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Heaven Hill Series - Complete Series

Page 180

by Laramie Briscoe

  Tyler bent down and lifted her up into his arms. He walked over to the bed, sat down and settled her onto his lap. “C’mon, you can talk to me about anything. You know that. Even if I don’t give great advice about this part of your life, I’m here to listen at least. You know I’ll be your sounding board every day for the rest of our lives.”

  She did, Meredith knew that with all her heart, but even this many years after her attack, it was still hard to talk about triggers. It was hard to admit to anyone, but things still affected her. It was at the oddest of times and the weirdest things, too. She’d never know from one day to the next would do it, and that part of having triggers really pissed her off. “This girl and her daughter came into CRISIS today. The daughter is young, probably a year old, and the girl looks to be about twenty, twenty-one. I didn’t look at her paperwork,” she trailed off, lost in thought and memories she would never be able to let go completely. In a way, she never wanted to forget what happened to her, because it had changed her life in more ways than one. It’d brought her to Tyler, and it had given her the kind of direction in life she wouldn’t have had otherwise. She wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but without a doubt, it had steered her life in the direction it was always meant to go.

  “Do you see yourself in this girl?” he asked carefully, running his hand down her back in a soothing motion.

  She buried her head in his neck, nodding. It was easy to recall how hard it had been in the beginning for her accept even his hand trailing over her back. Hopefully this girl would be able to stand a man’s touch again, and she prayed the girl would end up with someone like Tyler. Everyone deserved to be loved – and she knew she was so blessed to have the love of this good man. “She was beat up, Ty, somebody did a number on her. Her clothes were torn too. She told me she’d run through the woods and that’s how they got torn, but she’s walking with a limp, and it looks like it’s hard for her to sit down. I remember that,” silent tears rolled down her cheeks, and she pushing them away angrily. “I remember how that felt.”

  His grip tightened on her. “I do too,” he whispered.

  “It brought back a lot,” she sniffed, trying to get control of her emotions. A shuddering breath helped her to relax, but it didn’t keep the emotions at bay. “But it also showed me how far I’ve come, too. That girl has a lost look in her eyes, and I know if it hadn’t been for you showing me all the good still waiting for me, I’d still have that lost look in my eyes, too.”

  “If I could, I’d take care of him for you again,” he made the vow in a deadly calm voice.

  “I know you would,” she pushed his hair back from his face, searching those bourbon hued eyes of his. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him to do it for the woman, who she wasn’t sure had someone in her life to go to bat for her. That was the hard part about being the voice for these women, she wanted to make all their situations better, she wanted to take all their pain away.

  “You’re what brought me back from the edge.”

  They both knew without a doubt she spoke the truth. There was no Tyler without Meredith, no Meredith without Tyler. They couldn’t exist without each other.

  “So,” she finished on a long sigh. “It’s been a hell of a long day.”

  He chuckled, the sound muffled against her hair. “And you walked into Caelin playing with pink fingernail polish.”

  “The new pink fingernail polish I bought for Addie, too,” she grumbled. “Bless Doc Jones for watching our offspring when we need an emergency babysitter, but dear God, do they run all over her!” she laughed along with him, shaking her head. She still couldn’t believe he’d managed to cause the damage he’d been able to in minutes. They were going to have to really watch him as he got older. “She couldn’t use a stern voice with those two if it fell out of the sky and landed on her face.”

  Tyler wrapped her up tightly in his arms, pulling her back against his chest on the bed. Fluffing his pillow, he pulled it closer, sticking his arm underneath it, to give it some support. “C’mon babe, let’s get some sleep.”

