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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel

Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  For a moment I worried that he might come as well. That would be a little awkward. Especially considering there would be more direct evidence of him coming than if I had the same problem.

  I was getting a little damp, to be sure, but I also had a change of clothes I’d tossed into a small backpack that also held my bikini in case we decided to go to the water park. I was fine on changes of clothes, but Devin would probably have to go back to the hotel which would waste valuable time.

  He was grunting. Breathing heavily. He didn’t seem to be going over the edge, though. And so I came down and I glanced around at the people riding the bus around us.

  It seemed impossible that they wouldn’t realize what was going on, but somehow I’d gotten away with it. Somehow they were completely oblivious, with no idea that I’d just had one hell of an intense orgasm coming on my husband’s best friend’s cock. Damn that was intense!

  Once I was done, Trevor leaned in close. Whispered.

  “Was that what I thought it was?”

  I turned and bit my lip. Reached out and patted his cheek. Leaned in close so I could whisper right back at him.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Trevor blinked. Whatever he was expecting, that obviously wasn’t it. But I had no intention of letting on any more than I had to. I turned around and grinned at Devin who stared up at me astonished. His breath was coming in quick heaving gasps.

  It was a wonder that nobody realized exactly what was going on, and yet I’d gotten away with it. Nobody had any clue what just happened. And then I felt the bus shift as it came to a stop. I turned and looked out the windows.

  We were here. And soon enough people were standing and I took the opportunity to join the throng of people moving out.

  I stepped out and took a deep breath. Looked at the crowds streaming into the park. This was going to be a fun day. It had already been a fun day, but I wasn’t done yet.

  No, I’d just helped a friend in need and gotten a little something for myself, but I had a feeling we weren’t close to finished. No, that had been interesting, that had been one hell of an intense orgasm, but at the same time I wanted so much more.

  And the fact that Trevor hadn’t said anything the entire time that was going on, that he’d looked on with interest rather than getting pissed off, told me everything I needed to know about how my husband felt about this.

  I looked at the park and all I saw were possibilities. I couldn’t wait to see where the day went. What other fun ways I could find to distract Devin from his breakup while at the same time driving my husband wild!

  6: Negotiations

  I was a little wobbly as I stepped off of the bus. How could I not be? That had been so fucking intense. I was pretty sure Kirsten just came grinding against Devin. I couldn’t be entirely certain, but at the same time there was no denying something just happened.

  She’d closed her eyes and her mouth was open as she let out quiet little gasps. Quiet enough that no one around her was going to hear what was going on, but I knew what was happening. I’d seen it often enough when she was doing that with me.

  I looked at Devin as Kirsten jumped off of him and moved towards the front of the bus. He looked at me with a sheepish grin and shrugged.

  “Sorry man,” he said. “She jumped on me and… Well I have a feeling you’d do the same if it was Teresa doing it to you.”

  I grinned. “No, I’m not mad at you man. To be honest that was kind of hot.”


  “Yeah, to be honest I’ve really gotten off on the idea of Kirsten with another guy for awhile now. I just never thought it would actually happen.”

  Devin leaned in closer. He seemed like he didn’t want the people around us to listen in. Not that any of the people were close enough to hear our conversation anyways. No, this bus was populated mostly by a few couples and families with kids running wild who were more interested in getting the hell off the bus as quickly as possible and less interested on listening in on the gossip from a couple of guys who were considering sharing a wife.

  Oddly enough, most of them seemed completely oblivious to what had just happened. That show had been the center of my world. I couldn’t help but stare as it went down.

  And so I had a difficult time believing that nobody would have any idea what had just happened right in front of them. Watching my wife with my best friend had consumed my entire world. It was crazy to think that no one else had noticed.

  “So where do we go from here?” Devin asked. “Because if you’re interested in watching her have a little fun with another guy… Well I wouldn’t be averse to helping you out with that.”

  I fixed him with a level stare. He grinned and shrugged. Not that I could blame him. He was right. If the opposite was true and it was Teresa doing the same thing with me then I’d be more than interested. Not to mention that he was a good enough friend that he’d probably be cool with it.

  And I knew that I was already more than cool with it. I was fucking turned on! So why not have a little bit of fun? Besides, if the two of us were working together then maybe we could pull a fast one on Kirsten.

  I could see how she felt when we were the ones manipulating the situation rather than her having her fun at our expense. At least I hoped we could pull it off. It was hard to tell. She was the one with the incredibly sexy body. She was the one who ultimately held all the cards.

  “I’m not sure what we’re going to do, but we’re going to figure this out. I guarantee you we’re going to have some fun with this,” I said.

  Devin reached out and grabbed my hand. Pulled me into a quick chest bump. I couldn’t help but feel a little excited at what we were planning.

  There were so many layers here. There was the unspoken communication between me and Kirsten. There was the explicit conversation I was having with Devin here. There was the way she was teasing him and trying to act like she wasn’t trying to tease him, though I suppose grinding against him to the point that she actually came in what looked like one hell of an intense orgasm went a little beyond just plain teasing.

