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Whiskey Rebellion - Toni Aleo

Page 7

by Aleo, Toni

  Sitting on the window seat, I look out at all the land that I’ve lived on since birth. I can see Declan’s house and even him riding toward it on his horse. He looks so gallant, like the prince he is. It reminds me that I need to go see my beautiful Belle. But thinking of her makes me think of Jackson and his sweet brown eyes.

  Ah, that man. When will I forget him?

  I guess, with all the things I have going on, that should be soon. I’m starting to think things may be a bit worse here than I realized. I may never be able to leave my home again. As I look out at the land, though, I know it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if I could just forget about Casey and what he did to me. Closing my eyes, I lean my head back onto the frame of the window and take in a breath of the cleansing and fresh air of my home. If I could sit like this, with no worries in the world, I would never leave.

  But that isn’t the case.

  Ma is sick. Casey is out of jail. And I’m yearning for Jackson like another sip of whiskey.

  Jaysus, I’m mad.

  Opening my eyes, I have every intention of grabbing my ma’s book to look it over, but something bright catches my eye. Squinting, I find it is someone setting up a tent.

  “What in the world? Who would camp here? It’s freezing at night!”

  But yet, there they are, setting up where Declan and Amberlyn got married. I can’t make out who it is. I can’t see their face since they are wearing a ball cap and a big, puffy jacket.

  “What a phanny,” I scoff. Has to be a phanny to feckin’ sleep in the cold!

  The nosy part of me wants to know who it is, but then the practical part of me knows it doesn’t matter. It is the Maclasters’s problem.

  As the person moves to stuff their bag in the tent, I can’t help but notice that they are huge, with big shoulders and long, long legs…kinda like Jackson.

  I’d be an eejit to think it was him, though. Why would he be here? But maybe I could go on over to the B&B for a quick drink and go over my itinerary.

  Lord knows I’ll need a drink for that maddening binder.

  And if it comes up in conversation about the phanny with the tent, I won’t be upset.

  “Mom, you just wouldn’t believe this place.”

  My mom cooed on the line. “The pictures are unbelievable!”

  “I know, the grass is so soft and plush. It’s like a pillow. The air is fresh, and when I come out of the tent—”

  “That you are insane for sleeping in.”

  “I’m fine, honestly. I’m not even cold.”

  Lie. I swear my balls are still frozen.

  “When I come out, though, all I see is this huge-ass castle. It’s magnificent.”

  “I’m so jealous,” she gushed.

  “You and Tom should come here, you’d love it.”

  “Tom, he says we should go to Ireland.”

  I can hear Tom’s hearty laugh from wherever he is in the house. “Didn’t he say that about Rome? And Paris?”

  “He did.”

  “Is he gonna pay for us to go all over the damn world?”

  “Please, he won’t even use the damn money he has!”

  “’Cause I don’t need it,” I say simply. “Or want it.”

  Shaking my head, I close my eyes as I let the sun warm my face. When I got my inheritance from the man they say is my father, I didn’t want it. I know, I know, who doesn’t want 6.8 million dollars? According to my mom, crazy fucks like me, but I don’t want it. I almost feel like it’s a payoff for what he put me through. I’d much rather just forget it. Forget him. And forget the money that sits in my bank account.

  I don’t need it.

  “I don’t get it, but whatever, honey. You do what you feel is right.”

  “I always have.”

  “You have,” she says. “I do miss you so. I’d love for you to come home.”

  I smile as I look out at the hill that holds the prince’s house. It isn’t like the castle. It’s much smaller, almost like a cottage. But it sits on the hill in the perfect spot that makes it seem bigger than it is. I haven’t gotten to explore the land yet, my clearance is still being processed, but I can’t wait until I can. I hear the ocean on the O’Callaghan land is even better than the land itself. I want so desperately to see it.

  I want to see everything.

  “I miss you too. I have at least another six months of traveling.”

  If I even go home. I’m still not sure.


  “Mom, come on.”

  “Come visit, at least.”

