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Lifestyles of the Rich and Shameless

Page 16

by Noire

  “Don’t never be sorry about nothing, Peanut. You hear? Besides, my phone done been cut off a few times so you couldn’t have reached me anyway. We can’t do nothing about what’s lost. We just gotta make good use of what we have today.”

  Noble hung out with his aunt while he and Sissy waited for the community meeting to start. His aunt had always been a feisty thing, and as an adult Noble could really appreciate all the time and care she had taken with him over the years. Bam had never remarried. He’d remained dedicated to the bond he’d had with his wife, and he had never once been with a woman in Noble’s presence. Tauntie had been the only female in young Noble’s life, and it was her who had told him about the circumstances of his mother’s death.

  Noble watched the way Sissy moved around his aunt’s kitchen. He could tell she was comfortable and knew exactly where everything was.

  “Looks like Sissy is a lot of help, Tauntie. I’m glad you haven’t been over here all by yourself.”

  His aunt nodded. “Yes, that girl is a wonder. She’s always into something in here. Cooking, cleaning up, making sure all my bills get paid. She’s so good, it done got to the point where I can’t find nothing. And she does the same thing for the rest of the old folks in the building. She’s like a little manager. Just done took over for us. Bless her heart.”

  Noble looked at Sissy with mad respect and appreciation in his eyes. She was still young and beautiful. She didn’t have to be stuck up in these projects fooling around with no old people, but she did it anyway. He could still see a trace of the sexy young vixen from high school in her eyes, but there was also a mature, foxy woman with a good heart in there too. A woman Noble wanted to spend a little quality time with and get to know better.

  The community meeting was over an hour away, and Noble had wanted to do some grocery shopping for his aunt while he was there. Sissy showed him where his aunt kept her shopping cart, and Noble took it from the closet and headed out to shop on Livonia Avenue. Noble had gotten a grocery list from his tauntie, and Sissy had a list of her own for herself and her uncle.

  “Do you remember Yardley Green from Marcus Garvey? He owns that store down the block called Green’s Groceries?” Sissy asked as they walked.

  “Oh yeah,” Noble nodded quickly. “Yard’s my boy. We went to school together. I used to chill at his store all the time when I was out here working undercover. Yard used to look out for me a lot when I was working narcotics. He was one of the few dudes around here that I could always trust.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know y’all was tight like that.”

  Noble nodded again. “Yeah, we tight as hell. We hang out almost every weekend. Remember, me, Yard, and Pap was a crew back in high school. We called ourselves ‘Three the Hard Way.’ Yard’s about to get married soon. He just called me up and invited me to his bachelor party.”

  Sissy cut her eyes at him. “Bachelor party? Yeah, I knew he was getting married, but he didn’t tell me about no bachelor party!”

  Noble laughed. “That’s ’cause you’re not invited!”

  Sissy laughed with him, then said, “Well, I work the cash register at Yard’s store a couple of nights a week, so that’s where I usually shop.” Sissy shook her head as they strolled down the street looking like a couple. “Yard has the lowest prices around here, but his products just ain’t all that great.”

  “What’s wrong with my man’s stuff?”

  Sissy shrugged. “Nothing’s wrong with it, it’s just that he doesn’t have the biggest or the freshest selection around here. I mean, the milk and bread and eggs and stuff like that are okay, but you know you can’t get no decent fresh fruits or good cuts of meat in no corner store.”

  “So let’s go where the selection is bigger. Let’s hit that supermarket over by the Chinese restaurant,” Noble suggested. And then he asked as they crossed the street, “Other than going to nursing school and working for Yard, what else have you been doing with yourself? I know you’re working at the hospital now, and running things for everybody in the building, but what do you do when you’re not doing all that?”

  Sissy shrugged. “I do stuff.... I like to read. I hang out with a few of my girls. Do you remember Val Boykins from Jeff?”

  Noble nodded casually. Val was hot. He’d actually gotten some of that back in the day.

  “Well, her sister Shannie is still around, and me and her are real cool. We chill together a lot.”

  Noble remembered Shannie too. She had been one of them real hard-looking chicks who threw her rap down on other females and walked around holding her imaginary nuts.

