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His Rogue Bear: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with witches, werewolves, and werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 11)

Page 12

by Vella Day

  Ronan gave Blair a light swat on the ass as she stepped into the small galley style kitchen, and she gave a little yelp. She opened the cupboard and then handed him the dishes. “How about putting your hands to a different use and setting the table?” she asked.

  Ronan grinned. “Can do.”

  A moment later, she followed him into the postage stamp dining room, carrying the silverware and glasses filled with water.

  “I was thinking,” he said.

  “About what?” she asked as she opened the paper bag and extracted the containers of food.

  “I don’t like inconveniencing anyone, and I’ve been at the McKinnon’s guesthouse for a while now.”

  She looked up at him. “Are you thinking of moving?” Her colors swirled around her, but he wasn’t able to get a lock on her thoughts.

  Would she be receptive to him moving into her place? They hadn’t known each other for long, but they were fated mates. If her body was as needy as his, she might agree.

  “Yes.” He waited a beat to see if she’d suggest she’d be willing for him to share her bed, but Blair said nothing.

  Ask her, his wolf urged. The worst she can say is no, but I bet she won’t.

  “Seeing as how we are mates, I thought it might be a good idea to spend more time together.” When her lime green swirled around the pink hues, he grew bolder. “What do you think about me moving in here? I’d split the rent, of course.”

  When she smiled, every ounce of anxiety drained away. “I’d love that.”

  “Are you sure?”

  What the hell are you doing? his wolf asked. She said yes. Just shut up.

  “I think it’s a great idea, though would you fit?” She waved a hand. “The bed is only a queen, and a small one at that, and my closet is already bursting at the seams.

  He looked around. “I can keep most of my things in my Jeep.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can store my winter clothes at my parents’ house, and then swap them out for my summer stuff when the time comes.”

  “Or we could get a place of our own.” His heart beat faster. Ronan had always dreamed of settling down, but he never dared believe he’d find his mate, especially when he traveled from town to town chasing criminals. When her colors changed, Ronan feared he’d gone too far.

  “I doubt we’d find a rental in the compound where my parents live though,” she said.

  He slowly let out the breath he was holding. “As long as we’re together, I don’t care where it is.”

  Her grin said it all. “Me either. Now that we’ve cleared that up, how about telling me where you were tonight?”

  Oh shit. Someone must have leaked the information. Blair did work with Ainsley who was mated to Jackson. It made sense he might have let something slip. Ronan never wanted to hide anything from Blair, but he didn’t want her to worry either. When some angry colors swirled off her, he decided to come clean. “I was visiting Zane Barons.”

  “Zane? Why?”

  “How about we eat, and I tell you about it?”


  They scooped out their food, but from the way Blair eyed it, she’d lost her appetite. Damn. “I asked him to make me a sword and teach me how to use it.”

  Her hand tightened on her fork. “Because of Darinda?”

  “Yes. We can’t rule out that Darinda doesn’t want to inflict pain on Vinea by attacking one of us.”

  Her brows pinched. “I don’t know why she would? I don’t remember anything, so I can’t point a finger at her. And even if I could, what harm can it do? She’d disappear and hightail it back to the dark realm.”

  Ronan wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. “I know, but we can’t assume she’ll be logical. According to Vinea, Darinda was jealous of her. It’s possible, though not likely, that she’ll want to show us how powerful she is.”

  “By killing me?”

  “Or me. I work at Devon’s brother’s firm. That would bring pain to Vinea—or so I’m assuming—and to several who work there. It’s possible Devon would have to return to Silver Lake to help out.”

  Blair slumped in her chair. “And I’m a Murdoch.”

  “Yes. I imagine Darinda knows that your father is the Associates part of McKinnon and Associates. I would suggest we leave town, but if a goddess wants to find us, there is no place on Earth to hide.” Ronan could feel her pain—and see it too. “Which is why I want to be prepared.”

  “Prepared for what? Death?” she asked.

