stays in Negril with Noël and Graham 200–1
trip to the Blue Mountains with Graham, Cole Lesley and Barbara Cargill 201
meets Blanche Blackwell 201–6, 222
returns to England via the Bahamas 208
suffers from sciatica and heavy cold, checks into Enton Hall 208
painful kidney stones return 208
publication of Diamonds are Forever 185
Ann starts having affair with Hugh Gaitskell 209–10
Anthony Eden stays at Goldeneye 212–18, 224, 240, 318
returns to Jamaica 222
Ann renews marriage vows, continues affair with Hugh Gaitskell 222
starts affair with Blanche Blackwell 222, 224–6
Ann returns to Jamaica with Caspar for visit 222
Ann returns to England 224
visits Kingston and Cayman Islands with Blanche 226
begins writing Dr No 226–7
interviews John Collard in Tangier 235–6
publication of From Russia, with Love 238
Blanche returns to England to visit 240–1
relationship with Ann deteriorates 241
returns to Jamaica 241
begins writing Goldfinger 241
Pitman family come to visit 242
trip to Pedro Cays with Blanche 242–3, 248
Blanche stays at Goldeneye 243
travels to Seychelles to write for the Sunday Times 247
publication of Dr No 239–40
works on film script with Kevin McClory and Ernie Cuneo, genesis of Thunderball 256
returns to Jamaica, persuades Ann to join him 252
writes For Your Eyes Only short story collection 248
takes world tour to write Thrilling Cities 249
gives up Sunday Times job 262
returns to Jamaica, Ann visits with Caspar, Mona and Hugh Gaitskell 253–6
irked by Mona Potterton 254–5
Ann hounded by the press over affair with Hugh Gaitskell, visits Blanche at Bolt cottage 255
writes Thunderball 256
Graham Greene stays at Goldeneye 259–60
has dinner with John F. Kennedy 260–1
spends a week at ‘liver cure resort’ in Brittany 264
returns to Jamaica with Ann, suffers with bronchitis 264
Ann plans to buy house in Sevenhampton, urges him to sell Goldeneye 265
writes The Spy Who Loved Me 266
publication of Thunderball and court case 256, 268, 272
has a heart attack, convalescence at south-coast hotel 268
writes Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 268
writes On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 269–70, 269
filming of Dr No 271–82, 274, 278, 281, 320
meets Sean Connery 274, 274 visits Dr No set at Laughing Waters beach 280
attends private screening of Dr No 289
returns to Jamaica, writes Octopussy’ 291
publication of The Spy Who Loved Me 266
continues affair with Blanche 294
visits Japan to research You Only Live Twice 294–5
returns to Jamaica, interviewed for the Gleaner 293–4
writes You Only Live Twice 294
attends wedding of Raymond O’Neill and Georgina Douglas-Scott 313
flies to Istanbul for filming of From Russia, with Love 297
attends premiere of From Russia, with Love 297
court case over Thunderball reopened 297
Ivar Bryce comes to stay at Goldeneye 297–8
writes The Man with the Golden Gun 299, 303
Ann comes to Jamaica to visit 302–6
ornithologist James Bond visits Goldeneye 305
bored by guests at Goldeneye, attends beach barbeque at Frenchman’s Cove hotel 305–6
meets Winston Stona 306
publication of You Only Live Twice 297
returns to England, chest pains worsen 306, 307
death of mother (Eve Fleming) 306–7
death 307, 313
Casino Royale 13, 19, 117, 119, 124, 128, 130–7, 140–2, 140, 196, 208, 260
Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 268
Diamond Smugglers, The 174, 183, 197, 236
