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Into The Deep

Page 4

by T A. McKay

  I do my final checks in the mirror and realise that if I don't leave soon, I’ll be late to meet with the guys. If they move on from the bar we’ve arranged to meet in before I arrive then I’ll be completely lost. I spray a final spritz of perfume, grab my denim jacket and purse, and then leave my apartment.

  It doesn’t take me long to arrive at the bar after following the directions that Rocco had given me when we last spoke to one another. I’m a little bit early and undecided on whether I should go inside or wait by the entrance doors for them. I’d feel really uncomfortable if I had to sit in there on my own for too long. I’ve never been the type of person who can comfortably walk into a busy bar unless I know there’s already someone inside waiting for me. I feel that everyone watches me, watching and waiting to see if anyone else actually turns up. Paranoid? Yes, but I just can’t help it. This is why I always went to a friend’s house to get ready, safety in numbers.

  After a couple of minutes pass by, I decide to brave it. This is the new me from now on and I’ve promised myself that I’ll grab life by both hands and hold on for the new ride. Taking a deep breath I take the first few steps towards what I hope will be a new start.

  I make my way through the small group of people who are crowding the area just inside the doorway, keeping a lookout for Rocco, just in case he’s here already. I don't see him, though I do notice a table that’s free. I head over, deciding to grab a seat. It’s one thing walking into a bar on your own but it’s another thing completely to stand all by yourself by the bar. I remove my jacket, placing it over the back of the chair before sitting down. I choose the seat that’s facing the doors so I can watch as people arrive, and always looking out for Rocco.

  “Hi there. What’s a beautiful girl like yourself doing sitting here all alone?” I turn and see a guy standing right beside me. He’s placed one of his arms around the back of my chair, while resting the other on the table in front of me. He’s smiling at me and though I’m sure he’s trying to make himself look irresistible, to me he just both looks and sounds like a bit of a creep.

  I really hate being hit on by random guys, especially in bars. His face is so close to me now that I can feel his warm breaths sweeping over my face. He’s obviously had a fair bit to drink already. His breath smells strongly of beer, though this wouldn’t usually bother me, having that accompanied with everything else that this guy is bringing to the table is making me want to heave. I’m really not interested.

  “Just waiting on some friends. They should be here any minute now.” I answer him as politely as I can before turning away from him. I’m really hoping that he’ll take my not so subtle hint and leave.

  “Well, why don't I just sit right here and keep you company until they arrive?” I’m just about to answer him when I feel a warm hand lightly touching my shoulder. My skin prickles from the touch and I feel warmth spreading throughout my entire body. I instantly know who it is. Rocco.

  “The lady already has company, so why don't you just go and sit somewhere else?” He’s practically growling at the guy. I can feel a pull in my stomach as he says the words and my breath begins to hitch. I lift my head to face him and see that he’s staring the guy down. His gorgeous eyes are almost glowing with, well I’m not sure, but I’m glad I’m not the guy on the receiving end of his almost deathly glare. The guy mutters an apology under his breath and Rocco removes his hand before sitting beside me. I only just manage to control a moan of complaint that has already made its way halfway up my throat as he removes his hand.

  “Now, I will give the guy some credit for noticing how beautiful you look tonight, but I think we’ll keep you company instead of him. Sorry we’re late.” I smile from his comment, feeling happy at the words he’s just spoken. I allow my gaze to drift over Rocco now that he’s right in front of me.

  He’s wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a black casual shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. I can see the ends of what looks to be a black tribal tattoo showing from under one sleeve and making its way to his wrist. This is the first time I’ve noticed that he has a tattoo. How is this something I have missed? He was practically naked the day the alarm went off at the pool. Ok, I admit, I’d been paying more attention to his abs than his arms that day. I love men with tattoos. I had always been hinting to Carl about getting one, but he always said ‘people of importance didn’t lower themselves by having tattoos’, I should have known right then that he wasn’t the right guy for me.

