Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7)

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Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7) Page 3

by Lindsay Paige

  We’re in the second inning, and the score is tied at one. I have a really good feeling about this season. It’s not often that I start off feeling great about an upcoming season. The few times I have, the season was as great as I thought it would be. Well, it wasn’t a disappointing season at least.

  The only thing is, we’re all a little worried about Colby. He definitely hasn’t returned to his full form. He seems more subdued than usual where baseball is concerned. I think we’re all wondering if he’ll ever be one hundred percent again. He’s able to play, though, so I guess that’s the most important thing right now.

  Felix pitches a fastball, and the opposing player whacks it into centerfield. Spencer is waiting and ready. He catches it almost easily, and something about that catch makes me feel like this is going to be a good game.

  Sure enough, as the innings go by, we win 5-2. I can’t help noticing that Zoey and Carissa are in the room with other family members after we’ve showered and are leaving the locker room. Carissa steals a quick glance at me, and she’s trying to hide a smile. I really need her to go out with me again. I don’t think she’ll put up any fight since we had dinner together the other day.

  I should probably leave since there isn’t technically a reason for me to stay. However, I can’t miss an opportunity to speak to her. I walk over to the now group of ladies, that include Carissa, Zoey, Abigail, Sofia, and Ariella.

  “Hello, ladies,” I say with a grin.

  “Hey,” they pretty much say in unison.

  They’re momentarily distracted when the locker room door opens, only to reveal Jordan, who waves, but proceeds to leave. He’s probably eager to get home to his wife and new baby.

  “Are you excited about your show in New York, Zoey?”

  “Yeah, my aunts are going with me since Hector can’t. Should be fun.”

  Ariella and Sofia are both watching me a little too much, waiting to see how I’ll interact with Carissa. I try to ignore them, but I guess they are probably all a little curious or suspicious about why I’m here since I don’t usually make small talk after games.

  “Still settling in okay?” I ask Carissa.

  “Yep. I think I’ll like it here.”

  “Good. Well, I’m starved, so I think I’ll get going.”

  Sofia speaks up, not surprising me at all once I hear what she has to say. “We’re all grabbing the guys and going out to eat. Do you want to come with us, Roman?”

  “Um, sure. Sounds like fun.”

  “Great,” she grins.

  Conversation switches to something else until all of their guys have exited the locker room. I try to think of any legit way to ask Carissa to ride with me to the restaurant, but everything sounds too suspicious. I can’t simply ask her. So, I end up riding alone. I do, however, manage to land a seat next to her at the restaurant.

  We talk easily as we place our drink orders and then our food orders. Carissa seems to be doing more listening than talking so far. I lean just a tad closer to her and ask, “How do you like the new job? You’ve started, right?”

  “Yes, I started Monday. I really like it so far. They are a great bunch of kids and right now I’m helping out with math.”

  “That’s good to hear. Math was my favorite thing to do; everything else was boring.”

  “Really? You liked math? I didn’t peg you for a nerd,” she jokes.

  “Ha. Ha. I said I liked it, not that I was a mathlete, though they tried to recruit me.”

  “Now, I know you’re lying.”

  “I’m not lying! What was your favorite subject, anyway? All of them? That would make you the nerd, not me.”

  “I didn’t care for chemistry very much. But yes, I am a nerd and proud of it.”

  “An adventurous nerd, though, right? Aren’t you the reason Hector went skydiving?” I ask.

  “I am. Well, technically, it was Zoey, but I loved it. Have you ever been?”

  “No, but I’ve been bungee jumping before. It was really fun, a good thrill.”

  “Me too. I did it with a bunch of girlfriends when in college. Skydiving is hundred times better. What other crazy things have you done?” she asks.

  “Well, I drag raced a few times when I was younger and when I turned eighteen, I decided to get this massive tattoo on my back. Those count?”

  Carissa’s brows pull together in obvious confusion. “Wait…what? You have a tattoo? Like, a big one?”