  He set down his spoon. “I might get lucky. Zane wasn’t very hopeful that anyone could kill a goddess, but he said he had a few tricks he could provide me with.”

  She huffed. “I don’t believe this. Here I thought I was lucky when I beat the murder charge. Now we could both die.”

  Ronan pushed back his chair, not able to take the waves of pain rolling off her. He stood and opened his arms. “Come here.”

  The moment she stepped into his embrace, their bodies seemed to melt into one another, and her colors softened. Blair placed her head on his shoulder and held him tight. As much as he wanted to make slow love to her, she was hurting right now. He’d have to wait until she was ready.

  She finally looked up at him. “I forgot to mention that tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.”

  That came out of nowhere. Most likely Blair was trying not to think about their terrible circumstances. “And?”

  A small smile lifted her lips. “We’ve been invited to a party at the McKinnon’s. Vinea will be there.”

  His pulse rose. “I’d love to talk to her. Maybe she can give me some pointers on how to defeat Darinda. She might have a weakness that only another goddess would know about.”

  “Perhaps, but don’t ask her to intervene. Remember, she is five months pregnant.”

  “I would never do such a thing.”

  Blair stroked his face. “I know. You’re a good man.” She ran a palm down his arm and clasped his hand. “How about sitting with me on the sofa where we can snuggle?”

  Ronan worried about her. “You don’t want to finish eating? You hardly ate anything.”

  “I’m not in the mood. Maybe later. I do know what would help me feel better.” The pinks and purples, along with that enticing lime green swirled around her as she looked up at him and smiled.

  He could guess. “And what’s that?”

  “Why don’t I show you?”

  “Now you’re talkin’.”


  After learning that she and Ronan might be targeted by someone as powerful as a goddess, Blair wanted to cry and yell and beat something, but she was smart enough to know it wouldn’t do any good. If they did only have a short time on Earth, she wanted to enjoy being with Ronan as much as possible.

  Just learning that he wanted to move in with her convinced her they would find love in each other’s arms. Ronan led her over to the sofa, and just as he was about to sit down, she stopped him.

  “I think a few well-placed kisses would help me deal from the shock of learning that we don’t have as much control over our lives as we’d hoped,” she said.

  Ronan flipped an errant strand of hair behind her ear, sending her pulse soaring.

  Take off his clothes and fuck him hard, her bear shouted, the interruption startling her since she wasn’t used to having her animal in her head.

  Don’t worry. I know what I want.

  Ronan cupped her face. “I want you so bad, but if you want to wait, I’ll understand.”

  “Not on your life.”

  As if someone had fired a starter’s pistol, they tore at each other’s clothing. Trapped between the sofa and the coffee table, they moved to the end of the sofa where Ronan had her naked in seconds, but only because she wasn’t wearing much. He’d managed to kick off his shoes while she struggled to lower his jeans.

  He stepped back. “Let me.”

  With his golden eyes focused on her, he ditched the rest of his clothes in seconds. Next thing she knew, their bodies
were plastered against each other, his chest hair tickling her nipples. The kiss that followed had her own bones cracking. Ronan turned his head, causing his beard to caress her lips and chin. This time, she was the one to step back since her needs became so great.

  “I want you now,” she said.

  His gaze traveled over her body. “Your colors are exquisite. Pure. Alive. Sensual.”

  “I’m happy and excited.”

  “I love it.” Ronan inhaled. When he closed his eyes, the lines on his forehead almost disappeared.

  Blair smiled, and then ran her hands down his corded back. His muscles bunched and flexed, almost as if he was showing off.

  “Kiss me again,” she demanded.

  Ronan’s eyes opened. Not only did the kiss curl her toes, waves of excitement thrummed her sex. With his hard length pressed against her, she was no longer able to resist. Because the bedroom seemed a mile away, Blair broke the kiss, turned around, and grabbed the sofa arm. When she widened her legs, Ronan groaned and stepped behind her. “You’re determined to make me shift, aren’t you?”

  That was the last thing she wanted. “No, I need you too much.”