  I make a mental note to make sure to check out the rest of his tattoo when he’s swimming next. I really want to see … no. I’m already having a very overwhelming need to see his tattoo, and adding these thoughts to the already present chemistry between us won’t help me control myself. The more I’m finding out about Rocco, the more attracted to him I’m becoming. I manage to tear my eyes away from him when I notice a guy sitting next to him. He must be Mason. He’s wearing a huge grin over his face and I can tell that he’s just caught me checking Rocco out. I feel the heat flush up over my neck as it rises into my cheeks, settling there.

  “You gonna introduce me to your fine lady, Rocco? Or are you just gonna sit there all night with your tongue hanging out?” His grin dramatically widens as he speaks, and is obviously feeling good about making us both feel awkward.

  When I had finally brought my eyes over to look at Mason and I was shocked by what I saw. If two guys could look any more like brothers, without being related, then it would be them. Actually, maybe they are related. Rocco only mentioned that they’re best friends, but perhaps they share the same DNA as well. Both have dark messy hair, the messy style that probably costs a fortune to obtain in some trendy salon. He has the same lean build as Rocco, though he appears to be less muscly in the arms. It’s easy to compare them while they’re sitting together. Mason is wearing a tight white muscle top with sleeves that end half way down his biceps, also showing a tattoo over his forearm. I‘m under no illusion that Mason must have women falling over themselves to gain his attention, and I'm pretty sure he uses it to his full advantage. Rocco's eyes are dark. They look almost black, though they still seem to sparkle brightly when he smiles, while Mason’s are a brilliant bright blue. So blue in fact, they look almost unreal.

  “Mason, this is Makenzie. Makenzie, this idiot over here is Mason.” I stretch my hand over the table and I’m surprised when Mason stands up before kissing my hand. I glance over to Rocco and notice that he’s beginning to roll his eyes. I have a funny feeling that tonight, with these two guys, is going to be …shall we say interesting?

  “It’s completely my pleasure, pretty thing. I see that our guy Rocco over here had been completely underselling you when he said you were gorgeous.” I sneak a peek over at Rocco and find him glaring at Mason with a pinkish tinge appearing over his cheeks. I’m feeling rather delighted to find out that he thinks I'm gorgeous, but I’m not so sure he wanted me to know if the look he’s throwing Mason is anything to go by.

  “So, what can I get you to drink, sexy?” Mason asks me as he stands from his seat.

  “I’ll have a midori and lemonade, please. With lots of ice.” He’s looking at me rather strangely, as though I’ve just spoken in a foreign language or something.

  “A what? Just a midori and lemonade? So, not some girlie cocktail that’ll make me grow boobs as soon as I go to order it?” he jokes. I know it isn’t exactly the strongest of drinks, but I don’t really like the taste of alcohol so this is a good drink for me. It’s sweet and doesn’t taste as though it has any alcohol in it.

  “No girly cocktail. Just midori and lemonade. Do I need to go and get it for myself?” I make it look as though I’m about to stand, but Mason catches me by the elbow and pushes me back into my seat.

  “No, no. I'm going. You wanting the usual, mate?” Rocco nods a yes and I watch as Mason begins to walk away. My eyes stay on him as he approaches the bar and as he starts talking to the girl standing on the other side. She certainly appears happy to have his ful
l attention.

  “He's not exactly the best guy if you hope to have something more than just a casual fling.”

  “What?” I ask, turning my attention back over to Rocco. What he’s just said has me feeling slightly confused. I mustn’t have heard him right.

  “Mason. He's a great guy and a great friend, but he isn't serious boyfriend material.” Okay, and now I’m even more confused. Mason and a relationship? Is he suggesting Mason and me?

  “I saw the way you looked at him when he walked over to the bar just now.” I feel as though I’ve just slipped into an alternative universe. A place where I don't understand anything that’s going on. Or, maybe it’s Rocco who has taken something.

