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Sarah's Playmates

Page 10

by Virginia Wade

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “You shouldn’t.”

  “I know.”

  The next day, as I traveled on the Union Pacific Rail Road headed to Sacramento, I had time to reflect upon my choices. Brack was more than likely springing himself from jail at that very moment. Earlier, I had broken off my engagement to Edmund. He had taken the news poorly, blaming my hasty decision on the stress of the derailment and my Indian kidnapping.

  He had said, “You’re not yourself right now, my dear. You’ll see things differently when you get home. Your parents will talk some sense into you.”

  As far as I was concerned, my engagement was over.

  Isabelle returned to Chicago. There was no need to accompany me to California now, since there wouldn’t be a wedding. I considered her one of my closest friends, whether I married her brother or not. I would write her letters for the rest of my life. Millie, my stalwart companion, forever loyal, no matter how ridiculous my decisions were, was with me on the train.

  Hours outside of Sacramento, she tossed a paper on the table. We were in the dining car having tea. “This might interest you.”

  The headline read: Corbett Gang. Brazen Jail Break! Brack Corbett, Buck Bass, and Jimmy McCarty escaped the Madison County lockup after obtaining a weapon from an unidentified female. Responsible for the B&O train robbery, the bandits made off with more than twelve thousand dollars in cash and jewelry. These men are considered armed and dangerous.

  Millie sat across from me. “An unidentified female?”

  “What a hussy,” I whispered, not wanting to be overheard by the people sitting behind us. “Look. May’s Department store is having a sale.” I pointed to the paper. “Isn’t that delightful?”

  Millie pursed her lips. “Splendid.”

  I laughed, feeling ridiculously happy.

  That evening, as we disembarked, I saw my parents in the crowded station, my mother pointing in my direction. “There she is!” My mother, a statuesque blonde, was dressed in gray satin; her fitted jacket had a huge bow at the front, and her skirts were gathered and draped with a bustle. “Oh, my darling! What an adventure!” She embraced me, smelling of something floral and exotic. “We were so worried.” Her English accent was pronounced.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You were so brave, my dear. How awful to have fallen victim to the Indians.”

  “They’re no worse than the Azande.”

  “Oh, they were indeed fearsome, weren’t they? Bones through their noses and filed teeth.” She shivered.

  I linked my arm through hers. “I have so much to tell. I’m not getting married to Edmund after all.”

  “What?” My father, whose graying hair was hidden under a hat, was a step before us. “What do you mean?” His accent held a hint of twang.

  “I wondered why Isabelle wasn’t here,” said mother.

  “I’ve set my cap on someone else.”

  “Oh, darling. Don’t tell me that. The invitations have all gone out.”

  The grin on my face could hardly be contained. “Daddy, you’ll love him. He’s a bit of a scoundrel, but then again, you’re fond of the unusual, aren’t you?”

  “What’s this about?” He’d stopped walking.

  “I’ve fallen in love with a train robber.”

  My mother gasped.

  The next morning, I knocked on the door of my father’s study. “Daddy?”

  “Come in.” Floor to ceiling shelves lined the walls, filled with books and colorful art from Africa. There was an ivory tusk resting on a lacquered wooden stand. “What is it, pumpkin?”

  “I need your help with something.”

  He’d been out with the horses, and he still had on his riding boots. Sitting in a comfortable looking leather chair, he rested his feet on the desk. “Shoot. What is it?”

  “I think I might leave. I might live in South America.”


  “I need to book passage to Peru.”

  “Why the hell would you do that? You just got here. Who do you know in South America?”

  “I’ve made a mess of things. I’ve…fallen for the wrong man…but I want to make it right.”

  “I thought you were kidding about that train robber.” He sat forward, a look of concern etched into the lines on his forehead. “You can’t be serious about this Corbett fellow. You didn’t really take up with a bank robber, darlin’. Tell me it’s not true.”

  “He’s a train robber...and I love him.” I squared my shoulders, as my lips thinned into a grim, yet determined, line.

  “Jesus Christ! Your mother’s gonna kill you. I should take you over my knee and slap some sense into you. I really should.”

  A knock sounded on the door. “Miss Collins,” said an accented voice. “Your guests are here.”

  Excitement raced through me. “They are?”

  “Yes, Miss.” The maid wore a black frock with a white apron.

  “Where are they?”

  “In the parlor.”

  “Thank you.”

  My father glared at me. “What have you done now?”

  “Well…” I took a deep breath. “It looks like you might have grand children.”

  His mouth fell open. “You’re carrying that bandit’s baby?”

  “No. He already has children.”


  “Well, they’re here now, and…they’re mine.” I’d shocked him into uncharacteristic silence. “Say something, daddy.”

  “Your mother’s gonna kill you. You can’t seriously be considering this, honey.”

  “This is what I want,” I said simply, knowing that I had made the right decision.

  He seemed to consider his words carefully. “You love that man that much?”

