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The Wolf and the Bobcat:

Page 8

by E A Price

  “Well, I’ll talk to my mom.”


  Darcy looked at her watch. “I better get going; I gotta pick up Grams.”

  “Awesome, well… catch you later… uhh… alligator, as my sisters like to say.”

  She chuckled. “In a while, crocodile.”

  Casey waved at Dinah as Darcy drove away. He shook his head. She was so different from the old Darcy. She was still feisty and competitive, but she also had a fun, warm side that Casey hadn’t even guessed at. Apparently, meeting her mate really had done wonders for her.

  He was glad Darcy was happy; god knows she’d been a minx, but she had also suffered, and he knew she hadn’t exactly had a nice childhood. Maybe it was time he got back to working on his own happy ending.


  Deanna and Jake walked over to the pack-run pizza parlor, Pizza Moon, to find Hans Lucas banging his fists against a food truck. He was shouting at someone to come out and face him, presumably the owner of the truck who was inside, and staying inside if he had any sense. Hans was notoriously temperamental.

  Hans’ mate, Melanie stood a few feet away; a half-resigned and half-amused look adorned her face. By now, she was used to his angry outbursts, and just went with the flow.

  The food truck had a huge picture of a subway sandwich painted on the side, and the name ‘Sub Heaven.’

  “Get out here, now!” roared Hans.

  “I have a legal right to be here!” called a voice from inside the truck.

  Hans’ face burned red in fury. “Come out here and say that to my face!”

  “Do you think I’m frigging suicidal?!”

  Jake turned to Deanna. “I’ll take Hans, and you deal with the guy in the truck, okay?”

  “Definitely,” she replied, quickly. She wasn’t suicidal either.

  She watched as Jake cautiously approached his raging pack mate, and began, with the help of Melanie, pulling him away from the truck. Jake, at least, was safe with Melanie there, no way would Hans risk lashing out at Jake and hurting his own mate. Although, Deanna doubted Hans would have hurt her either, he wasn’t the type to be violent against women. Other men were fair game, however.

  Deanna watched as Jake pulled Hans away with little trouble. There were actually very few of Hans’ pack mates who would actually come out the victor from a fight with Hans, what with him being a trained cage fighter and all. But, other than the Alpha and Beta of the pack, she actually thought Jake might be able to hold his own. He possessed a certain amount of power, which only shone through in moments like these.

  Deanna walked up and rapped on the door of the truck. “Sir, this is Deputy Hardison. Everything’s under control, you can come out now.”

  A surprisingly relaxed looking coyote shifter opened the door, and walked down the steps. “You don’t have to arrest him on my account; I’ll settle for an apology.”

  “An apology!” bellowed Hans. “I’m not fucking apologizing to you!”

  Melanie rubbed her hand on her mate’s bicep, trying to soothe him.

  “Why don’t you tell us what’s going on?” suggested Deanna to the coyote.

  Hans huffed. “I’ll tell you what’s fucking going on…”

  “No, I will,” interrupted Melanie, calmly. She gestured to the coyote, “This man parked his truck right outside our restaurant, and he started telling customers who were trying to come in that we had health code violations. He was trying to steal our customers.”

  Jake gave the coyote a piercing glare. “Is this true?”

  The coyote blushed in embarrassment. “Not exactly… I just suggested that my kitchen was cleaner…”

  Jake raised an eyebrow, and the coyote visibly wilted. “Can I see your vendor permit?”

  The coyote passed it to Deanna, who scanned through it. It was legit; he was permitted to park his truck wherever he wanted, all over town. There were no restrictions on it. She was surprised to see it had been signed by the Mayor himself.

  She nodded to Jake, who turned to the coyote. “Legally, you can be here, but you can’t make accusations like that. You should move along and find somewhere else to park your truck.”

  The coyote’s mouth twitched. “Is that an order?”

  “No, it’s a strong suggestion.”

  Hans let out a lengthy snarl. Even if it weren’t an order, the coyote certainly didn’t like the ramifications if he did opt to stay put.

  The coyote swallowed. “I’ll move.”

