Goldeneye: Where Bond Was Born: Ian Fleming's Jamaica

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Goldeneye: Where Bond Was Born: Ian Fleming's Jamaica Page 38

by Matthew Parker

communism 147–9, 190

  Connery, Sean 82, 271, 273–4, 274, 278, 316

  Connolly, Cyril 11, 53, 142, 152

  Conservative Party (UK) 7, 24, 77, 81, 107, 117, 128, 146, 209, 247, 284

  Cooper, Diana 113, 255

  Cornhill Magazine 175

  Costa Rica 49

  Courtleigh Manor Hotel, Kingston 275, 276

  Cousins, Aubyn 67–8, 97, 162, 227

  Cousins, Christie 17, 23

  Cove Cinema, Ocho Rios 281

  Coward, Noël 70–4, 76–81, 84, 85–7, 89–92, 97–8, 100, 108–9, 111, 112, 113, 140, 204, 212, 224


  rents Goldeneye 70–2

  builds Blue Harbour 72–3


  visits Jamaica, goes rafting on the Rio Grande with Ian, Ann and Graham 76–78

  stays at the Sunset Lodge with Ian, Ann and Graham 90

  dines with Ian on Christmas Eve 95


  returns to Jamaica 95


  returns to Jamaica, dines with Ian and Ann 127

  attends wedding of Ian and Ann 137–8


  holds parties at Blue Harbour 151

  talks to John Pringle about Round Hill villas 172


  performs at Round Hill launch party 172

  helps Ian find ‘perfect measurements’ for Gala Brand 181


  David Niven comes to Jamaica for a visit 98

  reads Moonraker 186–7


  sells villa at Round Hill 173

  build Firefly 200

  meets Truman Capote at Firefly 200

  meets Blanche Blackwell 202–3

  thoughts on Suez Crisis 204

  Anthony Eden visits Jamaica 214–18

  writes Volcano 219–22


  nurses Ian at Goldeneye, tires of Jamaica 264–5

  puts Blue Harbour on the market 266

  offered the part of Dr No in Dr No 275

  visits set of Dr No, meets Ursula Andress 280


  dispute with Jamaica customs officers, writes ‘Solali’ 308


  mourns Ian, hosts lunch for Queen Mother at Firefly 312


  Brief Encounter 71

  Home and Colonial 78, 80, 81

  Island Fling 81

  Nude with Violin 241

  Pomp and Circumstance 78, 79, 80, 81, 90–1, 94–5, 108, 109, 219

  Private Lives 221

  Samolo stories 78, 79, 80, 81, 86–7, 90–1, 108, 219–22, 308

  ‘Solali’ 308

  South Sea Bubble 81, 108

  Volcano 206, 219–22, 254

  Craighton Estate Great House 30

  Crawford, Joan 84

  Crickmere, Mary 168, 289

  Cromarty (mansion), Jamaica 23, 146, 266

  Cromwell, Oliver 33, 107, 229

  Crosby, Bing 172

  Crosland, Anthony 210

  Cross, Odo 150, 151

  Crowley, Aleister 155

  Cuba 249–50, 260–2

  Bay of Pigs Invasion 257, 262

  missile crisis 257, 289

  Cummings, Violet 41–2, 71–2, 116, 138, 150, 151, 161, 178, 179, 213–14, 215, 216, 223, 259–60, 299, 314, 316

  Cundall, Frank

  Historic Jamaica 225–6

  Cuneo, Ernie 256

  Cyprus 129, 234


  D’Costa, Charles 151–2, 203, 285

  D’Costa, Mildred 151, 203

  D’Oyley, Edward 19

  Dacosta, Ramsay 26, 36, 89

  Daily Express 23, 107, 141, 211, 214, 238, 255, 273

  Daily Mail 15, 80, 111

  Daily Mirror 213

  Daily Telegraph 141, 166

  Davis, Bette 48

  Day-Lewis, Cecil 113

  Decoy (estate) 32

  Desert Island Discs 12, 179

  Devonshire, Duke and Duchess of 285

  Diamond Smugglers, The 174, 183, 197

  Diamonds are Forever 46, 61, 93, 99, 141, 157, 158–9, 167, 182–6, 188, 208, 238, 256

  and Afrikaners 157

  critical response 185

  Felix Leiter 184

  and Italians 157

  plot summary 182–4

  Queen Elizabeth 184, 186

  Rufus B. Saye 185

  Tiffany Chase 93, 167, 185

  Tingaling 158–9

  and the United States 99, 183–4

  Disney, Walt 84

  Doctor’s Cave Beach, Montego Bay 45

  Domingo, Wilfred 55, 102

  Donovan, William Joseph 122

  Dorchester Hotel, London 14, 91, 312

  Dr No 19–20, 25, 26, 42, 46, 94, 100, 105, 141, 157, 162, 187, 194, 204, 224, 225, 227–35, 236–7, 239–40, 256, 272

