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Holding On To Heaven

Page 41

by Melyssa Winchester

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  If I wasn't already bound for Hell, I would most definitely end up there given what I'd done.

  When I left the room, leaving Serenity alone with Gabriel, I did it with the intent of walking away so she could work her magic on the pigheaded angel. In reality, I stood outside the door and using my power, listened in on their conversation.

  Gabriel is bound to Serenity in a way I would never be. While what we shared did seem to be something of another time and space, we are not bound by it. It’s just a natural human experience with a supernatural twist. It is unheard of for someone of Heaven, human or otherwise, to be with someone of Hell. The odds were definitely not in my favor before, but now, they’re looking worse.

  They were beloved. Other than a soul mate, there is no bond bigger between two people, or in this case two entities. It would appear that Gabriel is also aware who her soul mate is, which only piques my interest more. Where I had been open and honest with every bit of information I became aware of, he still could not say the same.

  Heaven always prides itself on being the good side. They never lie, never cheat and they never do anything one would deem wrong. With the way Gabriel is evading things now though, it seems he doesn’t share the same belief system. He’s been keeping things from her for so long that unless he reveals everything now, things will not play out well for him. Even being her beloved she could still turn away and choose to stand by me.

  Things have been quiet in Hell. I haven't heard anything since bringing myself out of hiding. At some point, I know the time will come for me to return home with an update, but I’m happy that it doesn’t have to be now. It gives me a bit more time to figure out what I’m going to do. Am I really prepared to go against Lucifer and the hounds of hell, even with an angel by my side? Have I really changed that much in such a short period of time?

  What I’ve done, listening in the way I am is not right and I’m more than a little afraid of what Serenity will think when and if she ever finds out. She believes me to be a person of redemption and having this come to light, even as trivial as it is could ruin that. She is already standing on a precipice in terms of the information she’s been privy to today.  All it would take is one slight nudge and I might lose her and the faith she has in me forever.

  I cannot let that happen.

  I hear footsteps making their way up behind me and spinning around, I’m ready defensively for whatever’s coming my way. I’d been careless letting my guard down with Serenity, now that I wasn’t with her, I couldn’t afford to do the same. It could mean life or death.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  I know that voice. It’s the guy from earlier, Greg or Graham, or whatever.  Of course I’m going to be caught eavesdropping by the very guy that we ran from the room earlier.

  “I was just heading out, she got another visitor. Figured I better split. I could ask you the same question though.”

  “Something didn't feel right when I left. Figured I'd give you two a little bit of time, but circle around and check on her.”

  “What's that supposed to mean? You think I'd hurt her?”

  It’s obvious by the way his eyes lock on mine, his posture stiff, that it’s exactly what he believes. I wasn't sure what his connection is to Serenity but it’s obvious he’s the protective sort. Maybe if she struck out with Gabriel, we could find a way to use this guy. Nothing’s better in a fight where you want to keep the girl safe then a protective asshole. They always had the ability to go above and beyond in the strength department.

  “Yeah I do. I don't know you and I don’t trust you. Serenity has had enough assholes coming in and out of her life, she doesn't need another one. Comprende?”

  If he wasn't being completely serious I would’ve laughed at how stupid he sounds. He really has no idea who he’s talking to. The last thing he wants to do is piss me off. Hell hath no fury and all of that. I wasn't in the mood for his attitude.

  “Well you’ve got nothing to worry about from me. I care about her. I don't expect you to understand that, but I do. The person in the room with her right now though, not so much.”

  “Wait. Who’s in the room with her?” he asked, his concern over me now replaced with a need for information.

  “Some guy named Gabriel. When I first met Serenity, I had no idea she had this many guys interested in her. Given her annoyance with most of the populace, I gotta admit, I’m a bit surprised.”

  “Yeah, well how do you think I feel about you then?” he shot back at me, making me seriously debate giving my true nature away and doing away with him once and for all.

  “Then it seems we have something in common. We both want her safe.”

  “Maybe that's what Gabriel wants, you ever think of that?”

  I did. I know exactly what the angel wants because she’s his charge. Well, he was more than that given everything I just overheard, but he’s been guarding her for the past twenty years keeping things like me away from her. I have no doubt he wants to protect her. He just hadn't banked on me being, well, me.

  “I can’t say I’ve given it that much thought. Now if you don't mind I'm going to get out of here before I get accused of stalking again.”

  I begin to walk away, but before I can make it more than two steps toward the stairs, I feel myself being pulled back under Graham’s strength.

  “What now man? I stand here, you throw evil looks my way. I go to leave and you stop me? What's next? You gonna wanna make out?”

  Rolling his eyes he releases my arm. “You wish.”

  “That’s doubtful. I don't know what way you go, but I definitely don’t swing that way.”

  “You want to leave, I won't stop you, but answer me one thing first.”

  I don't owe this guy anything though I was going to entertain him a few minutes longer. Things seemed to be heating up in the room and I didn't want to leave until I'd gotten everything I possibly could from the conversation.

  “Okay. What do you wanna know?”

  “Do you love her? And I mean really love her, because if you don't, walk down those stairs now and don't come back. Serenity is special and unless you understand her completely, you aren't going to last very long. Trust me on that.”

  Oh this guy is too freaking much. I didn't even care anymore what was being said on the other side of the door. All I care about now is putting this asshole in his place.

  “I'll last a hell of a lot longer than you and you wanna know why? “ I snap. “Because unlike some people, I won’t ever leave her.”

  I slam my way past him, pure adrenaline fueled with the need to slam my fist in his face running through me, pushing me ahead. If I didn't bail out now, I wouldn't be responsible for what happened to the silly human. I might have feelings for Serenity, but not enough to put up with some guy thinking he knew it all. I didn't wait to see if he would say anything else in response. I was done. She would call me when she needs me and that’s all I need to know.

  Halfway down the stairs, I hear a door open and focusing all my energy into hearing just who it is, I realize it’s her.

  “Graham—it's you.”

  It was then that I knew. I’d gotten my answer.

  Son of a bitch!


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