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The Nanny (Curvy Women Wanted Book 4)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  He had taken her twice more throughout the night, which was why she was a little sore, but not in a bad way, in all the right places.

  She hadn’t felt this way before, and it was kind of surreal to be feeling it. After Grace finished eating her breakfast, she went upstairs to get changed.

  Once the kitchen was clean, Cassie made her way through the house, opening curtains and a few of the windows. It was moments like these that she could bask in her decision to leave her cheating ex, and make a life for herself.

  Leo was unlike any man she had ever known. He was on the controlling side, but it wasn’t bad either. It wasn’t like he treated her like a dog.

  He’d taken her pills last night, and tossed them into the trash.

  She paused, and pressed her thighs together, thinking about how possessive he was. He wanted to get her pregnant. Should she be a little angry? She wasn’t though. She wanted kids, and she loved the way that he’d looked at her last night.

  Hands going around her waist made her jump. Glancing behind her, she saw it was Leo.

  “You scared me.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there this morning to wake you. I had to go into the office.”

  She looked at the clock on the wall, and saw it was a little after eleven. Grace had slept late today. “It’s fine. What time did you leave?”

  “Six. You looked so good. I wanted to wake you up, but I figured I’d let you rest. Where’s Grace?”

  “She’s just getting dressed. I was going to let her play in the pool today.”

  “Excellent. I’ve got to finish some stuff up, and then I’ll be out to join you.” He kissed her neck. “Tonight, you’re going to be all mine.”

  She shivered, and arousal rushed through her body, which she quickly stemmed. Right now, she shouldn’t be aroused.

  “Daddy,” Grace said.

  Turning toward father and daughter, Cassie watched them hug. He kissed her cheek, then blew on it, finally asking what she had for breakfast.

  “Right, run along then. I’ve got work to do, and the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can join the two of you.”

  Cassie smiled at him, and holding Grace’s hand, she joined her in the pool. Grace wasn’t a very strong swimmer, and Cassie was patient with her as she taught her how to swim.

  “I’m going to let go now. You’ve got this.”

  Grace started to flail her arms, and when Cassie saw she wasn’t confident, she caught her.

  “I’m not a big girl,” Grace said, crying.

  “You’ll be fine, honey. You’re not used to it, and that’s not a problem, not really.”

  “I bet my dad could do this first time.”

  Cassie put the arm bands back on Grace. “You know it takes some people a couple of tries before they can get something. The first batch of cookies I made, I burnt them. It was so embarrassing. Can you imagine burning something as simple as cookies?”

  Grace giggled. “Your cookies are awesome.”

  “But they didn’t always use to be. It took practice.” They floated on their backs. “That’s all you need to do, honey. Practice.”

  They stayed in the pool, and they were both relaxing until a mighty crash had them both looking toward the sound. Suddenly Grace was caught around the middle, and Leo broke the surface, tickling her.

  Cassie couldn’t keep the laughter in, especially as Grace kept on laughing. She had one of those infectious laughs.

  “I heard that you slept late today.”

  “I did,” Grace said.

  “So we’ve got to make you really tired so you will sleep tonight.” He looked toward Cassie and winked.

  Her cheeks heated.

  “Did you get the flowers?” Grace asked.

  “I forgot.” Leo pouted.

  “Flowers?” Cassie asked, looking between the two.

  “Daddy loves you, Cassie. He’s supposed to buy you flowers to tell you.”

  Cassie smiled at Leo. “Really?”

  “Yes, but he didn’t get them. Are you sad, Cassie?”

  “No, I’m not, pumpkin.”

  It was sweet. She didn’t think he loved her though.

  Pushing her negative thoughts aside, she joined in the fun with Leo and Grace. For a short time she could stop worrying about all of her troubles, and simply focus on the now.


  Leo put Grace to bed at nine. He had spent most of the day trying to exhaust her, and in the process, he was tired.