  I know I should. But I feel if I did, I wouldn’t leave. My mom would keep me there, thinking of everything under the sun to guilt me into not leaving. I understand why she is like this. I was gone for six years when I was younger and I never got to see her, but I don’t think she realizes I had to leave home. I have to explore. I need to. She wants me to be like Tom, at home, providing for a family. I just want to go. The wanderlust is real in me.

  “Maybe, okay?”

  “Hmph, fine.”

  I can hear it in her voice. She’s annoyed, but I don’t care. I’ve gotta do this for me. As I toe the grass with my bare feet, I still can’t believe everything Lena said about this place was true. It’s like a dream. But then, I thought seeing her again would be a dream.

  Truth be told, I could be seeing her sooner rather than later.

  Not sure how that is going to go down.

  But if I’m honest, I sort of can’t wait.

  I’ve wanted to apologize like crazy since the moment she kicked me out. I almost went back before I left, but I knew she wouldn’t let me in. It was all too fresh. It has been almost two weeks now. Surely, she’s let it go by now. Ha. Who am I kidding? Women have death grips on grudges like they do on shoes. I’m not naïve. I know she’ll give me hell.

  Probably call me a bag of dicks at least three more times.

  I actually can’t wait.

  I sorta kinda miss her.

  Jesus, I’m a fucking idiot. Miss her? If I thought she was out of my league before, she is way out of it now. She is a princess. I am a nobody. Yeah, I’m insane. Miss her. Ha. What did I think would happen? She’d look at me again, we’d get those insane feelings of lust, and we’d go at it again? I am downright pitiful to think that could happen. That’s if I even see her.

  “Have you seen the royals yet?”

  Being knocked back into the conversation with my mom, I clear my throat and beg my dick to stop with its shenanigans. Adjusting my pants, I say, “Mom, they’re not really royals. They’re just stupid rich, and they started this town, according to the internet.”

  “If they call them prince and princess, I say they’re royals.”

  I smile. “Yeah, I thought that too, but they have no throne. Just lots of money.”

  “Hey, in that case, you’re a prince!”

  “Mom,” I groan, and she laughs.

  “My sweet baby prince, I love you so.”

  “Ew, Paige, stop. You’re embarrassing all of us.” I can almost hear Tom wincing as he speaks.

  My mom laughs. “So can you get a picture of them for me?”

  “Google them.”

  “No, I want a selfie of you with one of them!”

  “Jesus, Mom. No, I’m not really allowed on the land unless accompanied, and since I don’t have clearance, they can’t be around me on the land.”

  “That’s weird. They’re regular people.”

  “Who are worth billions.”

  “Eh, so what,” she says, and I can just see her waving her hand in a so what way. “They’d be lucky to know you.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I say softly, and then I check the time. “Okay, I’ve gotta go. I have to go tend to the horses, and then I have to work up at the pub.”

  I can hear the eye-roll in her voice. “You’re working?”

  “Yes. I always do.”

  “And with horses. Your poor girl will be so jealous.”

  I laugh. “She’ll ne
ver know.”

  “I’ll tell her.”

  “You’re a jerk.”

  “Come home, then, and I won’t.”

  “Bye, Mom, love you,” I say before hanging up.

  She drives me insane, but I love her. I do feel bad for being gone as long as I have been. I just want to be gone, though. I need to be gone. I tuck my work shirt into my work pants and laugh at myself. Why the O’Callaghans thought maroon work clothes would be good is completely beyond me, but here I am. Marooned up from shoes to tie.

  Shaking my head as I chuckle to myself, I tie up my boots. After locking up my tent and tucking the key into my pants, I start for the stables. I gave myself enough time to walk and enjoy the scenery before I have to be up there. I know I’ve only been here a day, but man, I can’t get enough. It’s awesome. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I take in everything I see. The birds, the trees, the lush hills, and the mountains off in the distance. I almost want to bring my mom and Tom here. I think they’d love it. I know I do.

  When I reach the office outside of the stables, Pip is waiting for me with a pipe between his lips. “Ah, there ya are.”

  “Hey, Pip. How’s it hanging?”

  “Low and a wee bit to the left,” he jokes, and I smile as he pats my back. “How was the sleep? Freeze yer balls off?”

