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The Jewel of His Heart

Page 21

by Maggie Brendan

  Juliana listened to the patter of rain outside her window and snuggled further down into the covers of her bed. Though the sound of the rain should have lulled her to sleep, she stayed wide awake. They’d been very busy at the paper, and she was looking forward to some free time. She had written an article about the new information on X-rays, and she was delighted that several citizens had commented to her and Albert about how much they enjoyed reading about people braving new frontiers in medicine. Besides coming up with interesting ads for customers about their various products or services, she felt she had proven her worth to Albert.

  There was always plenty to do at the newspaper. Juliana ran errands for Albert and ordered paper, ink, and supplies, and he asked for her opinion on his editorials all the time now.

  He and Sally had become so protective of her that she felt she had been adopted by them. Sometimes they would dine with the other Spencers at the boardinghouse, and Juliana felt that those were particularly fun evenings watching the entire family interact and laugh with each other. It was something she had never experienced, and it was obvious to her what she had missed. She prayed that one day she would have that kind of family—caring, loving, and devoted to one another.

  Cynthia Hood had come to work for Miss Margaret, and it appeared that though she was still reserved around everyone, the job was working out nicely for her, and a bit of light had returned to her hazel eyes. Juliana now dropped in on Jane as often as she could.

  But the real reason she lay awake was Josh. It had been a few weeks since their meeting. She wasn’t sure how to remedy the situation but desperately missed him and his mild sense of humor. So she’d talked to Miss Margaret after supper one night.

  “It appears to me that you’re denying yourself the one you love just because of your experience with your father. I urge you to pray about this and listen to your heart,” Miss Margaret had said. “Don’t waste time on worrying about Marion and what she thinks about Josh. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that he’s told you he loves you. He’s a good man, and you say you love him.”

  Juliana protested that she was so much younger than Josh— not that it mattered to her, but she wanted him to treat her as an equal.

  “You’ll be turning eighteen in May and will be considered an adult and a woman. Have you any evidence that he hasn’t treated you as an equal?” Miss Margaret asked her. Juliana couldn’t think of one single thing.

  Perhaps she should ride out to see him and Andy, and maybe take Nellie along. She’d wait and see if the rain would end, and if so, she’d go on Saturday.

  Josh hadn’t been to church the last few weeks. She prayed for him to find a way out of his troubles, though she could understand them, and she had seen the pain in his eyes. It just took time to work through things. She should know. Just look at her own difficulties.

  Oh, how she longed to talk with her mother! She was grateful for Miss Margaret, and she believed God had had a hand in sending Miss Margaret her way, just as He had in her working for Albert. But she missed her mother’s gentle ways, even as she saw God working in her life. Miss Margaret and Josh had been instrumental in that understanding, and yes, in the beginning, even Marion. But Marion was another matter that needed settling, one she didn’t relish.

  Finally Juliana drifted off to sleep. She slept fitfully, dreaming that Josh was in trouble and she was trying to reach him. In the dream she vaguely remembered that it was nighttime, and Shebe seemed to be in distress. Before the dream ended, she snapped awake with tears streaming down her face.

  Juliana shuddered, feeling cold, and she snuggled back down under her blanket, pulling it tightly up to her chin. Relieved that the dream wasn’t real, she tried to shut her eyes, but it took awhile for her to go back to sleep.

  The rain had finally stopped, and since the weather was warmer, Josh and Andy now slept outdoors. The campfire burned low as both men slept.

  Josh turned over in his bedroll. Something had awakened him, and he sat up, rubbed his eyes, and listened. He could see Shebe standing near the back of the flock, outlined by the moonlight and barking into the shadows.

  Instantly, Josh was on his feet, still fully clothed and holding his Winchester close. It had to be the gray wolf, although from where he was, he couldn’t make it out.

  He gave Andy a swift jab with his boot, startling him awake. “Shebe sees something, and it might be the wolf,” he whispered.

  Andy hopped up and followed Josh, who was quietly creeping to the edge of the clearing where Shebe stood still, watching. The wolf was just as Josh thought—a big gray, nearly five feet long, and he guessed weighing sixty pounds. The wolf ’s fur bristled, and his lips pulled back, displaying his incisors. Josh could see by the moonlight that his tail stuck straight out and his eyes narrowed. The wolf crouched, ready to seize a lamb who stood in total fear, unable to move or even bleat out a pitiful warning.

