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Twenty-one Truths About Love

Page 17

by Matthew Dicks

  Jackson (just call the kid Jack and get it over with)

  Mabel (a clear indicator that your parents have too much time on their hands)

  Stephen (this is the dumb way to spell Steven)

  Brandon/Brenden/Braydon/Brayden (no one will ever be sure what your name actually is)

  Clark (mind immediately goes to Clark Kent and Superman, which are impossible shoes to fill)

  Jenny (the Jen/Jenn/Jenny/Jeni options are just too much)

  John (when you care enough to slap the most ordinary name of all time on your child)

  Any name assigned simply to fulfill a familial, cultural, or religious obligation

  Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  There is a special place in hell for anyone who thinks they have any say over the naming of a child with the exception of that child’s parents.

  MAY 23

  7:00 PM


  She looks so tired even though she’s in bed all day.

  Hands never leave her belly.

  “The nurses loved that blueberry pie you brought. So smart, hon.”

  “Are those new jeans?”

  Additions to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  There’s nothing wrong with taking credit for someone else’s idea when it makes a fragile person happy.

  Pie is the best food item to gift to others.

  When the person responsible for the laundry ceases to do the laundry, one of two things happen:

  A new person begins doing the laundry.

  Clothing emerges from closets and drawers that hasn’t been seen in decades.

  MAY 24

  9:20 AM

  Words that belong on a child’s T-shirt

  I’m just a kid, damn it.

  This is just a game, jackass.

  Are you really going to rob me of my precious childhood with this meaningless worksheet?

  Leave my coach alone. I don’t see you at practice every Tuesday and Thursday night.

  These referees aren’t paid enough to deal with assholes like you, so shut the fuck up.

  If some school district in the state declares it a snow day, you’d better damn well call a snow day for us, too.

  Give me $5. It would mean the world to me. It’s just another espresso to you.

  Possible business idea?

  T-shirt company that puts my wit and wisdom on shirts

  MAY 24

  11:45 PM

  Dad’s letter #3

  Written July 22, 2016

  “I’m so ashamed of myself.”

  Three sentences long.

  MAY 25

  7:50 AM

  Accomplishments so far this morning

  Squeezed out (through Herculean effort) last bit of toothpaste from tube

  Did not get toothpaste on shirt

  Convinced Clarence that leftover chili was dog food

  Added dog food to the shopping list

  Realized that I somehow put on two pairs of underwear

  Did not become weepy while listening to “Code Monkey”

  MAY 25

  7:58 AM

  Devastating lyrics to “Code Monkey” by Jonathan Coulton

  [Verse 1]

  Code Monkey get up, get coffee

  Code Monkey go to job

  Code Monkey have boring meeting

  With boring manager Rob

  Rob say Code Monkey very diligent

  But his output stink

  His code not “functional” or “elegant”

  What do Code Monkey think?

  [Pre-Chorus 1]

  Code Monkey think maybe manager want to write god-damned login page himself

  Code Monkey not say it out loud

  Code Monkey not crazy, just proud


  Code Monkey like Fritos

  Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew

  Code Monkey very simple man

  With big warm fuzzy secret heart

  Code Monkey like you

  Code Monkey like you

  [Verse 2]

  Code Monkey hang around at front desk

  Tell you sweater look nice

  Code Monkey offer buy you soda

  Bring you cup, bring you ice

  You say no thank you for the soda cause

  Soda make you fat

  Anyway you busy with the telephone

  No time for chat

  [Pre-Chorus 2]

  Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle

  He sit down pretend to work

  Code Monkey not thinking so straight

  Code Monkey not feeling so great


  Code Monkey like Fritos

  Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew

  Code Monkey very simple man

  With big warm fuzzy secret heart

  Code Monkey like you

  Code Monkey like you a lot

  [Verse 3]

  Code Monkey have every reason

  To get out this place

  Code Monkey just keep on working

  See your soft pretty face

  Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake

  Take bath, take nap

  This job “fulfilling in creative way”

  Such a load of crap

  [Pre-Chorus 3]

  Code Monkey think someday he have everything

  Even pretty girl like you

  Code Monkey just waiting for now

  Code Monkey say someday, somehow


  Code Monkey like Fritos

  Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew

  Code Monkey very simple man

  With big warm fuzzy secret heart

  Code Monkey like you

  Code Monkey like you

  MAY 25

  9:20 AM

  Reasons I seriously worry about Code Monkey in Jonathan Coulton’s song “Code Monkey”