  I laugh. “Nope, I was good,” I lie as we walk toward the stables.

  “You’s a fuckin’ liar, and I know it. I went out in me socks last night, and I swear I have frostbite on my wee pinky toe.”

  I laugh. “I have a great sleeping bag.”

  “I don’t believe ya a bit,” he decides, and I don’t blame him. I am a liar. It was insane how great it felt during the day but how cold it got at night. Kind of wish I had someone to sleep with.

  Okay, not someone, but Lena.

  Princess Lena.

  I scoff to myself. I slept with a princess.

  No one will believe me. Hell, I don’t believe me.

  In my mind, I’m back in the bed with Lena, so I don’t notice when Pip stops. I don’t even stop until his hand comes slamming into my chest, knocking the air out of me.

  “What the hell—”

  “Shut it,” he demands in a low whisper. He then points to the stables that are only a few feet from us, and I’m still confused.

  But then I hear her.


  I’d know that voice even in a room full of strangers.

  “Ah, Belle, ever so beautiful, aren’t ya? I have missed ya. Ya missed me, yeah?” I can hear Belle nickering at her. Which sends Lena into a fit of giggles. The same giggles I was rewarded with when I went down on her. And just like that, my pants are tight. My heart is in my throat as I look back at Pip, who is wide-eyed too. It’s obvious she isn’t supposed to be here. “Ah, sweet bae, I love you dearly. I know, I hate that I was away from ya too. I do love you, though.”

  “Stay here,” Pip says very sternly. Gone is his joking matter. “My job depends on it, ya hear?”

  “Yeah, fine,” I say, especially since I’m in no way ready to see Lena, especially in my not so sexy maroon outfit. She’d have all the rights to call me a bag of dicks. I look like one in this burgundy bullshit.

  Walking into the stables, Pip clears his voice. “Miss Lena! Ah, a sight for sore eyes!”

  I can hear the happiness in her voice. “Pip! How are you? How is your wife? The wee kids?”

  “They’re all fine. It’s been a long time.”

  “Almost three years. Crazy, yeah?”

  “Yeah. It’s good to see ya.”

  “You too,” she gushes. “How’s my gal been?”

  “Perfect as always.”

  “Ah, I figured. She sure is beautiful. You’s done well.”

  “Thank you, miss.” I hear Pip clear his voice once more. “Ya gonna take her for a ride?”

  Lena groans, and I’m pretty sure there is no room in my ugly pants at this point. “No, I have this feckin’ itinerary my ma is making me go over. I fell asleep last night trying to read the god-awful thing! I skipped this feckin’ meeting she had for me this morning, which I’m sure is sending her into a fit. Which is why I’m hiding in here.”

  “I was sorry to hear about yer ma.”

  “Thank you, she’ll be fine. She’s strong as an ox, ya know?”

  “I do know, miss.” Moving toward the door, I tilt my head back so I can hear her better. If I close my eyes, I can see her, clear as day—the lust in her eyes, the defiance in her lips, and the little dip in her chin.

  “I gotta get back to the house. Ma is waiting.”

  “Good. We have a new hire, and ya know the rules.”

  “Is that the phanny out in the tent?”

  Pip laughs. “That’s the one.”

  “So weird, yeah?”

  “He says his balls ain’t froze, but I don’t believe him.”

  She laughs, and it sends chills down my spine. “Cause he’s a liar for sure!”

  “That’s right,” Pip laughs, and I smile. Even at my own expense, I can’t help but smile at her laughter. “But ya know the rules. He can’t do his job if yer out here, until he’s cleared.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve got things to do anyway. I’ll be off.”

  “It was fantastic to see ya, miss.”

  “You too, Pip. See ya.”

  “See ya,” he calls, and I can hear her shoes crunch against the gravel as she heads out of the stables. When Pip appears, he shakes his head. “Come on, then.”

  “Stickler for the rules, eh?” I tease, but I don’t think he is listening to me. His eyes are wide and he’s shaking his head, his gaze at the end of the stables. I look too, and I see her. She is wearing a pair of jeans and a big hoodie that basically goes to her knees. Her hair is up in a big, messy bun, and I yearn to touch her.

