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Page 21

by Deborah Chester

  Leon stared at him in shock, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. “I…”

  “Warning,” intoned the LOC. “Warning. We are in recall.”

  Bathed in the flashing blue light of the computer, Noel saw his body growing indistinct. Next to him, Leon was also fading. Their eyes locked together. Leon’s were filled with hatred and distrust, Noel’s with apprehension.

  Just at the moment of entry a current of alien energy flowed into the time stream ahead of them. It drew them with it, hurtling them onward too fast for measure. Tumbled together, Noel still felt Leon beside him and started to hope that this time his duplicate would cooperate.

  At that instant he felt Leon tugging, trying to draw away.

  “No!” cried Noel with all the force of his heart and soul. “No, Leon! Stay with me.”

  But Leon went spinning away, his laughter an echo that reverberated through the time stream. Horrified, Noel tried to reach after him, but Leon was already too far, escaping without any heed of the consequences.

  “I am here,” said Qwip’s voice. “I am with you, Noel.”

  Startled, Noel tried to search for him. His senses, however, were spinning, too disoriented by the rush through time to bring Qwip into focus.

  “I am with you, Noel. I am eager to learn.”

  Ahead Noel saw the time portal. It filled his vision, glowing with light that came from a spectrum human eyes weren’t designed to see. It hurt to look, yet he could not look away.

  The alien energy flowing around him surged onward and passed through the portal. There was a sudden pause as though all eternity had halted, then Noel was flung sideways in the backlash. He found himself tumbled like a pebble caught in a torrential stream. Spears of energy howled through the conduit. Each time one struck him, he screamed with agony. There was a sound he had never heard before, a building whine of such intensity he could not endure it. His skull felt as though it would explode. His nerve endings screamed with sensory overload. Convulsed within the violent eddies, Noel glimpsed a silver radiance building over the time portal.

  “The distortion is ending,” said Qwip dimly through the chaos. “Plunge forward now.”

  Noel clung to the vestiges of his sanity. The silver light blazed more brightly across the portal. Before he could see through it. Now it was becoming opaque at the edges.

  “Noel!” shouted Qwip. “Now! Now! Quickly, before the moment is lost. We must go through before the distortion ends, or I cannot enter.”

  “You’re not going to enter,” said Noel grimly.

  “That was not the agreement. You made the agreement.”

  “I did what was necessary to save my time,” said Noel.

  The violence beyond the portal was ending. He could barely see now, but the flow of energy had begun to surge backward. The horrible sound faded to an almost bearable level.

  “This is unacceptable,” said Qwip sharply. “You will enter. You will enter now.”

  “No,” said Noel. He imagined he saw figures rushing around inside Lab 14. They were gesturing, hugging each other. They were safe. Longing to join them surged through his throat. He choked, struggling to resist the need to go home.

  “Home,” insisted Qwip. “It is your home. It is your purpose. Fulfill your purpose, Noel. Take me in there now.”

  With difficulty Noel managed to turn his head away so that he could not see his friends. “You do not belong. You are an intruder.”

  “Comply with instructions!” shouted Qwip. “Comply with instructions!”

  “I will not comply.”

  Suddenly Qwip was before him, formless and white, a cloud that filled the time stream and all but blotted out the portal.

  Something horrible passed through Noel. It was the feeling of fingernails across a chalkboard, magnified a thousandfold. He shuddered.

  “You will be terminated!” shouted Qwip. “You have failed to comply with agreement.”

  It was as he’d suspected. Qwip had been lying all along.

  “Do it, then!” gasped Noel, struggling to hang on against the torture. He could see the portal closing. It was nearly shut. He had one last glimpse of the technicians dancing a happy jig with their arms across each other’s shoulders. “Do it!” screamed Noel.

  Qwip changed color and shape. It rushed at him. The portal was nearly shut. Once it closed, the recall sequence would end. No traveler had ever been caught between when the portal closed, but Noel knew it was certain death. He had one chance left while Qwip remained external.

  “LOC!” he commanded desperately. “Engage loop closure. Now!”

  His LOC flashed once. “Acknowle—”

  The portal closed. At once all was darkness and Noel was dropping through infinity. He had no way of knowing if the LOC had sufficient time to carry out his instructions before contact with the portal was broken. He had succeeded in keeping Qwip out. He had lost Leon, and as he continued to fall through infinity it looked as though he had lost himself.