Diamonds are Forever 46, 61, 93, 99, 141, 157, 158–9, 167, 182–6, 188, 208, 238, 256
Dr No 19–20, 25, 26, 42, 46, 53, 81, 94, 100, 105, 141, 157, 187, 194, 204, 224, 225, 227–35, 236–7, 239–40, 256, 272
‘For Your Eyes Only’ 53, 73, 84–5, 122, 250–1
From Russia, with Love 21, 50, 94, 99, 117, 195–8, 204, 208–9, 238–9, 239, 260, 262
Goldfinger 46, 95, 114, 158, 243M, 300
‘Hildebrand Rarity, The’ 248–9
Horizon article 53, 54–5, 59–60, 69, 79, 105, 118, 120, 155, 310, 311
‘How to Write a Thriller’ 110
Ian Fleming Introduces Jamaica 160, 309, 310
Live and Let Die 1, 46, 53, 54, 68, 70, 100, 115, 117, 149, 150, 151, 153–66, 186, 187, 208
Man with the Golden Gun, The 36, 41, 46, 53, 94, 138, 187, 197, 261, 299–302, 304, 308–9
Moonraker 45, 53, 65–6, 115, 157, 158, 173, 175, 179–82, 185, 186–7, 208, 224, 257
‘Octopussy’ 25, 291–3
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service 114, 117, 132, 173, 269–71, 280, 293
‘Quantum of Solace’ 46, 141, 249–50, 251–2
‘Risico’ 117
Spy Who Loved Me, The 9, 10, 46, 141, 266–8
Thrilling Cities 11, 12–13, 42, 99, 249, 251, 257, 305
Thunderball 46, 97, 208, 238, 256–9, 263–4, 272, 305
You Only Live Twice 12, 25–6, 94, 115, 157, 294–7, 306
Fleming, Mary 75, 77
Fleming, Michael 8, 12
Fleming, Peter 8, 9,10, 12, 71, 139, 140
Brazilian Adventure 12
Fleming, Richard 8
Fleming, Robert 7, 11
Fleming, Valentine 7, 9
Fletcher, Rachel 314
Flynn, Errol 47–9, 47, 50, 77, 84, 98, 117, 150, 243
Boston Estate 150
Captain Blood 117
My Wicked, Wicked Ways 47
Titchfield Hotel 150
Flynn, Patrice 50, 150
Flynn, Pearl 42, 170, 191–2, 287, 320
Foot, Dingle 107
Foot, Hugh 60, 107–9, 108, 143M, 146–9, 151, 169, 189, 207, 216, 217, 233, 234, 235, 246
Foot, Isaac 107
Foot, John 107
Foot, Michael 107, 146, 211
Foot, Paul 107, 206
Foot, Sylvia 107, 151, 215
‘For Your Eyes Only’ 53, 73, 84–5, 250–1
Blue Harbour hotel 73
Havelock 122, 250–1
and Hollywood 84–5
Judy 251
and the United States 250–1
Von Hammerstein 53, 250–1
Forbes, Alastair 167
Ford Thunderbird 226
Ford, Harrison 319
Foreign Office 11, 57, 213
Fort Charles, Kingston 114, 115
Fox-Strangways, John 37, 42
Fox, James 273
France 210, 211
Le Touquet 13
Paris 49, 172
Picardy 9
Frenchman’s Cove Hotel, Jamaica 305–6
Freud, Lucian 151, 152, 167, 210
From Russia, with Love 21, 50, 94, 99, 117, 195–8, 204, 208–9, 238–9, 239, 260, 262
cover 238
critical response 239
Grant’s villa 21
Kerim 117, 198, 209
pirates 117
plot summary 195–6, 198
Rosa Klebb 209
Tatiana 50, 204
and the United States 99
From Russia, with Love (film) 289, 297
Frome, Westmorela
nd 31, 56
Frontier estate, Port Maria 32
Fu Manchu 119, 228
Fuller, Rose 24
Gable, Clark 172
Gaitskell, Dora 294
Gaitskell, Hugh 209–10, 211, 222, 253, 255, 284, 290, 294
Galatea 115
Gallico, Paul 141
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 74
Geneva, Switzerland 11
George V Hotel, Paris 172
George VI 170
George, Duke of Kent 50
George, Harry 215
Germany 11, 257
Ghana 183, 236; see also Gold Coast
Gibraltar 22
Gielgud, John 254
Glass Bucket, Kingston 102, 276
Gleaner 26, 29, 35, 41, 45, 54, 57, 62, 70, 76, 82, 86, 89, 125, 131, 137, 143, 144, 146, 160, 173, 174, 187, 215, 249, 258, 275–6, 281, 284, 285, 293, 304, 307
Gleneagles Hotel, Scotland 74
Glory Be House, Jamaica 21, 82, 94, 317
Goat Island, Jamaica 101
Godfrey, John 12, 40
Goering, Hermann 1
Gold Coast 106, 129, 183; see also Ghana