  Blanche 224

  and the Chinese 157, 228, 233

  Crab Key 228, 229, 237

  critical response 240

  Dr No 228, 256, 272

  Handbook of the British West Indies 225

  Honeychile Rider 54, 204, 229–30

  Mary Trueblood 232

  Morris Cargill 187

  Pleydell-Smith 232–3

  plot summary 228–35

  Quarrel 26, 42, 54, 68, 162, 229

  Queen’s Club 25, 230–1

  recovery 94

  sales 289

  Strangways 231–2, 234

  tourism 81

  and the United States 100

  Dr No (film) 82, 83, 271–82, 274, 278, 281, 289, 293, 304, 320, 321

  Drax Hall, Jamaica 179

  Drummond, Bulldog 119, 132

  Dulles, Allen 260, 261

  Duncans, Jamaica 39

  Dunn’s River Falls, Jamaica 278

  Durgnat, Raymond 74

  Durnford School, Dorset 9, 119

  Duvalier, Francois 155


  East Germany 257

  Eddington, Nora 48

  Eden, Anthony 57, 128, 140, 210, 211, 212–18, 214, 217, 224, 240, 318, 319

  Eden, Clarissa 140, 213, 214, 216, 218, 224, 294, 303, 319

  Edward VIII 23, 101

  Edwards, Hugh 119–20, 302

  All Night at Mr Staneyhursts 119–20

  Sangoree 120

  Egypt 106, 129, 210

  Eisenhower, Dwight David 143, 211

  Elizabeth, the Queen Mother 312

  Elizabeth II 5, 168–71, 171, 198, 287

  Elkins, Cy 82

  Empire Day 212

  Empire Windrush 145–6

  Enton Hall, Surrey 195, 208

  Eon Productions 272, 273

  Etoile restaurant, Soho 94

  Eton College, Berkshire 9, 314

  European Common Market 283

  Evening Standard 79

  ‘Every Breath You Take’ 319


  Faithful, Marianne 319

  Falkner, John Meade

  Moonfleet 119

  Falmouth, Jamaica 38, 216

  Farmers’ Party (Jamaica) 190

  Federation of the West Indies 236, 282–3

  Ferry Inn, Jamaica 273, 275

  Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies 65, 128

  Firefly, Look-Out Hill 200, 201, 202, 312

  Fleming, Amaryllis Marie-Louise 63, 64

  Fleming, Ann 62, 64, 66, 71, 95, 99, 112, 139, 158, 161, 200, 204, 253, 262, 266, 268, 303, 313, 313, 315


  birth of Raymond 14


  meets Ian at Le Touquet resort 13


  birth of Fionn 14


  carries out affair with Ian 13–15

  husband Shane O’Neill killed in Italy 15


  marries Esmond Harmsworth 15


  continues affair with Ann, secret rendezvous in Dublin 38, 40, 44, 49, 50, 51, 61