  Tears welled in my eyes. “Yes, daddy.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  It wasn’t a question of what I would do for love. It was a question of what I wouldn’t do. That answer was easy. I waited for Brack to arrive, standing on the balcony of the house my parent’s had built, the land stretching out as far as the eye could see. It was sunset, and the sky was tinged with bluish orange bands of clouds. The Spanish hacienda was newly built, the smell of fresh paint lingering. A lone horse appeared in the distance, its rider dressed darkly and wearing a wide-brim hat.

  Anxious bundles of energy raced through me, and I hastened to the door, flinging it open and rushing down the landing to the staircase. The double doors of the entry were cast open under my direction, the warm breeze of summer touching my skin. Flowers in pots threw splashes of color against the terracotta tiles. The aroma of honeysuckle and wild rose lingered pleasantly. A groom came out to get the horse, the rider dismounting determinedly, glancing in my direction. The fabric of my dressing gown caught the breeze, as I ran towards the object I so desired.

  “Brack!” I flung myself at him, and he grabbed me. “Oh, Brack!”

  “You’re the craziest woman I ever met.”

  “I’ll be the craziest woman you ever married.”

  “You better think long and hard before committing to a degenerate like me.”

  Our lips met, igniting an incredible kiss. “Let’s talk in my bedroom,” I breathed.

  “Your parents.”

  “They’re in town. It’s just us.”

  “I didn’t go through all this trouble to have somebody’s daddy shoot me for messin’ with his little girl.”

  “Brack.” Steel laced my voice. “I’m a grown woman. If I want to sleep with a man, I will. What happens in my bedroom is nobody’s business.”

  “Well then…it’d do no good to argue with you. You seem awful determined to get me naked.”

  “Oh, you’ve no idea,” I giggled, grasping his hand, dragging him towards the house. Once in my room, I untied the laces on the front of my dress. It was like a dream having him here with me. I’d waited for days. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

  “I had dinner when I got the horse. It’s sittin’ like a
brick in my stomach.”

  “Oh, no,” I laughed. “That’s terrible.”

  He removed his jacket and waistcoat, leaving the items over a chair. Then he stepped out of his boots and began to unbutton his shirt. “I can’t stay long. I gotta get my kids. I’m plannin’ on running to Mexico.”

  I lifted the dress over my head, standing naked before him. “We’ll talk about that in a minute.” I ran my hand across the firm expanse of his chest, feeling the wild staccato of his heart. “Did you miss me?”

  “I’d say so.” He grabbed me. “I still can’t believe a blonde with big tits broke me outta jail.” His mouth brushed my neck, teeth nipping at my skin. “Nobody’s ever done anything like that for me before.”

  “I want you, Brack Corbett. I broke off my engagement for you. I broke the law for you. I gave you my heart. I would’ve given you my virginity, but that horrible Indian got there first.”

  “None of that matters,” he rasped.

  “Oh, Brack. Kiss me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  A hand cupped my breast, the nipple hardening instantly, producing a rush of desire that left my knees weak. He lifted me into his arms, swinging me towards the bed. He’d shaved, revealing the clean planes of his face, high cheekbones, and a strong jawline.

  “What happened to Buck and Jimmy?”

  “They split up. It’s every man for himself. You sure are gorgeous.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Corbett. I’ve missed you.”

  “I bet you have.”

  I wrapped a hand around his throbbing cock. “I’ve missed this too.”

  “Yeah?” His grin was sinful.

  His lips descended to my neck, where he kissed and nibbled his way to my breasts. The silky globes were manipulated in his hands, and my nipples suckled into stiff peaks, wet and chilled by the air. A hand drifted down my belly towards my pussy, which was damp and eager for his touch. A finger dipped into the swollen folds, finding my entrance.

  “Oh, Brack…”

  He worked a finger in, wiggling it around and drawing it in and out. “You like that?” he sounded hoarse.


  He kissed his way to my tummy, his mouth replacing his finger, covering me with heat. A firm tongue pushed against my clit, creating a firestorm of sensation. I sighed, as I stared at the canopy of the bed. Yards of sheer white fabric filled my vision. While he worked my nub, he drove two fingers into my soggy pussy. The sensations this provoked proved to be too much, and my body suddenly tensed, shuddering, finding release.


  “Well, Jesus,” he murmured. “That didn’t take long.”

  “Sorry.” A knock sounded at the door. “Go away.” It swung open, revealing Millie, who wasn’t surprised to find Brack in my room. “Millie! I’m reuniting with my handsome. Must you interrupt at this very minute?”

  She closed the door behind her. “The little ones are settled.”

  “You could’ve waited until later to tell me.” My tone betrayed my irritation.

  “I thought you might need help.”

  “With Mr. Brack?” That was a surprise.

  “Or with you.”

  “Oh…Millie…that’s naughty.”

  “What exactly are you proposing?” drawled Brack. “You don’t seem too inclined towards the opposite sex. But you like the same sex, don’t you?”

  “My only concern is the welfare and education of Miss Collins.” She moved hair away from my shoulder, her eyes lingering on my breasts. “Her happiness is foremost in my thoughts.”

  “Honey, if you’re gonna barge into my bedroom and fondle my wife, you better be prepared to do us both.” His cock had her attention, the tip glistening with clear fluid.

  “Oh, Millie.” My inhibitions seemed to have disappeared. “We should suck him together. Then we can take turns riding him.”

