of, 153–54

  French and Indian War preparations of, 93

  French threatened by, 77

  George III vs., 154

  Germain hanging desired by, 139

  Germain rejected as Secretary of War by, 133

  troops led by, 37, 38

  George III, King of England, 508

  in battles with Parliament, 156

  on Boston Tea Party, 195

  Coghlan’s request for assistance from, 497–98

  and demands for reform of aristocracy, 361–62

  in disputes with father, 133, 134, 139–40, 154

  first public reception of, 154

  Germain invited to pay respects to, 155

  Germain made Viscount Sackville by, 398

  “gross misrepresentation” speech of, 201

  Indian fondness for, 215

  mental troubles of, 170

  refusal to surrender in America, 396–97

  shunning of Germain by, 398

  speech on national unity by, 373

  Stamp Act repeal opposed by, 171, 195–96

  and Stamp Act violence, 170

  toppling of New York statue of, 254

  Treaty of Paris signed by, 427

  warm colonial feelings toward, 184, 191

  Wilkes’s attack on, 157

  George, Prince of Wales, see George III, King of England

  George, Lake, 111, 120

  Georgia, 215n

  Germain, Caroline, 384

  Germain, Elizabeth (Lady Betty), 23

  death of, 188

  garden installed at Knole by, 14, 188

  Germain, George (George Sackville), 12

  aggressive response to Lexington and Concord desired by, 208–9

  alliance with Iroquois desired by, 234–35, 277–80, 300–301, 305

  ambition of, 5, 26

  and American invasion of Quebec, 232, 233

  American taxes created by, 183

  appearance of, 3, 17

  Arnold’s contacting of, 377

  Barré’s criticism in Parliament of, 321–22

  in battle at Minden, 132, 135–37, 154, 209, 212, 341, 413

  birth of, 13, 515n

  Brant’s meeting with, 303

  British army supplied by, 234

  and British peace commission, 233, 256, 261, 280

  British soldiers criticized by, 209

  Burgoyne’s blaming of, 324

  and Burgoyne’s self-defense in Parliament, 340–41

  and Burgoyne’s surrendering of army, 320–23

  childhood of, 14–15

  colonial taxes desired by, 159, 160

  and Cornwallis’s surrender, 395–96

  court-martial of, 138–39, 154

  criticized for failure to charge at Minden, 136–37, 139–40, 154, 157, 189–90, 232, 300, 324, 375, 399

  criticized in House of Lords, 398–400

  death of, 415, 416

  in duel, 189–90

  and fall of Charleston, 363

  feudal notions of, 17, 154–55, 171, 506

  at first public reception of George III, 154

  Fox’s criticism of, 323, 324, 374, 375

  and France’s joining of Revolution, 339, 341

  French colonies in North America as concern of, 86

  French and Indian War strategy of, 134, 135

  Gage’s replacement desired by, 208–9

  George III’s shunning of, 398

  Germain name assumed by, 188–89

  German mercenaries hired by, 232–33, 266

  given command of British strategy in Revolutionary War, 339–40

  health problems of, 412–13

  history studied by, 15, 16, 17

  imperial views of, 24, 26–27

  inheritance of, 14–15, 188–89

  injury of, 40, 84, 86, 111

  Ireland governed by, 84–85, 94, 133

  Irish disliked by, 229

  Irish mockery of, 87

  Irish trade issue and, 413, 415

  Knole schedule of, 154–55

  knowledge of colonies of, 211

  as Lord Lieutenant’s apprentice, 24–25, 26–27, 37

  loyalists relied on by, 384, 397

  made Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance, 134

  made Secretary of State for American Department, 210–12

  made Viscount Sackville, 398

  in move to Dublin, 23

  named adjutant of Northern Neck district, 46

  offered diplomatic post in colonies, 210

  as optimistic about outcome of Revolution, 231

  Parliament’s lack of support for, 398

  personality of, 17

  Pitt as mentor to, 94, 131

  plan for fighting Revolutionary War of, 3–4

  power seen as
central issue in Revolution by, 253

  in preparations for French and Indian War, 93–94, 102, 103

  pressure to end war felt by, 377

  quick end to war desired by, 362–63

  quick war expected by, 248

  reemergence on political scene, 155, 156–57, 158

  refusal to surrender in America, 397

  rehabilitation of, 155

  in resignation as Lieutenant-General, 137–38

  restructuring of colonial governments proposed by, 196

  retirement considered by, 325

  retirement of, 400, 486–87

  Revolutionary War strategies of, 4, 232, 234, 300–301, 319–21, 342, 343, 346, 349, 363, 380, 383–85