  Normally she’d argue with him, wanting to spend more time talking. This was the only time they got most days, unless they made it a date night, or they both took off work early. It wasn’t easy having two toddlers, but they were making it work. It was a delicate balancing act, and so far, they had it together. Tonight, though, was different. She wanted to be in his arms and enjoy the comfort and safety he gave her. This was her favorite place in the world.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The first fingers of light were curling in around the edges of the curtains in Tyler and Meredith’s bedroom. The soft light was just enough to wake him up. He’d always been an early riser and hadn’t had an alarm clock since he was a teenager. He realized that he and Meredith hadn’t moved once they’d fallen asleep. His arm had gone numb and he cautiously flexed his fingers, hoping to get the circulation going. Seeing that they hadn’t even moved the covers, he chuckled softly. Both of them must have been carrying a lot of tension to be so exhausted they hadn’t even rolled over.

  Reaching behind him, he grabbed his cell phone off the bedside table and quickly scrolled through his contacts, looking for one name in particular. Without disturbing his wife, he sent a text to Drew, telling him they were taking the day off from working out. What Tyler didn’t tell Drew was he’d be getting his cardio in, but it’d be by burying himself balls deep inside his woman. They both needed it more than they knew and he was man enough to admit he needed her in a bad way. He waited impatiently for Drew to text him back, which the little shit did with a sure and a winky emoticon. Fucking emoticons. He checked the time, seeing they had at least an hour before the first of their little hellions would be up. It wasn’t nearly enough – he wanted all day with her, but he could work with an hour. Fuck, he’d make it work. Setting his phone back on the bedside table, he got himself comfortable against Meredith’s back and went to work.

  There were times when he was hesitant to come at her like this, but since they’d slept the whole night with his front to her backside, he figured they were safe. Even after what they’d talked about last night. There were small clues she threw off when she was feeling threatened, and none of those clues were being displayed or had been the night before. Moving slightly to situate himself more comfortably, he ran his hand lightly down her throat, over her unbound breast (inhaling a little deeper when he felt the hard nub of her nipple), over her stomach and straight into the scrap of panties she wore to bed with him. If it were up to him, they wouldn’t wear clothes to bed at all, but since Addie started exploring on her own, and coming in unannounced, they were both much more comfortable being clothed. Neither of them wanted to scar a child that young if she happened to see something she wasn’t supposed to.

  Scooting himself further down the bed, he latched onto her neck, suckling at the soft skin there. Her scent enveloped him as he nosed her hair to the side, and it took everything in him not to go hugely alpha male on her. She moaned, adjusting her thighs so there was more room for him to work, encouraging his fingers to enter her as she thrust up towards him. Meredith was always wet for him, and right now was no exception. Not caring about waking her up anymore, Tyler moved his other arm so he hugged her tightly, his free hand going to the hardened nipple of her left breast, rolling the skin between his thumb and forefinger, applying slight pressure as he pulled at the taut nub. Meredith loved when he did that, and he felt like pulling out all the stops for her.

  “Oh my God,” she breathed, pushing up against his fingers, thrusting her nipple towards the palm of his hand.

  Her legs widened further and he literally felt her intake of breath against his forearm. She was positively vibrating with the arousal he could smell coming off of her in waves now.

  “Feel good?” The tone of his voice surprised even himself. It was deeper and darker than he’d ever heard it come out of his own mouth. Dipping his fingers to the knuckle inside her sweet heat, he used his thumb to rub her clit
, wanting to make her crazy with need. There was a particular rhythm she loved, and he made sure to keep up the pressure, forcing her to give herself up to him.

  “Shit,” she breathed out, turning her head into his. Morning breath be damned, they kissed like two teenagers making out in the backseat of a car. Her hands went to both of his, directing their movements against her body. Their fingers tangled as she helped him arouse her core, just as much as he had on his own. It was the hottest thing he’d ever felt as their fingers slipped back and forth, coated with her wetness.

  It never failed to amaze him how much smaller she was than him and it was never more apparent than when she put her hand over top of his. It turned him on more than he cared to admit. Being stronger and bigger than Meredith, wanting to protect her, never failed to get him hard as a rock.