  Brack’s smile was huge. “I’ve just died and gone to heaven.”

  Millie met my stare. “I’ll sit on his face. You suck him.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” I was stunned by her suggestion.

  “If you wanna smother me with that pussy, then so be it.”

  Needing no further encouragement, Millie stripped off her blouse and skirt, straddling him, lowering to his mouth. She sighed blissfully, as his tongue entered her. “Oh, yeeesss…”

  I grasped his cock, which felt sticky from his own emissions, and suckled the tip, making noisy squashing sounds. Brack murmured something incoherent. Millie began to shift her hips, driving herself over him, wetting his face with the juices of her arousal. I worked the shaft, licking the length of each side all the way to the base. His soft balls were in my hands, pulled away from his body and in my mouth, being sucked and prodded with my tongue. From there I laved my way up to the rounded tip, sucking forcefully, producing a series of manly groans.

  “Oh, dear!” gasped Millie. “It’s so good. I won’t…be able…ooohhhh…” Her chin tipped upward, hair falling over the bed, as she shuddered, her body finding release.

  Brack moaned, sounding as if he were in agony. The tip erupted with a jet of silky semen, bursting out in measured pulses, flinging across his belly. I closed my lips around him, tasting the musky confection. Then I set about sucking him clean, lapping up every salty drop.

  “Oh, honey…”

  Millie collapsed on the bed. “Thank you,” she murmured. “I think I’ll go now.”

  Brack’s laughter filled the room. “You’re a piece of work, woman. I bet I’ll never figure you out.”

  She slid from the bed, snatching her clothing from the floor. “It’s all right. I’ll never understand myself either.” She glanced at me. “Shall I bring them in?”

  “Yes. I’ll get dressed.”

  “Bring what in?” He sounded tired.

  “A surprise.” I threw his shirt at him. “Put something on.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I got on the bed and snuggled into him, his arm going around me. “Brack?”


  “What do you say we take a little trip?”

  “I gotta get my kids. Then I say we head south.”

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking. We leave tomorrow.”

  “Well, that’s a bit soon. I gotta get to Missouri first, honey. That’ll take days. I’ll be lucky if I don’t get caught. I was thinkin’ of wearing some sort of disguise, maybe shaving my head or something. Them damn Wanted posters are everywhere.”

  There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” I sat up. “All of that won’t be necessary.”

  Millie entered with two children who had been bathed, groomed, and dressed in brand new outfits. Brack, recognizing his own flesh and blood, sprang from the bed.

  “Jesus!” His astonished look brought an enormous smile to my face. “JESUS!” He ran fingers through his hair, blinking, yet not believing what he was seeing. “Is this real?”

  “They sure were a mess when we got them,” said Millie. “Under all that dirt and grime, I found two adorable children. One was even a girl.”


  Tears brimmed in Brack’s eyes. “Melanie.” The little girl bounded over, the doll in her arms falling to the floor. “Daddy!”

  He got down on his knees and caught her. Her brother took a tentative step. Brack held out his hand. “Come here, son.” That was all the encouragement he needed, and he flung himself at his father. The three of them embraced for long minutes, while I stared at Millie. Both of us blinked back tears.

  “You did a good thing, Sarah. It was probably the dumbest thing you’ve ever done…but it was a good thing.”

  I sniffed. “Thank you, Millie.”

  The End

  Books by Virginia Wade

  The Stacy Series


  Stacy And The Boys

  Stacy On Vacation

  Stacy Unleashed

  Stacy’s Uncle Eddy

  Total Nympho: The Stacy Collection

tacy’s Gangbang Wedding

  Stacy’s Sexy Threesome

  Stacy’s Wet Dream

  Stacy’s Bimbos In Paradise

  Total Nympho 2: The Stacy Collection

  The Monster Sex Series


  Cum For Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 2

  Cum For Bigfoot 3

  Cum 4 Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 5, Baby

  Cum For Bigfoot 6

  Cum For Bigfoot 7

  Cum For Bigfoot 8

  Cum For Bigfoot 9

  Cum For Frankenstein

  Cum For The Phantom

  Cum For The Demon

  Cum For The Invisible Man

  Cum For The Genie

  Cum For The Alien

  Cum For The Viking

  The Filthy Classics Collection


  Sense And Sexuality

  Pride And Penetration

  Naughty Emma

  Jennifer’s Anal Seduction

  Jane’s Playmates

  The Pleasure Vixens

  Archeology 101

  Sweet Melissa

  The Demon In Alice

  Crissy’s Naughty Daddy

  Maya’s Tight Pussy

  Daddy’s Little Cherries

  Daddy’s Christmas Girl

  Sexy In Stilettos

  My Daddy, The Politician

  Cream For Me

  Taken By Pirates

  In The Garden Of Snakes

  Alone With Alexa

  Billionaire Kink

  Sarah’s Playmates

  Siren Island: Shipwrecked

  Siren Island: Lust For Gold

  Siren Island: Kidnapped



  Operation Porn Storm

  Daddy’s Naughty Girls

  Daddy’s Naughty Girls 2

  Nocturnal Cravings

  Nocturnal Cravings 2




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