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Midnight at the Pera Palace_The Birth of Modern Istanbul

Page 43

by Charles King

  drag queens, 137, 162

  drugs, 144–45

  Dukelsky, Vladimir (Vernon Duke), 137

  Dumbarton Oaks, 275, 285

  Dunn, Robert, 138, 245

  earthquakes, 18–19

  Eastern Question, 31–32

  Eastman, Max, 242–43

  Ece, Keriman Halis, see Keriman Halis

  Edip Bey (father of Halide Edip), 206–8, 215

  Edirne, 185–86


  in French schools, 205

  for women, 203, 207–8

  Education Ministry, Turkish, 258, 296

  Edward VIII, king of England, 285

  Egypt, 150, 209, 275, 279, 327

  as free of Ottoman control, 75

  Eichmann, Adolf, 356–57

  Einstein, Albert, 296

  Eitingon, Chaim, 247–48

  Eitingon, Leonid, 247–52, 323

  Eitingon, Max, 248

  Ellis, Gertrude, 303

  Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, 326

  Eminönü (neighborhood), 157, 376

  Emlak Bank, 128

  Emniyet (Turkish secret police), 304–6

  English language, 118, 161

  Enver Pasha, 34, 37, 42–43, 55, 56, 306

  Ephesus, 229

  “Epic of Sheikh Bedreddin” (Nâzım Hikmet), 229–30

  Eristavi, Gigusha, 99

  Eristavi, Princess, 100

  Ertegün, Ahmet, 173–75

  Ertegün, Münir, 173–74

  Ertegün, Nesuhi, 173–75

  Erturul, 189

  Erturul, Muhsin, 157, 213, 220

  Erzurum, 72, 129

  Eskenazi, Roza, 162–65, 167, 169, 171, 284

  Ethiopia, 146, 272

  eunuchs, 134, 138, 145–47

  Europe, 256, 295, 298

  collapse of empires in, 6

  colonies of, 241

  eastern, 63, 356

  Muslim exiles from southeastern, 8

  occupied, 312

  Ottomans in, 192, 193

  Pullman cars in, 23

  World War II in, 291

  Evliya Çelebi, xv, 142–43, 151

  Eyüp (neighborhood), 61, 135, 143

  ezan, 187–88

  feminism, feminists, 155

  Muslim, 213, 216, 375

  Ottoman, 146

  Feriha Tevfik, 257–58

  ferries, 17–18, 30, 53, 136

  Feustel, Hans Walter (travel agent), 297

  fez, banning of, 181, 201, 263

  Filov, Bogdan, 299

  fires, 19–22, 26–27, 49, 137, 163

  Florya, 99–100, 117, 292

  Foreign Affairs Ministry, Turkish, 335, 339, 354, 363

  Foreign Office, British, 312–13

  Fossati, Gaspare and Giuseppe, 270–71, 275, 278–79

  Fox-Pitt, Billy, 82, 105, 115, 156

  France, French, 24, 32, 39, 52, 64, 95, 108, 117, 141, 150, 156, 214, 237, 243–44, 255, 258, 288, 333, 355, 364

  in occupation of Istanbul, 40–42, 50–52, 66, 69, 74–76, 115, 136, 148, 244

  in Ottoman demise, 55, 75, 77–79, 290

  refugees in Istanbul aided by, 91–92

  republican tradition of, 183, 186–87

  Turkey’s relations with, 294

  in World War I, 35–40, 71, 94

  Franchet d’Espèrey, Louis, 42, 58

  Franco, Francisco, 250, 292

  Frenc, David and Israel, 321, 323

  French language, 49, 118, 161, 162, 240, 350

  Furlong, Charles, 65–66

  Fyodorov, Georgy, 104

  Galata (neighborhood), 42, 49, 115, 118, 140, 297, 373

  Galata Bridge, 30, 103, 192, 205, 218

  Galatasaray Lycée, 8, 222, 288

  Galata Tower, 49, 104, 300


  battle of, 36–37, 52, 53, 222

  refugee camp at, 97, 117

  Garbo, Greta, 159

  Garden Bar, 5, 136–37, 375

  Gare de l’Est, 22

  Geffner, Emanuel, 321, 323

  General Kornilov, 95

  George V, king of England, 51, 84

  Georgia, 98–102, 117, 226

  German Consulate, 297, 318

  German Embassy, 313

  German language, 296, 297, 310, 323

  Germany, Germans, 24, 42, 45, 76, 78, 102, 108, 114, 117, 144, 237, 240, 243, 256, 323

