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The Kennedys

Page 93

by Thomas Maier

  “The Kennedy Homestead,” Newsweek, July 1, 1963.

  “The Kennedys,” [videorecording], a co-production of WBGH/Boston and Thames Television, London; Alexandria,Va.: PBS Video, 1992.

  “The Kennedys and Their Son at Christening,” Life, December 19, 1960.

  “The Long Road from Prison to High Society,” BBC News Online,Tuesday, June 6, 2000.

  “The Lost Children of Camelot,” Scottish Daily Record & Sunday Mail, November 21, 1998.

  “The Papacy—Vatican Revolutionary,” Time, June 7, 1963.

  “Third Degree for Catholics,” America, March 14, 1959.

  “3 Sisters Put Questions to Kennedy in Telecast,”Washington Post, November 8, 1960.

  “Truman Accuses GOP of Bigotry,” New York Times, September 6, 1960.

  “Truman Hails Nixon on Religious Issue,” New York Times, September 15, 1960.

  “Two Presidents Greet 2,000 Guests,” Irish Press, June 28, 1963.

  “Vatican and U.S.: Closer Ties?” U.S. News and World Report, July 15, 1963.

  “Vatican City Official Clipper Bound to U.S.,” New York Times, September 4, 1943.

  “Wanted to Stay in Office,” Dallas Morning News, October 30, 1960.

  “What Drives Bobby Kennedy,” New York Times Magazine,April 7, 1963.

  “When Kennedy Died: Psychogical Impact,” Newsweek, September 14, 1964.

  “When Kennedy Went ‘Home’ to Ireland,” U.S. News and World Report, July 8, 1963.

  “Will Kennedy Run for President?” Liberty, May 21, 1938.

  “Will the Religious Issue Stop Kennedy in ‘60?” U.S. News and World Report, September 7, 1959.

  “Why We Regard Ourselves as Set Apart as a Nation—A Conversation With Garry Wills,” U.S. News and World Report, July 26, 1982.

  “Young Man Now Really On His Way:West Virginia Landslide,” Life, May 23, 1960.

  “Youth Writes Anti-Catholic Pamphlet,” Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, September 11, 1960.

  About the Author

  THOMAS MAIER is an award-winning author and investigative journalist. His most recent work, Dr. Spock: An American Life, was selected as one of the top ten nonfiction books of 1998 by the Boston Globe and as a “Notable Book of the Year” by the New York Times. Excerpts appeared in Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, and it was condensed as a Reader’s Digest book. Maier also appeared on NBC’s “Today” show, C-Span’s BookTV, and served as consultant and on-air commentator for a documentary about Dr. Spock’s life, jointly produced by the BBC and A&E’s “Biography.”A paperback version was published in spring 2003 by Basic Books to mark Dr. Spock’s 100th birthday.

  Maier’s 1994 book, Newhouse:All the Glitter, Power and Glory of America’s Richest Media Empire and the Secretive Man Behind It, won the Frank Luther Mott Award by the National Honor Society in Journalism and Mass Communication as best media book of the year. Excerpts appeared in the Columbia Journalism Review,Worth, the IRE Journal and the London Telegraph magazine. An updated trade paperback of Newhouse, published by Johnson Books, was picked by Entertainment Weekly as one of the top ten “must reads” for the 1997 summer season.

  Since 1984, Maier has been a writer for Newsday in New York, and previously worked at the Chicago Sun-Times. He has won several national and regional honors, including the national Society of Professional Journalists’ top reporting prize in 1987 for an expose on police misconduct. In 2002, Maier received the first-place prize from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists for his reporting from El Salvador on the plight of immigrant workers. He also testified before a U.S. Senate labor subcommittee examining the immigrant issue, and won honors from Columbia University for his “outstanding” coverage on race and ethnicity.

  At the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Maier won the John M. Patterson Prize for television documentary making and his documentary, The Mob, the Merchants and the Fulton Fish Market, was broadcast by WNET/Channel 13. He later received a John McCloy Journalism Fellowship to Europe, which is awarded by the Columbia Journalism School and the American Council on Germany. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Fordham University, and for three years, he taught journalism as an adjunct professor at Hofstra University.

  Maier lives on Long Island with his wife, Joyce McGurrin, and their three sons, Andrew,Taylor and Reade, for whom this book is dedicated.



  Ace of Clubs

  Adams, Charles Francis

  Adams, Gerry

  Adams, Henry

  Adams, John

  Adams, Sam

  Addison’s disease

  Adenauer, Konrad

  Aiken, Frank

  Alger, Horatio

  Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

  Alsop, Joseph

  American Protective Association


  American Civil Liberties Union

  American Council of Christian Churches

  American Freedom and Catholic Power

  Amnesty International

  Anderson, Jack

  Anderson, Rudolph, Jr.

  Antonelli, Roman

  Armstrong, Paddy

  Arnold, Joseph I.