  “What else you do?” he asked. “Are you with somebody? You got a man?”

  Sissy looked up at him with the niggah-please face. “I ain’t got time for no man. Besides, I don’t need no man. Men always seem to get me in trouble.”

  And then she switched it up.

  “How about you? I know you must have a woman somewhere. You always had a bunch of girls running behind you back in high school. I’m sure that hasn’t changed.”

  “Nah,” Noble said, defending himself. “High school and now are two different things. All of us have lived some and learned some. We ain’t the same now as we were back then.”

  Sissy quickly agreed. “You’re right about that. I can’t believe all the wild shit I did in high school. I was outta control. Just wild. And stupid as hell too. But like you said, we’re all different now. So,” she said, bringing her question back home, “where’s your girlfriend?”

  Noble kept it tight.

  “I don’t have just a girlfriend. There are a few women that I have deep feelings for, but I’m not looking for a girlfriend. I’m trying to find a wife.”

  Sissy stopped in her tracks.

  “A wife? You’re getting married?”

  Noble laughed. “Yeah, one day. My pops is sick. I wanna get married and have a tyke while he’s still around.”

  “So, when’s the big day?”

  “I don’t know that yet,” Noble admitted. “But I’m gonna propose to somebody on my birthday. That’s the day I’ll get engaged.”

  “Wow,” she said. “When’s your birthday?”

  “Next month,” Noble answered. “On the fifteenth.”

  At the cash register, he let Sissy put her stuff up on the belt first. But before the cashier could finish ringing her up, Noble had slid the grocery separator to the side and told the young girl to ring up everything together so he could pay for it.

  “Thanks,” Sissy said to him as they walked slowly down the sidewalk passing Tilden Projects. “I appreciate it, but you didn’t have to buy my stuff.”

  Noble nodded as he pulled the cart behind him. A slight smile was playing on his lips as he watched her walk beside him. Sissy was fine. Her waist was tight, and the jeans she wore couldn’t hide what the girl was holding. Her package looked good. Not like a hot teenager, but like a fully-grown woman.

  “It’s no big thing,” Noble said, shrugging it off. The few dollars he’d spent in the store didn’t come close to matching up with what Sissy had been doing for people like his aunt. Noble was grateful to her, and he wanted to do her a solid in some kinda way too.

  “Hey,” he said suddenly. “I know the community meeting is about to start soon, but are you busy later on tonight? Can I take you to dinner?”

  Sissy shook her head. “Sorry, after the meeting I’m getting with some people from the neighborhood watch team. I’ll be sitting in the lobby from five to seven.”

  “Can I sit down there with you?”

  Sissy laughed. “No. You have to be a team member to take a shift.”

  “Cool. I’ll join the team, and we can go to dinner when we’re done. Who do I need to talk to? Where do I sign up. Who’s in charge?”

  Sissy laughed again and put her warm hand on his arm. “Who’s in charge, Noble? Why, that would be me.”


  Sitting on Neighborhood Watch with Sissy had been fun, and dinner at an Italian restaurant down
town had been even better. Noble knew he was playing his time kinda close. And after sitting downstairs with her for two hours, he’d put Sissy on the back of his motorcycle and cruised back to his crib to change clothes and get the whip so he could take her out to dinner in style. After dinner he planned to drive Sissy home, then zip over to see his sweet little Zsa baby.

  “What’s in the box?” Sissy asked as he opened his trunk and placed the gift-wrapped box containing the lingerie he’d bought for Zsa Zsa inside.

  “It’s a gift,” Noble said. He’d made sure not to get it mixed up with the thong he’d bought for Kiki.

  “For a girl?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. For a very special girl.”

  They’d driven downtown to Campanato’s, and Noble had eaten some vegetarian spaghetti while cracking Alaskan king crab legs for Sissy and piling the sweet meat high on her plate. While they ate, they talked about Noble getting shot and losing his leg, and Sissy’s decision to become a nurse, and how hard it had been for her to get into a decent school after coming out of prison.

