Unwanted Fate

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Unwanted Fate Page 16

by A. Gorman

  “That I do.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Mom.”

  “Thank you.” She hugs me again and goes to get out of the dress. The next time I see her in it, she will be marrying my dad. My dad. Sounds so weird and wonderful at the same time.

  “Emily, there are a few of Kenneth’s friends coming tonight for the wedding tomorrow. I’m sure they will want to meet and talk with you. So don’t you and Patrick go into hiding after dinner.

  “Yes, Mom…” I say sarcastically with a huge smile so she knows I’m teasing when she sticks her head around the curtain. “Do you know who is coming?

  “I think Charlize Theron and a few of his band members.”

  “What? Band? He has a band?”

  She laughs. “Yes, and he travels around and plays gigs too.”

  “Is there anything the man doesn’t do?”

  “He doesn’t do negativity. Between then and now, Kenneth has had a lot tragedy,” she says as she sits on the edge of the couch, wringing her hands. “A friend of ours, more a friend of his, died of a drug overdose. It happened around the time you and Nate were born. Then he had a girlfriend, which broke my heart even more when I found out, and they were expecting a baby together. However, a freak accident killed her and the baby. ”

  “That is horrible.”

  “I know. It’s enough to change a person, but Kenneth is still the same person he was twenty-six years ago even after learning about you and Nate.”

  “Maybe being back with you will change his path?”

  “Perhaps. We are both happy and being together is helping me heal from Nate’s death. I tell him stories about Nate and he beams like a proud papa. I hope you give will him a chance…”

  “I’m working on it, Mom. It’s still new and I’m trying to wrap my head around everything.”

  “I know, darling. Are you ready to go find the handsome boyfriend of yours? I’m sure the guys are wondering what’s holding us up.”

  “Yes, I’m kind of hungry.” She hugs me and we walk out of the den in search of the guys.

  The sun shining in the window awakens me, and I instantly regret drinking too many glasses of Moscato last night. I roll over and see Patrick is still out, and I wonder what time he ended up coming to bed? The guys were in a heated game of poker when I crawled into bed at two.

  I lie next to him, placing my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat, tha-thump, tha-thump. His chest is exposed and I take the opportunity to play with his blond chest hair. He isn’t too hairy, but the perfect amount of hair to run your fingers through. The trail of blond leads down to happiness, and I run my fingers down the trail, hoping to wake him up, in more ways than one, and feel that he’s not wearing boxers either.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he says with his eyes still closed.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because, as horny as I am at this moment, I’d be everything but slow and easy.”

  “Mmm. Maybe that’s what I want.” Before I get the T on want out, I’m on my back, and he’s in between my legs.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.”

  “Was someone feigning sleep?”

  “Maybe. Wrap your legs around me, Emily.”

  “What if I’m not in the mood?”

  “Then I’ll go shower and relieve myself.”

  “Nooo. I was teasing. I always want you,” I say as I wrap my legs around him.

  “This won’t be gentle. Hold on, gorgeous,” he says, then slams his hard, throbbing cock into me.

  “Ahhhh,” I moan out in pleasure.

  “Like that?” he asks as he slams into me, harder and harder, and I can feel an orgasm building quickly.

  “Yes, pound me, Patrick,” I moan out.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He grabs the headboard above me as leverage, and thrusts into me harder and I let go, coming on him as he moans out my name, his own desire releasing. Gently, he falls on top of me, kissing me.

  “That’s a hell of a way to wake up. Sweating all that alcohol out from last night,” he says as he pulls away from me slowly and lies back on the bed.

  “I agree,” I say looking around for Kleenex and spot them on the nightstand. I reach over and grab a few. Before I can clean up, Patrick takes them out of my hand and cleans me and himself.


  “Yes, please. I need to use the bathroom though.”


  “I’ll start the water while I’m in there.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I roll out of bed, walking to the bathroom. I’m in desperate need of a shower.