  “Wise decision,” said Jake, sagely, before maneuvering an irate Hans inside the pizza parlor, with Melanie following.

  The coyote rubbed the back of his neck. “Boy, that guy… that guy sure has a temper on him.”

  Deanna arched an eyebrow. “And what exactly did you think was going to happen, when you started telling people his kitchen wasn’t clean? You’re brave I’ll give you that, but you really shouldn’t antagonize wolf shifters.”

  “Most of the town is run by wolf shifters, that’s the problem with this place.”

  She cocked her head on one side. “I wouldn’t say it was a problem.”

  The coyote looked her up and down appraisingly. “I’m Matt Bailey, by the way.”

  He stuck out his hand, and she shook it. “Deanna Hardison.”

  Matt dug his hands in his pockets. “So, listen, I’m new in town, and I could really do with someone to show me around.”

  Deanna blinked a few times in surprise, as her bobcat wailed in irritation. “The town’s not that big; I’m sure you’ll manage.”

  He chuckled. “Noted, if you change your mind, just look for the truck. I’ll be there.”

  Matt clambered into the truck and drove away. Deanna shook her head; she hoped he wasn’t dumb enough to park anywhere near the pizza parlor again.

  “Hey, I think he likes you.”

  Deanna jumped at the sound of Melanie’s voice behind her.

  Deanna tried to “Hmmm, lucky me.” She stared after the retreating truck. It was the second time in two days someone had asked her out. After a year-long dry spell, it was kind of weird to have more than one guy show her a little interest. Not to mention her mystery wolf…

  “How’s Hans?” she asked, changing the subject, trying to appease her bobcat who did not like the coyote at all.

  Melanie waggled her eyebrows. “Still simmering.”

  “Your mate sure is… umm…”

  She smirked. “Passionate?”

  “I was going to say violently explosive, but yeah, sure.”

  Melanie’s face flushed happily. “Nah, it’s passion, he’s going to be excitable tonight after the hunt.”

  “Ugh, thanks for that.”

  She snickered. “Sorry, TMI, right? Listen, thanks for handling that, why don’t you bring your family by for a meal? On the house.”

  Deanna tensed a little. She didn’t like charity. “I don’t know…”

  Melanie narrowed her eyes. “I already offered the same to Jake, and he graciously said thank you. Or is our restaurant not good enough for you? Would you rather eat from that shabby food truck?”

  “No, that’s not it,” denied Deanna, quickly. “We love your food, really we do, we love eating here…”

  Melanie beamed. “Then it’s settled; we’re closed tonight because of the full moon, but you’ll pop by tomorrow, right?”

  Deanna tried to splutter out an objection, but Melanie just started fluttering her big, brown eyes and made her bottom lip wobble. She grunted. “Fine, we could swing by for lunch I guess,” she said grudgingly.

  Melanie’s lips twitched. Deanna was such a sweet young woman, but so stubborn. Only she would think getting free food was some kind of punishment. “Atta girl, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Melanie waved and disappeared into the restaurant.

  Deanna shuffled her feet, irritated at allowing herself to be so easily manipulated; Melanie was good, she gave her that. It’s not like she was ungrateful, but she couldn’t help her pride, pride that apparently didn’t
extend to one-night stands. She groaned; was that the reason she was so desperate for her wolf to be her mate? To make herself feel better about jumping him? God she was confused.

  Maybe it was time she worried a little less about her pride, and a little more about her, and her family’s, happiness. After all, one little free dinner couldn’t hurt.

  Chapter Nine

  17th January

  Dennis was desperately trying to pacify a screaming Dinah, who had come out without her favorite bear, Biggins. Darcy was on a mission to take Drake to the toilet, and Danny was helping Grams with her pills.

  They were at Pizza Moon. Darcy had been thrilled when Deanna told them, but Dennis had taken the same line as his sister. They didn’t like charity. But, Darcy had wheedled him until eventually he gave in, and agreed they could come out. With seven members in their family, restaurant checks tended to be astronomical, on their budget anyway, and Darcy insisted they take advantage of Melanie’s offer of a free meal.