  “Being locked up was a wake-up call for me,” Sissy admitted. “I learned to love myself while I was in prison. And I also learned that all the dudes I thought I had loved were just substitutes for what I really needed. For the kind of love I had been denying myself and running away from.”

  Noble could dig it. He had chased a lot of girls too, and the kind of love he was looking for right now was the kind his pops had shared with his mother. The kind that lasted way beyond the grave.

  Noble was really enjoying himself, and he knew Sissy was talking some real shit. And it wasn’t just because of the words coming outta her mouth. Nah, the girl sitting across the table from him was very different from the hot banga Sissy from his memories. But as much as he dug getting to know her again, it was just about time for Noble to dip, because he wasn’t about to break his word to Zsa Zsa.

  Noble drove Sissy home, and even though she kept telling him it wasn’t necessary, he walked her inside the building and took her upstairs to her door.

  “She’s probably asleep, huh?” he asked, angling his head toward Tauntie’s door.

  Sissy nodded quickly. “Oh yeah. She’s an early bird. She gets in the bed before eight o’clock. But I have the key if you want to go inside for something.”

  Noble shook his head, then kissed her on the cheek. “Nah. I don’t need nothing outta there. I already put my cell number on the refrigerator, and I left her some money to pay her phone bill. And I promised her that from now on I’d be calling and coming by on the regular.”

  Thirty minutes later Noble pulled up outside Zsa Zsa’s crib. She lived with her aunt on the first floor of an apartment building and all her lights were on. Noble could hear the music coming out of her windows, and he grinned as he took the boxed negligee from his trunk and tucked it under his arm.

  Tonight was gonna be a good night because Zsa Zsa never disappointed. And it wasn’t just the sex either, ’cause Noble coulda gotten good sex anywhere, and pussy would never be a determining factor in choosing a woman to mate with for life.

  Nah. There was so much more to his Zsa baby than her exotic beauty and her bouncing ass. Zsa had charisma. She had flava and she had drive. She was ambitious and goal oriented, and people from all walks of life were naturally attracted to her. Zsa was the type of woman Noble would trust to raise his daughter or his son. She knew the streets like the back of her hand, and she could be hood at times, but she was also a softie at heart, and that was exactly what Noble liked about her. Life would be exciting and high-post with Zsa Zsa. There would never be a dull moment. She’d be a good New York City mother, and an even better New York City wife.

  “Thirsty?” Zsa Zsa opened the door holding out a large carton of Tropicana orange juice. Noble grinned. He loved his orange juice. She’d gotten his favorite kind too. The one with lots of pulp. Zsa Zsa was straight thoughtful like that. Whenever he came over she made sure there was something waiting for him that he really, really liked.

  And tonight he was really, really liking his Zsa baby.

  He wanted to laugh as she snuck him past her aunt, who had fallen asleep in the living room chair with the television on. Zsa made him take off his shoes and creep, but Noble didn’t know how the old lady could hear him walking if she was able to sleep through the loud reggae music Zsa Zsa was blasting.

  “Oh, she knows what men steps sound like.” Zsa Zsa laughed after they made it safely into her bedroom and closed the door. “Trust me,” she said. “I had to give her some Tylenol PM because otherwise she woulda been all over you. She used to work in a group home full of fast-ass teenagers, and not one of them got pregnant on her watch.” Zsa Zsa shook her head and laughed again. “My girl be on it! She can sleep through a marching band blasting up in here. But let a dude try to creep into a bedroom. She’ll sit right up and tell you which way he went!”

  Noble looked around Zsa Zsa’s room. It belonged to a fashion designer, all right. It was decorated in silver, black, and royal purple. She had design sketches stuck all over her walls, and next to her sewing table stood a life-sized mannequin with tits and an ass that was shaped just like Zsa’s. The mannequin was wearing the latest dress Zsa had designed, and it looked like she had been putting her final touches on it here and there.

  “Yo,” Noble said, shaking his head. “I love you and everything, Zsa baby. But your room is mad little. Besides, we too grown to be sneaking around in your aunt’s house and hoping we don’t get caught.”

