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Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins

Page 23

by Allen Gates

  “We have some news for you, chief. We’ll need another search warrant for the senator’s estate and you need to send out a photo guy and a couple of uniforms to search the senator’s home.”

  “Oh by the way, are you ready for some big news, chief?”

  He listened for the expected cynical remark he knew would be coming.

  “It’s about time we had some big news from you two.”

  “He did it Chief; the honorable William Radford the third murdered his wife. There’s more, but we’ll fill you in when we come in to file our report.”

  “Finish there and get your butts in here. This will shut some mouths up.”

  “Yea, were almost done here and about to leave and head back to the station. Get that scene crew here quick. We’ll leaving the door unlocked for them.”


  STEPHANIE HAD FINISHED her morning rounds reports and was preparing to leave for the day when she was handed a note from Len asking her to consider the concert invitation overnight. She decided she would go with him and would pay for her ticket to be sure he understood it was not a date.

  Saying her goodnights to the desk nurse she left the building and walked to her car. She was surprised to see her realtor standing in front of his car which was parked next to hers.

  “All set Stephanie?”

  “I thought you were going to meet me at the house?”

  He looked surprised.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Stephanie. I have no idea where you live.”

  The note leaver, she thought. Why would he try to change my appointment? She walked around and got into the passenger seat and explained the misunderstanding to him. He told her that sounded strange and she should be careful, as he handed her the three print outs for the houses he had selected for her.


  TERRY PULLED INTO the half-full parking lot and as he opened the door something seemed strange. There was not the usual sound of the juke box loudly projecting solid gold country music. He entered and was surprised at the unusually quiet crowd. He went over to order a drink then walked to the juke box and selected several songs. He decided to stay with the attitude of the subdued patrons.

  His first selection was the very smooth, Willy Nelson’s “Blue Eye’s Crying in the Rain.” He needed to think and a Willy song would provide the perfect background. The scraping sound of the door opening caught his ear and he eyed the lady entering. He remembered being with her on another occasion. She smiled when she saw him and called him by name. He ran her through his memory, but he could not bring her name up from the discarded file.

  “Hey there good looking” was all he could think of to cover his impolite memory. She seemed to be alright with it and sat down on the stool next to him. He recalled that she had been fun to be with.

  Patsy Cline suddenly created a romantic opening with her song, “Sweet Dreams,” and she cooed, “Dance with me Terry.”

  She grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor and after the first two steps he remembered her being an excellent dancer as well as other things.

  You can’t do this, he said to himself. A few dances then you’re going home. You have another woman to tend to who you know is the catalyst between you and being unemployed.

  Patsy Cline faded away, but before he could completely break free, the voice of George Jones, singing, “He Stopped Loving Her Today,” made it necessary for him to remain and he pulled her even closer in his arms.


  ANNE, ONE-BY-ONE REEXAMINED the items she had removed earlier and placed them back in the black case and handed it to her partner. As they walked through the bedroom she stopped and refocused her attention on the portrait of Mrs. Radford over the bed.

  “She was a beautiful woman, Lon.”

  She expected a stupid retort from Lon, but when she looked for him she saw him turn and continue out the door with an over the shoulder wave meaning follow me.

  The house seemed ghostly still as they walked down the stairs and stood looking at the scene of the fall. Lon had a sudden flashback of an important task he had planned to pursue as he eyed the chalk marks.

  “We have to get the senator’s ring from the coroner. We need to have it tested for DNA.”

  Anne agreed understanding that Lon would not be satisfied with the discovered proof of his committing his wife’s murder, he needed to be sure he wasn’t the serial killer.

  They drove in silence most of the way to the station. They didn’t mention the inappropriate incident between them realizing it was a momentary break in good judgment and it should never surface again.

  Anne was singing “Dixie” in her mind, as they parked at the station. She wondered how far it would have gone if “Dixie” had not interrupted them.

  “Well partner, let’s wrap this up, and get back to the major case needing to be solved, which better be soon. The chief’s getting grief and you know, that grief is going to start landing on us.”


  THE REALTOR HAD selected homes more in line with what Stephanie was looking for and she ended up making an offer to purchase on the first house they toured. It was a small three bedroom in a sparsely developed area outside of town close to the beach area she had become attached to. That fact alone played an important part in her decision.

  They arrived back at the hospital and after some last minute suggestions from the realtor. Stephanie walked to her car and immediately noticed the folded paper on the windshield.

  Her hands were shaking as she unfolded the note that read, [YOU DID NOT WALK YOUR DOG.] “What does that mean,” she asked herself. Who is leaving these notes; and why me? She looked around for a possible glimpse of someone that might be watching her.


  ANNE HEADED TO the bar and smiled when the phone rang and she saw that it was Lon.

  “You can’t stand being away from me can you, Lonny boy?”

  “I hate to burst your bubble partner, but I just got a call from Doctor Wearing, she found another note on her car outside the hospital. I’m on my way to meet her. Where are you?”

