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Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins

Page 3

by Allen Gates

  “Hey why don’t you take a little extra time in the morning? I’ll cover the early calls from the papers, etcetera, and that gives me first choice on a doughnut.”

  “Thanks for the offer partner, but it’s my day to drop Tad off at school so I’ll be there on time. We know that my phone’s going to be ringing “Dixie” most of the morning.”

  Anne leaned over and pointed. “That’s my car over there on the corner. You can let me out on this side and keep going up University to Broadway. See you in the morning.”

  “Right partner, tomorrow it is. Good job out there at the scene. You were very observant with the ability to perceive using both your senses and your mind.”

  He smiled at Anne waiting for a smart response from her, but she merely shook her head in disgust. He then reached over and grabbed her arm; “Be very careful who you choose if you decide not to go home alone. Remember, he’s out there on the loose looking.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s one drink and this gal’s homeward bound sober and alone.”

  Lon noted that her favorite hangout was exactly as she had described it—a typical neighborhood bar, with a corner entrance door, no windows along the front, and a red flashing open sign. He watched to be sure she crossed the street and was safely inside before he pulled away from the curb and started his trip home with a mind racing with questions he had no answer for.

  “Who is this guy?” he asked himself. He must appear harmless to his victims. Probably a guy women are attracted to and everybody’s friend. He is apparently aware of DNA criminology success rate and is careful to prevent any from remaining at his crime scenes. He’ll make a mistake sooner or later, he thought.

  Pulling into his driveway he turned off the engine and decided it was time to forget the case and just enjoy the family waiting for him to be home.


  TERRIFIED TO THE point she was whimpering through the ever tightening tape across her mouth praying that his compassion would appear and save her from the death she feared was minutes away. She watched him closely as he opened the small leather case. He pulled out a small stack of newspaper clippings and removed the paper clip binding them together. Then pulling the chain on a small table lamp, he sat down and began separating the items displaying them across the desk top.

  “What is he reading at a time like this?” she wondered.

  She continued to watch him as he stood up and turned on the main light in the room and after looking at each piece of newspaper he placed them back into the case.

  He looked over at her and removed a sheet of paper containing a handwritten list of methods used by the serial killer at each of the five published murder scenes. His plan was to follow them in exact detail to try to link his wife’s death to the serial killer. After carefully studying each step, he was satisfied that he was ready and placed the list back into the case.

  Marie continued watching his every move, using every instinct to remain calm. She knew she needed to be ready to take advantage of whatever opportunity was accorded her to save her life. She thought of her husband and wondered if he had returned home ready to apologize after his angry blowup. She knew he would note her absence and assume she was still at her meeting and simply sit and wait for her.

  Turning her attention back to the man, she remembered how law enforcers always said to observe your attacker and look for anything unusual about the man, like a mannerism, a tattoo, a piece of jewelry a strong scent or memorize the tone of his voice to help identify them later. Marie refocused on the man, but this time with a definite purpose.

  A frightening chill went through her as she realized she was analyzing the man that was in all reality preparing to murder her. She had never gambled, but now she wondered; what would the odds be that on the first time in her life she decided to take a chance on a wild night out she would communicate and agree to meet with a serial killer. She who had asked her husband on several occasions since the killings began, how could women be so stupid as to take up with perfect strangers?

  Her attention drifted back to the man standing nearby with his back to her. She watched him check his watch, then turn and walk to the window and open a small slit in the curtains apparently checking to see if anyone was in view. She recognized a change in his movements from slow and deliberate to quick steps and she feared his intentions were about to be made known to her.

  He glanced over at her from the window and knew every action from this point on was extremely critical for him. He turned and faced his wife on the bed and said with a firm voice, not caring if she heard.

  “Follow the plan and you will be home free with no possible connection to you.”

  Walking to her, he focused his attention directly on her face. Her eyes were open wide and staring directly at him, but he recognized that her facial expression had changed. The look of fear had been replaced by a perplexed stare as if she was attempting to analyze him or determine his intentions.

  “How strange,” he thought.

  He looked away needing to concentrate to prevent from being side-tracked by feelings of compassion for her or letting the fear of being caught affect his actions. After one final look around, he walked to the desk and said to his image in the mirror loudly in a voice meant to create fear in the woman lying on the bed.

  “It’s time Marie.”

  He moved slowly to the bed removing the wig and the horned rim glasses anxious to enjoy her feared reaction as he did so. Her eyes reflected the fear and confusion that he desired before she rolled away from his rapid approach. His plan was for her to see familiar traits in him and slowly step by step realize his identity.

  She watched his hands and recognized the gold ring her husband had been presented for his service in the senate. But, how and when could this man have obtained it?


  LON STEPPED OUT of the car and going against his better sense walked to the mailbox at the end of the drive and pulled out a small stack of envelopes.

  “I’m sick of bills and junk mail,” he said loudly.