  And then there was me, sitting here and not admitting to my girlfriend that I liked the idea of her with another guy but admitting it to my friend.

  Yeah, there were all sorts of convoluted fucked up layers going on here. And I couldn’t wait to explore them further!

  “Whatever you have planned, I’m down for it,” Devin said.

  “Don’t you worry. I’m sure we’re going to have Kirsten begging for it by the time we’re done.”

  “Hell, I’d be willing to beg her. She’s just got that kind of body. And I need something to take my mind off of Teresa. It’s just a pity that…”


  He grinned. “I was thinking about how it would be perfect if we could find some way to let Teresa know about all of this. Me fucking her former best friend would be one hell of some good revenge.”

  I grinned and shook my head. “That would be some poetic justice for her, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to leave this between all of us. I don’t want it getting out that I’m sharing my girl.”

  “Yeah, I guess I can understand that,” he said. “After all. If you let it out that Kirsten is open for business then you’d have a shit ton of guys beating down your door.”

  “You don’t know the half of it!” I said.

  “You guys getting off? Or are you going to keep yakking on all day about that girl?”

  I turned around. Who said that? And then I realized there were only the two of us left on the bus. Well, the two of us and the bus driver. The guy was a little portly, and he was looking back at us with a grin. Shaking his head. I wondered how much of our conversation he’d overheard.

  Either way, it was time to get off the bus and head into the park with Kirsten. It was time to start the fun. I just wondered which one of us was going to blink first.

  As I slipped past the bus driver he reached out and gave me a quick punch in the side

  “If your friend can’t seal the deal then make sure to look for me on my route. I’m working until ten tonight.”

  I blushed as I stepped off of the bus. Okay then. Apparently he had heard more than I was letting on. I guess someone had been paying attention to what we were doing, but at least he wasn’t calling it in.

  Oh well. It’s not like a bus driver that I was never going to see again was going to be able to make trouble for me anyways.

  I stepped off the bus and Kirsten was waiting. She had her arms folded under her breasts and she was tapping a foot as she looked at us impatiently.

  “What the hell took you so long?” she asked.

  I grinned. “Nothing really. Just talking about some things.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  I leaned in close. Close enough that only she would be able to hear my whisper. I figured it was time to give as good as I got.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I asked.

  She looked to me and her eyes narrowed, but she didn’t say anything. No, a moment later she grinned and reached up to pat my cheek.

  “If that’s how you want to play it then we’ll play it that way. Too bad you don’t want to just come clean. Who knows what fun we might have?”

  And with that she turned and headed off towards the park entrance. As though she was going to get far without me. I was the one with the tickets in my wallet, after all. I exchanged a glance with Devin and then followed right after her. I jogged a little bit to catch up.

  Okay then. So she wanted us to come clean? She wanted us to have a little conversation? Then we could have a little conversation.

  “So do you want to tell me what that display was about on the bus?”

  She looked at me and winked. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Actually I would like to know,” I said. “Who knows. Maybe if we talk this out we could come to some sort of an arrangement?”

  She glanced over at me. I wondered why she wanted to keep this so close to the chest. Why she was playing it like this. Though finally she looked over her shoulder to make sure Devin wasn’t anywhere near us and then turned back.

  “How about we just say that today is a day for having some fun? Leave it at that and see where the day takes us?”

  “I’m never against having some fun,” I said. “The question is what kind of fun were you thinking about having? More of the same that you just had on the bus with Devin?”

  She bit her lip. God I loved it when she did that. It was so fucking sexy. I loved everything about her. I loved watching her in that tank top. I loved watching her tits bouncing as she walked. Whatever bra she was in, it wasn’t doing a very good job of containing her. It was doing a good job of pressing her tits up and showing them to the whole world, though. There were more than a couple gentlemen staring at her pretty fucking intently.

  “What would you say if I said I wanted anything to go this weekend?” she asked.

  My cock got harder thinking about the possibilities. Not quite believing that I was actually having this conversation. First I talked to my best friend about how hot I would get if he fucked my girl, and now here I was talking to my girl about the possibility of setting her loose long enough to fuck my best friend.

  How many different games were we going to play before everything finally came out into the open and we all just admitted what we wanted?

  Briefly I considered calling Devin over. Just hashing all of this out here and now, but I didn’t.

  No, I’d come to a realization. I was enjoying the games we were playing. It was adding something to the fun. If we weren’t playing games that would take something away from the fun. Better to see where this went.

  Kirsten wanted to have an anything goes weekend. Devin was more than willing to have a little bit of fun. Knowing all of that, was there really a point in trying to get everything out in the open? No, it suddenly seemed far more interesting to let things play out as they would.

  “I don’t know, that could be interesting,” I said.

  “Really? Are you going to try and play it off like this hasn’t been turning you on?”