  “I’m outside my favorite watering hole. Do you need me?”

  “No, I can handle it. If there is something you need to know, I’ll call you. Have a beer for me.”

  Anne felt guilty going for a drink while Lon was still on the job. “He could have asked me to meet him there if it was necessary,” she convinced herself. She entered the barroom and as her eyes adjusted to the shadowy atmosphere she saw Terry loving it up on the dance floor. She glanced at Johnny who was rolling his eyes at her. He handed her a drought and after filling an order at the other end of the bar came back and told a joke that brought Anne to tears, laughing. Suddenly she sensed someone behind her.

  “Would you like to dance, Anne?”

  Still coming down from the laughter she turned to face Terry who ducked back and protected his face. This made her laugh even harder.

  “Look Terry, our time has come and gone. You have a lady over there watching you hoping you come back to her. Do so. And by the way what happened to Miss Jones?”

  Terry grimaced, turned and walked over to the woman and they moved to the dance floor and continued dancing. Anne could feel his stare of anger from across the room.

  She stood up to walk to the restroom and looked over at them on the dance floor. She smiled at Terry as she walked by them. He never changed his I will have my revenge stare at her.

  Returning a few minutes later, she was prepared for some comment from him. But, thankfully, as she scanned the room she realized they were no longer there. Saying a final goodbye to Johnny she walked out into the cool California night. Reaching behind her she felt for her revolver. It was a comfort knowing it was there. Why am I so unnerved tonight, she thought.

  She knew the answer. She was concerned that he might be waiting for her.


  THE KILLER STOOD over the bed looking at the array of women’s clothing and one-by-one he fondled select
ed pieces remembering the special lover he had collected them from. He placed them on display there by the order he had received fulfillment. As he touched each piece again one-by-one he hoped to use them as an escape from his rising demand for fulfillment. If he could calm the urge with number five he would survive an unwanted attack from the evil that continued to grow inside him.

  As he breathed in the aroma of number five’s clothing, he realized it was not working. His body was becoming a desperate, raging inferno and he knelt beside the bed pleading for it to stop. Standing, he walked to the mirror and said to his image, “This time it has to be her; and it must be soon.”

  Positioning the prostitute’s skirt on the bed and after placing her panties carefully in position he picked up her black bra and laid it in position just above the skirt. Immediately he became lost in a state of eroticism. He began fantasizing about their time together on that dark night and the evil one burst through him as he carefully placed his body on the woman beneath him.


  “I AM SORRY to bother you detective, but the notes are getting scarier. I am not sure how to handle them. I tried ignoring them, but it has gone too far.”

  Lon could see the sincere fear in her eyes as she reached in her pocket to retrieve the note.

  “This one read, [YOU DID NOT WALK YOUR DOG]. He must have been there watching me last night when I arrived home; who knows why—for some reason I decided at the last minute to just let Hobo out in the yard and wait for him on the steps. He must have been somewhere nearby watching me.”

  Before the detective could respond, she asked, “Could he have been planning to approach me if I had actually walked Hobo up the street like I normally do?”

  “Listen Stephanie, I think he’s definitely setting you up for something. I’m not sure if this is the same guy we’re looking for, but if it is he has changed his MO for you.

  There has to be a connection somewhere and we have to find it. Maybe it’s at the hospital or your realtor. It could be anyone you have contact with. I want you to check the hands of every man you talk to and see if they wear rings. It would be a large stone or filigree type that could scratch someone if it raked across their skin.”

  “Something like the one you’re wearing detective?”

  “Yes exactly.”


  ANNE HEARD LOUD talking as she turned the corner of the bar on the way to her car. She slowed her pace when she saw that it was Terry and the lady from the bar and Miss Jones. She snickered inside and walked on to her car. Terry was blubbering something about just walking her to the car and then going home.

  Upon arriving home Anne decided to put a call in to Lon and check on his meeting with the Doctor. She walked into her bedroom removed her revolver and placed the call.

  He picked up immediately.

  “What’s up partner? Checking up on me? I think you’re worried about me being alone with the very attractive Doc, right?”

  “No, you are wrong Oh Mighty Carnac.”


  STEPHANIE WALKED OVER and answered the phone, surprised by the late hour of the call. “Oh hey, how are you? Tonight? I guess I can. Alright, sure, what time? One hour is doable. I’ll try to be on time.”

  She hung up the phone with her mind questioning the necessity of a meeting this evening, but the realtor had presented a sound reason. Still she questioned why it couldn’t wait until tomorrow? “I guess eight o’clock isn’t late for some people.”

  As she began preparing for the meeting she remembered the warnings from the detectives and decided to call Anne for advice. Going to her dresser she found the paper on which she had written her information. Feeling somewhat foolish at giving in to her fears, she dialed the number. Five rings and it went to answering service. She left a message asking the detective to call her as she was on her way to meet the realtor at her new house.