  Two hours after showering with Patrick, I’m sitting in a chair downstairs getting my hair and makeup done for the wedding. I’m a ball of nerves and excitement. I hope this wedding goes exactly like Mom and Dad have it planned out.

  I wish it were Patrick that was standing up with Kenneth, but it’s his agent and longtime friend that will be up there with him. Patrick will be sitting in the front row with a few of my mom’s friends and the chair with Nate’s picture. At least being here, I get to meet some of my family from Canada.

  I’ve learned about my dad in the few months that I’ve known about him. His childhood was similar to my own as he didn’t have a dad either, but had a very supportive mother. When I met her last night, I realize that I look a lot like her, and it makes me thankful I get the chance to learn more about where my family is from.

  “Everything okay, darling,” my mom asks from the chair across from me.

  “Yes, Mom, thinking about everything that has happened in the past three months. It’s so unreal.”

  “I know. I have to stop and pinch myself to make sure I’m awake. This has been my dream for so long, but with Nate…” She says with tears forming in her eyes.

  “None of that today, Mom. Nate’s here with us. He’s happy for you and Dad. So enjoy your day.” I give her a reassuring smile.

  “I know…it’s…”

  “Mom, it’s okay.”

  She nods at me before the makeup artist touches up her makeup, making her look even more beautiful.

  “Are you ready to get your gown on?” I ask after I get my dress on and zipped up.

  “Yes.” She stands up at the same time there’s a knock at the door.

  I walk over to answer it and find Patrick on the other side of the door.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey yourself, sexy. I came baring a letter and gifts from your dad. Everyone decent?”

  “Yes, come in.”

  He walks through the door and has a couple of boxes.

  “Cassandra, this is for you and so is this.” He hands her the letter and a rectangular blue jewelry box. Tiffany blue. “Ems, this is for you.” He hands me a smaller box.

  “Thank you, babe.” I give him a kiss and he shuts the door as he leaves the room.

  “Well, what are you waiting for, Mom?”

  “You go first.”

  “Okay,” I say and slowly remove the lid for the box. A teal bag greets me and I pull it out of the container. Opening the drawstring bag, I turn it upside down in my hand, and out comes a key necklace imprinted with Tiffany & Co. on the pendent.

  “I love this,” I say as I show my mother. “Your turn. Did you read your letter?”

  “No, I will now,” she says gently ripping open the envelope. I watch her as she reads the paper and tears start forming in her eyes.

  “Mom, everything okay?”

  “Yes, darling,” she says as she fans herself. “Your father really loves us.” She smiles.

  “That he does.” I walk over to her, hugging her. “I’ll hold the letter while you open your box.”

  “Perfect. Thank you.” She takes her time opening the box and when she finally does, a Tiffany Majestic diamond necklace greets her. “Oh, my heavens,” she breathes out. “It’s stunning.”

  “Let me help you put it on,” I say as I find a place to set everything in my hands.

you,” she says as she hands me the necklace and turns so I can fasten it for her. She turns back around.

  “Mom, it’s perfect.” I say as tears start to well in my own eyes.

  “Let me help you with yours,” she says, beaming.

  I pick up the necklace from the counter and place it around my neck so she can grasp the clasps. She gently takes a hold and fastens the necklace.


  “Thank you so much, Mom,” I say as I turn around, hugging her tight. “Are you ready to be Mrs. Reed?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. I’ve been waiting for this day for over two decades.”

  “I love you, Mom. I am so happy for you.”

  “For us.” She smiles. “I love you too, darling. So very much.” She hugs me again and slowly lets go.

  I walk over and peek through the fabric on the French patio doors, all the seats are filled, and there are people standing around the chairs. I think more people came than what was expected.

  The cover band finishes with their rendition of Beyoncé’s “Halo” and I know my entrance song is next. As the first lyrics of “Butterfly Kisses” echo through the ranch, I make my way to where the justice of the peace and my dad are standing with my bouquet of ivory and indigo orchids in my hands.