  Anschluss and, 297

  armed interventions by, 32

  armistice signed by, 40

  bombings by, 299

  businessmen from, 69

  films from, 156

  intelligence services of, 310–11

  in Istanbul, 4, 297–98, 308, 318–19, 363

  Jews-for-goods exchange and, 357–58

  Jews prohibited from leaving by, 320

  military advisors to Ottomans from, 32, 35, 70, 298

  Ottoman alliance with, 35, 55

  refugees from, 295–96

  Soviet Union and, 289, 303, 306, 340

  transfer of Jews to killing sites by, 338

  Turkey’s relations with, 256, 290, 294, 298, 306, 363

  in World War I, 35, 39, 70, 290

  in World War II, 289–90

  Gesarian, Aram and Vahram, 171, 333–34

  Gezi Park, 196

  Gibbon, Edward, 274

  Gibraltar, 115

  Giz, Selahattin, 7–9, 9, 162, 178

  Glorya cinema, 156–57, 159

  Goebbels, Joseph, 266, 285–86, 289, 290, 369

  Goeben, 35

  Gökalp, Ziya, 190, 210

  Gökçen, Sabiha, 186

  Golden Horn, 12, 14, 15, 20, 21, 26, 27, 42, 44, 49, 59, 60, 61, 68, 105, 136, 137, 143, 145, 151, 152, 195, 203, 267, 300, 349, 350

  Goldin, Joseph, 323, 331

  Gottschalk, Walter, 296

  Gramophone Company, 170

  Grand Bazaar, 19, 21, 49, 103, 150, 195, 286, 297, 309, 334

  Grand Cercle Moscovite restaurant, 105, 117, 173, 375

  Grande Rue (Independence Avenue; stiklâl), 3, 6, 14, 20, 26–27, 31, 37, 42, 74, 97, 98, 103, 116, 118, 141, 149, 155, 156, 160, 166, 187, 192, 195, 196, 208, 220, 276, 288, 297, 318, 331, 372, 373, 375, 377

  Grand National Assembly, Turkish, 75, 84–85, 114, 124, 185, 262, 276

  Adnan as president of, 213

  Atatürk named by, 291–92

  Democratic Party in, 370–71

  Halide Edip in, 215

  head of state selected by, 293–94

  independence tribunals of, 227

  monarchy abolished by, 85, 115

  new caliph named by, 87, 180

  troops of, 82

  women in, 202

  Graveyard Street (Kabristan), 25–27, 103, 129, 135, 149, 245, 300; see also Merutiyet (Constitution) Avenue

  Great Depression, 248

  Greece, ancient, 274–75

  Greece (Hellenic state), 7, 9, 79, 108, 119, 222, 247, 290, 371–72

  beauty contests and Turkish rivalry with, 258, 267

  designs on Ottoman territory of, 77–79, 119, 211

  exchange of minorities with Turkey in, 121–23

  Greek refugees in, 120–21

  Muslim refugees from, 8, 91, 123, 136, 157, 162, 170, 171, 190, 205, 221–22, 375

  in occupation of Istanbul, 40–42, 50, 76

  in Ottoman empire, 70, 77

  PAOK soccer team in, 123

  rapprochement between Turkey and, 277

  revolt against Ottoman rule by, 70–71

  Salonica taken over by, 7–8, 163, 222, 224

  territory ceded to, 75, 76

  Turkish battle against, 78–80, 84–87, 115, 120

  in World War I, 35–36, 39, 64, 70–72, 113

  in World War II, 303, 307, 336

  Greek army (Hellenic army), 64, 73, 77, 91, 118, 171, 211, 294

  in battle of nönü, 78–79

  withdrawals by, 79–82

  Greek language, 61, 69, 71, 118, 122, 240, 275

  Greek Orthodox Church, 9, 59, 69–70, 118, 179, 187, 269, 277, 280, 351

  patriarch of, 70, 119–20, 126

  Greek Powder and Cartridge Company, 128

  Greeks, ancient, as early colonists in Istanbul, 15, 59

  Greeks (ethnic):

  Allied occupation and, 41, 64–65, 75, 119

  definition of, xiii

  diaspora of, 80, 120–23, 127, 162–64, 171, 374

  divisions among Istanbul’s, 119–20

  economic marginalization in Turkey of, 121–31, 194, 277, 333, 334, 365

  economic power in Istanbul of, 27, 44, 119, 121, 124

  in Istanbul, 8, 17, 31, 32, 49, 51, 58–59, 61–62, 64, 70, 81, 122–24, 142, 149, 179, 184, 191, 194, 207, 240, 277, 283, 301, 375

