Unwanted Fate

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Unwanted Fate Page 17

by A. Gorman

  I press the button to talk to the driver. “Yes, sir.”

  “Take the extra long way to the hotel.” Emily looks at me with curiosity.

  “Yes, sir,” the driver says through the intercom.

  I make sure to close the curtain before I remove my jacket and tie, and I throw them on the adjacent bench seat and unbutton the top two buttons of my shirt. Then I pounce on my prey, pulling her on my lap.

  “What are you doing?” She acts surprised, but it turns her on. I can see it in her eyes.

  “I’ve always wanted to have sex in a limo. Here you are in a limo and we are stuck in traffic. So the timing is perfect.”

  “It’s going to be a little hard with you in that tux and me being in this dress. I have to return it, I think.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll buy if I have to.”


  I stand her up and push the skirt of the dress up over her hips, exposing me to her lacy panties. Sitting her down on my lap, I reach behind her, unzipping her dress, and pull the soft material off her arms and over her breasts, revealing pert nipples behind her lacy black bra.

  “Panties?” I smirk.

  “No! I’ll get them off.” She moves quickly and removes the thin scraps of lace from her body, and I grab the panties and place them in my pants pocket. I don’t want them left behind. She straddles me again, her knees resting in the seat on either side of my thighs. I make quick work of unfastening my pants and remove my hard cock from its restraints, and stroke it while I tease Emily with my other hand.

  “Mmm, gorgeous. I think someone’s a little excited.”

  “Always when it comes to you.”

  I grab her around the waist, trying to figure out an angle and the way we are isn’t going to work.

  “Gorgeous, this way isn’t going to work. I’m going to move so you can lay your back on the seat.”

  “Alright.” She gets up, without thinking, and hits her head on the ceiling of the limo.

  “Are you okay?” I look at her concerned.

  She laughs. “Oh my, I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she says as she lays down.

  “Good. Wrap your legs around my waist,” I say as I place myself between her legs. “Comfortable?”

  “As much as I can be in a limo.” She beams.

  I bend down and kiss her as I roughly enter her, wrapping her arms around my neck, holding onto me tightly. She moans into my mouth and I deepen our kiss as the passion escalates, and she meets me thrust for thrust, giving it to me as much as I give it to her.

  I push up from her, sweat beads on my brow, and drips down her neck, mixing with hers.

  “Come, Patrick,” she moans out. Oh shit, that’s hot. “I’m…about to…” she moans out and thrusts her hips into me and doesn’t move them as she comes on my cock while I pound into her, filling her with my own release.

  I nearly collapse on her, but I catch myself and push myself off her and onto my knees. Digging my handkerchief out of my tux pocket, I carefully clean us both up before helping Emily into her dress and me into my pants. Once we are put back together, looking thoroughly pleased, I push the button to let the driver know it’s okay to take us to the hotel.

  After lying in the hotel bed most of the night talking, we decided to skip checking out LA because it doesn’t appeal to either of us and head home to Reno a couple days early. LA is a nice place and all, but we enjoy being able to see the real stars at night.

  Kenneth said he completely understood and was happy that we came out here with him as a family, and he pulled some strings, getting us tickets home tonight. They are going on a honeymoon after they leave LA on Sunday. He has a few promos he has to do for the movie and will be free of work until he decides to take a new part in a film.

  The drive to the airport is thankfully uneventful, but as soon as we walk into the airport, I notice a few paparazzi types following and snapping pictures of us. I move myself in between them and Emily, trying to block their shot. We make our way to check in and an employee leads us to the VIP lounge. This is a perk I do like. As we get on the plane, a few people stare, but don’t take pictures or ask questions. I’m thankful for that.

  Flying from LA to Reno is a little over an hour flight and it feels like you’re landing right after taking off. We exit the plane and no one seems to be worried with who we are, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe they will give up trying to find out who she is.