  Then, I realize why she doesn’t already know. For one, my shirt was on during our one-night stand. She’s never seen my bare back before. I grin and answer, “Yeah, it covers my back.” Lowering my voice, I add, “Next time, I’ll show it to you.”

  She matches my tone with a raised eyebrow. “Next time? You seem very sure of yourself.”

  “Just being optimistic and hopeful.”

  “Keep wishing.” She winks.

  I glance around the table and notice we’ve garnered Hector’s attention. I sit upright, putting some distance between us. “When are you due again, Ariella?”

  “Not soon enough. I’m outgrowing everything I own.”

  “Have y’all decided on a name?” Sofia asks her.

  “Nothing yet, but we definitely scratched Tanner off the list after he pulled those pranks on me last week. I damn near arrested him.”

  The table laughs and conversation moves to the upcoming baby. Hector’s attention is elsewhere, so in a quiet tone, I try talking to Carissa again.

  “When are you going out with me again?”

  “When do you have time?”

  Her response is a pleasant surprise, and I immediately answer. “Tomorrow.”

  “I can’t until the evening. I work in the afternoon, and I told Zoey I would go with her to watch her get a tattoo.”

  “That works. We’ll figure out the details later.”

  “You have my number still.” Her smile is flirty.

  “And I’ll definitely use it. Do you have any tats?”

  “No, I don’t have any.” She frowns just a little, a slight pull on the corners of her mouth.

  “Do you want one? I’m not sure nerds can have them.” I grin as I tease her.

  “I sort of do, but then again, I’m not into pain. And nerds have tattoos.”

  “Not into pain from needles or pain in general?” I whisper. “Is there a kinky side to you?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know, Mr. Dailey. Maybe, if there is a next time, it won’t be me who’s pushed up against a wall.”

  “I’d be okay with that.”

  “Are you asking me because you want to show me your kinky side?”

  I shrug. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “Maybe.” She bats her eyes at me, and I hold in a groan.

  “God, you’re going to kill me. I can already tell.”

  “The feeling is mutual.”


  I’M BEGINNING TO believe that Facebook is an evil bastard. I’ve not logged on in months because I don’t want to see any of the people from Florida who were part of the school system, or part of Dane’s and my life. Hell, I don’t even want to see the pictures he and I took. But, out of boredom, I log in.

  Big mistake.

  All the drama is right on front of my eyes, and it all has to do with Dane. He has gotten two, possibly three, of the teachers pregnant and everyone seems to be fighting over him.

  He’s not that good in bed.

  Suddenly, I am angry, even angrier than before. I’d wished for kids someday and a suburban home, thinking it would have been with Dane, but definitely not now. I sure as hell won’t be going back for my stuff.

  Right then and there, I deactivate my account, feeling relief and go back into the building. It’s not the way I planned to spend my lunch hour, but a clean slate is needed.

  A clean slate.

  That’s it.

  A new Carissa is just what the doctor of love ordered and I’m going to follow through.

  My dear sister-in-law is still going
on about her New York showing. Normally, she’s quite reserved, but not today. She talks all the way from the house until we reach the tattoo shop. I’m so proud of her. She really is the most talented artist.

  As we walk into the tattoo shop, a very large man, his skin completely covered in the most beautiful array of colors greets us. Zoey introduces us, and I kindly shake his hand. He says something about the station not being set up yet, but my eyes are transfixed on the pictures on the walls around the entire shop. All sorts of shapes, designs, colors, animals, names, if you thought of it, it’s on the wall.

  Zoey takes a seat on the couch and I continue to gaze at the pictures. There’s one with a heart and two names inside of it, and I remember the night before Zoey and Hector’s wedding. Who gets engaged on a Monday and married on a Friday? Only those two. Thankfully, it was close to Thanksgiving, and they only wanted family there. It was beautiful and Zoey wore a simple white, mid-calf dress. Of course, Hector teared up during his vows. Afterward, Zoey’s amazing aunts took us all out to dinner where the laughter continued.