  first visit to Jamaica with Ian 61–7

; returns to England 67, 68, 69

  discovers that she is pregnant with Ian’s child 70

  trip to Scotland with Esmond, Fionn and Raymond 74

  birth and death of Mary 75


  returns to Jamaica with Ian 76–7

  goes rafting on the Rio Grande with Ian, Noël and Graham 77

  stays at the Sunset Lodge with Ian, Noël and Graham 90

  receives orders from Esmond to desist from affair with Ian 92

  stays with Ian in St Margaret’s Bay ‘love nest’ 92


  returns to Jamaica for a visit 97–8

  leaves after furious row 98

  continues affair with Ian 110


  returns to Jamaica for a visit 111–13

  Ivar Bryce’s yacht wrecked on reef 112–13


  agrees to divorce with Esmond, becomes pregnant again 124

  plans to marry Ian 124–5

  arrives in Jamaica with Ian for wedding 125

  trip with Ian to spa hotel on Milk River 126–7, 128

  divorce from Esmond finalised 127

  marries Ian 137–8

  returns to England 139

  birth of Caspar 139–40


  heads back to Jamaica via Florida with Ian 142, 149–50

  parents and Lucien Freud come to Jamaica for visit 151–3

  visits Graham Greene at the Tower Isle Hotel 152

  returns to England, moves into house in Victoria Square 167–8

  relationship with Ian deteriorates 167–8

  visits Caspar in St Margaret’s Bay 168


  returns to Jamaica with Ian 171

  Peter Quennell comes to visit 175–9

  helps Ian find ‘perfect measurements’ for Gala Brand 181

  marriage troubles with Ian, embarrassed by James bond novels 186

  summer holiday in Greece with the Leigh Fermors 187


  returns to Jamaica, reluctant to leave England 187

  goes rafting on the Rio Grande with Peter Quennell and Evelyn Waugh 188–9


  checks into Enton Hall health farm, Ian leaves for Jamaica 195

  correspondence with Ian, relationship rekindled 199

  Ian returns to England and checks into Enton Hall 208

  starts having affair with Hugh Gaitskell 209–10


  renews her marriage vows, continues affair with Hugh Gaitskell 222

  returns to Jamaica with Caspar 222

  attacked by moray eel 223

  irked by Blanche Blackwell, returns to England 224

  invites Blanche to lunch at Victoria Square 240–1

  relationship with Ian deteriorates 241


  Ian returns to Jamaica 241

  checks into Enton Hall health farm 242


  visits Ian in Jamaica, irked by Ian’s affection for Blanche 252

  returns to England, receives letter from Peter Quennell 252–3


  visits Goldeneye with Caspar, Mona and Hugh Gaitskell 253–6

  rips out Blanche’s plants at Goldeneye and throws them off the cliff 254

  goes rafting on the Rio Grande with Hugh Gaitskell 255

  hounded by the press over affair with Hugh Gaitskell 255

  returns to England 255–6


  returns to Jamaica, Ian suffers with bronchitis 264

  plans to buy house in Sevenhampton, urges Ian to sell Goldeneye 265


  visits Dr No set at Laughing Waters beach 280

  returns to England from Jamaica, upset over Ian’s relationship with Blanche 271

  refurbishes house in Sevenhampton, embarrassed by Bond novels 268

  entertains Duke and Duchess of Devonshire in London 285

  has severe row with Ian 290–1

  attends private screening of Dr No 289

  Ian continues affair with Blanche 294

  Hugo becomes ill, death of Mary Rose 294

  Hugh Gaitskell hospitalised 294


  death of Hugh Gaitskell 294

  attends wedding of Raymond and Georgina Douglas-Scott 313


  visits Ian in Jamaica 302–6

  bored by guests at Goldeneye, attends beach barbeque at Frenchman’s Cove hotel 305–6

  returns to England, Ian’s illness worsens 306, 307

  Fionn and John have first child 307

  death of Ian 307, 313

  disillusioned with post-independence Jamaica 307–8


  Caspar attempts to commit suicide at Goldeneye 314–15 1975

  suicide of Caspar 315


  death 315–16

  Fleming, Caspar 139–40, 139,168, 187, 195, 222, 223, 253–4, 273, 289, 290, 291, 307, 313–15

  Fleming, Eve 8, 8, 11, 63, 122, 306–7

  Fleming, Ian 8, 13, 37, 39, 43, 66, 78, 85, 96, 112, 139, 161, 176, 178, 202, 205, 207, 225, 253, 269, 274, 281, 298, 303, 313