  He looked around sheepishly to see if anyone was close enough to have heard his outburst. Safe, he thought as he walked up the steps and entered the front door. The aroma coming out of the kitchen was fabulous and immediately his mouth began to water.

  “Lucie, I’m Home,” he called. He felt someone staring at him. He turned and there standing on the stairway in a sky blue negligee that hid none of her womanly attributes stood his wife.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  He realized immediately the game she was playing, He asked, “Have you seen my wife?”

  “She left town for a few days.”

  “Where is my son?”

  “Your wife decided that he needed to spend the night at his grandmother’s house.”

  “I see, and what is your purpose for being in my house?”

  “Your wife felt you needed someone to welcome you home and comfort you while she was away.”

  “She has always been very considerate that way. What do I call you? It would not be a good thing to call you by the wrong name. I know my wife wouldn’t appreciate that, so I’m sure you feel the same.”

  With a very sexy saunter, never taking her eyes off him she continued down the stairs and approached; stopping directly in front and placed her hands on his shoulders.

  “My name is of no concern to you at this time. I am here to serve you as I was instructed. How can I best serve you, Master? I offer you two choices; the first is a dinner and a bottle of white wine being chilled, or…”

  The second choice was never offered as Lon reached out and picked her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs to the bedroom.

  “Lon, what would your wife think about this?”

  It was apparently a game they both needed to play. Their love making was spontaneous and purely physical, absent of normal love making habits they had established over the years and further enhanced by expressed fantasies they hoped to carry out with each other.

nbsp; Their dinner was eaten later and the chilled wine never tasted better. Before falling asleep, they made love again and Lon asked, “How can I ever repay my wife for this unbelievable night?”

  “I’m sure she is aware of your gratitude Master,” was her response.


  ANNE, SITTING ALONE at her favorite stop off spot was finishing her second gin and tonic when she heard the familiar sound the front door made when opening and watched a man enter. As he approached the bar his eyes fixed on her immediately.

  “Here we go,” she said to Johnny the bar tender, rolling her eyes and expecting him to walk over and sit next to her.

  “What will his opening line be, Johnny? Can I buy you a drink? What’s a nice girl like you, doing in a place like this? Or, hey good looking, what are you doing here alone?”

  Johnny just laughed and watched the man to see if her prediction would come true.

  To her surprise and somewhat disappointment he sat at the far end and ordered a draught and paid little attention to her.

  “Well, I guess he showed me,” she said to the grinning Johnny as he drew a draught and walked it to the man at the end of the bar.

  He lifted his beer and before taking a drink looked at her and smiled. Catching her by surprise she smiled back. She tried not to appear interested in him but noticed him surveying the room and paid no further attention to her, which put her in a “what’s wrong with me” mode.

  Coming to grips with her actions she realized she was playing a dangerous game with a stranger and decided it was time to go home. He could be the very one she was trying to put in jail and she was playing right into his trap if he happened to be the killer. Placing a twenty dollar bill in front of her, which more than covered her tab, she stepped down off the bar stool and headed for the door.

  “You okay to drive, Anne, the bar tender asked?”

  “I’m fine Johnny, I don’t have far to go.”

  “I’ll gladly drive you,” came from the man at the bar.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. My mother told me to avoid strangers.” Not that I would mind, raced through her, I should know better. She had been working so hard lately on the unsolved murders that her social life had suffered badly.

  Noting his rather rugged, but handsome face, she thought why not?

  “Maybe next time,” she replied.

  “I’ll look forward to the next time, he replied.”

  She smiled and found herself fighting the desire to stay; she continued out of the bar. Outside she told herself, “Relax, you have to be more careful. You’re a cop, and you’re acting like a typical victim that takes a chance and winds up dead. Get yourself home.”


  THE DIMNESS IN the motel room was bright enough to allow him to see her facial expression turn to; “I recognize something about him appear over her face.”

  It must be the ring, he thought. I forgot to remove it. It didn’t matter now, but it brought to the front once again how the smallest overlooked step, could lead to his demise.

  “Does she suspect that it’s me yet?” he wondered.

  Placing the glasses and the wig into the case he looked back into her eyes, looked into the mirror and removed the blue contacts. He smiled at her reflection as he continued to reveal his identity step by step. Her look of confusion sent a sense of accomplishment through him. He removed a thin layer of plastic skin from his cheeks and nose. He almost giggled as she watched thinking this should do it.

  He smiled as her body began to jerk and stiffen as she began recognizing her assailant. Her eyes were wide with fear and confusion and then realizing the truth she began to thrash wildly straining against her bindings desperate to escape. She rolled from side to side, fighting and pleading with every gesture but realized it was futile for her to struggle. He stood over her smiling. She became still, while leering back at him.

  “Hello, Marie, surprise, surprise.”