  “I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, Rocco. Why would I have any interest in Mason? I’ve only just met him.”

  “I'm just guessing. I’m used to women following him around. They’re always interested in him. I mean, I can understand, he's a good-looking guy and knows exactly the right things to say to them. I suppose that he’s hard to resist that’s all.” I almost laugh at him, but I know he’s only trying to be truthful about his thoughts. He honesty thinks that it’s Mason who’s irresistible? I see the woman around him all the time, checking him out. The girls behind the counter in the coffee shop that I go to after work fight with each other over who gets to serve him. He must know he’s gorgeous. Does he not own a mirror?

  “Well, I can tell you right now that I honestly have no interest in Mason. He’s not the reason why I’m here tonight.” I suddenly realise what I’ve just said to him and now I’m beginning to feel a little awkward. The way that we’re looking at each other in this moment and from the way his face seems to be holding some kind of hope, it’s as though he wants to believe what I’m saying but can’t. I try to recover quickly from the awkwardness.

  “Besides, you’ll find out for yourself pretty soon, that I’m not like most of the other girls. A pretty face isn’t everything. I'm a woman of substance.” I can't resist throwing a small wink at him. At least this action seems to be making him lose the look that’s just taken over his features. He was looking as though someone had just stolen his new teddy bear, though now replacing it is a smile that’s tugging at the side of his lips.

  “Here we go people. Let’s make a toast to the night ahead.” Mason says as he places our drinks down on the table in front of us. I take my drink in my hand, feeling happy to have a distraction from the strange conversation that was just going on between Rocco and me. Raising his drink up and looking at the both of us expectantly, Mason waits until we’ve raised our glasses up to meet his.

  “To new friends.” I move to clink my glass to his, but he pulls it back away before I have the chance. He gives me a look that I imagine is meant to be a glare, but it’s not very convincing.

  “I’m not finished!” He laughs and so I move my glass back close to me and smile at him apologetically, humouring him.

  “To new friends. May they be everything we hope they are, and perhaps even a little more. And, here’s to Mason getting a little action tonight.” He clinks glasses with us as I let a very audible groan out. Yeah, this night is definitely going to be an interesting one.

  I don't think I'm going to be able to keep up with the guys because they’re drinking so much. We’re just leaving through the exit of the third bar as we make our way to the nightclub and I’m already feeling as though I’ve passed my alcohol limit. In fact, I think I passed that limit about five drinks ago, and if I drink any more tonight, I might not actually be able to last much longer. My head is spinning, I feel like the world is spinning faster than normal and I can’t keep up.

  I keep telling myself that dancing will help me to sober me up a bit. No more alcohol, just dancing. Seeing as though the club isn’t very far away from the bar we were just in, we’ve decided to walk there and I’ve come to the conclusion that my choice of footwear for this evening isn't exactly the best for walking any sort of distance. Add into that equation that I’ve consumed way too much alcohol, and it’s a recipe for disaster. While the world continues to spin, I become aware of how unsteady on my feet I am. I’m needing to concentrate so hard on making sure that my feet go forward, one in front of the other, that I don't even notice the group of guys that are heading our way. That’s until one bumps my shoulder with his, knocking my balance way off course. I’m suddenly all too aware of what's about to happen.

  The bump spins my body around, though my upper body manages to move quicker than my feet can manage. I’m now just praying that the alcohol in my system will stop the pain that I’m inevitably going to feel when I hit the pavement. I close my eyes and wait for the impact, but it never comes.

  A strong pair of arms wraps themselves around my waist and grab me up before I can land in a very unladylike heap on the ground. I can hear someone shouting somewhere, but all I can focus on is the hard chest that I’ve just been pulled tightly up against. From the reaction my body is having to the connection with this body, I know who has a hold of me. Even in my intoxicated state, my body is alight with awareness of his body and touch. He’s like a hard wall. A wall of pure male. His arms are so strong that I can feel his muscles ripple as he holds my body to his. I close my eyes, it’s the only way I’m going to survive being so close to him.