  I will keep falling forever through space and time, he thought. Until I cannot comprehend anything else.

  This was eternity.


  Noel fell through a sudden blaze of torchlight. He fell through layers of tissue paper and shooting sparks. He fell through the branches of a tree, still dragging the paper lanterns with him. Voices shouted in surprise over the loud swirl of music as he hurtled past. Then he hit water, murky and dark, and sank deep.

  It was cold water, full of vicious undercurrents. Shocked by the sudden immersion, Noel kicked frantically and shot to the surface. Gasping and sputtering, he drew in a breath that was more water than air. He choked and nearly sank under again. The water tasted unspeakably foul, and when he cleared its surface a second time and snorted water from his nostrils, he smelled a stink of fish, decay, rotted timbers, and algae.

  Above him came the sounds of laughter and merriment. The music pulsed on. Torchlight shone over him, making the water sparkle momentarily. Treading water, Noel glanced up and saw an arched span of bridge above him. Revelers in fantastic costumes, their faces hidden behind grotesque masks, shrieked and waved at him before dancing on in the procession that was crossing.

  Noel waved back, laughing at himself. He had done it! He had managed to catch himself inside a loop. If he could never get back, then at least he had placed himself in the past. It was better than being forever lost in between. His friends at the Institute were safe, and perhaps one day they would be able to get the portal functioning again. In the meantime, he had to figure out where he was and start assimilating himself into this culture. For this was to be his home.

  “Andiamo!” called a masculine voice. “Presto!”

  A figure in costume was calling to him from the stone landing of what looked like a palazzo. Venice? wondered Noel, aware of baroque buildings towering above him. The water ran between them. It had to be a canal.

  “Andiamo!” called the man in costume. He gestured urgently.

  Noel swam to him, and strong hands helped him out.

  Gasping and dripping water like a drowned rat, Noel flung his wet hair out of his eyes and grinned at the hideous mask. His rescuer stood mostly in shadow, but Noel could glimpse a satin and velvet doublet adorned with the quick sparkle of jewels. The scent from a pomander wafted on the air.

  “Thanks,” Noel said in Italian. “I appreciate the—”

  “Fool!” snarled the man. Without warning he gripped Noel by the lapels and threw him against a wall. “You will regret this, I promise you.”

  “Hey,” said Noel in alarm, raising his hands. “Wait. I think there’s been a mistake.”

  “No mistake,” said his attacker, and pulled out an ornate dagger. “Tonight you die!”

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  Time Trap

  In the 26th century, chaos threatens to overwhelm civilization—but the historians on staff at the Time Institute are determined to change things for the better. Through first-hand recordings of the
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  The trouble for time-traveler Noel Kedran is that his mission lands him in the wrong place and century.

  Medieval Greece is little more than a way-station for European knights headed for the Crusades. All but forgotten, this small pocket of history is awash in treachery as Greek bandits, French knights, and Constantinople's diplomats battle for supremacy. Caught in their clash to rule Greece, Noel fears that any alteration to the course of history could destroy his own time, until he meets a stranger who is his mirror image. This twin, as determined to destroy the future as Noel is to save it, will take both Noel’s fate and history into his own hands.


  Unable to return to the 26th century, historian and time traveler Noel Kedran struggles to repair the sabotage that keeps him ensnared in time's web. His evil twin Leon, created by the anomaly, works just as hard to prevent Noel from escaping the trap. Each attempt to go home lands Noel and Leon in a different era. Now, they're in the New Mexico territory in the year 1887—a harsh desert land plagued by lawless bandit raids, border wars, and fierce Apaches.

  Although determined to preserve the fabric of history, Noel soon finds himself involved with the perils facing a ranching family. The ranch has been burned and a young girl abducted. If Noel can't find a way to rescue her, the altered time stream will change the future forever. That's exactly what Leon is hoping for. Which means that sooner or later, the two of them must have a showdown.

  Pieces of Eight

  In his attempt to return to the 26th century, historian and time traveler Noel Kedran is transported back to the Caribbean in 1697, where black-masted ships rule the treacherous seas and murderous pirates kill without mercy.

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