Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7)

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Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7) Page 4

by Lindsay Paige

  “Holy shit. You got a tattoo?” I close the distance between us and feather my fingers around the tape. It’s a simple but pretty butterfly.

  “Yeah, I went with Zoey to get hers, and I saw this one. I couldn’t resist.” She looks at me over her shoulder. “Do you like it?”

  “Yeah,” I answer as she turns to face me. “Does your brother know?”

  Her cheeks flush. “Not yet. Think he’ll freak?”

  I laugh. “He’s married to Zoey. Why would he freak?” Zoey is covered in tattoos and Hector doesn’t mind one bit.

  “Because I’m his baby sister.”

  “He’ll be fine,” I reassure her. Carissa seems satisfied with my answer and she begins looking around, laughing softly. “What?”

  “It’s such a bachelor’s pad. Are we going to hang out or…?” Her voice trails off as she flicks her gaze down the hallway where the bedrooms are.

  “What do you want to do? Because I want to take you to my bedroom and watch you undress before I fuck you.”

  Her eyes widen. For a moment, she says nothing. Then, she holds out her hand, palm up. Her fingers are trembling slightly when I clutch them in mine. I kiss her fingertips before I lead the way.

  “Adrenaline from the tattoo,” she explains. “I’m blaming it all on that.”

  I laugh, pulling her into the bedroom and closing the door. “Undress me,” I whisper. Before she can hesitate, I kiss her. The moment my tongue sweeps into her mouth, the urgency hits Carissa. She grabs my shirt and lifts. I pull away long enough for her to finish taking it off. I grab her head, tilt it back, and deepen the kiss as her fingers graze over my stomach, causing it to clench.

  She teases me as she lowers her hand slowly until finally unbuttoning my pants. She hooks her fingers and pulls both my pants and boxer-briefs down. I step out and move to lie on the bed on my back. I stroke myself a few times. Carissa seems enthralled as she watches me.

  “Undress, Carissa.”

  Her eyes lift to mine, and she slowly begins to remove the tank top before shimmying out of her jeans. I’ve never in my entire life had as much chemistry with someone as I have with Carissa. She proudly stands naked in front of me for a moment. Then she climbs onto the bed and straddles my lap.

  “You’re going to make me do all the work, Roman?” she asks, swatting my hand away to take over stroking me.

  “For now.”

  She smirks and leans down to kiss me, tease me. This girl is going to be the death of me.

  A handful of orgasms later, we’re lying in my bed, talking. Mostly, I’ve listened to her talk about her job. I’m on my back with Carissa’s head on my chest. Her index finger is drawing lazy circles on my stomach. She’s been quiet the past few minutes.

  “What are you thinking about?”


  “Dane?” I guess. “Come on, talk to me.”

  Carissa sighs, pushes herself up on her elbow, and looks at me. “I decided to check Facebook. Dane has gotten two or three teachers pregnant. I don’t even know why I’m thinking about it, except maybe because it’s so crazy.”

  Damn. That’s a lot of kids all at once. “He’s a motherfucker.”

  She laughs. “I agree.”

  “We shouldn’t waste our breath talking about him. You shouldn’t think about him. You left, and it was for the best.”

  “I know.” And she sounds like she does. “It just bugs me that I was stupid enough to have not seen it.”

  “Learn from mistakes and move on, Carissa,” I tell her softly.

  She nods before resting her head on my chest again. “I need to find an apartment. I thought I could live with Hector and Zoey, but I don’t think I can anymore. I need my own space. Especially, if I’m going to be sneaking around.” Carissa pokes my stomach.

  “There’s an empty apartment in this building. I think it’s a couple floors above us if you’re interested, or would that be too tempting?”

  Carissa laughs, and I imagine she’s rolling her eyes. “You don’t think Hector will think that’s suspicious?”

  “No. Why would he? You’re moving for you, not for me. Jordan knows a realtor if you want help, though. I just wanted to make the suggestion.”

  “I’ll look into it.” She’s quiet, and then she changes to subject. “Roll over.”


