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Fortunate Son

Page 20

by Jay Crownover

  “I’ll talk to my coaches and the team trainer after I see Lando. I’ll ask about lightening up on my training for a few weeks, and I’ll let them know I’ve got an injury. Okay?” I looked down at my mom until she finally nodded in approval. I gave her a grin of reassurance and finally went to put everything away.

  When I came back into the kitchen, my parents were on one side of the island and Bowe was on the other. My dad had a heavily tattooed arm tossed over my mom’s shoulder, and she was tucked tightly against his side. They’d always been an outwardly odd pair. My dad was dark and intense, my mom was light and elegant. But they fit. They were an unstoppable team, and I’d grown up knowing they brought out the best in each other and they had learned how to forgive each other’s worst. I probably should’ve paid closer attention to them instead of deciding I could force what they had with whomever happened to be in front of me. My parents never hid the fact that staying happy together for as long as they’d been married took a whole hell of a lot of work.

  I took a spot next to Bowe and leaned on the counter. She turned her head to give me a quick once-over, frowning when she saw the way my injured side was all taped up. “That looks more serious than you led me to believe, Archer.”

  Before I could reassure her that I was fine, my mom blurted out, “It is. And if he isn’t careful, it’s going to get worse.”

  Bowe frowned and reached out a finger to run it along the edge of the black tape that arrowed down my arm and ended at my elbow. “Are you going to be okay?”

  I nodded and tried to keep my expression calm. “I’m fine. I just need to adjust how hard I usually go when it comes to practice and working out. It’s just part of the game.”

  Bowe sniffed and narrowed her eyes at me. “Games are supposed to be fun. That doesn’t look very fun at all.”

  She wasn’t wrong, so I didn’t argue with her. Fortunately, my dad jumped in to save me from the tense conversation.

  “How are the twins? Your dad said they got jobs, so they weren’t going to be able to visit this summer.” He sounded genuinely bummed that the Kellers weren’t going to spend time in Colorado this year. My dad was always so quiet, it was easy to forget there were people outside of our family and his coworkers who meant the world to him. He’d grown up with Bowe’s dad the same way I’d grown up with Zowen. I honestly couldn’t imagine going for any stretch of time without getting to see my cousin.

  “They’re going to be driving soon. They already make my mom crazy, so it’ll be fun to see what happens once she has to teach them to drive. But at least they both do well in school. She hated that I didn’t really care one way or another about my education. I just wanted to learn how to play the guitar and figure out how to record music. I was never very good at balancing things. Not like this guy.” She pointed in my direction, which made my parents smile.

  My mom tilted her head as her gaze shifted between me and Bowe. “Ry was good at school and sports, but we never saw him. He’s actually been home more since he started college than he was when he lived here.”

  It was true. I’d had to learn how to balance relationships when I realized I was on the verge of alienating everyone who loved me.

  My dad chimed in. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making your passion a priority. Too often, those with real talent are forced to forget about what’s in their heart and what makes them happy because there is a notion that being creative isn’t as important as traditional knowledge and skills. That’s an antiquated way of thinking. My childhood would’ve felt less like a competition and war for affection if my folks thought that way.”

  “Daire is a good example. She’s an average student, but she’s an amazing artist.” I chimed in. Ever since we were little, she would doodle all over everything, and every wall in our house was fair game to be her canvas. “Dad’s lucky that one of us inherited his talent. She’s the only one who could follow in his footsteps if she wants to be a tattoo artist. I can’t even draw a stick figure.” I cleared my throat a bit as I was suddenly hit with a wave of gratitude and emotion. “You guys always made sure you let us pursue what was important to us, and never made us feel like we had to choose. I guess I never really understood what a privilege that was. One a lot of kids don’t get.”

  My dad lifted his dark eyebrows and smirked at me. “Are you just now realizing your mom and I are the shit?”

  I groaned and lowered my head, so I was looking down at the counter. “I’ve realized a lot of things I got wrong lately.” I wasn’t paying attention to the right things or people.

  “Don’t let ruining your shoulder be one of those things, kiddo.” My mom never missed an opportunity to remind me that mother did indeed know best.

  “Do you guys want to come to my first show? It might be nice to have you there since my parents won’t make it.” Bowe sounded a little down about that, but it was understandable that they couldn’t adjust their lives and the twins’ schedule on such short notice. I thought it was sweet she asked my folks to stand in for them. She didn’t mention that she was planning on inviting them, so all I could do was shrug when my dad caught my eye and gave me a questioning look. “Don’t feel like you have to, but I want you to know that you’re welcome, and so are Remy’s parents.” Bowe trailed off. “Though, it seems like that might make for an uncomfortable situation for some reason.”

  My mom stiffened, and my dad tightened his arm around her. I noticed that she purposely looked away from Bowe and fixed her gaze on some point over our shoulders. “We would love to come and see you play. Though, I’ll be on call so I may only be able to stay for part of your performance.” She made a face that was hard to decipher before muttering, “Maybe you should mention to Remy that you wouldn’t mind if her parents came and leave it up to her to invite them or not. It’s your night. You don’t need anything taking your attention away from what you have to do. It’s got to be nerve-racking to get up there all on your own for the first time.”