  When Ronan placed his hard cock at her entrance and palmed her tits, she thought she might be the one to prematurely explode this time. His fingers twirled the tips as he kissed her shoulder and then her neck. As much as she thrilled to the excitement of his touch, she needed his cock more. Once her bear had woken up, her sex drive had gone berserk. Ronan seemed to have altered something inside her.

  “Please Ronan, I’m ready.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Ronan worked hard not to drive into Blair. Her life was crumbling around her, and he didn’t want to make it any harder on her, but damn, his wolf was scratching and clawing and howling for him to take her hard.

  As soon as she begged him though, he eased into her, trying not to rush. Ronan wanted her to understand that she was precious to him. She was his mate, and the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with—no matter how long that life might last.

  Blair sucked in a breath and arched her back, her mewling turning into a full-blown groan. “Yes!”

  He traced his lips up to the shell of her ear, keeping away from her delicate neck. Despite his desire to mate with her right now, it was too soon.

  No, it’s not, his wolf shot back. Do you want to die before you mate?

  If he listened to his damn wolf, his animal would lead him down the wrong path. Blair leaned forward, his dick sliding out part way. When she pressed back, all of his control flew out the window. Her wet slickness engulfed him again, and his halo of blue nearly encompassed her. His bones cracked, and his nails grew.

  I will not shift. I will not shift. For Blair he had to keep in control.

  It was when she placed her forehead on the sofa arm, changing the angle of entry that he lost it. Nothing would stop him from bringing her to climax first though. As if she was of the same mind, he drove into her just as she pumped back her hips again. His fingers pinched then caressed her nipples, causing her breaths to increase and her moans to grow louder.

  “Come for me, Blair.”

  She lifted her head and let out a scream. “Ro-nan.”

  His hot seed filled her, and in his mind’s eye, he could see their cubs playing in a field, happy and healthy.

  Colors swam, and their slick bodies weakened. He slipped his hands to her hips and pressed his chest against her sensual back. Ronan then wrapped his arms around her, waiting for his pulse to slow. If this was what life was going to be with his mate, he damn well better win the fight against that goddess.


  Blair had found the perfect birthday presents for her mom. A new kitchen store had opened in Andersonville, and in it she’d found a turkey baster, some beautiful drying cloths, and a heavy gage stainless steel pot that her mom had been talking about for two years.

  Ronan had suggested he drive over there with her, but she told him to spend as much time with Zane as he could. Besides, if Darinda wanted to kill her, she’d probably wait until the two of them were together before she lowered the proverbial boom.

  When Blair returned from her shopping spree, Ronan had moved some of his things into her place. Even though he didn’t bring much, her one-bedroom was clearly too small for the two of them. Ronan might only be a shade above six-feet, but he took up a hell of a lot space.

  Soon they’d have to begin their search for a bigger place of their own. After what she’d been through with Jared, that thought should have put her in a state of panic, but it didn’t. Being with Ronan was the right thing to do. While the specter of death floated above their heads, Blair refused to let it ruin what little time she might have left on Earth.

  She hoped that Darinda would be called out on another assignment and forget about her need for revenge against Vinea. Right. And Blair would suddenly be endowed with a power so great that one look would make the goddess retreat to the dark realm.

  Refusing to let anything ruin her mom’s birthday party though, Blair stepped into the bedroom to see what was taking Ronan so long. Her bear stirred then roared at the luscious sight. Ronan was dressed in black jeans and black boots and was shirtless. No one had ever looked better to her. “You’re not ready? I thought the woman was supposed to take more time.”

  He looked over his shoulder. “I’m nervous to meet your mom. I want her to like me.” He spun to face her. “Do you like the black shirt or the white one?” He held up both.

  Blair honestly didn’t think it mattered, but a man always looked good in white. “The black might make you appear a little sinister. But don’t worry about my mom. She’ll love you no matter what you wear.”

  He laughed. “I hope so,” he said as he slipped on the white one.