  Shebe’s ears were laid back, her teeth were bared, and she growled, threatening to pounce in her fight to protect. Josh held his arm out, signaling Andy to halt. “Hold on. I’ll get him.”

  Suddenly pandemonium broke loose. The wolf jumped on the lamb, but Shebe attacked the wolf with such fierceness that he turned to fight her off. The two of them spun around with gnashing teeth and loud growls, making it hard for Josh to take aim in the dark. He didn’t want to hit Shebe by mistake, but then the wolf backed away from Shebe and lunged at Josh, taking him by complete surprise. Shebe propelled herself to cover him, and he lost his grasp on his gun when she wedged herself between him and the wolf, causing Josh to fall to the ground.

  The wolf yelped in pain as Andy’s shot hit its target. Andy stood over the wolf and finally lowered his gun. Josh had the wind knocked out of him momentarily, and Shebe lay panting next to him with a dark red stain on her thigh.

  Andy hurried over to assist Josh, but he pulled himself up onto his knees and bent down over his beloved Shebe. Her breathing was shallow, and Josh quickly lifted her limp body and carried her to the wagon without as much as a backward glance at the instigator of the deadly fight.

  The gash in Shebe’s thigh was deep but fixable as long as they could control the bleeding. Together Josh and Andy disinfected and dressed the area with ointment, then used sewing thread to stitch the wound closed. Josh wrapped it in one of Andy’s clean dishrags. He looked into Shebe’s sad, pleading eyes that seemed to say “help me,” and his heart melted. Shebe was like family, and as he sat next to her, he hoped Andy couldn’t see his eyes welling up with tears. Please make her be okay, Lord, he prayed. She’s such a good and faithful dog. Heal her wound. We need her. I need her. I love her.

  Josh sat next to Shebe throughout the night and into midmorning, waiting for her to make a turn for the better. A few hours later, she was stirring. That was a good sign, and Josh’s heart lifted. He stroked her face to soothe her and keep her calm.

  When Andy returned from morning chores, Shebe’s eyes were open slits, but they were at least open, and her breathing was stronger. “Josh, I think she’s gonna make it, now that she’s awake,” Andy said.

  At the sounds of his voice, Shebe tried to sit up, but Josh restrained her. She was still too weak and didn’t put up much of a fuss, laying her head back wearily on the makeshift bed of quilts.

  “I think you may be right.” Josh wiped his face with his handkerchief. “I need to get some fresh air,” he said, making his way down the wagon steps.

  “I just put a pot of fresh coffee on, and there’s some leftover biscuits whenever you’re ready for a bite. You haven’t eaten since yesterday.” Andy indicated the covered pan next to the coffeepot over the campfire.

  “Maybe in a minute. I need to stretch my legs right now.” He turned around and directed his gaze to Andy. “In case I didn’t tell you, thanks for watching my back.”

  “Anytime, Boss. Anytime.”

  By bedtime, Shebe had hobbled several times to the edge of the woods. Andy carried her bedding and placed it between his and J
osh’s bedrolls for the evening. “I think that beef broth gave Shebe some strength, don’t you?” Andy asked, giving Shebe an affectionate pat on her head. She was lying stretched out with her head resting on her front paws.

  “I believe you’re right. She has perked up a lot. I just hope that leg and thigh heal nicely.”

  “Why don’t you take her to see Doc Mark, just to make sure no infection sets in and that she doesn’t get rabies?” Andy said.

  “Good thinking, Andy. We’ll need to watch out for any signs of redness, if we can see any through that thick coat of hair she has.”

  They sat around the fire talking about the wolf and the past few weeks’ events. “Have you made up your mind about going into the mining business?” Andy asked.

  Josh tilted his head and looked at Andy. “I have. It just doesn’t seem like the thing to do. It’s too uncertain, and it takes money to invest to even start mining. I want to see if Hoover is interested in buying my section of the land where I found the Yogos. Then hopefully I wouldn’t need to borrow from the bank again or from Marion. I could restock what sheep we’ve lost and at some point start on the house again.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.” Andy nodded.