  birth 7

  father (Valentine Fleming) elected as MP for Henley 7

  father volunteers for service with Oxfordshire Hussars 9

  meets Ivar Bryce at Bude beach, Cornwall 10

  studies at Durnford School 9, 119

  death of father at Guillemont Farm, Picardy 9

  begins studies at Eton 9

  loses virginity in Royalty Kinema, Windsor 10

  visits British Empire Exhibition, Wembley 10

  leaves Eton a term early 10

  studies for Sandhurst Military Academy examination 11

  contracts gonorrhea from a prostitute 11

  leaves Sandhurst Military Academy 11

  spends a year in the Austrian Tyrol 11

  studies for Foreign Office entrance examination in Munich and Geneva 11

  works at Reuters, visits Moscow and Berlin 11


  death of grandfather (Robert Fleming) 11

  works in a merchant bank in the City of London 11–12

  Peter Fleming publishes Brazilian Adventure 12

  series of affairs with women 12

  meets Ann at Le Touquet resort 13

  works as personal assistant to Admiral Sir John Godfrey 12


  first visit to Jamaica with Ivar Bryce 1, 15

  stays in Bellevue Great House 1–4


  death of Muriel Wright 13

  carries out affair with Ann 13–15


  plans to build a house in Jamaica 16

  buys land in St Mary 17

  arrives in Jamaica 19–20

  begins building Goldeneye 20–2

  stays with William Stephenson in Hillowtown 22–3

  carries out affair with Millicent Huddleston Rogers 50

  meets Lord Beaverbrook 23

  meets Molly Huggins 51

  completion of Goldeneye 37

  visits cardiac specialist after experiencing ‘constricting pain in the heart’ 93


  begins working for the Sunday Times 36

  returns to Jamaica to live in Goldeneye 37

  drinks Vespers with ‘The Colonel’ in Duncans 39

  dives around reef near Goldeneye 40

  hires Violet Cummings as housekeeper 41

  returns to England, writes for piece for Horizon magazine 53, 54–5, 59–60, 69, 79, 105, 118, 120, 155, 310

  continues affair with Ann, secret rendezvous in Dublin 61


  Ann’s first stay at Goldeneye 61–7

  goes shark hunting with Aubyn Cousins 67–8

  writes short article for the Gleaner 70

  returns to England, finds that Ann is pregnant 70

  Noël Coward rents Goldeneye 70–2

  birth and death of Mary 75

  receives dressing down from Lor
d Kemsley 77


  returns to Jamaica with Ann 76–7

  goes rafting on the Rio Grande with Ann, Noël and Graham 77

  stays at the Sunset Lodge with Ann, Noël and Graham 90

  returns to England, Ann receives orders to desist from affair 92

  stays with Ann in St Margaret’s Bay ‘love nest’ 92

  suffers with painful kidney stones, heart pain returns 94

  buys naturalist’s notebook 96

  returns to Jamaica to recover 93

  spots two barracudas, christens them Bicester and Beaufort 96

  dines with Noël on Christmas Eve 95

  shoots Beaufort with spear gun 97


  Ann returns to Jamaica for a visit 97–8

  Ann leaves after furious row 98

  continues affair with Ann 110


  Ann returns to Jamaica for a visit 111

  Ivar Bryce’s yacht wrecked on reef 112–13


  Ann and Esmond agree to a divorce, Ann becomes pregnant again 124

  plans to marry Ann 124–5

  arrives in Jamaica with Ann for wedding 125

  trip with Ann to spa hotel on Milk River 126–7

  Ann’s divorce finalised 127

  begins writing Casino Royale 128, 130

  marries Ann 137–8

  Casino Royale accepted for publication 139

  birth of Caspar 139–40

  publication of Casino Royale 140–2


  heads back to Jamaica via Florida with Ann 142, 149–50

  begins writing Live and Let Die 149

  witnesses a voodoo funeral 151

  Ann’s parents and Lucien Freud come to Jamaica to visit 151–3

  visits Graham Greene at the Tower Isle Hotel 152

  returns to England, moves into house in Victoria Square with Ann 167–8 < relationship with Ann deteriorates 167–8

  visits Caspar in St Margaret’s Bay 168


  returns to Jamaica with Ann 171

  Peter Quennell visits 175–9

  begins writing Moonraker 177, 179

  writes about Jamaican tourist boom in Sunday Times column 173

  publication of Live and Let Die 165

  sends copy of Live and Let Die to Winston Churchill 166

  marriage troubles, Ann embarrassed by James Bond novels 186

  summer holiday with the Bryces in Vermont, Ann goes to Greece 187

  Casino Royale broadcast on CBS 226


  returns to Jamaica with Ann, Ann reluctant to leave England 187

  begins writing Diamonds are Forever 184–5, 188

  Peter Quennell and Evelyn Waugh come to visit 188

  publication of Moonraker 185

  sells Casino Royale film rights, buys Ford Thunderbird 226


  returns to Jamaica, Ann checks into Enton Hall health farm 195

  begins writing From Russia, with Love 195, 199

  correspondence with Ann, relationship rekindled 199

  builds mini-rock pool at Goldeneye for Caspar 199

  Truman Capote comes to stay at Goldeneye 199–200


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