  The walk is longer than most weddings I’ve been to, but there are a lot of people here. When the singer belts out the last word of the song, I’m kissing my dad on the cheek, then go to stand on my mom’s side, and smile at Patrick when our eyes meet.

  As the band starts playing “Reign of Love”, the audience stands as my mom walks out the doors. Several members of the crowd gasp as my mom walk toward us. She is glowing in her ivory dress, Tiffany diamonds, and a bouquet of indigo orchids. As she arrives, my dad meets her on the bottom step to help her up the steps.

  I take her bouquet from her then watch her and Dad join hands, reciting their vows of commitment to each other. As the justice goes on, he asks for their agreement to honor each other, and they both answer, “I do.” The justice asks for any objections and crowd is silent.

  “You may kiss your bride.” Dad takes Mom around the waist and kisses her dramatically, leaving her breathless. “Ladies and gentle, I would like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed.” Everyone in attendance claps with hoots and hollers coming from every direction. They walk down the aisle back into the house as William Limburger and I follow behind them with the justice of the peace trailing behind us.

  “Beautiful wedding, Mom,” I say as I step inside the house behind my parents.

  “It was perfect.” She beams.

  “Ken, Cassie, I need you two to sign the paperwork and then Emily and William, I need you two to sign as witnesses,” the justice says as he lays a paper down on the island.

  Mom signs, then dad, handing me the pen, I sign and then William does. “I’ll file this Monday. You’re legally married, but not on file until then.”

  “Okay, thanks, Jim, for marrying us.”

  “My pleasure. Glad you two found each other again.” He shakes Dad’s hand and hugs Mom. “Nice meeting you, Emily.”

  “Thank you, likewise.”

  “Ready to get this party started,” William asks?

  “Yes,” Mom answers bubbly.

  “Let’s go,” Dad says as he tugs her out the doors, and I look for Patrick.

  When they are out of the doorway, I see Patrick standing off to the side looking at his cell phone. I walk up to him, kissing him on the cheek.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, Addison text giving me an update on my dad, and wanted to see how you were handling everything.”

  “That is sweet of her.”

  “You’re like the sister she’s always wanted.”

  “Awe. Really?”

  “Yes, I don’t like to shop or do whatever you two do when you go out together.”

  I giggle. “You’re silly.”

  “Ready to head to the reception?”

  “Yes, round two of drinking?”

  “I’m sure of it.”

  “Please come to bed with me tonight.”

  “Oh, I will. I can’t wait to peel you out of that dress.”

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “Only when it comes to you.”

  We walk into the barn and over a hundred round tables with eight chairs fill the thousands of square foot building. Old fashion candelabras hang from the rafters and white twinkling lights line the beams and rafters, giving the space a soft glow. Each table has two white and one indigo orchids in a vase with tea lights around the flower arrangement. The flowers are simple but elegant, just like my mother.

  Patrick and I walk to the table in the front of the seating area, with my parents and sit down, and we prepare the next chapter in our lives as one family. I am so excited that I get to share this part of my life with Patrick.

  I’m thankful my mom gave my dad a second chance. Here’s to love and new beginnings.

  Black limos line Hollywood Boulevard as they slowly drive down the crowded street that runs in front of the famous Chinese Theater. I look through the dark tinted windows from inside a limo at the hundreds of people screaming and waving as the procession passes by them. The nerves flutter in my stomach, and I feel like I’m going to be sick.

  After the wedding, the most stunning contemporary wedding I’ve ever seen with celebrities involved, everything was calm and under control. Then paparazzi got wind of the wedding and they’ve been trying to get interviews, exclusive wedding pictures, info on my mom; it’s become a circus, and I wonder what my life will be like when I return to Reno.