  He moaned when her tongue dueled with his, loving the slight nip she gave his bottom lip as he pulled away. She chased him with small kisses, and Tyler loved that chase. So many times when they’d first gotten together, she’d been scared to express the sexual needs she had but they’d obviously gotten her over that hurdle. Her ass pushed back against his hard cock, causing him to abandon teasing her nipple and pull her tighter against him. The hand across her stomach spanned her from hipbone to hipbone, reminding him again how much bigger he was, spiking his arousal. If possible he felt himself grow harder, and if anyone interrupted this, he would be interested in showing them the business end of his gun – unless it was their children.

  “Fuck, Mer,” he couldn’t help the thrust of his own body against hers, even if it were through two layers of clothing. It felt better than he remembered, and it wasn’t like it’d been a long time since they’d done this. It was the fact they were letting the tension go, trying to make themselves breathe easier and not be wound so damn tight. Life was a bitch sometimes, and you had to have your release – no matter what it was.

  “Fuck me, Tyler,” she panted, the air coming out of her mouth in short bursts.

  He felt her hands going to that scrap of panties again and trying to push them down, but fuck that, he could get rid of them even easier. He withdrew his hand from in between her thighs, and goddamn if she didn’t thrust up, trying to follow him. That motion of pure passion was enough to undo him, there was nothing sexier than her when she wanted hers. To know he’d helped her discover that piece of herself was heady, and he’d take credit for it every day of the week, because he had helped her. It wasn’t his victory alone, but he loved her more than he’d loved anything else in his life, and that love had seen them through a hell of a lot.

  “Give me a second, baby,” he soothed her, trying to assure he’d be back to finish what he started when she whined. No way in hell was he leaving her wanting anything. She’d never been left wanting and she never would be. If there was one thing he was great at, it was pleasuring his wife.

  Taking the lace in his fingers, he yanked hard, separating the fabric and pulling it from her body. Then he got his boxers down just far enough so that he could pull his cock over the top of the waistband. It was hot how rushed they were, how excited they both were to get to the finish line. They didn’t have much time, and normally rushing wouldn’t have been sexy, but damn if it wasn’t today. He wanted his and he sure as hell wanted her to have hers.

  Reaching down, he pulled her leg up with a big hand on her thigh, and he groaned, feeling her grasp his hard length, guiding him inside her body. Feeling her fingers around his cock was enough to make it jump, enough to make him catch his lip between his teeth. He wanted to go at her hard, but a part of him pulled back, and let himself enjoy the first push into her heat. It allowed him to savor the way she enveloped the head, and then slid down further on the length until he was fully inside. There had never been another woman that could bring him to his knees, and he knew if he’d been standing – that’s exactly where he’d be right now. And this moment, above any in his life, he knew was his favorite besides adopting Addie or the birth of Caelin. There was no other place he’d rather be.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The moan she released when Tyler slid home caused Meredith to open her eyes wide and giggle. “I hope I didn’t wake the kids up,” she tried to whisper, but it didn’t come out that way.

  He smiled tightly, hoping like hell she hadn’t woken them up. He wasn’t sure he could stop, even if one of them came through the door. “If you did, they might have to wait a few minutes before they come barging in here. I don’t see myself stopping, you feel way too good right now.”

  Giving him a saucy grin, Meredith threw down the gauntlet. “A few minutes?”

  “You were the one saying I was an old man last night. Better hope I can keep it up longer than that,” he shoved extra deep inside her, causing her to put her hand over her own mouth to hide an even louder moan this time.

  Sex with Tyler was usually so all-consuming, so loud, so animalistic, that they tried to do it only when the kids weren’t around. Neither one of them liked to censor themselves, but today, they both needed to feel one another more than they needed to be quiet. Some nights, they’d wait until the kids were asleep and go out on their own back porch – didn’t matter the season or temperature – and just enjoy one another without having to worry. This wasn’t one of those times.

  Thrusting back against her husband, she grabbed the edge of the bed, hoping he wouldn’t push her off, and when he buried his face in her neck? Dear Jesus, it was the sexiest thing to feel the gusts of his breath against her skin.