  Bowe hummed a soft agreement and gave me a look that said there was a lot more going on here than my cousin just being prickly and difficult like she often was. I’d have to try and pry some information out of Zowen to see if he knew what was really going on.

  She forced a smile and shifted her weight. “I’ll do that. You’re right, I don’t want to have anything go wrong, and Remy is the only reason I got the audition.”

  My mom stretched out a hand and patted the back of Bowe’s. “Don’t worry too much. Everything will work out for you and for Remy.” Her eyes lifted to me, and she lifted a pale eyebrow, “And for my son if he takes his doctor’s advice.”

  I groaned, holding my hands up in a gesture of surrender. “I’ll do my best.”

  My dad grunted again and gave me a frosty look. “Doesn’t matter how careful you are, son. You’ll still have guys on the field trying to take you out, and if they figure out you have a weakness, that’s the first place they’re going to aim for. If you make your mom cry again, I’m gonna kick your ass.”

  Bowe laughed, but I could tell by the ice in his eyes he wasn’t kidding. He was still pissed I’d freaked her out by taking off in the middle of the night and not answering anyone’s calls.

  My mom nudged my dad in the side, which made him wiggle comically as her elbow dug into his ribs. “Don’t act like I’m the only one who cries over these kids, Rule.”

  Of course she wasn’t, because like my dad said, my parents were the shit. They weren’t afraid to show emotion or talk about how much we meant to them. They never let us believe that love and affection were things to be ashamed of, and they never showed Daire and me that expressing feelings was limited to the girls in our household. My dad and I were encouraged to be just as vulnerable and sensitive as my mom and sister, which was a mindset I always appreciated. I was surrounded by guys daily who let their feelings eat away at them and used the game as an outlet for their emotions because they didn’t have parents who were as open-minded and tolerant as mine.

/>   It was a damn shame.

  “I don’t want to make anyone cry over me. I’ll take care of myself. Don’t worry.”

  Three sets of eyes looked at me like I had lost my mind. Of course they were going to worry. That’s what you did when you loved someone but had to let them do what they were going to do.

  Love wasn’t about control.

  It was about being there in the good times and the bad. For the ups and downs. During the wins and losses. In the light and the dark.

  It was about balancing everything out and cherishing all sides of someone, even when it felt impossible.


  “I DIDN’T DO things like this before you. You know that, don’t you?”

  I lifted my head and looked in the ornate mirror on wall of the private bathroom for the performers. There was still an hour or so before I went out on stage for my very first solo performance, and I was understandably nervous. Fortunately, there was one surefire way to take my mind off everything. I just needed to spend a little bit of time convincing Ry to help me burn off my excessive energy and work his unique magic to make me forget about everything but him for a few minutes. He protested when I first tried to drag him into the bathroom, but once I kissed him and started pawing at the front of his jeans, nearly begging him to distract me, he quickly relented. I was glad he was always fairly eager to give me what I wanted when it came to sex, but he still had an inherent cautiousness that he needed to overcome.

  I curled my fingers around the edge of the sink and watched him watch me in the reflective glass. I loved the way the winter in his eyes melted into something much brighter and warmer when he touched me. I liked the way his cheeks turned pink, from either embarrassment or desire, I didn’t care which. It was cute on a face otherwise set in a harsh expression of masculine arousal. I probably shouldn’t think anything about him was cute at the moment, considering he had one hand braced at the base of my throat and the other holding my waist as he moved fast and hard behind me. There was hardly time for foreplay, and the risk of being interrupted was high, so Ry was taking no prisoners. He was fucking with the purpose to get us both off as fast as possible, and I found his sudden lack of finesse charming. It was rare he let himself be as rough and heavy-handed as he could be, so I was enjoying the moment when he forgot himself.

  I closed my eyes briefly as heat and pleasure surged through my entire body. There was no room for anxiety or fear among all the other sensations filling me underneath Ry’s skilled hands. I felt his cock swell and pulse inside of me as I pushed back against him, riding the rushed rhythm he set.

  I gasped as the head of his pounding erection hit an extra sensitive spot deep inside of me. I lost my balance and leaned forward, trying to form words as my orgasm started to coil deep and tight within me. “You always say I bring out the best in you. You can thank me later.”

  His reflection smirked at me as his eyes blazed the brightest blue I’d ever seen. “I want to be the guy you need me to be, but you don’t get to blame me if we get caught.”

  The tiny backstage area was mostly empty, but there was still bar staff wandering around, and I expected Remy to show at any moment. Dragging Ry into the bathroom and practically jumping him as soon as the door was closed and locked wasn’t without risk… and wasn’t my brightest idea, but I preferred the shivers of pleasure racing across my skin over the tension under it caused by self-doubt and uncertainty.

  “It’s not like we’ll get busted by my parents. Don’t worry so much.”

  He grunted a vague response and dug his fingers deeper into the curve of my hip. I rocked against him, chasing after the sparks of pure, unfiltered pleasure that flickered through me when he bottomed out.