  She glared up at him in anger now dismissing her fear of dying. Mother warned me from the beginning you had a cheating heart so I set a plan to find out if her suspicions were correct. But imagine the irony Marie, to discover your cheating encounter was with your own husband. I want you to know I was pulling for you and was confident you would realize your sinful way and change your plans.”

  “However, you chose to follow your wanton desires and so you completely understand the theory of my plan, your body will be discovered here in this room and the police will seize your computer and read your emails and begin a search for your secret computer lover Brick you met here tonight. They will not find him or his computer; I have seen to that. I am following the pattern of the previous murdered women so the police will theorize that your death was caused by the killer they are looking for.” He stared down at her and then leaned close and looking into her eyes asked, “It’s a brilliant plan, don’t you think? But wait, there’s more, Marie.”

  “There is a witness of your arrival at the motel. That same witness has seen me in full disguise and will testify to that identity. He gently touched her hair as he said, “Marie, all you had to do was refuse to take part in this meeting and all would be as it was. I believed in you enough to argue with Mother that you would change your mind when you arrived at this low life motel, but she was right once again and here you are.” He touched her cheek and arranged her hair trying to comfort her.

  “I do love you, but you know the rule, you must always reap what you sow. I have told you that over and over again, haven’t I?”

  He kissed her tenderly on the forehead and then placed his hand over her nose and mouth and closed her airways. She struggled to turn her head away from his hand but to no avail. He was confused when he felt tears on his hand and realized they were his. He was crying. He truly did love her.

  Her struggle slowed and finally ceased, but he continued to cover her airway for several more seconds before he stepped back and stared at her lifeless body. The realization that it was over caused his legs to begin shaking and a temporary feeling of an inability to move came over him. Now for the first time he felt fear and a need to be out of that room. He removed the tape first from her mouth and then from her hands and feet. Turning her over onto her stomach, he carefully arranged her as was depicted in the news reports of each of the serial killer victims. He was sure they would have to assume it was his work. His last act was to arrange her hair and then take one last regretful look at her.

  “Time to go, Marie.”

  He retrieved the wig and glasses and closed and locked the black case. Then he looked around the room to search for anything that could possibly spoil the plan he had created and feeling confident he was safe he made final preparations for departure. He placed the wig on his head and donned the horned rimmed glasses. Walking to the draped window, he peered out in the direction of the office, and scanned the parking lot. Seeing no one in sight he went to the door and after turning off the lights, he stepped out into the night.

  Pressing the automatic door unlock button on the key chain, he opened the car door and quickly got into the driver side seat. He glanced at the office window and could see the clerk with his back to the window.

  “Okay William, take it nice and easy and we’re out of here free and clear,” he said to himself keeping an eye on the office window.

  He backed his car away from room 12 slowly and gently pulled forward toward the exit. The agent was busy on the computer and never bothered to glance up as he passed. He drove out of the parking lot removing the latex gloves as he drove and laid them on the black case next to him. He turned on the radio and laughed out loud as the song that was playing was by George Strait, “All My Exes Live In Texas.”


  THE NEXT MORNING, Anne was determined to get to the office early and she stopped to pick up a dozen doughnuts on the way. To her surprise, Lon was already at his desk busy talking on the phone. He looked up at her and smiled as he noticed her approaching his desk.

  “How ya doin?” he asked her in his at
tempt at a New Jersey accent.

  “That’s so bad, Lon, you should drop that impression and stick to your almost as bad, Elvis.”

  Lon laughed and turned his attention back to the phone call.

  “Alright, get back to me when you have more info.”

  Anne opened the box lid.

  “Here’s your favorite, toasted coconut, you had better take possession before the gang of leaches notices the box.”

  She handed him the coconut doughnut, sat the box on his desk, and headed to the coffee station. Lon followed her into the side room and Anne refilled his cup.

  “How was your reception at the home base last night?” she asked.

  “My wife wasn’t home.” And as soon as he said this, he began to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m sorry, it’s an inside joke.”

  He continued to smile as he walked back to the stack of files the chief had piled on his desk. Dividing them equally, he placed half on Anne’s desk. “I don’t think we’re going to find our guy in this pile, but the big guy wants us to peruse these formerly misunderstood and mistreated malcontents. Don’t tell him I said that.”

  “I think that sounded pretty impressive don’t you think? Peruse? I like that word. How about you, partner?” She ignored him shaking her head and grabbed the first file.

  The rest of the morning was quiet, except for an occasional phone tip that came in which they would document, but the majority didn’t seem important.

  Lon laid down the file he was reading and checked his watch. He had promised Tad he would leave early to catch his soccer game after school. They had talked at breakfast and his son’s sudden maturity had caught him off guard.

  He now realized he had to be careful. Tad was growing up fast and if he was not more attentive he was going to miss it. Adjusting his mind-set he leafed through the final file and placed it back on the stack.


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