  We make our way to where we left the car last Thursday and I load our luggage after getting Emily in the car. As we leave the airport, I think about all the work we have to do over the next few days. I need to make room for Emily’s things…making me wonder how much of her stuff she is actually going to bring.

  “Gorgeous, are we going to be able to get all your stuff moved in a few days?”

  “I’d hope so. All the appliances and furniture except the bedroom suit came with the apartment. It’s a furnished apartment. So it shouldn’t take long for me to pack up everything to get organized to move.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “I thought you would.” She bites her lip, in thought. “Patrick, I have to confess something.”

  “Are rethinking moving in with me?”

  “No, not at all. I just want you to know I’m probably going to be a mess until I get comfortable in your house. It’s nothing like I’ve lived in, and even though you don’t act like it, flaunt it, you have a lot more money than I do. I don’t hold that against you at all, but where you might just go out and buy something, I will have to think about it and rethink about it, and organize my finances. I don’t even want to start to think about how messed up my routine—”

  “Gorgeous, I know. I understand. If you didn’t freak out a little, I’d be worried. I know this is a big change for you.”

  “I love you,” she says, putting her face down so she can’t see my reaction. I pull off on the side of the road, and I lift her chin so she can look me in the eyes.

  “I love you too, Emily.” She smiles, tears welling in her eyes. I lean over and kiss her, giving her everything I feel for her. We release to catch our breath, placing our foreheads together, not letting go.

  “Ready to go home?”

  “Yes, I am. I’ve missed the stars.”

  “Me too.” I pull the car onto the interstate, driving a little faster than what I should to get us home.

  After enjoying vacation for the past eleven days, I don’t want to get up and go to work. I think I’d like being my own boss and working from home. Like that’d ever happen. I open my eyes and look at Patrick’s side of the bed, I notice he isn’t there, and I feel the bed to see if it’s still warm. Luckily, it is, or we would discuss him leaving me.

  He walks in the room, looking at me, smiling, and with a tray of food in his hands. “I was trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”

  “I’m totally surprised. Although at first, I thought you left without me.”

  “No way.”

  “Good.” I frown a little. Now I have to drive myself.

  “Do you not like what I made?”

  “No! I love it. Thank you. I was thinking I can drive myself to work now since my SUV is here.”

  “That makes you sad?”

  “Yeah, I enjoy having you to talk to before and after work. It’s like my time to decompress.”

  “I can still drive you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Gorgeous, if it was an issue, we wouldn’t have done it over the past month and a half.”

  “True. I love you, handsome.”

  “I love you too, gorgeous,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

  He takes a piece of the toast off my plate and eats it. Good thing he’s sexy in his shorts and bare feet or we’d have issues.

  “I’m going to take a shower. If I keep standing here looking at you dressed like you are, we won’t get out of here on tim

  “Um… I’m not wearing anything.”


  He walks out of the room as I stick my tongue out at him. I hear the shower turn on and shortly after, I hear him warbling “Woman Woman” by AWOLNATION. He’s a train wreck. I place the empty plate on the tray and set it on his side of the bed. Getting out of bed, I run to the hallway restroom to relieve myself and back in the bedroom to the en suite bathroom.

  I prop myself up again the door jam, watching him sing into his shampoo bottle and getting down with his sexy self.

  “I wouldn’t quit your day job,” I deadpan.

  “But I’m a good singer. I can sing real good.” He looks hurt, but he can’t keep the serious face and laughs. “In my dreams. Get in here with me, gorgeous. I’m lonely in here all by myself.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” I say as I get in as he shuts the door behind me. “Keep your hands to yourself, mister. We have to make it to work on time since we’ve been off.”

  “I know. Luckily I had Kristin keep me up to date on everything, and you…”

  “I’m my own assistant. Maybe there will be good news when we return. Maybe we’ll have an update on the grant.”

  “Perhaps. The quarterly numbers that I saw last week looked excellent and they were finalized Thursday. So today we should definitely hear something.”