  So, here they were, the loudest family in Pizza Moon. Darcy cringed when she saw her ex, Mal, there with his pregnant mate, Terri. At that point she had wanted to turn round, and run away. But Dennis reassured her and gave her courage.

  On the way to the bathroom with Drake, she stopped by their table and said hello. Terri was sweet and charming, putting Darcy at ease. Mal grunted at her, but that was about the same reaction she used to elicit back when they were dating anyway.

  When Darcy came back to their table, it was to find Dinah with tears running down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around Darcy, and the puma shifter reassured her Deanna would be there soon with Biggins. At least, she prayed Deanna would.


  Deanna rushed down the street, clutching a dog-eared, pink bear called Biggins. It had been hers when she was younger, and Dinah had claimed it when she was 18 months old. Now, it was a national catastrophe whenever Dinah found herself without him. It was hard work taking the whole family anywhere.

  Dinah realized she’d forgotten Biggins, just before they reached Pizza Moon. They tried to soothe her, and told her she would see Biggins again soon enough, but there was no comforting her. After ten minutes, Deanna finally gave in and agreed to go and fetch Biggins. It was hard to believe she was ruled by a 4-year-old and a stuffed bear. Her bobcat was almost laughing at her.

  Her feet padded down the sidewalk. She reached out for Pizza Moon’s door handle, and someone gave a solid thrust from the inside, propelling her backwards.

  Deanna let out an anguished ‘oof,’ as the door made contact with her face. She staggered back clutching the bear to her nose.

  “Ah, shit, I’m sorry!”

  A pair of strong hands steadied her.

  Deanna pulled the bear away and scrunched her nose, cringing in pain. Her bobcat growled at the wolf.

  “Crap, you’re bleeding.”

  “I am?” She gingerly pressed a finger to her nose.

  “Here, let me.” He tilted her head back a little, pressing a tissue to her nose. She flinched at the pain but settled into his gentle touch. “I’m really sorry.”

  She attempted a smile. “It’s okay; accidents happen.”

  Deanna recognized him as a wolf shifter called Hunter. He was a couple of years younger than her and a member of the local pack. She hadn’t had much to do with him, although she knew from Alec he had been a bit of a hell-raiser in his teenage years. She knew him from the time she had caught him speeding. He'd tried to flirt his way out of a ticket, unsuccessfully, of course.

  Hunter carefully let go of the tissue and inspected her nose; the nervous look on his face was not a good omen.

  Deanna looked at the tissue and was dismayed at the spots of blood. “How does it look?”

  Hunter bit his lip. “Uhhh… it’s fine…”

  She gave him a look of disbelief. “Yeah, that’s sounds really encouraging.” Visions of a big, red clown nose flashed before her.

  He hesitated. “I’m sure you’ll heal in a couple of days… besides, you’re still pretty.”

  Deanna stared at him, flabbergasted. Did he really just tell her he thought she was attractive? “Oh, uh, thanks.”

  The wolf shifter grinned. “Just telling the truth.”

  She blushed deep red; she imagined the rest of her face now matched her big, old, red nose.

  Hunter flashed her a lopsided smile. “Maybe we could go out sometime?”

  What the heck was going on? Was it weird that she’d gone through a dry spell for a whole year, and now she’d managed to attract four men in the space of a month? Three of them in the last few days. Was she suddenly giving something off that men found irresistible? Well, not irresistible, but maybe slightly charming.

  Whatever it was, the timing could not be worse. She couldn’t even contemplate dating any of those guys at the moment, not when she was falling for someone else. What she wouldn’t give to see him again…


  Casey stomped down the street. He was pissed.

  When he finally got to the Sheriff’s station the day before, it was to find the bobcat Deputy out on a call. Neither Gabe or the Sheriff, Alec would tell him when she was coming back, and when he asked if he could get her address, so he could talk to her at home, they actually hooted with laughter. No way were they going to tell him that. Idly, he wondered if they might have been a little more helpful if he hadn’t been such a pain in the past. Well, too late to do anything about it now.