  She’s right there. I want to run for her, but I know I can’t.

  Looking away, I take a deep breath as Pip looks back at me. “I don’t know who that girl is,” he says.

  I make a face of confusion. “What’s that mean?”

  “Miss Lena never would be caught dead in clothes like that, and I swear I’ve never heard that girl curse a day in me life. Don’t know who that girl is. Those couple years did a number.”

  I just grin ’cause I know that girl, and man, I want to know the one Pip knows too.

  I want to know it all.

  Which is probably really bad.

  But then, what’s a little adventure without some mistakes along the way?

  If I didn’t love horses so much, I would have said I shouldn’t have taken that job for the mornings and the pub for the evenings. Or maybe I shouldn’t have taken the pub job. But then I wouldn’t have my spot on the land. No, I needed this job, but man, I’m dragging ass. The three-hour nap I took between shifts was nowhere near enough for me to be fully functioning for Fiona, yet here I am.

  And hell, she talks so fast.

  I’m pretty sure I’m missing half of what she is saying because her brogue is so thick, but I follow the best I can. I ask questions and follow her every move while she glides through the pub like she’s been there since she was little. She does all this with her baby, Novelly, on her hip. Yes, I hate her a little ’cause I’m over here struggling. I wish like hell I were back at the stables. Brushing the horses, loving on them, and making sure they are cared for. I wanted so badly to ride them, but I ran out of time. The person they had working before me was a complete idiot and didn’t know how to clean a set of hooves. I’m surprised they were sad he left. He was a dumbass.

  But the horses are awesome.

  I found that MaddyLoo was sweeter than Belle, which wasn’t surprising. If the horse was anything like her owner, I expected Belle to be a firecracker, and boy, was she. She bit me twice and smacked me in the face with her tail more times than I could count. I still gushed over her, though, gave her kisses, and showed her I wouldn’t go anywhere.

  Horses are amazing creatures. They are so
big, but also can be so gentle. Riding was my saving grace when I was little. There were so many times I wanted to bust the fence and ride my then-horse, Juicy Drop, to find my way out.

  But that is all in the past.

  Now, I am in Ireland, and the girl who rocked my world in London is here. That should tell me something—like, run—but I’m not going anywhere. I honestly still can’t believe that Lena is here. It drove me wild just thinking of our paths crossing. How would it go down? Would she yell at me? Would she ignore me? And could I kiss her without her kicking my ass? I mean, I won’t see her on the land until my clearance is complete, and from what I heard back at the stables, she doesn’t leave the land much at all, unless she has to. So I probably won’t see her for a couple of weeks, and that bums me out. I want to see her. I should have called out to her, stopped her, but then what would I have done if she came right up to me and kicked me in the nuts?

  They’re just now thawing out.

  God, she is something.

  When Fiona suddenly turns to me, I stop dead in my tracks, looking down at her. “Did you hear that?”

  I swallow hard. Fiona is very intimidating. “Ice chest filled three-quarters full, and beer can go in there if need be.”

  “Yes, we don’t make many mixed drinks. I don’t know how it was in London, but here, we drink off the taps.”

  I nod. “I’m versatile.”

  She gives me a look that didn’t seem like she is very impressed with me. “You’ll mostly fill the mugs and pass them. There will be a few whiskeys on the rocks, but it’s usually the taps.”

  I nod. “Sounds good.”

  “And the kitchen is open until eight, the staff is supereasy, and ya just type the orders in. Have you used a POS?”

  I come to where she is standing in front of the ordering kiosk. I look it over and nod. “Yeah, that’s the same one we had in London.”

  “Grand. Ah, Ma, take Novelly please.”

  I didn’t even see Mrs. Maclaster until she was coming up behind me. She takes Novelly from Fiona and goes out the doors. Mrs. Maclaster isn’t very warm to me, and I didn’t understand it until Fiona told me she hadn’t wanted to replace Amberlyn. That girl was loved big time around here. Since I’ve been here, she had been brought up at least ten times.


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