  “Fantastic. Move out of the way, mister. I need to wash my hair.” I bump him with my booty and he swats at it.

  “Yes, ma’am. Kiss me, I’m finished showering and I’ll get out of your way.” I pull him into me, kissing him like a lovesick fool.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too, gorgeous.” He gets out, grabbing a towel, and dries off his body. The things that man’s body does to my desire are enough to make me crazy with need. I have to look away or I’d have to please myself before finishing my shower.

  I hurry up and finish with my shower, getting through my routine in record time. Even though I didn’t want to get up when I first woke up, I do miss seeing the kids. Something good is going to happen today. I feel it.

  Unlike usual, Patrick walks me into the building, walking with me as we were inside the doors of the entrance. He gives a kiss on the cheek, and I continue my way farther into the building. I notice several of the parents dropping off their children staring at me. I get to the main office and all of the office staff is here. Did I forget the monthly meeting? Once Kelly sees me she screams, “Emily!”

  They all run over to me, all talking at once and I don’t even understand what they are saying, even Victor’s in the office, but he’s hanging in the background.

  “Okay, one at a time. What’s going on?” I ask, trying to figure out what is happening.

  “How could you not tell us you’re Ken Reeves daughter?” Kelly semi shouts.

  I knew this was coming. These ladies are on their celebrity gossip.

  “Short story. I’ve only known for a little over two months. Some things happened between my parents and now, they are together, married and we are getting used to being a family.”

  “Awe. That’s amazing. We saw you on the red carpet. The celebrity rags are trying to figure out all about you. We had a few sketchy looking people come in looking for you, but we kindly said no comment and they left after the realized we weren’t giving them any info.”

  “Ugh. I’m sorry. I was hoping that my family life wouldn’t affect work.”

  “It’s okay. We had some signs made to protect everyone. Photography in this area is strictly prohibited, since there are kids here. We not only need to protect their privacy, but yours as well.”

  “I agree. If you realize that this becomes a huge issue, I’ll take a leave—”

  “You will do no such thing. You’re an asset to the center. Don’t let a few nosy people ruin what you do here,” Kelly’s assistant, Cheyenne, speaks ups.

  “I agree,” Kelly chimes in.

  “Thank you, that means a lot to me, because I love working here, with you, the children, and everyone we are able to help.” Kelly hugs me, knowing how much I love being here.

  “Okay, now that we got all that out of the way… How was your vacation?”

  “Fantastic. Ate too much, drank too much, and didn’t sleep enough.”

  “Sounds like the perfect vacation,” Kelly says with a laugh.

  “It was.” I smile.

  “Well, it’s time to get to work, the other staff is probably wondering what the holdup is.

  Have a good day everyone,” Kelly dismisses everyone with a wave.

  I turn to head to my office and stop when I hear my name called out, and turn around.

  “Hey, I…um… Can we talk in your office?” Victor asks, picking at his nails.

  “Sure.” I turn and go to my office, unlocking the door, and walking in the room, trying to place the desk between him and me. He doesn’t come in all the way; maybe he can tell I’m hesitant about being alone with him.

  “Thanks for talking with me, I wanted to apologize for my behavior a few weeks ago. I’m really sorry and I wanted to thank you for not holding it against me.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m sorry if I lead you on in any way.”

  “You didn’t, I just wasn’t thinking straight…I thought you were playing hard to get… Well, you have a good day.”

  “You too,” I call out after him as he walks out of my office.

  I sit down at my desk, trying to figure out if I can trust Victor or not. I think he was being honest… I’ll just keep an eye on him. I get going about my morning routine I’ve missed and check my voicemail, sixty-four new messages, and I put the phone down, deciding I’ll need a cup of coffee to get through all of those messages. I can’t wait to see what my email looks like.