  His manager doesn’t see his talent

  He dreams of having everything someday but has no plan

  The pretty girl clearly despises him

  “Just waiting for now” usually means forever

  “Someday, somehow” are wishful thoughts that invariably lead to disaster

  MAY 25

  9:33 AM

  Dream jobs

  Successful bookstore owner

  Statler or Waldorf (in any context)

  Best-selling author

  Part-time college professor with a full-time salary

  Mail carrier

  Lottery winner

  MAY 26

  7:15 PM

  I don’t have to do this.

  I can back out at any moment.

  It’s crazy.

  My wife is pregnant and my baby is in danger and we are running out of money.

  I don’t want to lose my wife.

  I don’t want to be my father.

  I want to be something.

  Fifteen minutes will change everything.

  It’s a good plan.

  Maybe I’ve seen just enough heist movies.

  Maybe I’ve seen too many heist movies.

  MAY 26

  7:28 PM

  Pre-gig positioning checklist




  Town Hall checklist


  Ski mask








  Ski mask


  Escape checklist





  MAY 27

  8:14 PM

  This is crazy.

  This isn’t me.

  I can’t do this.

  MAY 27

  8:17 PM

  This is a good plan.

  We will run out of money in a month.

  Maybe I should start a GoFundMe page.
br />   I’m so tired of being afraid.

  I’m so tired of waking up every morning thinking about our bank account.

  Bill is a Vietnam veteran whose son died of cancer and whose wife was murdered.

  “I wasn’t tough enough. Not brave enough. Not willing to do whatever it took to make sure you and Jake were okay.”

  “Stand strong for your child in a way I never did. Do whatever needs to be done to keep that child safe and happy.”

  There are no other solutions.

  This is a good plan.

  “Some day, some how” is now.

  I’m excited.

  I want to be someone.

  I can do this.

  MAY 27

  8:23 PM


  Get between table and audience

  Leave ski mask and hat behind before exiting

  Speed is more important than getting every dollar

  Flank your adversary when possible

  Don’t drop your guard

  Decide NOW to always be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH

  Stay calm

  MAY 27

  8:26 PM

  My lines

  “Don’t move.”

  “Don’t speak.”

  “If you follow my instructions, Marcos won’t have to hurt you.”

  “Drop all the money in this duffel.”

  “Stay silent.”

  “Sit still.”

  “Count to 100.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  MAY 27

  8:48 PM

  You can do this.

  These are old ladies.

  You can run fast.

  This will save us.

  This will make it good for Jill and our baby.

  MAY 27

  8:52 PM

  This is the bravest thing I’ve ever done.

  I wish I didn’t have to be brave.

  I wish I weren’t such a failure.

  I wish I could just be a regular good man for Jill and our baby.

  I am so tired of being a failure.

  I want to be someone.

  I wish Peter hadn’t died.

  MAY 27

  9:02 PM

  Be aggressive.

  Move fast.

  It’s better to get nothing than to get caught.

  Remember that these are old ladies.

  MAY 27

  9:22 PM

  This will all be over in 15 minutes.

  I need this money.

  I’m not a bad man.

  I love Jill so much.

  I love our baby so much.

  Go time.

  MAY 27

  9:23 PM

  “Go time” is such a stupid thing to say.

  I’m not a “Go time” kind of guy.

  I’m doing this.

  I’m doing this now.

  MAY 27

  9:31 PM



  Can’t move until those three guys clear the hallway.

  Why are there three guys standing in the hallway on a Friday night?

  Three suits.

  One briefcase.

  Arguing about someone named Gary.

  If they take the stairs, they will see me.

  Hiding under the stairwell was a bad idea. Now I look guilty.

  If they see me, this is over before it started.

  MAY 27

  9:36 PM

  Who else could be here on a Friday night?

  Why didn’t I check?

  I haven’t seen enough heist movies.

  One person—politician, secretary, janitor—could ruin everything.

  I’m so stupid.

  MAY 27

  9:38 PM

  Nothing went perfectly smoothly for Danny Ocean and his gang, either.

  MAY 27

  9:39 PM

  Bizarre urge to call Bill right now.

  Or my father.