  He wasn’t really angry with them, maybe just a little, he was angry because he was no closer to finding her. His wolf was constantly grouching at him, and his agitation over the situation was just getting worse. His body felt heated, and his skin too tight. His face was starting to take on a haunted look, and his eyes were constantly amber. He needed some relief, but he feared he would only get that when he found her, and that seemed to be less and less likely with every passing minute.

  When his stomach let out a furious grumble, he realized he hadn’t actually eaten since the previous day. He was neglecting to do the most basic things. So, he decided to grab a pizza and go back to his cabin, and eat it alone. He didn’t really feel like company.

  As he approached Pizza Moon, he saw his friend, Hunter. He had a sudden urge to turn and walk the other way. His friend already thought he was losing it, if Hunter saw him now, it would only make things worse.

  He started to move away, but his wolf roared. Casey frowned as the animal pushed forward, trying to take control. He tried to restrain the beast, but the wolf was more determined than ever. He pushed the man on, forcing him to move toward Hunter.

  Casey was desperately vying for control when his whole body started tingling. Her senses were invaded by the most delicious fragrance of violet. It was her scent. But he faltered slightly; it was mixed with blood.

  His wolf howled frantically, and Casey started running. Within seconds, he came face to face with his bobcat and his friend.

  The bobcat’s eyes widened in surprise, and her breathing sped up, making her chest heave. “You?” she exclaimed, excitedly.

  Casey took in her injured nose and the traces of blood on Hunter’s fingers. He and his wolf snarled. Casey felt his fangs lengthen, and he snapped them at his friend.

  Hunter held up his hands placatingly. “Whoa, man, it’s not what it looks like.”

  Red mist descended over Casey. He had finally found her, his mate, his perfect woman, and she was injured at the hands of his so-called friend. There was only one way to react.

  Casey balled up his fist and swiftly punched Hunter in the face. The other wolf fell to the ground with a grunt. Casey’s wolf let out a howl of triumph and goaded him to hit him again.

  He would have too, were it not for the small hand on his arm.

  She grasped his bicep, and her fingers curled into his shirt. “It was just an accident; I’m not hurt.”

  A feeling of calm pervaded his body, before warm desire replaced it. He turned to her, and a huge wolf-like grin spread over
his face. Fuck, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. He almost forgot to breathe as he took in every luscious detail of his bobcat. Right from her sparkling violet eyes, to the gentle swell of her pert breasts and her pretty, pouting mouth. His heart lurched at seeing her injured face, but, in his opinion, it didn’t detract one iota from her beauty, and she would heal. But he was kicking himself for not being there to prevent it from happening.

  He wanted just to pick her up, run back to his cabin and lock her inside. And never let her go. He glanced up and down the street; there didn’t seem to be anyone about, he could probably get away with that.

  A few stifled groans came from the ground, and his wolf snarled. Should have hit him harder. His bobcat leaned down, in spite of Casey’s growls, and helped Hunter to his feet.

  Hunter scowled at him. “Jeez, it was just an accident, man. I hit her with the door, and she’s fine, right?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, really, I’m fine.”

  Casey huffed; his wolf was still prowling unhappily. “You should leave,” he barked at Hunter.

  Hunter gave him a puzzled look before turning to the bobcat; he was about to say something when Casey snarled.

  “Now!” he rumbled.

  She shrugged her shoulders. Hunter looked between the two of them, before sighing and leaving, muttering curses under his breath.

  Casey turned back to her. There was so much he wanted to say, and do, but he was frozen. He didn’t know how to start. She put a hand to her face and gasped at the pain, and Casey’s instincts kicked in. His mate was injured; he needed to tend to her.

  The bobcat let out a startled squeal as Casey swept her up in his arms, and started carrying her into the pizza parlor, princess style.

  Deanna was going to object, but her bobcat shushed her with an almighty wail. His big, strong arms around her body just felt so comforting, and so right. A part of her never wanted him to let her go, so instead, she just curled herself into his body and went with the flow.

  She was pleased to hear his satisfied groan as she pressed herself against him. She put her hand on his neck and breathed in his scent. Lord, it was glorious. She had an overwhelming urge to lick his neck, and sink her tiny fangs into his skin.


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