  in Smyrna, 80

  in Turkey, 80, 120–23

  Greeks (Hellenes), xiii, 70–72, 80, 152, 244

  Gritchenko, Alexis, 138

  Guernica, 186

  Guide Bleu, 26, 179–80

  Guth, Fritz, 365

  György, Andrea, 357

  Haganah, 330

  Hagia Eirene, 267

  Hagia Sophia, 18, 21, 189, 195, 256, 268–86, 310

  Deesis in, 280, 281–84

  mosaics of, 270–71, 277–80

  as museum, 285

  Haidar, Musbah, 41

  Haifa, 321, 324, 339, 341

  Halide Edip, 33, 206–16, 255, 259, 263, 305, 375

  Halil Bey (parliamentarian), 276, 279

  Halis Bey (father of Keriman Halis), 259–60, 262

  hamals (porters), 103, 108, 155

  Hampshire Regiment, British, 92

  hans (commercial houses), 50

  Haralambos (friend of Trotsky), 240

  Harbin, 248–49

  Harbiye (neighborhood), 349–51


  foreign fascination with, 145–46, 201

  Ottoman imperial, 134, 145–47

  Harington, Charles “Tim,” 78, 81–83, 85–86, 91–92, 96, 115, 148, 213, 349

  Haydarpaa station, 18, 53, 118, 219, 360–62

  Hayırsızada, 238

  Hebrew language, 331

  Heimatlose (legally homeless), 296


  definition of, xiii

  see also Greeks (Hellenes)

  Hemingway, Ernest, 4–5, 80, 127, 135–36, 150

  Herbert, Aubrey, 20

  Herodotus, 15

  Herzog, Isaac (chief rabbi of Jerusalem), 352, 355

  Heybeliada, 222, 229

  Hikmet Bey (father of Nâzım Hikmet), 221–22

  Hindemith, Paul, 168

  Hirschmann, Ira, 319, 324–29, 332, 335–37, 339, 341, 345, 357–61, 364

  Hissar Players, 51

  Hitler, Adolf, 256, 286, 290, 294, 303, 307, 313, 339, 348, 352, 356, 359

  HMV (His Master’s Voice), 170–72

  Holocaust, 326, 330, 356–57, 359, 364

  Hôtel de Londres, 26, 127

  Human Landscapes from My Country (Nâzım Hikmet), 219–20, 229, 231

  Hungary, Hungarians, 102, 117, 257

  in Istanbul, 308

  Jewish refugees from, 326, 335, 339, 357–59, 363

  Jews-for-goods exchange and, 357–59

  Jews persecuted in, 355–57

  neada, 362

  Ilyich, 236

  Imperial Ottoman Bank, 37

  nan, Afet, 205–6

  India, 37, 51, 214

  Industrial Revolution, 194

  nönü, battle of, 78–79, 82

  nönü, smet (smet Pasha), 120, 196, 262, 294, 306, 370–71

  pekçi brothers, 157, 220

  pek Film, 157

  Iran, 192

  Iraq, 118

  Iron Duke, 51, 82

  Islam, 6, 9, 17, 26

  alcohol and, 143

  caliph’s role in, see caliph

  call to prayer in, 20, 187–89

  images supposedly prohibited by, 270, 278

  Istanbul’s place in, 10, 180–81

  propriety and morality in, 151, 152, 182–83, 186

  sharia law in, 181, 186

  Shi’a, 187

  Sunni, 187

  Turkish disestablishment of, 181, 277

  see also Muslims

  Islamic art, 273

  Islamic imperialism, 189–90

  Islamophobia, 78

  smet Bey, 78, 82–83; see also nönü, smet

  smet Pasha, see nönü, smet

  Israel, 364

  Istanbul, 4, 5, 41, 44, 48, 57, 77, 119, 163, 164, 211, 212, 223, 276, 354, 372, 376–77

  academic refugees in, 293–94

  Allied occupation of, 40–45, 49–57, 62–66, 74–77

  Armenians in, 91

  Atatürk in, 72, 292

  battle lines not far from, 34

  British officials evacuated to, 299

  changing landscape of, 21, 26–27, 195–97

  civilian refugees in, 44

  civil society of, 272

  as democratizing, 158

  departure of non-Muslims from, 119

  dining in, 143–44

  earthquakes in, 18–19

  economy of, 52, 62, 114, 130

  espionage in, 32–33, 102, 239, 244–47, 249, 295, 298, 304–14

  European luxury goods in, 31

  fires in, 19–22, 26–27, 49

  foreign subjects in, 58, 63–66

  geography of, 15

  Germans in, 297–98

  as global city, 9–10

  Greek designs on, 71, 77–78

  Greek legacy of, 277, 278

  Greeks in, 8, 17, 31, 32, 49, 51, 58–59, 61–62, 64, 70, 81, 121, 122–24, 142, 149, 179, 184, 191, 194, 207, 240, 277, 283, 301, 375