  in riots, 362

  Saratoga defeat blamed on, 4, 321–25, 340–41

  South as focus of, 380, 383–85

  Stamp Act urged by, 165

  strong religious views of, 414

  Swift’s mentoring of, 23–24, 25, 26–27

  third child born to, 151, 155

  tough response to Stamp Act violence desired by, 171

  at Trinity College, 24

  turned down as Secretary of War, 133

  war against colonists defended by, 229–30

  in War of Austrian Succession, 37–40, 86, 111, 146

  Washington’s report on French in North America read by, 84, 86

  Wilkes despised by, 158, 159

  as worried about Howe, 319–20

  Germain, John, 14

  German Flatts, N.Y., 181, 275, 277, 304

  Germanic tribes, 15

  German immigrants, 165

  German states, 39, 132, 134

  mercenaries hired from, 232–33, 266

  Germantown, Pa., battle at, 315

  Gerry, Elbridge, 439

  Ghana, 508–9

  Gibbon, Edward, 396

  Gibraltar, 361

  Giffard, Thomas, 444–45, 446

  Glorious Revolution, 156, 238

  gold, 16, 28, 30, 48, 49

  Gold Coast, 45, 48–51

  Goldsmith, Oliver, 237

  Good Peter, 277

  Gordon, Thomas, 156

  Grasse, Comte de, 386, 387–88, 389

  Great Britain:

  colonies of, 16, 20, 22–24, 86

  Dutch wars with, 16

  French North American holdings ceded to, 147, 149, 158

  Gold Coast trading by, 29, 49

  history of, 15, 16–17

  Iroquois alliance with, 2–3, 4, 275, 277–80, 301–6, 320, 346, 404, 465

  Iroquois betrayed by, 404–6

  in landing on Long Island, 265–66, 289

  Mohawk alliance with, 143

  New York captured by, 281–82, 288

  in New York Harbor, 244, 247, 248, 250, 260

  in plan to split colonies in half, 4, 5, 279, 300–301, 319–21, 339

  poor finances of, 318–19

  rioting in, 362

  Savannah captured by, 349

  slave trade of, 49

  Treaty of Paris signed by, 413–14

  in War of Austrian Succession, 37–40, 86

  in war with Revolutionary France, 473

  western outposts built by, 146

  Great Law of Peace, 58, 142, 144, 367

  Green, James, 298, 383

  Greene, Nathanael, 281–82, 345, 400

  put in charge of South, 380

  Gregg, Captain, 307

  Grenville, George:

  on Boston Tea Party, 195–96

  and legality of taxing colonists, 159

  Stamp Act repeal opposed by, 171, 182–83

  tax on Americans put forth by, 159–60

  Grey, Lieutenant, 328

  Groesbeek, Wouter, 95

  Grotius, Hugo, 237

  Groton, Conn., 70, 101

  Grunshi, 48

  Guadaloupe, 135

  Guinea, 17, 28

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 23

  Gumbala, 31

  guns, 29, 59

  Guyasuta, 142, 143, 218

  in siege on Fort Pitt, 148

  war with Britain desired by, 146–47, 149

  Washington led to Fort Le Boeuf by, 79–80, 141, 463

  Habsburgs, 38

  Haddam, Conn., 228, 296, 330, 331, 380–81, 382, 407–8, 479, 507

  Haddam Neck, 297

  Half King (Tanacharison), see Tanacharison (Half-King)

  Half Moon, N.Y., 62

  Half-Town, 463

  Halifax, Nova Scotia, 235, 458

  Hamilton, Alexander, 345, 351

  allowed to enter Albany, 473

  as annoyed at job as Washington’s assistant, 378–79, 497

  and Arnold plot, 377, 378

  attack on Clinton desired by, 344

  Burr’s shooting of, 497

  commoners distrusted by, 241

  at Constitutional Convention, 433, 434, 436–37

  Constitutional Convention left by, 437

  Holt’s attack on, 493

  made receiver of taxes, 417

  marriage of, 378, 419–20

  military academy desired by, 488

  move of capital to Potomac opposed by, 462

  and popular anger over Jay Treaty, 473–74

  standing army desired by, 400–401

  strong federal government desired by, 402, 436–38, 448, 453

  taxation desired by, 401

  treaty with England desired by, 473

  Washington pushed to become president by, 454

  in Washington’s cabinet, 476

  Washington’s relationship with, 330, 378

  Washington urged to take stand on France issue by, 488

  Yates’s anti-elitism opposed by, 419

  Yates’s lunch with, 448–49

  Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler, 378, 420, 473

  Hancock, John, 212, 213, 220, 270, 282, 314, 315, 350

  Hand, Edward, 353

  Handel, Georg Friedrich, 38–39

  Handsome Lake, 277, 367, 404, 482, 500–501, 502–3

  Hanover Square, 127

  Harlem, 267, 269, 270, 271, 281

  Harris, Lydia, 122

  Harrison, Benjamin, 379

  Harrison, John, 318

  Hart, Elisha, 492

  Hartford, Conn., 181–82, 229

  Hartley, Thomas, 347

  Haudenosaunee, see Iroquois

  Head of Elk, Md., 388

  Heday, Joseph, 81–82, 87–88

  Hempstead, Joshua, 120, 122

  Henry, Floyd, 508–9

  Henry, Mandred, 507–8

  Henry, Patrick:

