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The Billionaire's Virgin Pursuit (The Forbidden Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Dee Stone

  Going back into the shower, I let the cold water pour over my head and shoulders as I took myself into hand so to speak.

  As I rubbed myself, slow at first and then faster and faster, imagining Mary under me, spread out for me to feast on. I could just imagine the taste of her pussy after her bath. Sweet.

  Leaning my forehead against the shower wall, I groaned, hunching my shoulders as my orgasm began to take hold. Throwing my head back I shot rope after rope of cum down into the drain.

  Parking my rented Jag in front of Mary’s townhouse, I sat for a moment to reflect on how I had come full circle, back to the city where all of this had started. Forcing myself from my thoughts, I figured it was time to go inside and get this date started.

  It didn’t take long for me to make my way to the front of her house. It was cute, with rosebushes and daisies out along the pathway. Answering my knock, my jaw dropped at the sight of her.

  There she stood, in a short, red dress that came halfway up her plump, bitable thighs. The sleeves came to her elbows but were off the shoulders. So sexy.

  Her red painted lips curved into a slight smile. “Come in while I get my bag and wrap. It’s supposed to be cold tonight.”

  I could see that, by the way her nipples were standing at attention even with the bra I could see she was wearing. I knew that cold shower was going to go to waste, I thought, as I adjusted myself when she turned her back.

  Stepping into the tiny foyer, I waited beside a plant on a wire stand, studying it with everything I had, so I wouldn’t have to think of her and that red dress.

  Hearing the clicks of her shoes made me straighten my back as she strolled back into my vision. And boy was she a vision. Those fuck me heels made her legs look even longer, if that were possible.

  Her keys disappeared into her bag, along with her phone, and any miscellaneous items she thought she might need.

  As she made her heavenly way toward me, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I finally gave in to the inevitable. We would be together like we were meant to be. I knew that now. She was all grown up and boy was she.

  When Mary reached me, I placed my hands on her waist and held her away from me. “You are the most beautiful woman, Bella Mia.”

  It was cute the way her cheeks reddened in a blush at the compliment. She ducked her head, but there was a tiny smile on her lips at the praise.

  My hand slipped around her waist to her back, barely touching her gorgeous ass. I couldn’t help myself, and let a few fingers slid down the curve of her ass. She turned her head to give a glare that would burn me if she could. I had to try hard not to smile at how cute she looked when she was mad.

  Thankfully, Mary’s townhouse was on the bottom floor, so I was able to park right in front. When I opened the passenger door for her, I could see by the surprise on her face, that she wasn’t used to it.

  After sliding into the driver’s seat, and starting the car, I let it idle while we talked. “So, La Majon is good to eat at? I heard Paul mention it and thought you might like to eat there. I made reservations. If not, we can go somewhere else.”

  “La Majon is fine. The food is excellent, and their wine menu is superb.” She was enthusiastic, which made me wiggle my proverbial tail.

  As I drove over to the restaurant I decided to find out how she had grown up and become the kind of woman she was.

  “Besides school, what else do you do with yourself? Boyfriends? Hobbies?” I smiled winningly at Mary.

  My arm slid along the back of her seat to play with a lock of her long blonde hair. Her head turned as it lay against the headrest to study my face. She must have liked what she saw because she held her eyes to mine.

  “I pretty much just work and go to school,” she made a self-deprecating face. “I’m pretty boring, if you must know.”

  “I would never think that, Bella Mia.” Seeing a broken-down truck in the middle of the road, I expertly swerved around it, hearing a gasp as I moved the Jag back and forth swiftly.

  I moved my head to give Mary a quick glance and saw a slight smile that almost resembled a grimace, as her red fingernails dug into the fine leather of the arm rests.

  “Mary, this is the way we drive in Europe. Fast.”

  “But you’re in the States now. Could you slow down? Like a lot?” I did as she asked. I didn’t want to scare her to death on our first date.