  Heading toward the kitchen, he found Cassie standing at the stove, pouring some chocolate into some milk.

  “She’s asleep,” he said. “I didn’t think it would happen, but she is.” He tried to stifle a yawn.

  Cassie chuckled. “Her energy is just amazing, isn’t it?”


  She poured the hot chocolate into two mugs, and handed him one. “This will make you feel better.”

  He took a sip, and burnt his lip. “If I let it cool down some.”

  “I know I make a nice hot chocolate.”

  Leo was distracted. The robe she wore was silk, and it was partially open, showing off a little bit of breast. He wanted to tug the fabric from her, and take her right now.

  “You told Grace,” she said.

  Her cheeks were heated.

  “I was serious last night, and I’m also serious about this, Cassie.” He took her hand, and tugged her toward him. Easing out from behind the counter, he placed her in front of him. Even with him sitting on a chair, he was still taller than she was. Pressing a kiss to her neck, he breathed in her scent. “I want you so damn much. It has been hell trying to keep my hands off you for the past six months.” Kissing down her neck to her breast, to the opening of her robe, he tugged on the band holding it together. The robe fell open, and he eased down the strap of the negligee exposing her breast to his mouth. He didn’t wait either. Taking her nipple between his teeth, he gave it a little bite, and then sucked it.

  She gasped.

  Arching up against him, she pressed her tit against his mouth even more. Running his hands from her ass, he cupped her back, holding her in place.

  Flicking the tip, he trailed his tongue across her chest, and went to her other nipple. As he removed the strap, he held her close, and she sighed, sinking her fingers into his hair.

  “You drive me insane. You have no idea how hard it is for me to play the gentleman with you. From the moment you walked into my house, I’ve wanted to fuck you, to be inside you, to hold you, to cherish you. I want you all the time. I stopped being at the office so often, and made sure I was home just so I could be with you. No woman has ever made me work from home, baby. No one. All I want is you.”

  She whimpered, and he moved one hand from her back to dive between her thighs. She was soaking wet. Thrusting a finger deep inside her, he began to fuck her hard.

  “I spent so many nights wanting to come to your room, or even better, grab you, and bend you over my desk, and fuck you so damn hard. I want to make you forget about all of those men that have been there before me. I only want you to think about me.”

  “I do.”

  He smiled against her skin. Shoving the chair back, he spun her around so that she was pressed against the counter. She released a moan, and he filled her pussy with two fingers. She cried out his name and didn’t fight him.

  “Do you want me, Cassie?”

  “Yes. I want you.”

  “Tell me to fuck you. Tell me to fuck you really hard.”

  “Please, Leo, fuck me hard. I need it.”

  He released her long enough to ease open his pants. Pulling out his erect cock, he wrapped his fingers around the length, and began to work up and down, covering his pre-cum over.

  Shoving up her negligee, he teased his cock through her slit, and relished the sound of her moan as he slid deep into her. Gripping her ass, he thrust to the hilt, and then pulled out, only to slam inside her again.

  Holding onto the counter, he began to slowly thrust insi
de her. He wouldn’t be able to last though. Her pussy was so tight as she gripped him.

  Holding onto her, he began to pound within her, loving the ripples of her pussy.

  Gritting his teeth, he held back from coming as he touched her clit, stroking the bud. Hearing her cries was enough to send him over the edge. Slamming every inch of his cock inside her, he flooded her pussy with his spunk. He didn’t pull out.

  Pausing in teasing her clit, he held her close, enjoying each new wave as he filled her with his cum.

  He wanted to get her pregnant.

  He wanted to completely own every single part of her.

  He wanted for them to be together for a long fucking time, her pregnant with his kid. He never wanted to let her go.

  Fucking never.

  “Please,” she said, wriggling on his cock.

  “Don’t you worry. I’ll help you.” Even with his cock inside her, he began to stroke her clit. Kissing her neck, he felt her cunt tightening around him as he fingered her pussy.