  His hand, with roughened fingertips, tightened at the base of my neck as he shoved a knee between my legs and moved them farther apart. I was wearing one of his t-shirts with his team logo on the front that I’d strategically slashed in places. It was long enough to pass as a dress, so I cinched it at my waist with a wide, studded leather belt, put on a pair of barely-there yoga shorts just in case, and called it a cute outfit. It just happened to be a bonus that the material was stretchy and easy to maneuver, meaning I could have a quickie and not worry about looking like I’d just had sex in the bathroom. Plus, the way Ry’s expression softened when he saw which shirt of his I picked after raiding his closet made my heart feel all sorts of funny and kind of melty.

  Once my legs were open, Ry pressed against my back, and I felt his palm slide across my naked hip and down the lower part of my belly. My breath caught, and I let my head drop forward again, breaking eye contact as I felt his fingers start to inch toward the place between my thighs where we were connected. A moment later, thick fingers parted folds that were already wet, and skimmed across sensitive skin that was already being worked thoroughly from behind. When I felt the press of his finger against the tight center of my clit, I thought there was a chance I might climb out of my skin. My knees went a bit watery, and my hands clutched the sink with enough force they started to hurt. I made a sound that was much louder than I anticipated, and I heard Ry chuckle as his head suddenly moved to rest between my shoulder blades. I could feel the warmth of his skin through the cotton of the t-shirt, and I felt each pant of his ragged breathing as he continued to move in and out of my body while his fingers took me apart.

  “Oh, my God.” The words burst out just as someone knocked on the door.

  Ry stilled for a moment until Remy’s distinct voice came through the barrier, “I know what you’re doing in there.” She said the words in a sing-songy, teasing tone, but that didn’t help the wave of embarrassment that rushed through me. “Suzy is looking for you and wants you to run a quick soundcheck. I’ll keep her busy for a little bit, but you two hurry the hell up.”

  I swore under my breath and felt Ry chuckle against my back. He switched from twirling his finger around my clit to giving the little bud a sharp tug. I felt the pressure deep within my core, and my body clenched down on his in response. His fingers tightened around my neck, and his head moved so that his teeth could find a shockingly sensitive spot located behind my ear. It was a sensual assault on my senses, which worked wonders to shove my hovering orgasm over the edge. I came on his cock and his fingers with a low moan that was bound to be heard by anyone standing too close to the restroom.

  Ry thrust wildly for a few more minutes, but it wasn’t until I lifted my head and our eyes met in the mirror once again that his big, strong body could no longer hold back. As soon as we looked at one another, I felt his heavy length kick and throb and watched as his expression tightened with pleasure. He mouthed my name and went slightly limp behind me, even as I reached up to release his hold on my throat. I urged him to hurry up and pull it together, flinching a little as we parted because my body was still so sensitive. I let him help me back into the little clothing he’d removed and rushed through a hurried cleanup to make sure we would pass inspection. Apparently, a quick once-over wasn’t good enough because the second we stepped out of the bathroom, Remy was there to grab my arm and pull me back inside. She shut the door firmly in her cousin’s surprised face and tossed a heavy makeup bag in my direction.

  “You can’t go out there right now looking like that. Sit down and let me work some magic.” She pointed toward the toilet and, when I didn’t move fast enough, gave me a push.

  “Looking like what?” I was genuinely confused.

  “Like you just got your brains fucked out.” She sniffed a little and ordered me to open the makeup bag so she could dig through it. “I have to say, I didn’t know my prim and proper cousin had it in him. I always thought Ry was way too uptight to risk getting caught having a quickie in public.”

  I gave her a look as she started patting powder around my neck and clicking her tongue.

  “He’s not nearly as uptight as you think he is.” I smirked at her as she made a disgusted face.

  “Apparently. Let’s just say you’re going to owe me one fo
r not letting you walk out there looking thoroughly fucked.” She rubbed something on my cheeks and moved to smooth my hair out around my head when she was finished messing with my face. “Were you nervous?”

  I blew out a breath and nodded when she moved a step away. “I still am, but not as caught up in my head as I was. He’s a good distraction.”

  “You’re going to kill it. He’s also a good inspiration. Don’t think for a second that I didn’t know half those songs are about him. But I totally underestimated what a big deal your puppy love was.” Remy took the makeup bag back and grabbed my hand to pull me to my feet.

  I squeezed her fingers and pulled her to a stop. “I don’t know why. Your puppy love pretty much defined everything you did for most of your life. If anyone should understand why it’s hard to let go and move on, I’d think it would be you.”

  She blinked at me and cleared her throat in a way that indicated she didn’t like the conversation turned back on her.

  “Mine wasn’t puppy love, Bowe. Mine wasn’t cute and fluffy. Mine had claws and teeth. It was like a monster.” She blinked her kaleidoscope eyes and visibly pulled herself together. “It still is. But tonight isn’t about me. It’s about you taking the first steps to become a star, and everyone who loves you is here to cheer you on.”

  “What?” I was trying to keep up with her quick switch of topic. I was confused why she said everyone I loved would be supporting me when she knew good and well the person whose approval I wanted most wasn’t going to be anywhere near Denver tonight. “You’re making it sound like a much bigger deal than it is, and I just got my nerves under control.”


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