  Moving into the small line for valet service, I waited impatiently, my leg jumping up and down on the clutch while still holding it in.

  When it was finally our turn, I handed the kid the keys while Mary slipped out, stumbling in her high heels, as if she wasn’t used to them.

  The kid stared at her for a minute, my keys hanging loosely from his hand, as the vision stepped into his line of sight.

  “Hey, kid! Stop staring! There’s a line.”

  He looked at me as if in a stupor. I knew the look. She was just that sexy.

  He blushed and made a big show of running to the driver’s side to put the Jag in a safe spot. I put the ticket he had handed me in my wallet, and with my hand on Mary’s back we went into the restaurant.

  There was candlelight everywhere. The lighting inside was dim so the flickering candles would take precedence. It reminded me of some of the older restaurants in Italy with their old-world ambience.

  We were led to our table, set off to the side for the privacy I requested. I knew Paul ate here a lot, and I didn’t want a confrontation if I could help it. He should be in Japan, though. This was the best, most exclusive restaurant in town, so of course I had to take Mary. She deserved the best.

  After I seated Mary, and myself, the waiter came with wine choices. I ordered the Dom Pérignon, but he only had eyes for Mary. I was getting tired of men crushing on her. She was mine. I narrowed my eyes at him, glaring until he glanced down in embarrassment before scuttling off with our wine order.

  I leaned forward in my seat and took her hand in mine. I watched her shadowed face as the candlelight played over it, the ambience creating the perfect intimate setting.

  Emotions flitted quickly over her expressive face. Hope, a little fear, and I almost thought I saw desire, as she looked me over.

  The waiter came back with an iced bottle and proceeded to open it with a loud pop. After pouring two glasses of the bubbling wine, he took our order.

  At first, we just stared at each other, sipping the wine, not knowing what to say. I hadn’t been this nervous since high school. As if sensing my nervousness, Mary broke the silence. “So, what have you been doing for the past ten years, Markus? Besides working over in Europe and making us millions.” Mary’s hands were primly in her lap, as any well-bred young lady would do.

  My elbows rested on the table, my hands steepled, resting against my chin. I thought about what to tell her. I wonder if the truth would make her think less of me.



  His thoughts were plain as they flitted across his face Could what he wanted to say be that bad? I could see the sadness last, as though he were answering my thoughts.

  “I moved to Italy to take care of my grandparents. They couldn’t live on their own anymore, and they wouldn’t move here. Wouldn’t hear of it. So, I found a small villa for us, and a caregiver to live there.” Markus shook his head at the memories, but with an obvious fondness. “We needed someone in Europe anyway for expansion. As a company we were growing so fast, and since I didn’t have a family and I wasn’t needed here anyway––well.”

  He took a sip from his flute and watched the bubbles float to the surface for a moment, “Your father didn’t want to move either one of you to a new country. You were having a hard-enough time with your mother being gone, so I went.”

  This was a whole new view into this strong, intelligent man. The game apps were his idea. They still sold well, even twenty years later. There were new ones every year, new ideas to make a computer more efficient, as well as new laptops. Smaller. Better. Smarter.

  He resum
ed his story, “So, I bought the villa and moved us there. They loved it, of course. Loved their caregiver. I also had a housekeeper and maid that would help out when I had to travel, which wasn’t often. About four or five times a year, depending upon what new idea I had to try out or promote to others. I would have their friends visit about once a month, or every two months, and sometimes they would come with me on my travels, along with the caregiver. Paris, Milan, London They loved it the first five years,” he had a sad, private smile on his lips at the memories.

  It made me love him a bit with how much he had loved and cared for his grandparents. And here I thought he was just being a playboy. Sometimes there would be photographs of him with models at the theatre or dinner. Those must have been the times he didn’t take them with. He was a man after all, with a man’s urges. Though, I was still jealous of the time he had with those women while I was growing up.

  Just then, our waiter arrived with our meals. I had a lobster salad with crab bisque, and Markus had a huge steak with lobster, baked potato and vegetables.