  I tried to keep my voice neutral, though I wasn’t doing a very good job of it. “I wouldn’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Really? You’re going to try and tell me that you don’t get turned on at the idea of me with another guy? That your cock isn’t rock hard after watching what I just did with Devin?”

  “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. What’s it to you?”

  “Oh nothing,” Kirsten said. “It just occurred to me that you could’ve stopped what just happened on that bus. You could’ve said you weren’t into it at any time. You could’ve gotten pissed off and put a stop to it, but you didn’t.”

  “Maybe I just didn’t want to make a scene in there?”

  “Or maybe you get turned on at the idea of me with another guy, but you’ve always been afraid to admit it.”

  “Maybe that’s true too. I guess we’ll never know,” I said.

  “Oh but I think we’re going to know by the end of the day. Don’t you?”

  And with that she was walking again. We hadn’t exactly come to an understanding. Hell, I still didn’t know exactly what was going on. It sounded an awful lot like she was in on my secret, though.

  Apparently no matter what lengths I’d gone to to try and hide that from her, it wasn’t working. I sighed. Today was going to be one hell of a convoluted, complicated, and potentially fucked up day. And I couldn’t wait to see what would happen.

  So I did the only thing I could do in that situation. I sucked it up and followed her. I’d had a couple of deep conversations with her and Devin, and yet I was no closer now to figuring out what the hell was going on than I had been at the beginning of the day.

  All I knew was I loved the outfit she was in. I loved watching her body. I loved thinking of that body pressed against another man’s, and if that other man happened to be Devin then that was just awesome as far as I was concerned.

  Besides, who better to share my wife with than my best friend? At least then I didn’t have to worry about one of them getting ideas and trying to betray me. At least I hoped I didn’t.

  The only way to find out was to keep on keeping on, and see where the day led.

  7: The Tease

  “Oh my God! Would you look at these shops!”

  I looked over to Trevor and he shrugged the fatalistic shrug shared by men the world over who were forced to go on impromptu shopping expeditions with their girl. It’s not like there was anything we were going to be able to do about it anyways. I didn’t have Teresa around this weekend to pull me into shops tailor made to pull as much tourist money as possible out of people’s wallets, but that didn’t matter.

  I was here with Kirsten, and that meant I was along for the ride. Not exactly the sort of ride I would’ve liked to have with Kirsten, but that still seemed like a pipe dream. Sure things had gotten a little hot and heavy in the car and on the bus, but I was still having trouble believing she meant that to be anything more than a joke or a little bit of flirting.

  “We’re never going to go on any rides if this keeps up,” Trevor said.

  “I suppose that’s the curse of being with insanely hot women,” I said. “They always want to hit the stores.”

  “I don’t know. It seems like that’s just a girl thing. Doesn’t matter if they’re insanely hot or not.”

  “In that case I suppose it’s a good thing we’re with insanely hot women, isn’t it?” I asked. “Means we at least get a little bit of compensation for putting up with this sort of thing, right?”

  Trevor looked away as though I’d just said something to make things awkward. Now why on earth would he react like that? All I’d said was…

  Oh. Right. I said we were with insanely hot women. That wasn’t exactly the case anymore. Not for me. Teresa was probably off at that guy’s apartment fucking his brains out when she should’ve been out here
with me about to get proposed to.

  I was really fucking glad there was a return period on that ring. I would’ve been really pissed off if I was stuck with a rock that expensive and no way to get my money back and no fiancee on top of everything else.

  “Don’t worry about it man,” I said. I reached out and slapped Trevor on the back and he smiled right back at me. The awkward moment was gone almost as quickly as it had appeared. I didn’t think there was much that could make things too awkward between us.

  “So what do you think of these outfits?” Kirsten asked, coming up with a shirt that looked like it was custom made to show off as much cleavage as possible. Speaking of things that could potentially make for an awkward situation between me and Trevor…

  “I think it looks pretty good,” Trevor said. He took the shirt and looked at the price tag. His eyes bugged out and I was reminded of one of the benefits of not being here with Teresa. I got all the benefits of a girl checking out the sexy outfits without having to pay for any of it.

  “This thing is damn expensive,” Trevor said. “And is it made out of silk or something? How can they charge this much for something that’s so thin? I can see through it!”

  He held it up to the light to make the point. He was pretty right about that. I could see light streaming through the pink material. I felt a stirring in my legs as I thought about how much fun it would be to look at Kirsten wearing that with no bra. It reminded me of the naughty experience we had in the car just a few hours ago.

  “I think it looks great,” I said. “I wouldn’t mind seeing Kirsten in something like that!”

  “I bet you wouldn’t,” Trevor said, rolling his eyes. “Besides, you’re not the one that has to pay for this.”

  “Well I don’t care what you think,” Kirsten said, snatching it out of Trevor’s hand. “Besides, you’re not the only one with a job. If I want to pay for this then I’ll do just that!”


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