  Arvad, Inga

  Astor, Nancy

  As We Remember Joe

  Atlantic Monthly

  Auchincloss, Hugh

  Auchincloss, Janet

  Ave Maria

  Ayres, Russell

  Badillo, Herman

  Bailey report, the


  Barat, Madeleine Sophie

  Baring, Maurice

  Barnicle, Mike

  Barone, Michael

  Barron, Mary

  Barron, Patrick

  Barron, Tom

  Bay of Pigs invasion

  Beatty, Jack

  Belafonte, Harry

  Bell, L. Nelson

  Bessette, Carolyn

  Bessette, Lauren

  Best and the Brightest, The

  Billings, Lem

  Bingham, Robert Worth

  Birth control and the Catholic Church


  Black Americans

  appointed in JFK’s administration

  JFK’s campaigning to

  Kennedy family understanding of

  and Martin Luther King, Jr.

  oppression of

  racism against

  and school busing

  support for the Kennedys

  treatment of Irish immigrants similar to that of

  See alsoCivil Rights movement, the Blair, Tony

  Blake, Eugene Carson

  Blanshard, Paul

  Blumenthal, Al

  Booker, Simeon

  Book of Kells

  Boru, Brian


  anti-Irish, anti-Catholic bigotry in


  Catholic leadership in

  Irish politicians of

  schools in

  support for the Kennedys in

  Boston Globe

  Boston Herald

  Boston Latin school

  Boston Pilot

  Boston Post

  Boston Sunday Post

  Boston Telegram

  Bowen, Lester W

  Bowles, Chester

  Boyle, Richard

  Brahmins of Boston

  Branch, Taylor

  Breslin, Jimmy

  Brinkley, Douglas


  and American isolationism during World War II

  break with the Catholic Church

  conquering of Ireland

  negotiations with Ireland

  and Northern Ireland

  oppression of Ireland

  reaction to the Kennedys support for

  Paul Hill

  Brooks, Geraldine

  Bryant, F. Braxton

  Buchan, John

  Buckley, Charles

  Bundy, McGeorge

sp; Burke, Edmund

  Burke, William

  Burns, James MacGregor

  Burrell, Robert

  Busing, school


  Byrnes,James F.

  Cabot, George

  Cahill, Joe

  Cahill, John


  Cesar Chavez and the migrant workers


  Robert Kennedy’s assassination in

  Callan, Louise

  Camus, Albert

  Canterbury School

  Carey, Hugh

  Carlyle, Thomas

  Carney, Hugh

  Carroll, James

  Carter, Jimmy

  Casey, Joseph

  Casey, Martin J.

  Castro, Fidel

  Catholic Digest

  Catholic Encyclopedia

  Catholic Review

  Catholic Worker

  Cavanaugh, John J.

  Cavendish family, the

  Cecil, David

  Cecil, Robert

  Central Intelligence Agency

  Chamberlain, Neville


  Charity work

  of Eunice Kennedy

  Kennedy family

  Charleston Gazette

  Chavez, Cesar

  Chesterton, G. K.

  Chicago Tribune

  Choate, Joseph

  Choate school

  Christian Century

  Christianity Today

  Christopher Hour, The

  Church, Frank

  Church and State Review

  Churchill, Pamela

  Churchill, Winston

  Ciano, Galeazzo

  Civil Rights movement, the

  and the appointment of blacks in JFK’s


  and the 1964 Civil Rights Act

  James Baldwin and Robert Kennedy


  JFK’s presidential campaign and

  and the Kennedys’ transformation on


  legislation affecting

  and Robert Kennedy’s political career

  See alsoBlack Americans Clark, Kenneth B.

  Clark, Mark Wayne

  Clay, Lucius

  Cleveland, Grover

  Clinton, Bill

  political kinship with the Kennedys

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham

  Clymer, Adam

  Coalition of Conscience

  Cogley, John

  Cohen, Ben

  Cohn, Roy

  Cold War, the. SeeCommunism Coleman, Bill


  Collins, Carr B.

  Collins, Michael

  Collins, Patrick

  Columbia Trust Company



  and the Catholic Church

  and Cuba

  and Joseph McCarthy

  Kennedy family attitudes toward

  and Ronald Reagan

  and Vietnam

  Communism and the Conscience of the West

  Conant,James B.

  Congressional Record

  Conlon, Gerry

  Connelly, Loretta

  Conway, Bertrand L.

  Coogan,Tim Pat

  Coolidge, Calvin

  Cooney, Joe


  Cork Examiner, The

  Cosgrave, Liam

  Coughlin, Charles

  Cousins, Norman

  Crawford, Cindy

  Criswell,W. A.

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Cronin, John F.

  Cronwell, Oliver

  Crosby, Donald F.

  Crosscup-Pishon American Legion Post

  Crowley, Leo T.


  Cullen, Kevin

  Cullen, Paul

  Cunard, Samuel

  Cuomo, Andrew

  Curley, James Michael

  Henry Cabot Lodge’s defeat of

  and John F. Fitzgerald

  scandals involving

  Cushing, Richard

  and communism

  and the death of JFK

  and the death ofJoe Sr.

  on Father Feeney

  and Jacqueline Kennedy’s marriage to Aristotle Onassis

  and JFK

  on the Kennedy curse

  political views of

  and Rose Kennedy

  Cutler, John H.