Goldeneye (estate) 5–6, 18, 20, 27, 39, 46, 63–72, 69, 91, 96, 126,127, 150, 116, 178, 195, 205, 208, 223–4, 252–5, 253, 270, 277, 290, 304, 316,317–19, 318, 319
design of 21–2
mini-rock pool 199
naming of 22
reef 40, 68, 96, 205–6, 222, 223
staff 41–2
windows 20, 37, 66, 69
acquisition of land and building of 17, 20–2, 31, 33, 35,
completion of 37–8
Violet Cummings hired 41–2
Ann’s first stay 61–7
Patrick Leigh Fermor stays 69
rented by Noël Coward 70–2
Ann plants Lilies in Garden 126
Ian writes Casino Royale 129–30
Ann’s parents visit with Lucien Freud 151, 153
Peter Quennell stays 175–9
Peter Quennell and Evelyn Waugh stay 188
Ian builds mini-rock pool, Truman Capote stays 199–200
Ian, Blanche and Barrington Roper dive around reef 205–6
Anthony Eden stays 212–18
Ann urges Ian to sell up 265
ornithologist James Bond visits 305
Roger Moore visits 316, 317
Caspar stays, attempts to commit suicide 314–15
put on market 317
Bob Marley considers purchasing 317
bought buy Chris Blackwell 317
developed into high-end resort 318
GoldenEye (film) 319
Goldfinger 46, 95, 114, 158, 243–4, 300
critical response 243–4
Goldfinger 158, 243
M’ 114
plot summary 243–4
Goldfinger (film) 289, 320
Graham, James, 6th Duke of Montrose 23
Graham, Ronald 23
Grange-Walker, Olivia 41
Grant, Cary 273
Grant, William 58
Great Houses 54
Bellevue 1, 2–4, 3, 63, 70, 76, 156, 298
Craighton Estate 30
Prospect 24, 54, 137, 144–5
Rose Hall 32, 316
Green Grotto Caves, Montego Bay 316
Greene, Graham 152, 259–60
Grey, Francis 313
Grey, Mary Rose 142, 241, 294
Guinness, Alec 86, 95, 265
Guyana 148, 246, 284
Haggard, Rider 119
HalfWay Tree, Jamaica 2
Hamilton, Dennis 268
Handbook of the British West Indies 225
Happy Valley, Kenya 85
Harder They Come, The 121, 306
Harlem, New York 55, 157, 158
Harling, Robert 9, 95, 177
Harmsworth, Esmond, Viscount Rothermere 15, 74, 75, 77, 92, 110, 124, 224, 241
Harrow School 30, 207
Hart, Richard 149
Hartford, George Huntingdon 111
Hartford, Marie-Josephine 111
Hearne, John 193
Hendry, Gloria 316
Henry, Arthur 149
Hepburn, Audrey 86
Hepburn, Katharine 82, 150, 221
Hibbert Estate, St Mary 44
Hibbert family 32
High Wind in Jamaica, A 33
‘Hildebrand Rarity, The’ 248–9
Hill, Frank 149
Hill, Kenneth 148, 149
Hillowtown, Montego Bay 22, 23, 67
Historic Jamaica 225
History Today 175
Hitchcock, Alfred 172
Hog Island 1
Holland & Holland (gunsmiths) 122
Holmes, gardener 42, 63, 64
Home and Colonial 78, 80, 81
homosexuality 86–7, 200, 203, 264
Hong Kong 81
Horizon 53, 54–5, 59–60, 69, 79, 105, 118, 120, 155, 310, 311
‘How to Write a Thriller’ 110
Huggins, Diana 90
Huggins, John 27, 51, 58, 60, 63, 70, 106–7
Huggins, Molly 27–30, 29, 44, 51–3, 52, 59, 60, 62, 63, 67, 70, 80, 105, 106–7, 156, 251
Hughes, Richard
A High Wind in Jamaica 33
Ian Fleming International Airport 319
Ian Fleming Introduces Jamaica 160, 309, 310
Imperial portable typewriter 128
imperialism 5–6, 24, 25–7
India 26, 74, 81, 98, 106
Internal Diamond Security Organisation 235
International Monetary Fund 211
Interpol 198
Iran 106, 129
Ireland 165
Island Fling 81
Island Records 273, 289, 304, 318
Issa, Abe 84, 173
Istanbul, Turkey 198, 297
J. Wray and Nephew 49
Jackson, Rhoda 79
Jacobs, Lenworth 216
Jamaica 17–19, 18, 26–35, 42–8, 53–60, 77–90, 99–100, 113–23, 143–9, 160–5, 168–71, 189–94, 212–18, 225–6, 244–7, 282–9, 307–11
1494 sighted by Columbus 17