  historic areas of, 276–77

  hüzün of, 5

  immigrants to, 308

  as island of outcasts and the self-made, 5

  Jewish refugees and, 320–24, 326, 329–39, 349–65

  Jews of, 321

  keeping to one’s own sphere in, 61–62

  Kemalism vs., 189–90

  keyif of, 5

  languages of, 118

  mahalles (neighborhoods) of, 61–62

  modernization of, 195–97

  mood of hopelessness and resignation in, 5

  as multicultural, 60–61, 118–19, 130, 149, 152

  as Muslim empire, 41

  as Muslim and modern, 5

  Muslim refugees to, 32, 43, 49–50

  names for, 13

  national census in, 192

  nationalist condemnation of, 152

  navigating, 17–18

  neighborhoods of, 60–61

  nightlife in, 90, 135–52, 139, 178, 196

  noise in, 135–36, 155–56

  non-Muslim minorities in, 49, 51, 58

  occupation of, 290

  as Ottoman capital, 31

  Ottoman conquest of, 13, 16, 21, 187

  pandemonium of daily life in, 118

  popular culture of, 62

  population of, 9, 45, 57–58, 92, 96, 113, 129, 136, 192–93, 194

  public parks in, 25

  railway service to, 25

  railway terminus of, 14–15

  refugees in, 91–110, 147

  sea approach to, 13–14

  seven hills of, 20, 60

  as sitting on two continents, 18

  skyline of, 195, 197

  suburbs of, 9

  Trotsky in, 235–44

  Unionist troops in, 34

  use of name, xiii

  Western immigrants to, 6–8, 10

  and West’s image of the Islamic world, 6

  women’s rights movement in, 204

  in World War I, 35, 39

  in World War II, 303

  see also specific subject entries

  Istanbul University, 215, 296

  Italian language, 350

  Italian Riviera, 87

  Italy, Italians, 18, 76, 108, 243, 272, 316, 350

  films from, 156<
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  Jewish refugees from, 352

  in occupation of Istanbul, 40–42, 50–51, 115, 136, 244

  in Ottoman demise, 77–78

  in trade with Byzantine Empire, 49

  Tripolitania annexed by, 34, 53

  Turkey and, 286

  withdrawal of troops from Anatolia by, 79

  in World War I, 71

  in World War II, 289, 307

  Izmir, 193, 337

  see also Smyrna

  Jacquart, Camille, 192–93

  Jale, Afife, 167–68

  janissaries, 19

  Japan, 76, 208, 246, 279, 318–19

  jazz, 7, 137, 151, 154, 166, 170, 172, 173

  Jerusalem, 314, 323, 327, 340, 352, 355

  Jewish Agency for Palestine, 321–23, 331, 336–38, 348–49, 355, 358–61

  Immigration Department of, 330, 364

  Jews, 8, 13, 31, 49, 50, 61, 62, 118, 124, 136, 164, 179, 207, 229, 247–48, 251–52, 297, 301, 374–75

  Ashkenazi, 63

  in Balat, 61

  in Byzantine era, 60

  chief rabbi of, 10, 59

  departure from Istanbul of, 364–65

  economic marginalization of, 121–31, 152, 333–34, 365

  evacuation from occupied Europe of, 319–41, 344, 345–65

  Final Solution as threat to, 326, 330, 359

  immigration quotas for, 330

  Istanbul as haven from antisemitism for, 60, 295–96

  in Istanbul population, 58–59, 60

  rabbinical decisions and, 181

  Roza Eskenazi as, 162–63

  Sabbath of, 61

  in Salonica, 162–63

  Sephardic, 7, 60, 63, 364

  taxes on, 58

  Tokatlian Hotel boycotted by, 297, 317

  Turkish, 336

  Turkish citizenship and, 333

  violence against, 185–86

  women, 203

  John XXIII, Pope (Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli), 353–55, 358–60, 364

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, US, 117

  Justinian I, emperor, 14–15, 268, 285

  Kadıköy (neighborhood), 220, 376

  Kadınlar Dünyası (Women’s World), 204

  kadıs (judges), Muslim, 147

  Kaıthane (neighborhood), 61, 135

  Kalis, Erich (bookseller), 297

  Kapps, Andres (bookseller), 297

  Karabekir, Kâzım, 79

  Karagöz, 156

  Karantinos, Mr. (Pera Palace manager), 301, 377

  Kariye mosque, see Church of the Holy Savior in Chora

  Karpich’s restaurant, 141

  Kazakhstan, 235–36, 240

  Kazbek, 360, 363

  Kemalist army, 82, 211, 223, 294

  in battle of nönü, 79, 82

  see also Turkish army

  Kemalist revolution, 184, 305

  Kemalists, Kemalism, 73–75, 77, 78–79, 81, 83, 91, 116, 118–19, 181–83, 189–90, 191, 197, 203, 206, 223, 226, 229, 230, 256, 263, 369, 370–71, 372

  armed uprisings against, 186

  authoritarian tendencies of, 225

  five-year plan of, 224–25

  history rewritten by, 184, 214–15

  homogenizing ideology of, 220


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