  I want that. I want a love like theirs.

  I look over at Zoey who’s smiling at her phone. She must be talking to Hector, and I wish I had that goofy grin on my face. Sadly, I don’t have anyone in my life.


  Sure, he’s great and drop-dead gorgeous, but he’s not the type to settle down. I mean, we had sex against a wall after twenty minutes of talking. I’m not sure how my mother would react to the ‘how did you meet’ story.

  “Carissa, I’m going back.” Zoey breaks me from my trance.

  “Okay.” I smile. “I’ll be right there.” I watch as she walks down the hall until something catches my eye.

  A blue and purple butterfly. I study it for the longest time, looking at the long wings and bright colors. I’m completely drawn to it, for some reason.

  “You thinking of getting it?”

  I startle when a young tatted up man steps up next to me.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” He holds up his hands,

  “It’s fine. I wasn’t paying much attention.” I smile at him.

  “I had a cancelation and can fit you in right now.”

  “Oh,” I look back at the butterfly. “I’m not really sure.” I shrug.

  “No one stares at a tattoo as long as you have if they don’t want it,” he quips. “Do you have any tats?”

  I shake my head. “I’m here with my sister-in-law.”



  “She’s an awesome lady. We all love her here.”

  I couldn’t agree with him more; Zoey is the best all around.

  “Are you sure you don’t want it?”

  I glance at the butterfly. “Can you give me one minute?”

  He nods and I head off down the hall toward Zoey. She’s on her stomach, and the guy is working on the back of her calf, the outline of the Empire State Building already on her skin.

  She smiles and then frowns. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m kind of thinking about getting a tattoo.”

  Zoey tilts her head. “Really?”

  “You don’t think I should?” My heart drops a bit.

  “I’m the last person to tell you what to do. It’s your choice and no one else. What are you thinking?”

  “A butterfly.” I pointed to the pictures, but it’s not like she can see it.

  “Go for it. I’ll buy.”

  “Oh, no. I have money. I’m more concerned about the pain.” I’m not a girl who handles needle well. Although, I’m looking at the tattoo artist working on Zoey and she seems to be doing fine. Then again, she’s done it a hundred times, and it is probably no big deal to her.

  “Depends on where you want me to stick it?” The guy I’d been talking to in the lobby came up behind me.

  “Zak, be nice to my sister,” Zoey growls to him. “But, he’s right.” She stares back at me.

  “Um…maybe my shoulder.” My heads began to sweat thinking I might be going through this.

  “You have to be sure, Carissa. This isn’t a joke,” my sister-in-law states firmly.

  “My shoulder,” I say, more confident and look at Zak. “I’m ready.”

  “I’ll set up then.” He turns and goes across the hall.

  Zoey giggles. “I’m pretty shocked you’re doing this.”

  That makes two of us.

  This is the beginning of my clean slate. Okay, a tattoo isn’t exactly what I planned, but I’m glad it’s something I never thought of. Of course, my parents will kill me, but if I make sure it’s covered, they’ll never know, right? I wonder what Hector will say. He won’t say anything because he’s the coolest brother in the world. As long as he doesn’t find out about Roman and me. My brother wants me to be happy, but I’ve never been with a teammate of his. His reaction to that might be different. Way different. Hector is close to all the players and staff of the Angels; he has the type of personality everyone loves and wants to be around.

  I’m so screwed.

  “I’m ready for you,” Zak announces.

  “Are you sure?” Zoey asks again, and I nod, turning on the heel of my heels and marching into the room.

  Zak shows me the sketch, and I agree it looks good. “Okay, take off your shirt,” He plainly says.

  “Great.” I’m glad I have a tank top under this button up, as I ease it off my shoulders.

  He positions the template on my shoulder and hands me a mirror to make sure I like where it is. Everything seems to be good, and I can feel my insides shaking. This is so much harder than jumping out of a plane.

