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Fifty Shades Of Black: An Erotic Romance

Page 4

by Darcey, Sierra

  Mr. Daycroft looked at her from under bushy eyebrows, “Miss Johnson, we’re very pleased with the work you’ve been doing here but…”

  Cherilyn’s heart was pounding, certain they had found out about her and Marcus. Convinced she was about to be fired, she pictured being made to clear out her desk and then being marched out in front of all the other employees.

  Mr. Daycroft cleared his throat, “We’ve noticed something about you as our employee.”

  Her eyes shot to Marcus and back to the CEO.

  “Your exemplary work speaks for itself, however...”

  Feeling like she might pass out, Cherry thought maybe she should just stand up and say ‘I quit’ and walk out.

  “… that’s why we’d like to offer you an executive level promotion.” Mr. Daycroft smiled. Cherilyn wondered if she heard him correctly. Marcus took in a sharp breath.

  “This will be a newly created position, you won’t be usurping anyone,” he chuckled. “The company is doing well and expanding, we have a need for more managers and we always like to promote from within when possible.” He smiled at his employees around the table and ended on Cherilyn, “So what do think Miss Johnson?”

  Stunned and speechless, Cherry thought she’d better say something quick before he rescinded the offer. “Well, I accept. Thank you.”

  “Then welcome aboard.” The whole room erupted in applause as Mr. Daycroft himself came around the table to shake her hand. She couldn’t help herself and stole a glance at Marcus. He was clapping hard and smiling, happiness evident in his eyes.

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have an office for you just yet. I was thinking you could share an office with Mr. Black. You have no problem with that do you Marcus?” Mr. Daycroft looked to Marcus and the room fell silent.

  “Of course not,” Marcus nodded, “I look forward to the company.”

  “We will add a desk and a file cabinet for you, but the whole set up will be temporary as we restructure. Although, you two will be working closely together.”

  The meeting continued for some time as other business was discussed. Cherilyn sat quiet and attentive even though she wanted to jump up and down and shout. She had gotten the promotion she wanted. She was exactly where she wanted to be.

  “What happened?” Tashida whispered to her after she left the meeting.

  “I got a promotion.”

  “What?” Tash squealed.


  “We have to celebrate.” Tashida went off to make plans while Cherilyn wondered what Marcus really thought about this. Was he upset or angry?

  Her phone buzzed with a message from Marcus: Congratulations beautiful.

  She wanted to text back a happy face but thought it too juvenile so she simply sent back: Thanks. Her gaze met his and she smiled.

  Marcus couldn’t help but smile back. But he had been shocked in the meeting when prior to her arrival he had been asked to vote on whether or not she should get the promotion. He hated himself for momentarily wondering if it was in his best interest, but in the end he knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he held her back.

  He was trying to be happy for her and supportive, but a part of him worried about how far her business aspirations went. If she really was after his job, then maybe she was just playing him. Was he a fool to trust her?

  He didn’t get much time to think about it. By the end of the day a desk, computer and file cabinets had been placed in his office and she had moved out of her cubicle and into his office. Technically he was still her boss, but she would be handling certain projects on her own. He should have been glad of the help and in a way he was, but still he remained a little leery of her ambition.

  Marcus felt an uneasiness and wanted to check his blood sugar but now had little privacy in his own office. He excused himself to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. If he wasn’t one hundred percent sure of Cherilyn, he thought he’d better not trust her with his diabetes and keep that personal information to himself.

  To celebrate her promotion Cherilyn spent happy hour with her girlfriends. Keke seemed more relaxed. Melanie continued to insist on being the center of attention, monopolizing the conversation, always going back to a discussion of her wedding. Cherry was glad Melanie was happy again, but felt a bit guilty when she found herself thinking she couldn’t wait until this wedding was over.

  She looked at Tashida and gave her a rueful smile knowing how much her friend hated wedding talk. Tash gave her an exaggerated eye roll and picked up her phone. Cherry’s phoned buzzed with a text. She had to hold in a laugh when she realized the text was from Tash. Even when it’s your night it’s all about her.

  Chery texted back: It will be over soon.

  Tash texted one more time: Not soon enough.

  When the weekend came Cherilyn was getting ready to see Marcus again. They had been spending almost every night together and she was loving spending so much time with him. Even though they couldn’t go out they watched movies and made dinner together, talked a lot and Marcus made her laugh often.

  Tashida walked into Cherry’s bedroom and looked at her in surprise - “You going out again tonight?”


  “All night?”


  “Who is this guy?” Tash sat on the bed.

  Cherilyn looked down. “I can’t tell you.”

  “He’s married isn’t he?”

  “No.” Cherry zipped up her overnight bag.

  “Then what is it, is he ugly?”

  Cherry laughed, “No.”

  “Are you ashamed to be seen with him?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Is he ashamed to be seen with you?”

  Cherilyn screwed up her face as like that thought had never crossed her mind. “I don’t think so.”

  “I never thought anyone like you-”

  “Anyone like me?”

  “Yeah, someone strong, a good person, who knows who she is and doesn’t back down from anyone. I never thought you’d let a man treat you like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like a hired escort. He calls and you come running.”