  “It feels so good,” she said, biting her lip.

  “Come for me, Cassie. Flood my cock.”

  She cried out, pressing her ass against him. One day soon he was going to fuck that. He was going to take every single part of her, and never let go.

  Using two fingers, he stroked her clit, and slowly pumped his cock within her. Much to his amazement, he started to get hard once again, which only served to arouse Cassie even more.

  “That’s it, baby. I want you to come all over my cock. I want to feel every fucking pulse as you hold me.”

  “Please, Leo. I can’t hold on. I’m going to come.”

  He held her tightly as she came, riding his cock, and making him hard once again. He groaned, feeling their juices against his shaft. It was more than he could have ever dreamed of.

  It wasn’t possible for her to get pregnant right away, but he sure as fuck hoped so.

  Kissing her neck, he sucked on her pulse as she came down from her high.

  “You’re hard again.”

  “I’ve been like this from the moment you walked into my world.”

  She giggled. “I think I can live like this.”

  He moved back so that his ass was on the chair. “I need to hold myself up. You’re killing me, babe.”

  “Am I too heavy?”

  He cupped her hips, and shook his head. “To me, you are perfection. I just need a few minutes to catch my breath.”

  She wriggled on his cock, making him moan. “I want to go again, if you’d like.” She rested her head back, and that twinkle in her eye would stay with him for a long time.

  Chapter Five

  Cassie couldn’t ever recall being this happy before in her life. Thirty years old, a nanny, screwing her boss, falling in love, and it was like she was doing it all for the first time.

  She touched her neck, where he had kissed her a little raw last night. There was a slight love bite, which she had covered with her hair. Grace asked way too many questions, which Cassie didn’t mind. How do you tell a kid their father got a little frisky last night in the bedroom?

  It had been a month since they had started sleeping together.

  A month of sex.

  A month of making love.

  A month of falling hard for the man.

  Leo was everything she had ever dreamed about. He made her feel so treasured, so loved. Not a moment went by that she didn’t think he was the kindest man ever.

  He would bring her flowers, chocolates, or a book. That was what she loved the most. If he found a book he thought she would like, he would get it for her.

  Her favorite times were when they were together. She loved taking Grace out with him, and for a few short hours she could believe they were supposed to be together.

  “What’s wrong with you, dear?” Nancy asked, coming into the kitchen.

  “Nothing. Just thinking.”

  “Well, for a woman in love you don’t look all that happy.”

  “Oh, well, I don’t know if it’s love,” she said, glancing down at her coffee.

  Nancy chuckled. “Honey, it’s love, and you cannot tell me it’s anything different.”

  “Do you think he loves me?”

  “I’ve not seen him allow any other woman near Grace. You’re the first woman he’s allowed to be part of his life.”

  “But I’m not the only nanny, am I?”

  “You’re not the only nanny. None of them were allowed to live in, or cook. Their job was to arrive at the house promptly at eight, and then to be gone by the time he got home at six. He always puts Grace to bed. During their time here, they were required to teach Grace certain academics, but that was all. With you, he broke all his own rules.”

  Licking her dry lips, Cassie was surprised. “I had no idea.”

  “With you, Leo is a very different man. I’ve always believed that it meant he felt for you something he has never felt for anyone else. Even his wife hasn’t been given such a change.”

  “I’m … yeah, I’m a little surprised. A lot actually.”

  From the first day she had arrived for her interview, he had made it clear it was for a live-in nanny, who would need to care for Grace with love and support. He wanted her to feel like part of the family, nothing less.

  There had been no demands for academics. He had wanted her to be part of the family life, eating meals, watching movies, and stuff like that. Had he been doing it even before she realized?

  “I see that I shocked you,” Nancy said.

  “You have. I thought this was … I don’t know. I thought it was the same. What was he like with his wife?”