  Zak makes me straddle a chair, which almost seems to be a massage chair, and tells me how to sit. “Just relax. It’ll be over soon.”

  “Okay.” In my mind, I count to ten and take several deep, cleansing breaths.

  I hear the hum of the tattoo gun, and Zak tells me he’s going to do a small line and see how I feel. It stung for a moment, but it doesn’t hurt.


  “Yep, keep going.” I’m more determined now to go through with it.

  Zak begins the tattoo, and it begins to hurt a bit. Mainly, a lot of stinging. Until the shading started. There’s more pain in that part, but I shut my eyes tightly and keep breathing through it all.

  “We’re almost done. How you feeling?” Zak asks still working on my skin.

  “I’m good. Don’t stop.”

  “That’s what most women say to me.” He chuckles. I can’t roll my eyes because they’re still shut tight, but inside, I’m rolling them. “And done, but don’t move yet.”

  I pop open my eyes in shock because it went by faster than I thought. Zak cleans my skin then takes me over to the mirror to show me. It’s better than I imagined. The wings are wide and the colors bright. It’s…freeing.

  Zak sits me back down, tapes a piece of saran wrap on it, and goes into how to take care of it.

  “Let me see.” Zoey pops into the room, and I see her leg is wrapped too. “It’s great!”

  “I know, right!” I exclaim and feel better than I did before.

  After paying for my tattoo, Zoey asks if we should get something to eat, but I do my best to dodge her as I’m texting Roman.

  Me: I’m heading home. Still want to hang out?

  Roman: Netflix and chill?

  Me: Really? How lame are you, using that line?

  Roman: It’s working, though!

  I want to laugh loudly because it’s working. Plus, getting laid could be a good thing. Especially, when it’s not up against a wall.

  Me: Fine, but not because of the silly line you tossed out. I have something to show you.

  Roman: Oh, yes you do.

  Me: Perv, I mean something else. Give me your address.

  He does and Zoey breaks my thought of Roman on top of me.

  “Who are you texting with a big smile?”

  “Huh?” I whip my head up and see Zoey staring at me as the car stops
at a red light.

  “Who’s the guy?”

  “No guy,” I quickly lie. “Just a funny joke one of the girls from work sent.”

  Zoey raises one eyebrow, and I know she can see right through me. She’s so smart and intuitive; I know I can’t hold out too long with her.

  When she pulls up to the house, I realize I need to get my own place soon. I know they aren’t kicking me out, but I want to have my own space.

  “Is Hector home?” I don’t see his car.

  “No, he and a few of the guys are having a guy’s night.”

  As I step out of her car, I smile, “Well, I think I’m going to take a drive around.”

  Zoey purses her lips in a smirk. “A drive around?”

  I nod, not looking directly into her eyes.

  “You’re so full of shit, but go have fun. Be safe.”

  “Bye.” I practically race to my car and head off toward Roman’s house once he texts me the address. I’m trying not to get my hopes up about sex, but it’ll be fun to play with Roman again.


  SPENCER IS OUT with Hector and a few other guys, so it’s perfect timing to have Carissa come over. As long as I can get her out of here before he comes back or sneak her out in the morning. Maybe I should have told her that Spence and I share an apartment, but oh well. I rush to the door at the sound of timid knocks.

  There she stands.

  “Hey,” she says, seemingly shy.

  “Hey.” I grin, moving aside so she can walk in.

  She looks gorgeous. Her hair is up in a ponytail, and she’s wearing a button-up shirt that hangs open with a tank top underneath.

  “What did you want to show me?” I ask as I close the door.

  A devilish smirk appears. Carissa slowly eases out of the button-up shirt. She has my complete attention. The shirt falls to the floor and her fingers curl around the hem of the tank top. Then she giggles and turns around, ending what I thought was a strip tease. There, on her shoulder, is saran wrap taped over a tattoo.


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