  Cherilyn stood staring at her in stunned, pained silence. She felt like she’d just been slapped in the face.

  “It is a man isn’t it? You’re not pulling a Keke on me are you?” Tash laughed, she always had a way of breaking the tension, making light of any situation.

  “It is a man and I wish I could explain it to you. All I know is I love him.” She surprised herself when she said it out loud but she knew it was true. “Maybe it’s not the best of circumstances, but I just can’t not be with him.”

  “Well, I hope he realizes how lucky he is. If he doesn’t I’d be happy to straighten him out for you”

  Cherilyn hugged Tash, but left not feeling great about things with Marcus. It wasn’t a great situation to be in love with someone you could never acknowledge in public. She wondered about the future of this relationship. If they were both to continue working at Daycroft Industries what future did they have? She never thought she was the kind of woman who would let herself get used or treated badly, but when she was with Marcus and not questioning why, everything felt perfect.

  Once she arrived at Marcus’ place and saw his smile any reservation or question she had went right out of her head.


  Even though she had been spending almost every night with Marcus, today, unfortunately for Cherilyn, would be much different. It was Melanie and David’s wedding day and she was not looking forward to going alone.

  Cherry desperately wished to share the experience with Marcus, holding hands and introducing him to everyone. But it just wasn’t possible for her to bring him and then she wondered how smart it was to keep going in a relationship with no future, giving her whole self to a man that had the power to keep her from advancing in her job.

  Cherry and Tash met the rest of the bridal party in the back room of the churc
h. Melanie appeared ecstatic, kissing them both while talking non-stop. Cherilyn, Tash and Keke were all wearing similar dresses of the same color, but each a slightly different style.

  The wedding coordinator came over and inserted flowers into Cherry’s hair, handing her a bouquet and a glass of champagne. Then she did the same for Tashida.

  Cherilyn clinked glasses with Tash, giving her a stern look, but before she could say anything - Tash, looking guilty, said, “I know what you’re thinking, you’re worried I’ll drink too much. I promise I’ll be good, you’ll get no problems from me today.”

  “I’m glad you’re thinking of Melanie.”

  “I’m not thinking about her. I’m just remembering that hell of a hangover I had in Vegas. It’s just not worth it.”

  Cherilyn laughed and looked around the room. “Who’s that?” She gestured towards a strikingly beautiful woman who sat in a back part of the room. She looked to be of Asian and Black heritage, was wearing sunglasses, a white shirt, black slacks and jacket. She had her legs crossed showing some expensive looking boots.

  “That’s Robyn.”

  “Oh, my.” Cherry sipped her champagne and tried not to stare.

  Keke brought Cherilyn and Tash over to introduce them to Robyn. They talked for a few moments, finding Robyn to be gracious and funny, then Tash and Cherilyn moved to the other side of the room to give them some privacy.

  “She’s pretty, huh?” Cherilyn said.

  “Yeah, maybe we should change sides and play for the other team.” Tash raised her champagne glass. “Might be more lucky in love.”

  Cherry laughed, “Don’t be silly.” After a pause she added, “You are kidding, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Tash grinned, “unfortunately, we’re stuck with men, damn it all.”

  Cherilyn wished she could introduce Marcus to all her friends. Did it sound shallow to want to show him off? It was absolute agony to be dating such a great guy and to be unable to tell anyone. Besides she just plain missed his company and wanted to talk with him, sit with him, laugh, and dance, experiencing everything with him.

  Melanie came over to them and whispered, “If I had known Keke was going to come out I would have never asked her to be a bridesmaid.”

  Cherilyn was affronted, but since it wasn’t the time or place to get into an argument, she kept her voice level, “You have something against gays?”

  Melanie made an annoyed face, “Of course not, it’s just people might be distracted by it. It is my day, after all, everyone should be looking at me.”

  It was nice to know her shallowness was not prejudice, but just good old-fashioned narcissism.

  When the reception started and Melanie and David took to the dance floor, Cherry thought she had never seen a happier couple. Tashida danced with her usher while Cherilyn danced with her groomsman, who was a nice, handsome and funny guy, but he just wasn’t Marcus. Thinking of Marcus left her again with a sense of loneliness. Keke and Robyn danced together, which raised a few eyebrows, but Melanie was too caught up in her own happiness to even notice, let alone be bothered by it

  Checking her phone throughout the day, Cherilyn was hoping Marcus would call or text her, knowing perfectly well that she could take the initiative and be the one to call him. She knew he’d welcome her call, but still somehow it seemed pathetic that she couldn’t get through one day without him and felt it necessary to be looking for reassurance.

  Cherilyn had to endure many sympathetic looks when asked if she was seeing anyone and was forced to listen to ‘you’ll be next, don’t get discouraged’ one too many times. At one point Melanie’s aunt cornered her and went on for twenty minutes about her friend’s son, the exterminator, who was what she termed ‘just a little portly’ and still living with his Mom only because he hadn’t met the right woman. Cherilyn felt like standing on a chair and announcing to the room that she was in a relationship with a gorgeous man, so just back off everybody. But she didn’t, instead she drank way too much.