1655 English invasion 19, 113
1658 Battle of Rio Nuevo 19
1760 Tacky’s Rebellion 121
1782 Battle of the Saints 115
1907 earthquake 28
1935 strikes 56
1938 unrest 58
1944 general election 58
1947 Montego Bay conference 246
1953 Queen Elizabeth II visits 168–71
1953 Winston Churchill visits 143–9
1955 Princess Margaret visits 193–4
1956 Anthony Eden visits 212–18, 214, 224
1961 referendum on federation 283
1962 independence 283–9, 286
banana industry 33–5, 56, 202
bauxite deposits 104, 153, 191, 319
Blue Mountains 126, 201, 202 British conquest 19, 32, 113
Chinese community 147
Clarendon 30, 31, 101
communism 147, 190
crime 121–2
Cromarty (mansion) 23
Dunn’s River Falls 278
emigration to Britain 145–6, 191
Executive Council 59, 146, 193
Farmers’ Party 190
Goat Island 101
Gold Coast 125
Green Gold Era 34
Half Way Tree 2
homosexuality 86–7, 203
hot springs 54
House of Representatives 58, 106, 108, 146, 193
imperialism 26–7, 56–7, 59, 77–81
independence 244–7, 2
66, 283–9, 307–11
Jamaica Democratic Party 84
Jamaica Progressive League 55, 102
Jamaica Tourist Board 173
Jamaican Federation ofWomen 29, 52, 59
Jamaican Labour Party (JLP) 58, 106, 190, 283
Johnson Town 316
Kingston see Kingston section
Laughing Waters beach 278, 278, 279, 280, 281
Lime Key 121
Look-Out Hill 151, 200
Milk River 127
Montego Bay 22, 23, 42–4, 45, 67, 82, 87, 90, 125, 143, 147, 150, 170, 171–3, 199, 265–6, 316
National Labour Party 190
nationalism 56, 193
Negril 38, 163, 164, 200–1, 300
Ocho Rios 23, 24, 82–4, 137, 152, 191, 204, 277, 278, 281, 316, 317
Old Harbour Bay 101
Oracabessa 17, 22, 34–5, 34, 38, 39, 49, 56, 71, 72, 89, 216, 286, 316
Palisadoes Airport 45, 125, 275
People’s National Party (PNP) 56, 58, 59, 106, 148–9, 190, 245, 319–20
plantations 2, 3, 24, 28, 32, 34–5, 56, 120-1
politics 55–60, 106, 148–9, 190–4, 244–7, 266, 282–9, 319–20
Port Antonio 44, 48, 77, 125, 150, 188
Port Maria 18–19, 31–2, 85, 121, 137, 192
Port Royal 113–14, 114, 115–17, 230
Portland 44
poverty 55, 319
prostitution 87
Rio Grande 77, 78,188, 255
Rio Nuevo 19
Roaring River 23
Sabina Park 171
segregation 88–9, 103, 191–3, 320
slavery 18, 32, 49, 117, 120-1, 225
Spanish rule 18-19
Spanish Town 145
St Ann’s Bay 23, 44
St Catherine 32
St Mary 17, 18, 32, 35, 44, 119, 278
sugar industry 30–3, 56, 191
Tainos 18, 117
tourism 44–8, 81–90, 171–4, 189, 191, 265–6, 304–5, 319
unemployment 56
Up Park Camp 284
US naval bases 101–2
Vernamŕield 101
Wentworth 202
West Indies Federation 191, 194, 245–7
Westmoreland 30, 31, 56
White River 278
Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation 191
Jamaica Democratic Party 84
Jamaica Inn, Ocho Rios 82–3, 83
Jamaica Institute 243
Jamaica Progressive League 55, 102
Jamaica Times 247
Jamaica Tourist Board 173
Jamaican Federation of Women 29, 52, 59
Jamaican Film Unit 145
Jamaican Labour Party (JLP) 58, 106, 190, 283
James Bond
Casino Royale 13, 19, 117, 119, 124, 128, 130–7, 140–2, 140,196, 208, 260
Casino Royale (CBS television show) 226
cocktails 134
and detachment 130, 133
Diamonds are Forever 46, 61, 93, 99, 141, 157, 158–9, 167, 182–6, 188, 208, 238, 256
Dr No 19–20, 25, 26, 42, 46, 54, 81, 94, 100, 105, 141, 157, 187, 194, 204, 224, 225, 227–35, 236–7, 239–40, 256, 272
Dr No (film) 82, 83, 271–82, 274, 278, 281, 289, 293, 304, 320, 321
Goldeneye: Where Bond Was Born: Ian Fleming's Jamaica Page 39