  Once dressed, they piled into his Jeep. Ronan carried the presents Blair had purchased, while she carried the tin of chocolate chip cookies she’d made. She might not be a great chef, but her mom had taught her at a young age how to bake cookies.

  “When are you going to tell the McKinnon’s that you’ve moved out?” she asked.

  He glanced over at her. “I spoke with Mr. McKinnon already. He said he was sad to see me go, but he understood.”

  Blair said little during the rest of the drive. The pep talk she needed to give herself required a lot of concentration. While she didn’t know Vinea that well, everyone in both the McKinnon and Murdoch families seemed enchanted by her. Her redemption had had some bumps along the way, but she’d overcome a lot to get where she was today.

  Ronan pulled down the McKinnon’s driveway, past several parked cars. “Do you mind if we park at the guest cottage and walk back? I can’t find a place that’s any closer. I didn’t expect such a crowd,” he said.

  “That’s fine. Both of our families like to have get-togethers and invite everyone. It’s been that way ever since I can remember.”

  He nodded. “And your parents know we’re mates, right?”

  She looked over at him and smiled. “Yes. I told them. They were thrilled. You have nothing to worry about. You’re a family member now.”

  He cut the engine and then came over to her side to open the door. While Ronan acted like his usual gallant self, he still seemed tense. Most likely it was about waiting for the possible confrontation with Darinda.

  As soon as Blair climbed out, she straightened her shoulders and inhaled the warm summer air. Being surrounded by loved ones would surely help erase the doom circling them.

  “Why is the party at the McKinnon’s instead of at your house?” Ronan asked.

  “So my mom doesn’t have to do anything—including clean up.”


  Once they reached the McKinnons’ house, Blair opened the door and was met with laughter and loud chatter. As if Darinda told them she wasn’t going to mess with them—ever—the tension in Blair’s back and shoulder evaporated.

  “Blair!” her mother said as she hurried towa
rd them. While it seemed as if she was looking at her, Mom was definitely scoping out Ronan.

  “Happy birthday, Mom,” she said, holding the cookies away from her body.

  They hugged and kissed, and then her mom leaned back. “Introduce me to your young man.”

  Ronan stuck out his hand. “Ronan Laramie,” he said. “Nice to meet you.”

  Her mother’s eyes widened in appreciation. “How nice to finally meet you.”

  “Where shall I put the cookies?” Blair asked.

  “On the table. And the presents go on the coffee table in the living room, but you shouldn’t have.”

  Her mother went through the denial thing every year. “You’re only sixty once,” Blair shot back.

  “Ugh. Don’t remind me!”

  Once they deposited the gifts and goodies, Blair looked around the room. Most of the family members seemed to be there. Rye and Izzy were surrounded by a group of relatives cooing at their baby Logan, while Kalan’s mate, Elana was keeping watch on their two-year old who was happy to wander about.

  Ainsley came up to them and hugged Blair. “Where are the twins?” Blair asked.

  “They’re napping in the bedroom. I’ll bring them out shortly.”

  “I can’t wait to see them. Are Vinea and Devon here?” Blair asked.

  “They haven’t arrived. I think she called EmmaLee about half an hour ago and said they were running a little late.”

  As if the goddess was waiting to make a grand entrance, she and Devon McKinnon knocked, and then stepped inside. Blair nudged Ronan. “That’s Devon and Vinea.”

  After the McKinnons had greeted their son and his mate, Blair and Ronan approached the couple.

  “I need to introduce myself,” Ronan said. He and Blair strode up to Devon and shook his hand. He then turned to Devon’s mate. “I’m Ronan. Lexi’s brother.”

  She smiled. “Ah, yes. I’ve heard good things about you.” She faced Blair. “I’m so sorry about what happened,” Vinea said. “Has Darinda made an appearance?”

  “Only to my father in jail,” Ronan said, answering for her.

  Blair bet Vinea was tired after her long journey. For being five months pregnant, she looked wonderful. “Let’s sit down. Can I get you something to drink?”


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