  Then becoming sadder and drunker as the day wore on, Cherilyn somehow got it into her head that it was all Marcus’ fault that she was at a friend’s wedding alone and dateless, with everyone feeling sorry for her and trying to fix her up with rejects. When the reception ended she took a taxi to his house planning to tell him off.

  At first a surprised Marcus found her drunken rant amusing, but then he became angry, “You think I like it this way? To have a beautiful woman in my life and can tell no one? Can’t show her off, can’t strut down the street and say to every guy, ‘yeah that’s right, she’s with me not with you.’”

  Cherry wanted to argue, so much. She wanted to hit and fight, wanted to shake him, to somehow make the situation different. But the wave of nausea that struck her left her dizzy and weak. “I gotta lie down.”

  Marcus helped her undress and put her to bed. Stroking her forehead while she slept, so many thoughts filled his head. He wondered if they should continue seeing each other if things were this difficult. But then he thought about how much he liked her and enjoyed spending time with her. Even if it was selfish of him, he didn’t want to give her up. Watching her sweet face while she slept Marcus wondered what he was going to do about her.

  The next morning Marcus made breakfast in bed for Cherry, who had a mild, if expected, headache. Luckily, they were able to laugh about last night and decided to spend the day together in his apartment. Tash called to make sure she was okay and hadn’t fallen off the edge of the world.

  Cherilyn wanted to suggest they take a shower together but Marcus, she had noted, was very private about his bathroom time. So she showered alone, then Marcus gave her a sweatshirt and sweatpants of his to wear, which she thought were way too big and baggy, but he said she looked cute in them.

  Being in Pittsburgh only three months, Marcus hadn’t yet really decorated his apartment much, but he had bought some photo frames and the two of them sat on the living room floor cutting and placing photos of his family into the frames. He seemed fond of his nieces and nephews, talking a little bit about each of their personalities while they worked.

  “No kids of your own?” Cherilyn asked.


  She considered asking Marcus if he wanted to have children someday, but didn’t want to appear overly anxious to settle down, talking about kids this early in their relationship.

  On the one hand she enjoyed their alone time, sometimes it was exciting to have a secret love, a private life with just the two of them. But never being able to talk about it, brag about it, rejoice in it, be open about it just plain sucked. Pretending she wasn’t seeing anyone was wearing on her last nerve and lying to her friends and co-workers made her feel guilty. She decided to tell Marcus her feelings.

  He listened attentively and then said, “Tell you what, tomorrow night we’ll go on a date, a real one out in public.”

  “And how are we going to manage that?”

  “I’ve got the perfect idea. We’ll go on one of those river boat rides they’re always advertising.”

  Cherry dismissed the idea. “Only tourists go on those big boats.”

  “Exactly. We won’t run into anyone we know there.”

  “Isn’t that a lot of trouble just to go on a date?” Cherilyn leaned back on her elbows.

  “I’m willing to give it a try.” Marcus smiled, “What about you? Are you in or out?”


  The next evening around sunset, Cherilyn arrived at the dock. She was excited to see Marcus, but he stood off to one side, barely nodded to her and then looked away. He had no idea how much it hurt her feelings that she couldn’t go to him. She looked around. It did appear to be a tourist crowd, but still you couldn’t be sure, some employee might have friends or family visiting and decide to take them on a boat trip. Tash was right it was like dating a married man. It made her feel dirty or wrong somehow, and wondered for the millionth time if she should continue the relationship. She looked back, caught his eye and knew in he
r heart she didn’t have it in her to break it off with him.

  Tourists started walking the ramp to the ship, and after everyone got on, at the very last second, Marcus and Cherilyn boarded also. Marcus checked all three levels of the boat and assured her no one from work was on board. The two of them sat up on the top level to feel the cool evening wind on their faces. Cherry laughed at herself, she was delighted that he had this idea and was willing to go to such lengths to please her. And she felt stupidly, ridiculously happy all because they got to sit together for a whole hour in public.

  They sat close together holding hands. Cherilyn laughed, “As dates go, this is so corny.”

  Marcus kissed her cheek, “I like corny.”

  “I love the way this city looks at night.” She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, “The skyline, the buildings, the lights on the water.”

  “It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.”

  “Oh brother,” Cherry laughed, “talk about corny.”

  “It’s true, you are a fine looking woman.”

  “I’m glad you think so. What do you think of my town?”

  “I like it a lot. But there are a few peculiar phrases I’ve picked up.”

  “Oh, such as?”

  “Redd up, for meaning clean up.”

  “Yeah, that’s common as pierogies and kielbasa around here.”

  “And cheese steak?”

  “Now you’re talkin’. Are you a football fan? Pittsburgh’s home of the black and yellow.”

  “I became a Patriots fan while I was at college in Connecticut. But I don’t follow any team now.”

  “Connecticut? Is that where’re you’re from originally?”

  “No, I’m from down south, born and raised.”

  “You don’t sound like it, I haven’t heard an accent.”

  “Well, now ma’am that tain’t exactly so. I’m sure I could conjure one up if’n I had a mind to.” As they passed Heinz field and the blue lights of PNC Park Marcus said, “We should go to a game sometime.”


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