  “Would you be willing to stay on? I’d like to keep you, Andy. You could be my cook at the ranch house, and I could find another sheepherder to take your place. I’ll buy you the best stove out there.”

  “Are you serious? Nothing could make me happier. I like it here and hope to marry Nellie.” Even in the campfire light Josh could see the animation on Andy’s face at this new proposition.

  “I’ll extend that offer to Nellie as well if you two wed. We’ll build a bigger house so there’s room for everyone.”

  “What about your wife, Boss? She may not like that arrangement. She may want to do her own cooking.”

  “Juliana? She can’t cook, and I’m not sure she wants to learn.” Josh chuckled, trying to envision Juliana in the kitchen.

  “So you do plan on asking her to marry you.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  Josh sighed and yawned. “If I can convince her.”

  “Why don’t you get some sleep, and I’ll take first watch.” Hopping up, Andy lifted his rifle.

  Josh felt dead on his feet after nursing Shebe, and a little shuteye wouldn’t hurt him any. “You’ve twisted my arm. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I think I’ll just crawl into my bedroll and catch a catnap.”


  Juliana did her laundry first thing on Saturday morning so later she would be free to go riding and visit Josh. When she carried her basket of clothes out to the backyard, she looked at the remnants of Miss Margaret’s vegetable and flower garden, now withered and dry after the winter. Soon Miss Margaret would plant for a spring garden. That woman never ceased to amaze her. She seemed to know a little bit about how to do everything. Juliana had become quite fond of Miss Margaret and her daughters.

  Today Juliana was in a wonderful mood and could hardly finish her chore fast enough. She hung her clothes on the clothesline and stood back, watching them flap in the breeze. She loved the smell the outdoors gave her clothes.

  “Yoo-hoo! Are you back there?” Nellie called out as she came through the white picket garden gate. “I was on my way to work and thought I’d drop by.”

  “I’m here, Nellie.” Juliana walked toward her with her empty laundry basket. “I was going to walk over to your house when I got finished to see if you’d be interested in riding with me out to Josh’s place as soon as you’re through with work today. I want to go see him.”

  “I’d like that. Then I can see Andy too. I know they’ve been busy since the fire. He rode over last week to see me and told me they’d been going through the rubble of the house, trying to clear up the mess. Everything was lost.” A flicker of sadness crossed Nellie’s face.

  “Yes, I know . . . Will you be free later?”

  “Yes. I work half days on Saturdays, but I don’t have a horse.”

  Juliana thought for a moment. “I’m sure we can borrow the wagon from the boardinghouse, but I’ll have to ask first.”

  They walked in the back kitchen door and saw Miss Margaret going over her dinner menu. “I don’t want to disturb you, Miss Margaret, but would it be all right if I borrowed the wagon and team this morning?”

  Miss Margaret looked up with a twinkle in her eye. “Where are you going?”

  “Nellie and I are going to ride out to Josh’s place and see how things are going. I haven’t seen him in a few weeks, and I’m kind of concerned.”

  “Well, in that case, yes, you may.” She turned to Nellie, who stood quietly with her hands behind her back. “How are you today?”

  Nellie bobbed on one knee. “Fine, thank you, mum.”

  Miss Margaret giggled. “Dear me, you don’t have to curtsy, Nellie.”

  “Sorry, mum. I guess it’s my English upbringing.” She smiled at the old lady.

  “Just come back when you’re through working, Nellie.” Juliana gave Miss Margaret a brief hug. “Thank you, and I’ll see you at supper.” Juliana took off for the barn, and Nellie went to work at the hotel, promising to return as soon as her shift ended.

  Before long they were heading away from town, and the morning couldn’t be finer.

  “Have you seen Josh’s house since it burned down?” Nellie asked.

  “Yes, but only for a few minutes.” Juliana glanced at her friend’s wrinkled brow. “It seemed he was a bit distracted when I returned with his wagon and lunch the next day.”

  “What do you mean? Cleaning up the place? I can surely understand that—”

  “No, that’s not what I mean. Marion got there first.” Juliana could feel her jealousy rearing its head. “Their heads were close together, touching.”

  Nellie gasped. “You don’t say? But I thought he was courting you.”