  Daily Express

  Daley, Richard

  Dallas, Texas

  anti-Kennedy feeling in

  assassination of JFK in

  Dalton, Mark

  D’Arcy, Martin Cyril

  David, Irene

  David, Lester

  Davis, John H.


  Day, Dorothy

  De Chardin, Teihard

  Defiant Ones, The

  De Gaulle, Charles

  Delaney, Jim

  Democratic Party, the

  black Americans and

  Catholics in

  Edward Kennedy and

  immigrants in

  John F. Kennedy and

  Robert Kennedy and

  De Valera, Eamon

  and JFK

  Dever, Paul A.

  Dewey, John

  Dickens, Charles

  Diem Ngo Dinh

  DiMaggio, Joseph F.

  Dionne, E. J.

  Dobrynin, Anatoly


  Douglas,William O.



  Drexel, Katherine

  Drinan, Robert

  Dubliners, The

  Dublin University Magazine

  Dubois,W. E. B.

  Duffy, Edward

  Dulles, Allen

  Dulles, John Foster

  Eastland, James


  Eddy, Daniel C.

  Einstein, Albert

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Eliot, Charles

  Eliot, T. S.

  Emerald Isle Immigration Center

  Emerald thread, the

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  Enemy Within, The


  Ervin, Sam


  Exner, Judith Campbell

  Fahey, Charles Harold

  Fair Campaign Practices Committee

  Fairlie, Henry

  Falwell, Jerry

  Famine in Ireland

  Farley, James A.

  Federal Bureau of Investigations

  Felknor, Bruce L.

  Fennessy, Keith

  Fiel, Brian

  Fillmore, Millard

  Fire Next Time, The

  Fisher, Bob

  Fitzgerald, John F., Reverend

  Fitzgerald, John Francis

  and anti-Catholicism

  background of

  family of

  feelings toward Joe Kennedy

  and Henry Cabot Lodge

  infidelity of

  and Joseph Kane

  political career of

  work on behalf of immigrants

  Fitzgerald, Rose. SeeKennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, Thomas

  Fitzpatrick, John Bernard

  Fitzwilliam, Peter

  Flanders, Ralph E.

  Fleming, Ian

  Flood, Dick

  Flynn, Ray

  Foley, David

  Foley, Tom

  Foreign Affairs

  Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the

  United States, A

  Forrestal, James

  Forrestal, Mike

  Francis, Daniel

  Frankfurter, Felix

  Franklin, Ben

  Fraser, Hugh

  Freedom Riders

  Freud, Sigmund

  Friedlander, Martin

  Frost, Robert

  Fruitful Bough, The

  Fry, Franklin Clark

  Galeazzi, Enrico

  and the coronation
of Pope Pius XII

  relationship with the Kennedy family

  Galeazzi-Lisi, Riccardo

  Galway Mercury

  Gandolfo, Castel

  Gannon, Robert

  Gardner, Henry J.

  Gargan, Ann

  Gargan, Joseph

  Garner, John Nance

  Garrity,W. Arthur, Jr.

  Gary, Romain


  George VI, King

  Germany, Nazi

  Giancana, Sam

  Gifford, Vicki

  Ginsburg, Ralph

  Gladstone, William E.

  Glover, Goody

  Godfrey, William

  Goldberg, Arthur

  Golden, Harry

  Goldsborough, James

  Goldwater, Barry

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns

  Goodwin, Richard

  Gore, Al

  Grace, Mike

  Graham, Billy

  Gray, David

  Greeley, Andrew M.

  Greene, Marie


  Guild, Curtis, Jr.

  Guildford Four, the

  Guillion, Edmund

  Guthman, Ed

  Hackett, David

  Hadrian IV, Pope

  Halberstam, David


  Hamill, Pete

  Hancock, John

  Handlin, Oscar

  Hanley, Owen

  Hannan, Philip N.

  Hansberry, Lorraine


  Harper’s Weekly

  Harriman, W. Averell

  Harrington, Michael

  Harris, Ruth-Ann M.

  Hartington, Andrew

  Hartington, Billy

  background of

  death of

  decides to marry Kathleen Kennedy

  family reaction to the marriage of

  letter to Rose Kennedy

  relationship with Kathleen Kennedy

  religious commitment of

  Harvard Lampoon

  Harvard University

  anti-Catholicism of

  Kennedy family members at

  Hatch, Orrin

  Hayden, Tom

  Hays, Will H.

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Helms, Richard

  Helsinki Watch

  Henry II, King

  Henry VIII, King

  Hepburn, Katherine

  Herman, Arthur

  Hersey, John

  Hersh, Seymour M.

  Hesburgh, Theodore

  Hickey, Mary Augusta

  Hill, Paul

  Hill, Saoirse Roisin

  Hiss, Alger

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hochwalt, Frederick G.

  Hogan, Harry

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell

  Holmes, William

  Holt, Henry

  Holt, L. Emmet

  Home, William Douglas

  Honey Fitz. SeeFitzgerald, John Francis Hoover, Herbert

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hopkins, Harry

  Horne, Lena

  Howard, V. E.

  Huber, Oscar

  Hughes, John

  Humanae Vitae

  Hume, John

  Humphrey, Hubert


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