  “It’s 103 Hobbs Hole Lane. I’m just following your suggestion on being extra careful in my actions.”

  Across town Anne stepped out of the shower and toweling off slipped on a robe and went into the kitchen. The flashing on the phone base caught her eye. She listened to the Doctor’s message and felt there was no panic or fear in her voice. She apparently was being cautious making someone aware where she would be meeting with her realtor.

  Dialing the number she heard the dreaded sound of a busy signal. I’ll try later, she thought. She took a TV dinner out of the fridge and placed it in the microwave. Then grabbing a beer, she went into the living room, switched on the TV, and sat propping her feet on the coffee table. I should call the doctor back, ran through her mind. She took a big slug of beer, laid her head back and closed her eyes.


  DRIVING ALONG THE coastal highway she saw a police squad car parked along the road. Slowing down, she peered over at the car and the officer appeared to be sleeping. His head was leaning back against the head rest.

  It didn’t look right to her. He should not be sleeping with the car running. Thinking he could be in trouble she pulled over and reached in her purse for her cell phone. Going under recent calls, she scanned until she found detective Towers number. This is stupid she thought and replaced her phone and blew the horn twice very loudly. When he sat up she waved and drove off.


  ANNE WAS AWAKENED by loud knocking. Approaching the door she inquired before opening it the person’s identity.

  “It’s Lon, open up.

  “What are you doing here? Don’t you ever go home?”

  “I had a strange thing happen. Apparently the Doctor wanted to call me, but hung up before I could answer. She either changed her mind or some other reason caused her to hang up. I became concerned and decided to check it out.”

  “She left a message on my answering machine, a little while ago, Lon, but didn’t seem stressed or worried. Come into the kitchen and you can hear it.”

  Anne pushed the message button and after listening, Lon asked, “How often does a realtor ask a client to meet them at eight o’clock at night?”

  “Why didn’t I pick up on that? I have to admit, it did seems a little odd.”

  “Grab your book and look at the names given by Stephanie of men she has had contact with. One of them was a realtor.”

  “Here it is, his name is Erick Palmer.”

  “Where’s your phone book? Throwing the book on the counter Lon began scanning for the name Erick Palmer. “Here it is. E. R. Palmer.”

  He punched in the numbers and waited.

  “Hello sounded on the other end.

  “Mrs. Palmer?”

  “Yes, who is calling?”

  “Is your husband a realtor?”

  “Yes he is, are you a client?

  “No, I’m a detective and it’s important. May I speak with him?”

  “Just a minute, I’ll get him.”

  Lon looked at Anne and turned his thumb down. “He’s still there.”

  “Yes, detective how can I help you, came through the phone?”

  “Mister Palmer. My name is detective Towers and I need to know if you had an appointment scheduled with the Dr. Wearing tonight.”

  “No, I was planning to get with her over the next day or two.”

  “I see; well thank you and I’m sorry to disturb you at home. Goodnight sir.”

  Anne was distraught with the news.

  “This is not good Lon; it appears that someone is setting her up. I’m going to get dressed and we’d better get over to that address.”

  She walked to the bedroom and threw off her robe. Lon watched her in the mirror. She caught his eyes smiled and continued dressing.


  STEPHANIE PULLED INTO the drive. A small night light was on at the far corner of the house lighting the front porch and a portion of the yard. She looked at her watch and found she was several minutes early. Feeling a little uneasy, she locked her doors. “Too quiet,” she thought.

  The phone sounded like a city wide fire alarm. She calmed down
as she read the message board. She recognized it as the number she had called for Anne the detective.

  “Hello Detective. You must have listened to my message”

  “Listen Stephanie, we need to see you right away. We’re driving toward you now.”

  “Can you hold for a second, detective, my realtor is pulling in now?”

  “Stephanie there is no realtor. Stephanie, lock your doors and get out of there now! Stephanie, listen to me!”

  Stephanie had opened her door and stepped out and was surprised to see it was a police car, but felt somewhat relieved. She watched the officer get out of the car and walk toward her.

  “Evening Miss; I’m interested in knowing why you’re here at this vacant property at this time of night?”

  “If you’ll give me a minute, I’ll explain everything. I’m on the phone with detective Cummings. They are on their way to meet me here.”

  She turned and grabbed her phone.

  “Hello detective. No, it’s a police officer. Now what were you saying?”

  “Your realtor did not set this meeting with you. You are being set-up by someone else. Get the officers name. Then leave the premises immediately and drive to the Flapjack Diner.”

  “I see; yes I’ll meet you there. Just a minute, I’ll ask. She wants to know your name officer.”

  “Tell her it is Leo Trent.”

  “Anne, his name is Leo Trent. Okay, I understand and I’m on my way.”

  “Officer Trent I was supposed to meet my realtor here at eight o’clock. I don’t know yet the details of what happened, but they informed me that there was something wrong and that no meeting had been scheduled. The detectives want me to leave and meet them at the Flapjack Restaurant.”


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