  Knowing I wasn’t the type to go without my desserts, I didn’t want to fill up on my meal. After all, La Majon had the best desserts. Their crème brulee…Oh my God…heaven for my mouth. The crust was so crispy and the insides…absolute perfection.

  “You do realize, you’re not going to get away with not finishing your story,” I told him before taking a bite of my meal. I groaned at the taste.

  I took another bite and glanced at Markus, to see him staring at me with a strange smile on his face.

  “What?” I took another bite and stuffed it into my mouth, eyeing my soup. I cocked my head in inquiry, never having been able to do the eyebrow thing.

  He shook his head at me and took a bite from his rare steak. It was so bloody I thought it was going to jump up and run away.

  As we ate, we became more comfortable with one another. That was, until I heard a loud, familiar voice. Shit was about to hit the fan after all.

  “What are you doing here with my daughter? I thought we discussed this. Stay away from her. You’re too old for her.” Of course, my father was pushy, loud, obnoxious, and drunk already, but he was still my father and I loved him. Kinda.

  “Dad, we’re having dinner. Finding out what we’ve each been doing over the years. We can still be friends, right? He’s also a business associate, whom we haven’t seen in years. You’re the one that should be taking him out for drinks, and dinner, but I’m doing it, so leave us the heck alone to enjoy our dinner in peace.” I spit out the last few words, completely pissed and annoyed. “Besides, aren’t you supposed to be in Japan?”

  My father stood, his hands fisted as if he wanted to hit someone. I could tell he was going to ignore my question. Markus sat eating his dinner at ease, not worried about what my Dad would do or say. But watching nonetheless. Just in case.

  That was when I saw my little sister in the background and almost groaned. I would have liked to bang my head on the table a couple times, but that wouldn’t have been appropriate. She had our father wrapped around her little finger, and she was the slut. Yet, he felt the need to tell me who to and not see.

  Only eighteen, and she had already been with so many boys and men, I couldn’t even count. Not that I wanted too. Yuck.

  Besides, she was a troublemaker, Talia was beyond beautiful slender, long, multi-colored hair in shades of pink, and the biggest sky-blue eyes you’ve ever seen. Seemingly guileless; she was delicate looking, but harder than rocks. And I’m sure her new do pissed our father off. Which I’m quite sure was the idea.

  She gave any man a run for his money even at eighteen.

  I could see a smirk appearing on her perfect, pink, plump lips as she winked at me I was shocked. How could she know?

  My eyes returned to Dad and challenged him to say anything more, when suddenly Markus spoke.

  “Paul? Would you like to join us? You and Talia?” Markus’s eyes appraised and then dismissed her. Talia and I were both shocked. I don’t think there had ever been a man who was uninterested in my sister before.

  “No, no. Enjoy the rest of your dinner. It’s on me. Business dinner, right? Great write off. We need all we can get, right Markus?” Paul laughed heartily, the sound booming from his chest, not quite pulling off being genuine. He leaned forward so he was almost in Markus’s face, “You are out. I will call an immediate board meeting and get you out.”

  “Right, Paul.” Markus’ laugh just as forced. “Try it and the company will fall. Who do you think is the brains?” he waved his fork around with a large piece of lobster on it before stuffing it in his mouth. If my bottom jaw could have dropped it would have, but that wasn’t lady-like.

  Dad boomed a laugh again, so everyone that was watching the action could see. This will be the talk of the town for a while. I groaned. He was always good for the gossipmongers since he had a temper.

  I watched as my father and sister turned on their heels, walking back to their table to finish their meal; watching us the whole time.

  “Well that was awkward. You weren’t a lot of help.” I was irritated I had to do all the calming down of my father.

  “Didn’t you notice the way he was looking at me? He was waiting for me to say something. Anything at all would have set him off.” Markus leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed behind his head. The way his shirt stretched across his chest made my mouth water. In a much different way than the thought of dessert.