  Nancy’s face scrunched up. “That woman was evil to the core. Leo deserved so much better. She was a manipulative woman, and whenever she didn’t get what she wanted, she would throw a fit until she got her way. I never liked her.”

  “What was she like with Grace?”

  “First, she wanted an abortion. I heard her and Leo arguing about it constantly. He was so worried she would end the pregnancy that he put a guard on her ass to make sure she didn’t.” Nancy shook her head. “It was the first time since being here I was uncomfortable. She made life hard, and she didn’t do it for any other reason than she could. The moment Grace was born, she ignored her. Called her a body destroyer, and other such cruel names.”

  Tears filled Cassie’s eyes, just thinking of the evil woman.

  “The final straw came for Leo when he saw her hit Grace. I think for the first time in his life, that man could have committed murder, and I was more than happy to go along with him. I would have struck her down, and not stopped.”

  “That is just so awful. Grace is a sweetheart.”

  “She was hungry at the time, and she wouldn’t stop crying. Anyway, let’s not talk about that evil one. Don’t think about it. She’s nowhere near Grace, and the day she left was the day this house felt right once again.”

  Nancy patted her arm.

  So, everything wasn’t what Cassie first thought.

  He didn’t have any nannies live in, nor did he allow them to be with him or his daughter together.

  The instant Cassie had met Grace, she had been charmed by her. The thought of anyone doing her any harm was just awful.

  Getting up from her seat, Cassie glanced out over the garden.

  Leo and Grace were not at home as they had gone out to do some shopping. Cassie’s birthday was next week, so it wasn’t a secret they were shopping for her.

  Moving toward the counter, she picked up the box that she had pulled out of her wardrobe. Opening it up, she saw several pictures of herself, of her wedding day, and little paper memories she kept for no other reason than they once made her happy.

  Her marriage had been a sickness that had slowly spread like a cancer.

  Leaving the kitchen, she made her way toward the barbeque pit.

  Tipping out the entire box, she threw the box on as well, got some gasoline, and then set fire to the small pile of memories.r />
  Little by little, she watched it go up in flames. Rather than feeling sad, she felt invigorated, like the last piece of her past was finally gone, and she no longer had to worry about it.

  She didn’t leave, waiting for the last flame to burn out.


  Nancy had told him that Cassie had been asking questions. He had also seen the remnants of a fire in the pit. Grace was in bed, Nancy had left, and he found Cassie down at the summer house.

  He had one of those walkie talkies that allowed him to see and hear Grace. He wouldn’t leave the house without making sure she was safe.

  Cassie stood looking up at the house. She smiled at him, and he saw she was drinking some wine. “I thought it was a nice evening for it. Would you like to join me?”

  Taking the offered glass, he saw there was a bottle, and only one glass. “Yes, I would.” He took a sip, and stared at her. There was something a bit different about her. He didn’t know what it was, only that he could see it. “I talked to Nancy.”

  “I figured you had. Did you have a good shopping trip?”

  “I did. Beverly is out of our lives. She will not be coming back.”

  “Who is Beverly?”

  “My ex. My ex-wife. She’s gone, and has no reason to come back. Believe me, I would never put Grace in danger.”

  “I know. You love your daughter. She’s a special girl. That’s not what surprised me about my conversation with Nancy.”

  “No? What was it?”

  “The nanny? I’m the first nanny to live in, to share your life.”

  He nodded, taking another swig of the wine, and handing it back to her.

  She stared at him.

  “Why was it different with me?” she asked.

  “I told you. It wasn’t just in the heat of the moment, Cassie. The moment I saw you, I wanted you, and I was more than willing to do whatever it took to keep you. I’m not a very good man. In fact, I just know what I want. I can give you a good life.”

  She licked her lips, and stared at him. He saw the question in her eyes, and wondered what was wrong. “I, erm, I don’t know what to say. I love being with you, and with Grace. Having a family, it’s what I’ve always wanted.”


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