  MAY 27

  9:42 PM

  Gary is officially off my potential baby name list.

  Fuck this Gary guy. He sounds like a prick.

  MAY 27

  9:44 PM




  MAY 27

  9:45 PM


  Now or never.

  Don’t be Code Monkey.

  Go be someone.

  MAY 27

  9:51 PM



  Don’t move.

  I did it.

  So far.

  Will the police check the garage?

  Fucking breathe.

  Just wait.

  Don’t do anything stupid.


  MAY 27

  9:53 PM


  “Marcos” worked. I can’t believe it.

  I was so calm.

  I left ski mask and hat behind.

  I think I got it all.

  Why Marcos worked

  Scary name

  The shark in Jaws is scariest when it can’t be seen.

  If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running.


  Lady was too afraid to move at first. Started crying. I don’t blame her.

  I had to yell to get her to move.

  I felt way too bad about making her cry.

  Police car driving by on South Main as I exited building.

  Why did I assume that cops would be at the station on a Friday night?

  Old lady definitely didn’t count to 100.

  Maybe counted way too fast. I should’ve told her Mississippis.

  Old ladies exited front entrance instead of following me to side door.

  Old ladies a lot faster than I thought.

  Old ladies are smarter than I thought.

  70 is apparently the new 50.

  I got screwed by my own ageism.

  Maybe someone playing bingo saw me. Saw ski mask.

  Probably when I yelled.

  Old ladies spotted me crossing South Main toward bike.

  Probably recognized duffel.

  Cops might have spotted me crossing South Main too.

  Did they see me turn left and run into parking garage?


  MAY 27

  9:57 PM


  Did anyone see me enter parking garage? Cops? Old ladies? Witnesses?

  Did anyone see my face?

  Is it better to leave now or wait?


  MAY 27

  10:05 PM


  The police cruiser was just past me as I exited the town hall.

  I stayed calm.

  I crossed South Main without getting run over by traffic.

  No bystander tried to stop me.

  Old ladies can’t yell loud.

  MAY 27

  10:07 PM

  Waiting is bad.

  Circle might be closing.

  Other cars are leaving.

  Everything seems normal.

  I should go.

  Drive, Dan.

  MAY 27

  10:08 PM




  Stay calm

  Been trying to call

  Jill in surgery

  Baby coming

  Don’t get in accident driving over

  Nothing you can do

  Just come

  MAY 27

  10:11 PM


  Three levels down.

  Right onto South Main.

  Left onto Sedgwick.



  Stay calm.

  Reread plan.


  MAY 27

  10:12 PM


  Line of cars.

  Cops checking cars at exit to garage.



  Looking f
or duffel, I bet.

  I’ll say, “I went to a movie. Alone.”

  “Wife having baby.”

  Stay calm.

  God help me.

  I’m so stupid.

  MAY 27

  10:13 PM

  Six cars to go

  One billion cops

  One billion flashlights

  One duffel bag

  MAY 27

  10:14 PM

  Four cars to go.

  MAY 27

  10:15 PM

  Don’t know any movies playing right now.


  MAY 27

  10:17 PM

  Thank God for the Internet.

  No heist movies.

  Too bad. Better story.

  Story I can never tell.

  Still alone. Always alone.

  Danny Ocean had 11 or 12 partners. I just want one. Just one person.

  MAY 27

  10:18 PM

  Steve. He’s the answer. He’s always been the answer.


  Damn it.

  This couldn’t have occurred to me 30 minutes ago?

  Addition to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  Solutions to enormous problems have a habit of appearing a day late and a dollar short, and in the strangest of circumstances.

  MAY 27

  11:14 PM

  My daughter


  Born at 10:23 PM

  15.9 inches

  3.05 pounds

  “Big for her age.”


  “No promises, but it looks good.”

  Her father was with the police when she was born.

  MAY 28

  12:11 AM


  Stayed calm. I can’t fucking believe it.

  Pre-breaking Corvette window

  Planting duffel in back seat

  Getting nurse back on phone just before cops inspected car


  I missed the birth of my daughter

  Duffel still in Corvette (I hope)

  I think I need to return the money

  Additions to Dan’s Laws of the Universe

  Fathers can’t afford to be thieves or failures or fuckups.

  Some Laws of the Universe present themselves too goddamn late to be of help.

  MAY 28


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