  An hour later, I’m frustrated because most of those messages were from people trying to get a hold of me for a statement or an interview. I’m afraid to answer my office phone now, and my cell phone rings with an unknown or blocked number. I never thought that this would be how it would be.

  I grab my phone and text Patrick, I hope he’s free to talk.

  ME: Hey, babe. How’s your day?

  I wait for a few moments before I set my phone down and work on paperwork for a new grant lead I have. Fifteen minutes later, my phone chimes with an incoming text.

  PATRICK: Crazy. Has the media been bothering you?

  ME: A little. They are blowing up my phone and email. You?

  PATRICK: I’m going to have to give Kristin a raise.

  ME: That bad?

  PATRICK: Yes, but I think after the newness wears off, they will go away.

  ME: I hope so too.

  PATRICK: Remember not to believe a word that is in the gossip mags or from someone else besides your parents or me. These people print anything for a dollar.

  ME: I know. That was one thing Kenneth made sure was stuck in my head.

  PATRICK: Good. I have to go into a meeting now. Call if you need anything. I love you.

  ME: I love you more.

  His comment has me curious to what’s in the celebrity rags, but I don’t tempt myself to look at the unconfirmed news sources. I have more things to worry about than what someone thinks about a celebrity they don’t even know.

  I sent a few quick texts off to my parents, telling them I miss them and I hope they are enjoying themselves. I have no idea where they are, and that is fine with me—not knowing is sometimes the best. Putting my phone on my desk, I resume filling out the twelve page grant document. Every bit of money will help and I hope I’ll be able to get this for the center.

  I browse the celebrity gossip page because I know somewhere along the line, I was mentioned being linked to Kenneth. Which caused an influx of calls and emails for Kristin to be handled. Being linked to someone famous isn’t a huge deal, but when it’s new and people think they have a story, they will try any angle to get the first story out to the masses.

  “Ken Reeves finally gets the girl
and weds longtime love over the weekend.”

  “Ken Reeves reveals he has two children with longtime love.”

  “Actor Ken Reeves’ daughter Emily Janes with the CFO of CU Gold Company, Patrick Matheson, do we hear wedding bells for them too?”

  These headlines have a spin of the truth, but the articles are complete nonsense. Emily isn’t pregnant, Cassandra wasn’t in a mental institution…I hope Emily doesn’t read this garbage. I close my browser and prepare for my meeting with the board, and I hope I find out something about the grant for the center.

  My phone notifies me of a new text, probably Emily’s reply to my last message, and I see I also have a new message from Addison. I really need to call her.

  ADDISON: I’m mad at you, Patrick Harrold! I had to find out that you’re dating Ken Reeves’ daughter from a gossip rag! SERIOUSLY! Dad is making slow improvements.

  ME: I’m sorry. You have the right to be mad. I should have called and told you. Good on Dad. I’ll be in to see him. I told Emily I would try to forgive him.

  ADDISON: Whoa. I need to thank her. Actually, she told me at lunch a few weeks ago about her dad and asked me to keep it hush. I knew you knew so I didn’t say anything. I need to get to class. Love you.

  ME: Love you too.

  I stand up, putting my phone in my suit pocket, and walk out my office to see Kristin on the phone talking to someone who obviously isn’t listening. I stop, waiting on her to finish the call and she politely hangs up on them.

  “The media?”

  “Yes, these people are ruthless.”

  “I’m sorry. Damn vultures.”

  “We’ll get through it, Patrick.”

  “Thanks. Board meeting in ten minutes. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Will do.”

  “Oh, can you pick up lunch for us, you and me?”

  “Of course. The deli on the corner?”

  “Yes, my normal, ham and cheddar on wheat.”

  “Got it.”

  “Thanks.” I walk to the staircase and double step it up to the boardroom. As I enter, I feel all eyes are on me, but no one says anything and the meeting commences. I’m glad to be in a room of professionals who don’t give a shit who you know or who you’re in bed with as long you represent the company in a good way, and I try my damnedest to do just that.


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