  in Continental Congress, 204

  in refusal to go to Constitutional Convention, 433

  slaves owned by, 205

  Stamp Act opposed by, 166

  tobacco grown by, 166

  Townshend Duties opposed by, 190

  Henry VIII, King of England, 13

  Herculas, Abrah, 122

  Herkimer, Nicholas, 308–9

  Hervey, John Augustus, 441, 442–43

  Hessians, 266

  Fort Washington taken by, 281–82

  in Trenton, 284–85

  Hiawatha, 58, 142, 366–67

  Hickey, Thomas, 247–48

  Highlanders, 235, 266

  Hildebrandt, George, 499

  Hill, Aaron, 366

  Hiokatoo, 349

  History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 396

  Hoaksley, Robert, 239

  Holt, Charles, 489, 490, 491, 492–93

  Home Farm, 21

  Hone, Nathaniel, 12

  Hooker, William, 181

  Hoosick, N.Y., 109

  horse riding, 42–43

  Hôtel de la Force, 460

  Hôtel de l’Université, 446

  House of Burgesses, 46, 161, 163–64, 165, 379

  dissolution of, 190, 203

  Stamp Act opposed by, 165–66

  Townshend Duties opposed by, 190

  House of Commo
ns, British, 155–56, 160, 414

  House of Lords, British, 398–400, 405, 413

  House of Representatives, apportionment of, 438

  Howe, Richard:

  arrival in New York, 256–57

  in move to New York, 235

  on peace commission, 233, 256–57, 261

  Howe, William, 208–9, 220, 279, 318, 322, 328

  in battle at Brandywine Creek, 313–14, 326, 329

  Boston evacuated by, 220–21, 234

  Coghlan’s toast to, 262

  and Coghlan’s toast to Putnam, 264–65

  directed to capture New York, 234, 235

  Long Island invaded by, 265–66, 289

  Loring’s affair with, 291, 293, 374

  in move to capture Philadelphia, 310–11, 313, 315, 319

  New York City winter quarters of, 284, 290, 292, 296

  in New York Harbor, 244, 250

  New York strategy of, 266

  on peace commission, 233

  resignation of, 341

  sent to Albany, 319–20, 340

  sent to Boston, 232

  theater opened by, 292

  Howell, David, 416

  Hudson River, 192–93, 246, 255–56, 300

  British capture of forts on, 5

  ferry across, 472

  Germain’s desire for control of, 234

  Hudson Valley, 306, 315–16

  Hurons, 148

  Illinois, 59, 164

  indentured servants, 20, 80–81

  Independent Reflector, 115, 204, 251

  India, 414

  Indian Queen Hotel, 426, 437


  Northwest Territory land of, 462

  relocated in west, 502

  Washington’s concerns in Revolution with, 349, 352–54, 365

  Washington’s early encounter with, 44

  see also Iroquois League; specific tribes

  individuals, 6–7, 16, 156, 187, 206–7, 229, 237, 329, 436, 459

  changing nature of, 292

  in Locke’s philosophy, 238

  rights of, 7, 490

  and women’s rights, 293, 294

  Inferior Court, 168

  inner voices, 294–95

  Intolerable (Coercive) Acts, 197, 229

  Ireland, 22–27, 94, 133, 145–46

  debt of, 25

  move toward self-government in, 84–85

  poverty in, 25–26

  taxes in, 25, 26, 85

  trade of, 413, 415

  Iroquois League:

  in Albany, 61

  at Albany Conference, 95–98, 144

  British alliance with, 2–3, 4, 234–35, 275, 277–80, 300–306, 320, 346, 404, 465

  British betrayal of, 404–6

  British threatened by, 422–23

  brutality of attacks by, 4

  colonists’ land frauds against, 96

  convinced to ally with Britain by Johnson, 130–31

  creation myth of, 53–54

  in discussions with Lafayette, 406–7

  disputes settled in, 58

  as divided by War of 1812, 501–2

  falling population of, 59

  formation of, 58, 142, 464–65


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