  She sits up. “Roll over. I still haven’t gotten a good look at your tattoo. I want to see it.” What the lady wants, the lady gets. I roll onto my back. Carissa pulls the blankets down until it’s all uncovered. “Wow.” Her fingers start tracing all the lines. “Why’d you get this?”

  “Because I was eighteen and could do whatever the hell I wanted. I wanted a badass dragon.”

  “It is badass,” she whispers, causing me to laugh. “Tell me about your family.”

  “They’re your usually strict, overbearing parents. I went a little crazy once I was out of their house, but then I settled down. They’re better now. They were the definition of helicopter parents once my brother died, and it annoyed the hell out of me.”

  “Wait a minute. You had a brother?”

  My muscles tense. Did I just say all of that? Out loud?

  “Roman?” Carissa whispers, her fingers still on my back.

  I clear my throat. “Yeah, I had a brother.”

  “Roman!” Spencer shouts, his footsteps getting louder and louder.

  Carissa looks panicked as I hurry out of bed and to my bedroom door. I get there just as Spencer is opening it. I only let it open a crack.

  “What the hell do you want?” I growl.

  He raises an eyebrow, briefly recognizing that I’m naked. “Just had something funny to share. You got a chick here? What the hell?”

  We normally go to the girl’s place.

  “None of your fucking business. Tell me later.” I start to close the door, but Spence blocks me.

  “Wait a minute. Who do you have in there?” He narrows his gaze at me. “You’ve got too much of a temper. Who are you hidin’?”

  The bed creaks behind me, and I hope Carissa isn’t getting dressed to sneak out. Before I can think of something to say, hands wrap around my waist and one goes to my dick. What the fuck is she doing?

  Spencer clears his throat, having seen the show. “Never mind.” He turns and walks away.

  I close the door and face Carissa, who smacks my arm. “What the hell, Roman?” she whispers vehemently. “You live with Spencer? You don’t think you could’ve mentioned that!”

  “You walked in and started taking your clothes off. It slipped my mind.” Lame reason.

  “You should’ve told me before I came! How the hell am I supposed to get out? This is supposed to be a secret! Oh my God. What if Hector saw my car here?”

  I cup her cheeks and force her to look at me. “Spencer drove himself. Hector wouldn’t have come by here. I’ll get you out without you being seen, I promise. I’ll. Take. Care. Of. You.”

  My words seem to go through to her. She nods. “You still should’ve told me, Roman.”

  I only nod because she’s right. “Are you hungry?”

  “Yeah. A little. Do you want to order pizza?”

  “Sure.” She tells me what she likes and then places an order through an app on my phone while I get dressed. In the meantime, her phone rings. Her quick worried glance means it’s Hector.

  “Hey,” she answers. “Oh, I’m just driving around. Clearing my head.” She sighs. “No, I’m fine.” Another pause. “Yes, I did.” Whatever he says next pisses her off. “Hector, I’m twenty-four, and I can take care of myself. When I’m ready to talk, I will. Until then, leave me alone and quit treating me like a child.” At this point, I feel bad for listening in. “You know what, you’re an ass. I’ll talk to you in the morning.” And then, “Nope. I’m staying with a friend. It doesn’t matter. Bye, love you.” She hangs up and looks at me.

  I give her a small smile. “I’m the friend?”

  “Can I?”

/>   I lean over the bed to kiss her forehead. “Of course, you can. I’m going to deal with Spencer for a second, and when I come back, I’ll have pizza.”

  “Okay.” She smiles.

  Damn. Her smile is amazing.


  I’M SORE, BUT in the greatest way. Even though I had to hide in Roman’s room for the entire night, I had the greatest night. But, now I have to get out of here without Spencer seeing me.

  I nudge Roman awake. “Hey, I need to leave.”

  He stretches and grins. “Good morning.”

  I smile. “Morning, now come on. You have to help me get out of here.”

  He nods. “Give me one minute.” he climbs out of the bed, and I can’t help staring at his hard ass. I’m not usually as ass-girl, but damn.

  I quickly shake my head and slip my button up on and my shoes. I gather my purse, phone, and keys as Roman slips on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

  “Would you text me the number to call about the apartment upstairs?” I touch his arm gaining his attention.