  I thought about what he said and went over the way my father had acted. Yes, he had been aggressive, but it had almost been an act. Blustering, but backing down fast. Was the drunkenness fake as well? No, that was probably true. But now that I think about it, he had been watching Markus, waiting for him to say or do something he could take offense to.

  “Come on, finish your soup before it gets cold. Or I will.” Markus tried to cajole me into eating, while eyeing my untouched soup. Using his finger, he inched it closer.

  I wasn’t in the mood for any more food. Except for dessert. Chocolate sounded better now. Hmm. They have a dark chocolate crème brulee here. My mouth began watering at the thought of the creamy goodness.

  “You go ahead and have my soup, I’d rather have dessert.” I wished I could have eaten the soup, but dessert sounded better.

  Markus immediately raised his hand for the waiter, giving me the inquiring raised eyebrow I always wanted to be able to do.

  “Dark chocolate crème brulee,” I replied.

  His eyes widened at the thought.

  “They make it superbly here. You should try it. The chocolate custard inside is amazing.” I was always so enthusiastic about dessert.

  The waiter arrived, and Markus put in the order for two chocolate crème brulees.

  “Since you’re not hungry, why don’t we take the dessert back to the hotel and start the best part of the evening,” he suggested, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. A blush heated my cheeks. “Especially since dinner has been paid for.” Motioning for the waiter, he ordered, “Another bottle of champagne. To go.”

  It was clear we were both finally starting to let go.

  There was a whole flock of butterflies taking up residence in my stomach, and in that moment, I was glad I hadn’t eaten more than I had.

  When we got the car back, Markus placed one hand on my chin and one on my back, bringing my face and body to his. Kissing me hard, he bit at my bottom lip. A groan escaped my lips as a hand settled at my breast, a finger pinching my nipple.

  A throat clearing interrupted us, and looking from the valet to me, Markus smirked, causing me to blush again.

  Once inside the Jag, we began making our way back to Markus’s hotel. What shocked me most was that the Jag which had swiftly traversed the streets earlier seemed to be taking its time to get to the hotel where Markus was staying.

  Once we arrived, he parked his car in the first available spot, which happened to be right by the elevators. Turning toward me, he asked, “Well, are you ready
for the sexy part of the evening?” The smirk on his face let me know that we were just getting started.



  I smiled my most charming smile and slid my hand up her arm to her shoulder. Mary leaned toward me but got stuck by the shoulder harness. She blushed again and released the harness, her fingers fumbling in her nervousness.

  Reaching for her again I leaned forward and laid my hand against her cheek. Almost instinctually, she rubbed against my hand.

  My hand slipped around to the back of her neck, my fingers tangling in her long hair.

  Tugging, I pulled her toward me until our lips touched and I kissed her softly, her lips pulling me in. I’d had sex with lots of women, rich and poor; skinny and chubby, but Mary, she tasted like vanilla and heaven. Pure vanilla with just a hint of strawberry. Must be her lipstick.

  Nibbling along her lips, I tested the seam with my tongue. Once she opened for me, I eased my tongue inside, stroking against hers lightly until she emitted the groan I was waiting for. It was becoming harder and harder to take it slow. And if I were being honest, I was becoming harder and harder by the minute.

  Reaching down, I popped her breast out of the top of her dress and began to nibble my way down, my hand massaging the full, round object of my fascination. I couldn’t wait to get my mouth on it, but that would have to wait a few minutes.

  Pulling her dress back up, I placed her breast back inside and gave her one more peck on the lips before gazing into her glazed eyes.

  “Let’s go inside, Bella Mia. Then the fun can really start,” I gave her a smartass smirk.

  Opening her door, I picked her up in my arms, carrying her to the elevators.

  “What are you doing?” She protested. “Put me down! I can walk.”

  She pouted, her arms crossed over her chest. Truth be told, it was a turn on. I wanted to bite that full bottom lip, to suck on it deeply.


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