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Enzo: Adamo Bodyguards Book 3

Page 6

by Madison, Mia

  Fuck, this is hot. She’s riding me with absolute focus, greedy for sensation, chasing her pleasure, and I fucking love it. So much so that when she cries out and thrashes on top of me, it’s all I can do not to roll her over and drive inside her.

  Another time I will, and she’s so wet and turned on right now that she could handle the roughness. But she’s had that, and tonight I want to show her something different.

  I wait until her tremors die down, then reverse our positions and settle between her thighs. When I take my cock in hand and rub the tip through her wetness and up over her still-sensitive clit, she gasps with widened eyes. “Too much?” I ask.


  I do it in the other direction, top to bottom, and her eyes roll back in her head. So I alternate, first one way and then the other, until her hips rise and she clutches handfuls of the bedding. Only then do I seat myself at her entrance and begin to press inside.

  Her tight, wet heat brings the beast to the foreground. Gritting my teeth, I force myself to go slowly, rocking into her as gently as I can, a little deeper each time. The look on her face — like she’s mainlining the world’s best drug — tells me I don’t need to worry too much about hurting her.

  Not until I’m in her balls deep, still battling the primitive urge to fuck her as hard as I can and fill her with my seed, does it hit me. “Lucy. Are you on the pill?”

  “Yes, since high school. Bad cramps.”

  “Okay.” I can’t believe I didn’t ask her that last week.

  I kiss her ear, relieved that I don’t have to pull out and go hunting for condoms, but disappointed too. The beast wants to put a baby in her belly. “I’ve been tested; we’re all right there.”

  She strokes my hair, my neck, holding me close. “Enzo. You feel so good.”

  “So do you.” Better than anything has ever felt in my life. I draw back slowly, until just the tip is inside — and then the last threads of my control snap, and I drive deep.

  Her nails dig into my scalp, my back. Before I can ask if she’s all right, she says, “Do it again.”

  I lift my head and look at her. Her eyes are glittering with a hunger as deep and wild as mine. “Again,” she demands, and I don’t ask questions.

  I’m a little more gentle than that first time, but not too much. I tangle a hand in her hair, pulling enough to hurt a little, and she likes that too. Her nails score my back, which I fucking love.

  The beast is chained, but barely. When Lucy’s legs lock around my waist, I move them up around my neck instead, so I can keep fucking her hard and slow and deep. The scent of us fills the air, along with the sounds of our bodies meeting.

  She was already soaking wet when we started, but she’s tight as fuck and I’m not a small man. It takes a while for her to adjust, for me to move more easily inside her, but gradually I speed up, still watching her face, and all I see there is more.

  I go faster and faster, until the beast slips his chains and I’m fucking her hard and fast, pounding into her just like I wanted to, and I’m about to reach for her clit when she cries out and vises around me, but I can’t stop. I fuck her right through her orgasm, even harder than before, and I swear she goes over again before my balls draw up and electricity shoots down my spine and I empty myself inside her.

  Her pussy’s still convulsing around my cock, clenching and releasing, and it feels like I come forever before I’m drained. I’m too weak to move right away, but I’m aware — to the extent that I’m conscious at all — of my weight squashing her into the bed, so as soon as I can, I roll us so she’s on top.

  Lucy’s head is cradled on my chest. I know she was with me, right up to the end, but I need to be sure. “Hey.”

  She lifts her head; her eyes are bright with unshed tears. My heart wrenches like it’s going to tear itself in two. “Baby. I hurt you?”

  “No.” Her voice is ragged with emotion. “No,” she repeats.

  “Then what—”

  Lucy shakes her head and presses her mouth to mine, kissing me hard, almost desperately. I know she’s trying to communicate what she can’t find the words for, but I’m still not sure if she’s okay.

  Finally, she lifts her head and looks down at me. “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “Luce.” I’m undone. I’m hers. She could ask me to jump off the world’s tallest building, and I’d do it.