  The car comes to a stop and it’s time for me to put on my smile and be polite to the people who want the scoop on my family. Kenneth’s bodyguard opens the door, letting him out to assist my mom out of the car. She looks stunning in her Vera Wang gold sheath dress. The designer sent it over with her wedding dress.

  After she steps out without incident, Patrick gets out, turns around, and offers me his hand. I take a deep breath, praying I can get out of the car without anyone seeing my goods. I place my black strappy sandal clad foot out the door, while the other foot pushes me outside of the car and into Patrick’s awaiting arms. I picked out a Donna Karan black draped V-neck dress to wear and Patrick hasn’t been able to keep his hands off me since I put in on in the hotel.

  Lights flash all around us, and people are shouting for Kenneth’s attention all along the red carpet area. Security dressed in all in black usher us forward, while Kenneth’s publicist walks next to him and mom, trying to keep everyone moving without incident.

  “Mr. Reeves over here, I have some questions.”

  “Mr. Reeves, congrats on your marriage!”

  “Ms. Janes, how long have you and Mr. Reeves known each other?”

  Kenneth holds is hand up and says, “We’re here to enjoy the movie and family time. Please contact my publicist for further comments. Have a good night,” he responds to the reporters vying for his attention.

  “Mr. Reeves can we get a picture of you all?”

  “Ken, who’s with you tonight?”

  Kenneth waves to the fans shouting his name and he takes my mom’s hand and quickly poses for a picture before walking into the Chinese theater, a landmark I never thought I’d be in this life time, and Patrick and I follow closely behind.

  “Are you okay?” Patrick murmurs in my ear.

  “Yeah, that was a little crazy.”

  “I wouldn’t be able to keep my cool if people came at me all the time,” he says as he pulls me into his body.

  “I know. I hope it’s nothing like this when we get home.” I cringe at the statement.

  “I have a feeling it’s going to get crazy, but I’ve planned for it.”

  “Wait. You have?” I look up at him, waiting for him to tell me more.

  “Yes, I didn’t want to have this conversation here, but…Emily, move in with me,” he says as he looks me in the eyes.
  “Patrick, Emily, the movie’s almost beginning, ready to sit down?” Kenneth politely interrupts before I can reply to Patrick.

  “Um, yes,” I say to him, caught off guard by Patrick’s confession.

  Patrick takes my hand and pulls it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand. “You don’t have to tell me right now, think about it, okay?”

  I nod before we follow everyone in the theater and before we sit down, I know my answer—I knew the moment he asked me.

  “Yes,” I whisper in his ear before I take the seat next to my mother.

  My heart thumps in my chest and I feel like I just ran a marathon. I can’t believe I threw that out there and didn’t get the typical Emily hash and rehash. She simply said yes before she sat down, leaving me standing up in the middle of the theater gaping like a fool. As the movie rolls, I can’t concentrate on the action on the screen; my eyes stay on the gorgeous woman next to me.

  As the movie concludes, everyone around us applauds, hooting and hollering as the credits roll. Kenneth bends over asking Emily something that I can’t hear and she gives him a look of I don’t know then she turns to me.

  “Do you want to go to the after party with them?”

  “Truthfully? No. I want some alone time with you.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she says with a large grin.

  She leans over to her mom and Kenneth and tells them what we decided, and I can see her parents’ heads nodding while they listen to her talk.

  I can’t wait to get out of here and to the hotel. As much as I like fine dining and fine women, this is a lifestyle I wouldn’t do well in all the time. I value my privacy and my alone time. I’m sure that it will change a little since I’m dating actor Ken Reeves daughter, but we know him as Kenneth Reed, husband to Cassandra, and father of Emily and Nate.

  When our limo arrives, Emily and I walk to it alone, photographers flashing with each of our movements. Security opens the limo door and I help Emily into the limo seamlessly, getting in after her. They shut the door forcefully, and we are on our way to our room at The Redbury. The drive that should be only five minutes is turning into going nowhere fast, but I can think of a way to pass the time.


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