  He smirks. “So, you want to live above me, huh?”

  “I have no problem being on top.” I flirt, and he heartily laughs.

  “No, you don’t have an issue with that.” He kisses me quickly. “Let’s get you home.”

  He quietly opens the door and looks across the hall to, what I assume is, Spencer’s room. He nods toward the end of the hall, and we swiftly walk out to the living room. He grabs my arm and spins me around.

  “Text me when you’re home.” He kisses me again. “Are you going to the game tonight?”

  I wink. “Maybe.” I grin at him and then race out the door to my car.

  On the way back to Hector’s all I think about is Roman and the way he makes me feel. I can’t remember ever being this happy with Dane. Hell, the sex wasn’t even half as good as it is with Roman. My insides tighten, and I can feel myself blushing, even though I’m alone in the car. I hate to take a shower when I get home and wash away his Tom Ford Noir Extreme. He smells divine, like the outdoors.

  I park in the driveway and very carefully open the back door, hoping Hector and Zoey are still asleep, and I don’t have to deal with them right now. I tiptoe through the kitchen and jump when Hector speaks.

  “You can stop sneaking in.”

  I grab my chest and turn to him. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “Are you trying to give me one?” He’s leaning against the counter with his coffee cup.

  I deflate my shoulders. “I’m not.”

  Hector sets his cup down. “We’re going to talk, and it’s going to be now.” He points to the kitchen table.

  “May I fix myself a cup of coffee?” He’s right. It’s time to talk, and I want to tell him everything. I don’t hide things from my brother; he’s my best friend.

  “Go ahead. I’ll wait.” He picks up his cup again and sits at the table.

  I sit my stuff down on the breakfast bar and head over to the coffee pot. I mix up my sugar and french vanilla creamer in the strong, dark coffee and take a seat next to Hector.

  “Talk and don’t leave anything out,” he orders.

  I sip the steamy hot liquid and look at him. “Where do you want me to start?”

  “Why did you show up here several months ago with just a duffle bag? Let’s start there.”

  “I left Dane, all my belonging, and my life in Florida.”

  “Why? I talked to you a few days before you showed up and you seemed happy. What the hell happened?”

  I felt the tears building up, and even though I thought I’d cried enough for Dane, apparently, I had a few left for him. “I caught Dane in the copy room, practically having sex with one of the teachers.”

  “What?” Hector’s mouth drops.

  “Then I found out he’d had sex with every female teacher and principal in our school. And yesterday I also found out he’s having two, possibly three, kids.” A tear fell from my eye.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Hector doesn’t really cuss, but when he does, it means he’s pissed off.

  “No. I left because I was humiliated, and I couldn’t bear to show my face at the school again. I was the laughing stock. All this had been going on right under my nose, and I had no clue.”

  Hector grabs my hand and squeezes it. “Why didn’t you tell me the moment you got here?”

  “Because you would have run down to Florida and killed him.”

  “What’s your point?”

  I smile. “That’s sweet, but he’s not worth it. Besides you have a life and a wife here, and you can’t be getting in trouble taking care of my issues.”

  “The hell I can’t. I’m your brother and that will never change. You mean so much to me.” He pauses and, still holding my hand, he asks, “Why didn’t you just stay with us? You know you could have left that hotel at any time.”

  “Hector, you and Zoey were living in her apartment still, and I knew it was a matter of time before you two got married. I didn’t want to be a burden.”

  “Hey,” Hector barks. “You are never a burden. You are my family and Zoey’s. She loves you as much as I do.”

  More tears came at his words. I knew what I meant to Zoey and Hector, but it’s nice to hear it sometimes, too. Right now, I’m crashing at their house, messing up their newlywed time together, and I can’t even begin to think about my personal life. Yes, Roman is in it, and I like him a lot, but it’s just fun, right? Then again, I can easily see myself falling for him.

  Where did that come from?

  “What are you thinking about? You just went pale.” I look up, and Hector is utterly baffled.