  “You feel so fuckin’ good,” he ground out, nipping her skin with his teeth.

  His hand gripped her thigh tighter, widening the space in between them. She felt like she was open as she’d ever been, wasn’t sure how her thighs could spread any wider, but she wanted to try. She wanted to be anything and everything Tyler needed, and everything she needed too.

  If he only knew how good he felt. She’d given up trying to describe the feelings he evoked in her body with words. Being loved by Tyler Blackfoot was a religious experience, given the fact she said God, yes! so often. But she couldn’t give voice to those words today, she knew if she started talking, she’d definitely have a child in the room before they were done. There was only one thing she wanted more than her orgasm, and that was his. He wasn’t an early morning lover and knowing he’d woken her up like this was extra exciting, given the fact it didn’t happen very often.

  “Damn Ty,” she grasped hold of the edge of the mattress as he held her hips. Her knuckles were white as she braced herself, holding her body tight, trying to stop him from thrusting her into the floor. “You’re gonna fuck me off the bed and then what are we gonna do when we make that racket?”

  “What a way to go,” he kept thrusting, moving her every time. “I can’t get fucking deep enough, you feel so good.”

  Making a decision that wasn’t a light one on her part, she started to turn, ending up on her knees with her face in their pillows. She wanted him to give into the primal part of his personality that made him want to rut on her like this. It turned her on as much as it turned him on, but if she worried about falling off the bed, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy it as much.

  He stopped immediately. He’d always stopped immediately when he got the feeling she wasn’t into it. Sometimes he made those decisions himself and they were assumptions; other times it was because he could sense it in her body, in the way she held herself. “Mer, you don’t have to do that.”

  Looking back at him she shook her head. She knew she didn’t have to but she wanted to, more than she’d ever wanted it before. In the early morning light, she wanted to feel his strength, wanted to give herself over to him and let him be in charge of her pleasure. Wanted to give her entire body over to him and express herself whichever way she wanted to. “No, it feels good, trust me. And with my face in the pillows, I can scream as loud as I want.”

  He didn’t quite believe her and she could tell when he started taking it easier on her, not thrusting
as hard. His rhythm faltered and she got pissed at him, ticked off that he hadn’t really listened to what she’d told him. She wanted him to take her, wanted him to let himself go as much as she wanted to let herself go. It was important they do this sometimes, and today she was giving them permission to do it.

  If only he stopped taking it fucking easy on her.

  “Either take me like you were, or I’ll do it myself,” she moved her hand down her body, ready to take control of her own pleasure.

  Tyler made a noise deep in his throat. “I don’t think so, doll.”

  He took her hand, pushing it above her head and when she thrust back against him, he gave her what she wanted. What they both wanted. What they needed, and she couldn’t help but let a small smile escape.

  Able to finally give voice to her feelings, Meredith screamed into her pillow, feeling her body tighten against his as he added a twist to the end of his thrust. There was something about the way he knew how to play her body. No one had ever given her as much pleasure as he had, had ever known exactly what she needed like he did, and she was lucky every day he’d fallen in love with her. Sometimes she wasn’t sure why he had, but damn if she wasn’t grateful.

  “Goddamn baby,” he spoke roughly, licking his lips as sweat poured down his face. What had been strong thrusts were starting to falter, and his rhythm was becoming haphazard. His finesse wasn’t there like it had been, and she knew before he spoke the words. “Here it comes.”

  And as she felt the heat of his orgasm, it pushed her over the edge. His body crashed into hers and she felt as if she were breaking apart as her body shuddered and shivered. She screamed so loudly into the fabric of the pillow, her throat was sore when she was done. She felt broken, like parts her were laying along the roadside, and it would take a few minutes to put her back together again. This was the feeling she had every time they came together, and damn if it wasn’t like a drug. As soon as she had it, she wanted it again. Breathing heavily, they lay against each other in the big bed. Meredith turned her head so she could look him in the eye and gave him a wink.


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