  “Makenzie? Are you ok? Why isn't she answering, Rocco? Did she hit something?” Masons voice filters through my ears and my brain finally begins to function properly again.

  I open my eyes and I’m now gazing into the worried eyes of Mason. I wonder how long I’ve been standing here in Rocco's arms, acting as though I have no brain.

  “I'm fine … Don’t worry about me … It just took me by surprise, that’s all. I was pretty sure that I was gonna end up on my arse.” Once I’m sure that I’ve fully regained my balance, I pull myself away, out of Rocco's arms. I turn slowly to face him, hoping that he can’t see the look of attraction that’s bound to be showing in my eyes.

  “Thank you. That could have hurt … A lot!” His eyes appear very dark as I speak, not just because we’re under some streetlights and that they’re creating shadows, but I’m sure that I can see a look of longing and lust within his. I hope it’s not the alcohol that's making me see things. I would hate to think that I was the only one affected by our encounter just now. I can still feel the warmth of his arms around me. I shake my head and try not to think about it anymore.

  “You’re welcome. Can’t have you breaking your butt on our first night out, can we?” He answers, as though he’s trying to make light of the situation in hand.

  “Well, let’s get moving shall we? The drunk girl nearly ended up on her ass, so it’s definitely time to dance!” I would say just about anything at this time to try and get us all moving again. I need something to distract me from the feelings in my body that I can’t seem to control.

  “Yes! The drunk girl has spoken so let’s go and get another drink!” Mason says with a wink. Oh God, not more alcohol …

  Chapter Five

  The club’s a lot smaller than I’d expected it to be, though it’s really crowded in here. I’m only barely able to squeeze past the party revellers so I can follow Mason to wherever it is that he’s leading us.

  I know that Rocco’s right behind me, so at least I know that I’m not going to get lost in here, no matter how much I’m knocked around. The crowd begins to thin as we make our way into a seating area. It’s surprising how quiet it is in this section and as I look around, I notice that most of the tables are empty.

  “Why is it so quiet here?” I lean over and almost shout into Mason’s ear. He’s stopped ahead of me and is talking to what looks to be a waitress. If I’m to be completely truthful here, it’s hard to tell by what little clothing she’s actually wearing, but the white apron around her waist kind of gives her away.

  “That’s because this is the VIP area. You know, only the best for your first night out.” I turn quickly to look at Rocco, so I can try and f
igure out whether Mason is telling the truth or not. I haven’t known him for long, but I’ve already worked out that he likes to be a bit of a joker. He has this kind of cheeky bad boy charm about him.

  “Yes it is. But, what he's not telling you is that he has a pass to get us in here because he ‘knows’ the owners daughter.” When he says the word ‘knows’, he uses his fingers and makes air quotes, making it very clear that we’re now standing in this area only because of some sexual favour Mason has done, or is planning to do. I’m now beginning to feel a little bit grossed out about being in here.

  I stay standing where I am and look around the club. I need a distraction, any distraction to stop me thinking about Mason’s loose morals. I hear ‘Dirty Dancer by Enrique’ beginning to play. I love this song. Watching the people on the dance floor, I feel my body automatically beginning to sway along with the beat. All I’ve thought about all might is dancing, but now the option is here, I’m starting to feel very self-conscious. When I used to go out, I was usually surrounded by a group of friends, and right now dancing on my own isn’t something that I really want to do. I need to stop before I embarrass myself. Just as I still my movements, I feel a hard body move up behind me.

  With lips brushing my ear he asks, “Do you like to dance?” I momentarily lose the ability to think about anything that he’s just said. I hear him chuckle deeply in my ear and know that he’s fully aware of what he causes me to feel when he’s this close to me. Is he doing this on purpose?


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