  “Um…thinking about the future. You know, if anyone will love me? If I’ll find someone? The girly-stuff.”

  “Carissa, you’re smart, beautiful, and any guy would be lucky to have you. You forget all about Dane and his cheating dick. You have a new job that you seem to like a lot, and I’m sure you’ll find a guy soon.”

  Pressing my luck is something I tend to do more often than not, and I should keep my mouth shut, but of course, I don’t do it. “Maybe you could introduce me to some single Angels.”

  “Absolutely not,” he growls and narrows his eyes, startling me a bit.

  “Why?” I should let it go.

  “Because the only three single guy are Roman, Spencer, and Tanner. They are also the three man-whores on the team.”

  “Wait, what?” Now, I’m interested for a different reason. Sure, I can’t see Roman having girlfriends, but man-whore isn’t a term I associate with him. Then again, he did have sex with me the first time after about ten minutes of talking.

  “First off, you know I don’t like mixing family and business. I love the guys like brothers, but if any of them hurt you, I’d kill them with my bat. I see how the guys already look at you and that sends me through the roof. There’s no way in hell I’d allow you to date a teammate.”

  “Hector,” I almost shout. “You’re starting to sound like Mom. Allow me? Seriously?”

  He starts to say something else, but stops. “You’re right. I’m sorry, but I don’t like it. I know these guys, and it’ll just cause trouble.”

  No words come out of my mouth. I’m still in shock at his previous statement about Roman being a man-whore. Now, I surely don’t want to tell him about Roman and my…fling? What is the right word? I don’t think best-sex-ever will bowl over well with Hector.

  “Carissa, why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why are you asking about single Angels?” He looks deep into my eyes.

  “Hector. Brother, I’m trying to break the tension between us.” I pat his shoulder. “I’m joking.” The lie rolls off my tongue with such ease I should be concerned.

  “All right.” He buys the lie.

  “Listen I need to get in the shower and get this day started off.” I smile and hope he doesn’t read anymore into anything else. I need to remember to stop pushing my luck, or it’s going to
bite me in the butt. Hard. I kiss his cheek and quickly head upstairs.

  I grab some clean clothes from my closet and let the hot water wash over me, thinking about the last twenty-four hours. One thing is for sure, I hate Dane, and I don’t care about my belongings he’s storing. That means there’s no reason to talk to him ever again. Now, Roman. Is he my rebound guy? I’ve never really had a rebound guy. But, how do I explain all these feelings? Never have I felt so much so fast. Is it normal with a rebound guy? And who in the world would I even ask? Not Zoey, for sure. I don’t she ever had a rebound guy. I could be wrong, but she’s too kind to just have sex and leave a guy, no matter what people think of her.

  I don’t really have friends anymore. How sad is that? Twenty-three and friendless. Right now, I should have an abundance of friends, like on TV, but not me. I’m pretty much homeless, squatting at my brothers with no friends.

  After I step out of the shower and get ready, I see my phone blinking.

  Roman: Here is the number.

  Roman: Are you okay? Did you make it home?

  Roman: Please don’t make me come up with some way to call Hector to make sure you’re home.

  Crap! I forgot to text Roman when I got home.

  Me: I’m home. Hector and I were talking, and I forgot. I’m okay. Thanks for the phone number.

  Roman: I was worried. Everyone ok for real?

  Me: Promise. I’ll talk to you later.

  I’m trying to figure out if Roman is just a rebound guy or something more. I’ll have to figure it out on my own because it’s not like I can ask him, right?

  I almost have to throw Zoey over my shoulder to get her to the game. She’s going stir-crazy over her New York show next week, and I’m afraid she’ll has some form of nervous breakdown if she doesn’t leave the house. She’s been locked up in her art room, staring at all her paintings. Don’t get me wrong, I know she’s a perfectionist, and this is a big show. She drives me batty with the number of times she changes her mind about her work.

  “Here, have a beer.” I shove the plastic cup in her hand and hope this calms her down a bit.

  “I should be home,” she mutters.

  “No, you should enjoy the fresh air of the baseball atmosphere around us.” I wave my hand in the air.


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