  She kisses me again, tenderly this time, then snuggles close. In a few minutes, her breathing tells me she’s asleep.

  I draw the covers up over her and count myself the luckiest man on earth.


  Even More

  The fire alarm in my dream finally registers on my consciousness as the wake-up alarm on my cell phone. My head snaps up, and memory floods back.

  I’m married. To the man I hired to be my bodyguard. And I love sex.

  Amazing, mind-blowing, life-changing sex, which I think is the only kind possible with Enzo. We’re in his bed, spooning. His cock is nestled in the cleft of my ass, and I’m getting wet.

  My alarm’s still going; I need to shut it off. Since Enzo hasn’t moved or spoken, he’s probably sound asleep, and I don’t want to wake him. Moving carefully, I try to edge toward the side of the bed.

  The arm around my waist tightens. Enzo makes a grumbling sound, hauls me closer, and buries his face in my hair. A moment later, his breathing evens out again.

  Oh, lord. My heart.

  Last night, it was so hard not to tell Enzo I love him. I wanted to; the words were there in my heart, on the tip of my tongue. But the fact remains that we don’t know each other all that well, and haven’t spent a lot of time together.

  I’m not sure what he’s thinking, except that he’s promised being married won’t affect what’s real between us. But when he uses that word, I think he’s mostly talking about the sex. Which, let’s be honest, is about as real as it gets.

  There’s time for all the rest, I think. I hope. If Enzo doesn’t change his mind, and tell me he wants a divorce, then there’s time for our emotions to grow.

  I don’t want to jump the gun and go there too soon. This flame between us needs tending, so it can build to the point where neither of us has to doubt it, and nobody else will either.

  Enzo’s awake. I’m not sure how I know; he hasn’t moved, and his breathing is still slow and even. It’s like there’s a change in the energy of his skin against mine.

  A moment later, he says, “That your phone?” His voice is a deep rumble that touches me right where I want to feel other parts of him.


  “I’ll get it.”

  “You don’t—”

  But he’s already moving, releasing me to climb off the bed and retrieve my phone from my purse, which is lying on the floor. I take the opportunity to lie still and admire his body. All of it, from his broad shoulders to his chiseled abs, heavy thighs, and magnificent ass.

  And of course his cock, which I’m going to play with again the first chance I get.

  He turns to me, phone in hand, and sees the way I’m ogling him. His eyes warm. “What’s the alarm for?”

  “A reminder to go to my grandparents’ house.”

  Enzo grimaces, but sets the phone on his nightstand. “Do you still want to? Seems like everything you had to say was said last night.”

  “No, I don’t want to. I want to hide away here with you.”

  He studies me. “But you’d feel like you were hiding.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. For so long, I’ve had today built up in my mind as the big showdown, but I did say a lot of what I needed to last night.”

  Enzo sits on the bed and scoops me into his lap. “Whatever you decide, babe, I’ll back you. If it’s something you need to do, then let’s do it. I just don’t want you putting yourself through anything unnecessarily.”

  I cuddle against him. His body gives off so much heat, it’s incredible. “They might prefer I stayed away today, and didn’t spoil the special o

  “If they try to stop you from seeing your sisters — at any point — I’ll make sure you get to talk to them.”

  “Thank you.” I kiss his chest. “I hope that if anyone in the family tried to talk me down, they wouldn’t take it at face value. But I still want to see them.”

  I grab my phone. “Today’s probably not the best day, though. I’ll just text them…”

  “What, babe?” Enzo says when I trail off.

  “There’s a message from my mother.” I clear my throat. “Asking both of us to come and see them before the party.”

  “You think it’s on the level?”

  “In the sense of accepting you? I doubt it. They probably tried the annulment angle last night or this morning, got shut down, and this is their new tack.”

  “Better get it over with. What time do they want us there?”

  “At 10:00 a.m. An hour from now.”