  Juliana snorted. “So did I. I think Marion is after him.”

  “What did you say? What did he say?” Nellie talked fast, watching Juliana.

  “Nothing much was said right then. He came to town later and apologized.”

  “That’s good, Juliana. Is everything okay now?”

  Juliana pulled back on the reins and slowed the horses as they neared Josh’s place. “No, it isn’t.” She sighed. “I told him we needed more than just passion, and I was worried I couldn’t compete with Marion.”

  “Marion?” Nellie harrumphed. “She can’t hold a candle to you. Besides, Josh is in love with you. It’s obvious by the way he looks at you.”

  “You can see that?” Juliana was stunned.

  Nellie giggled. “Of course. Is Josh a good kisser?”

  Juliana squirmed in her seat. “Uh . . . his kisses were wonderful, but of course I don’t have anything to compare to. Wes tried to kiss me once, but I didn’t let him. He tried hard, and we got into a tangle and fell. He picked on the wrong girl.”

  “For goodness’ sake!” Nellie looked shocked. “I know Wes. He thinks all the girls are just dying for his attention. How did you stop him?”

  “When we tumbled to the ground, a miner friend of his happened along and told him to leave me alone.”

  Nellie shook her curly head. “You know, men are so different. Not that we don’t have desires, but theirs seem to be instantaneous.” She laughed. “Andy and I will wait until we’re married to become intimate, but it’s not easy. He makes me go all mush inside.”

  “I know that feeling,” Juliana agreed, remembering Josh’s arms pulling her close and the taste of his kisses. “Has Andy asked you to marry him then?”

  “Yes, and we’ve talked about it. We haven’t set a date, but I believe we will soon.”

  “I’m very happy for you, Nellie.” Juliana let her thoughts wander back to Josh. What would it be like being married to him, waking up every day looking into the face of someone who made her heart sing? She admitted that she wanted to be Josh’s wife, but what if he decided to be a miner? Juliana didn’t want the
worry that came along with that job. There was nothing wrong with sheepherding, no matter what cattle ranchers said. Sheepherding was fast becoming the biggest part of Montana’s economy, and she had faith that Josh would do well if he stuck with it.

  As they neared Josh’s campsite, an earsplitting boom splintered the stillness of the morning, spooking the horses into an all-out gallop. Juliana struggled to control them, her own heart pounding from the sudden noise, and Nellie hung on to the wagon seat with white knuckles. They bounced and tumbled about wildly, hitting deep ruts in the road, as the harnesses jingled and the horses’ hooves pounded. They were close to their destination before Juliana could get the horses somewhat under control, and she flew a few hundred yards past the campsite. Already skittish from the sound of the blast, a white cloud of sheep scrambled out of the way of the oncoming wagon.

  Finally the wagon stopped, rocking back and forth. The horses stomped and tossed their heads, but Juliana managed to keep control of the reins. Thank goodness she’d put on gloves this morning, or her hands would be ripped to shreds.

  Juliana looked at Nellie and gasped for breath. “What was that noise?”

  Nellie’s eyes were enormous. “I don’t know, but I’m not hankering to take that ride again.”

  Josh and Andy sprinted to where the wagon stopped. Andy held the horses’ harnesses and talked to them as Josh checked on the ladies. “Are you two okay?” he asked.

  Juliana was so happy to see his face that her heart did a somersault. “We’re fine. What was that noise—what happened?”

  “I think it may have been an explosion at the Broadwater mine, but it didn’t sound like an ordinary blast. We’re about to run over there to see since it’s close by. Care to come along? If it wasn’t routine blasting, they might need some help.”

  “Of course. We’ll follow you. Are you okay with that, Nellie?”

  Nellie nodded, and they followed the men on their horses in the direction of the mine.

  On the short ride, Josh was thinking how lovely Juliana looked as she flew into camp, her cheeks flushed, her hair tousled by the wind, and her blue eyes filled with fear. He’d avoided her since their confrontation, but seeing her now, he wondered how he could have let this go on for a few weeks. He desired her as his wife even more than ever, and he had missed that petulant look she gave him when he pressed her for kisses, knowing that she surely wanted them as much as he. It gave him a good feeling that she had come to see him.


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