  Noble wanted to add that if she wasn’t so damn nosy and didn’t snoop around his shit and try to pry info outta him all the time, they could be laying up in his tight crib in luxury and privacy. But he was keeping Zsa on a real long leash. Her conduct had been poor. She had to earn her way back into the bat cave, and so far she hadn’t done that yet.

  “Relax,” Zsa Zsa told him. She pushed him down on a sofa that was covered with scraps of fabric and sat on his knee, flirting with him. “Ain’t nothing wrong with sneaking a little something every now and then. You know, the thought of getting caught in the act is one of my hottest fantasies. What’s yours?”

  Noble groaned and slid his hands over her round hips.

  “I can show you better than I can tell you,” he said, tugging at the bottom of her shirt. Zsa Zsa lifted her arms and let him pull her top over her head. She shook her hair out and her bold brown titties jiggled, her pretty nipples stiffening in the cool air.

  “You got it,” Noble muttered, his lips reaching for one of her perfect, juicy breasts. “You got it all.”

  A woman like Zsa brought out the animal instincts in Noble. There were very few chicks who could go bang for bang with him the way Zsa Zsa did. Most women just wanted to be stroked and cuddled and handled with kid gloves, but not Zsa. His baby liked it hard and heavy. Like he was about to give it to her.

  He inched her zipper down and licked his lips as she wriggled out of her jeans. Her thong was elegant and sexy, and her triangle was sweet-smelling and neatly trimmed. Noble pressed his nose into her navel, then opened his mouth and raked his teeth over her skin. He trailed his chin downward until he reached her chocolate patch, then he pulled the flimsy hot pink material aside and buried his face in her honey.

  Zsa Zsa panted and squealed as Noble rotated his face in her pussy. He slathered her clit and lapped up her juices, his curling, winding tongue everywhere all at once. Taking soft little slurps from her bubbling fountain, Noble cupped Zsa’s ass with both hands and squeezed her soft, perfect buns. He moved her hips in his preferred motion, and Zsa Zsa gladly relinquished control and went with his flow.

  Rising to his feet, Noble ripped the thong straight off her body. Zsa Zsa never blinked as he let it fall to the floor and pulled her into his arms. He nudged her until he had turned her around, then he pressed down on her shoulders, urging her to bend over the edge of the couch.

  With both knees spread, Zsa Zsa backed her bold ass up high, and braced her elbows dow
n low to support herself. Holding his dick in one hand, Noble inched it between her thick brown cheeks, teasing her asshole before swiping it down low and plunging into her pussy. Holding tightly to her hips, he fucked her slowly and gently at first, giving her body time to adjust to his presence.

  But once he felt her insides loosen up, he went for it the way they both liked it. Noble plundered that sweet pussy. He deliciously abused it. Zsa Zsa’s hair was strewn above her head, and she was slobbering and talking gibberish all over her fabric swatches as her man fed her with his long stick of dick.

  And she gave it back to him with equal force. She bucked back hard, swallowing his dick between the mounds of her ass. She took advantage of her long-dicked man, swinging her hips in all directions and twisting and turning so he could hit it from opposite angles.

  Noble’s hands slid up her body and found the soft creases below her breasts. He cupped her naked flesh in his palms, weighing them like ripe fruit. He drilled her pussy like an electric jack, rubbing and squeezing her nipples until Zsa came, and came hard. She shrieked into the sofa cushions as his nut caught fire and rumbled around like an inferno in his balls.

  “I’m cumming!” Noble shouted, not giving a fuck if her aunt woke up and busted them ass-naked. He slammed his dick up in her extra hard. One. Two. Three! And then he just melted, his hot seed flowing from him like a burst dam and filling the rubber with the thousands of babies he hoped to one day implant in the woman he loved.

  It was a minute before either of them could talk. And as usual, it was crazy Zsa Zsa who spoke first.

  “Hey, Noble,” she giggled, her face still pressed down in the creases of the sofa, her beautiful ass still high in the air. “You thirsty, baby? You want some orange juice?”


  Noble went to the gym and got in a workout on Sunday morning, then came home and soaked in a hot tub of water for most of the afternoon. Later that night, he met up with his manz Yard and Pap to shoot a little pool.


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