  We’re waking up late because we didn’t get much sleep last night, because we kept having sex. I’m not sorry. Not even a little.

  “Good,” Enzo says. “That gives us time for fun in the shower.” He carries me, laughing, toward the bathroom.

  * * *

  When we walk into my grandparents’ house, the first people I see are my little sisters. They run at me, then stop in confusion when they realize the stranger at my side is actually with me.

  “Enzo, these are my sisters, Caroline and Grace. Girls, this is Enzo.”

  Caroline, my sweet, tender, dorky twelve-year-old sister, stares, wide-eyed and enraptured, and I know she’s already got a hopeless crush on my husband that will probably last until she gets to college.

  Grace’s eyes are cutting between us, cataloging every little detail. She’s the one who points at my left hand. “Did you get married?”

  “I did.”

  She looks so hurt, and I feel terrible. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I wish you could have been there.”

  “Why couldn’t I be?”

  “Because I wouldn’t have allowed it,” my mother says coolly, appearing behind them. She looks at Enzo with barely-concealed disdain. “Please come with me.”

  I look back as we follow her from the foyer. My sisters are watching me with such wounded expressions that I want to run back to them, take them in my arms, tell them how much I love them.

  So I do. I touch Enzo’s arm and signal him with a tilt of my head. He nods and goes ahead, and I return to my sisters.

  They come into my arms, hugging me fiercely. “Lucy, what’s going on?” Grace says.

  “Mom and Dad are mad at me right now.”

  “Because of Enzo?” Caroline wants to know.

  “Yes. Among other things.”

  “You should get to marry whoever you want,” Grace says stalwartly. “If you love them.”

  I smile at her. “I think so, too. And I want you both to know that no matter what happens with me and Mom and Dad, I will always love you and want to be a part of your life.”

  They both turn solemn at that. They’re old enough to understand that Dalton grudges live a long time.

  “I have to go now.” I hug them hard. “I’ll see you soon. We’ll go get lunch.”

  They let me go, but I’m not sure they believe me. And as I follow my husband, I vow that no one, not even my parents, will keep me from my sisters.

  * * *

  I find them in the study. Enzo’s mad, I see at once, but it’s under control. “What did they offer you?” I ask.

  My hunch is confirmed when he smiles. “A hundred thousand to divorce you. I said no to that, so then they offered half a million to swear the marriage wasn’t consummated and never contact you again.”

  I turn to my parents, who are quietly fuming. “Any other offers on the table before we go?”

  “Why are you doing this?” my father says. “We would have given you everything. If you needed to rebel, hell, we could have arranged something quiet. You didn’t have to get tangled up with this—”

  “Don’t you dare disrespect my husband.”

  They both go still at the venom in my voice. And I think it starts to dawn on them, for the first time, that this isn’t something they can buy their way out of.

  “What’s going on in here?” My grandfather rolls in on his motorized wheelchair. “Who’s this young man?”

  “No one,” my mother says pointedly. I ignore her.

  “Grandfather, this is Enzo Adamo. My husband.”

  “The hell you say!” He peers at Enzo through thick glasses. “Come over here, young fellow, and let me get a look at you.”

  Enzo does as he’s bid, crouching down next to the chair. “Well, you’re a fine, virile specimen, aren’t you?” Grandfather says, and looks at me. “I bet he’ll have you knocked up in no time.”

  “Father!” my dad says indignantly.

  Grandfather ignores him. “Do you love my granddaughter, young man?”

  “Yes, sir,” Enzo says firmly, without a moment’s hesitation, and my heart begins to soar.

  “You’re going to take good care of her?”

  “I am.”

  “You do that.” He summons me with a wave of one gnarled hand, and I go to him. “What about law school?”

  “I’m not going to law school, Grandfather.”

  “Hmpf. Figured as much. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to teach kindergarten.” From the corner of my eye, I see my parents’ shocked expressions. They look like they’re about to have matching strokes.

  “Well, that’s a damn shame.” Grandfather sighs. “Those little brats’ll be lucky to have you, though.” I press a hand to my mouth to stifle my laugh. “You love him?”

  “I do.” I smile at Enzo. His eyes get hot.

  “He makes you happy?”

  “Very happy, Grandfather.”

  “Good. Go on, get out of here and get started on those great-grandchildren. I’m not getting any younger.”

  I kiss his wrinkled forehead, take Enzo’s hand, and we go out. Caroline and Grace are waiting impatiently in the foyer.

  “Are you all right?” Grace says.

  “Yes. Grandfather saved the day.”

  “Good. Do you live with Enzo now? Can we come visit you?”

  “I tell you what. Tomorrow, we’ll pick you both up, and we’ll watch a movie at our house.” The words are out of my mouth before I think, but when I look at Enzo, he’s smiling.

  “What if Mother and Father say no?”

  “We’ll talk them into it,” Enzo replies.

  Caroline lets out a hero-worship sigh. Grace beams and high-fives her sister.

  And I fall in love with my husband even more.


  It’s a Saturday morning in the middle of June. Today, Katie is marrying my brother. But that comes later.

  Right now, the one coming is me.

  “Enzo!” I’m being pounded by the shower’s spray, my back against the tile, my legs draped over his shoulders, and my hands trying to get a grip on his short hair. He’s got one hand on my hip to steady me; his mouth is between my legs, sucking hard on my clit; and he’s fingering my ass.

  “Fuck!” I yell as I go over again, my head snapping back. Enzo has Velcro-mounted two waterproof pillows to the side of the shower so I don’t hurt myself when I come. One is higher, for when he’s eating my pussy, and the other is lower, for when he’s fucking me.

  In the weeks since we’ve been married, my husband has thoroughly corrupted me.

  He puts both hands under my ass, and that’s my signal to unhook my legs from his shoulders so he can lower me down. As soon as the back of my head is aligned with the lower pillow, I reach for him and guide him to my entrance, and he spears inside me.

  “Oh, fuck, yes, baby,” I shout as he drills into me. “Fuck me hard! Make me come all over your cock!”

  A few seconds later, I do just that, clamping down like a vise. I shudder and shake until I go limp, but Enzo’s not done. Pullin
g free, he turns off the water, carries me from the shower, sets me down, and bends me over so I’m braced against the counter.

  “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!” I chant as his hand cracks against my ass. We’ve figured out that, for short intervals, the harder he spanks me, the wetter I get.

  I’m dripping by the time he fills me again, both hands on my hips, dragging me back to meet him as he pummels me. His magic cock is pounding my G-spot, and before long I’m screaming as he fucks me hard through another endless climax, until he buries himself in me a final time and pours out his heat.

  We don’t always get rough; sometimes our lovemaking is slow and gentle, and I cry from the tenderness of it. But fuck, I love fucking.

  Enzo stays inside me after he comes, his chest against my back, his hand gliding up and down my hip, his lips grazing my shoulder. “Love you, babe,” he says after a minute.

  “I love you too.” We say it a lot now; we’re growing into it, so it’s truer, deeper, every time.

  My parents still haven’t forgiven me, but we see my sisters often, and my grandparents too. And of course we see Enzo’s family, one way or another, pretty much every day. Lots of Adamos are coming to Katie’s wedding today, as she’s been unofficially adopted. They’ll also serve as a peacekeeping force, just in case.

  Given my parents’ emphasis on decorum, I don’t expect them to make a scene. But then, I didn’t expect them to try to kidnap me from my own wedding, either. So better safe than sorry.

  * * *

  “Are you all right?” I ask Katie. We’re in the bridal area of the church, just the two of us, for a few moments of peace before the wedding starts. She’s been unusually quiet all morning.

  When all she can muster is the faintest hint of a smile, I pull her into a hug, careful not to crush her veil. “What is it, hon?”


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