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Knocked Up by Brother's Best Friend

Page 68

by Amy Brent

  She seemed to have a bit of a chip on her shoulder about something, but I was well capable of knocking it off. I’d tamed wilder women than her and some even twice her age, which was closer to my own at thirty-eight.

  I loved my women a bit younger, but she’d be the youngest I’d had since it was no longer appropriate. Tana had been a scandal for me at twenty-two. But as things went on, she’d gotten too clingy. I remembered those daggers she’d given me on her way out the other day and laughed. I didn’t worry too much about her. If I wanted her, she’d come to me and then she’d come her head off.

  But now my focus was all on Harbor Moore and making her my weekend project. Maybe a good fucking would improve her desire to dress sexier. All she needed was the right frame of mind and someone to show her what a goddess she could be.

  That would be my goal.

  I finished up the paperwork and left it on the counter for Nora’s assistant who had gone for the day, and then I headed out to go home. I had to get my things packed and make sure my nanny had her instructions and most importantly I needed to spend as much time with Blythe as possible.

  We hadn’t had as much time lately because of my workload and the fact that I’d been covering for the other surgeons who had gone on vacations. This trip marked the last of that stretch and when I returned I was going to plan a trip for the two of us. She was getting to the age where she could go do more, and I didn’t have to carry her or bring the nanny along. Taking Tana anywhere had been out of the question in the year past, she was too problematic forgetting she wasn’t at work and making out like we were one big happy family.

  When I replaced her, I’d taken all of that into consideration and hired an older woman, one who I wasn’t attracted to in any way. It had been anything but normal with Tana around, and it had even gotten to where I’d brought her to my bed a few nights and let her stay over. Not to mention the many times she’d put Blythe down for a nap and then come into the living room only to blow my cock or end up beneath me.

  I couldn’t let that go on. I had to watch what situations I put my daughter in, even though I missed the accessibility of having someone around to relieve my stress. Dating was out of the question too, because no one just wanted to go to dinner, fuck, and be friends. They all wanted a deeply committed relationship, and I needed a bit of variety.

  My thirst for variety hadn’t sat well with Tana either, and the few times she’d want me to fuck her only to find out I’d just blown both wads with someone else the hour before, she’d lose her damned mind. I’d had to put her in her place one too many times during those last days, and even though she tried to be the one for me, she just couldn’t.

  I couldn’t help but think about Harbor and hoped that she wasn’t so impressionable. I wanted her to crave me, sure, but I didn’t want her to get attached or some crazy idea that just because I fucked her a few times, I was in love.

  My love was reserved for Blythe alone.

  I pulled my convertible Corvette into my private drive and eased into the garage. If I had a love for anything else in the world, it was that car.

  Lucinda greeted me at the door holding Blythe’s hand. She had always been good to do that when I returned, and she’d once told me it was because her mother did that with her and her papa. It was nice to have someone more concerned about my daughter than where and when the next orgasm would take place,

  Blythe jogged her little feet and jumped up and down with her arms up. “Daddy!” She had a big smile for me, and I wasted no time scooping her up and into my arms and hugging her tightly.

  She was the spitting image of her mother with dark blond hair, but those pale gray eyes were all mine, and they made her look years wiser. “How’s my special girl?” I rubbed my nose against hers and planted a soft kiss next to her mouth. She laid her head on my shoulder for a moment and then rose up to put both of her hands on my face.

  “I painted pictures today with my fingers.” She held her hands up and other than a tiny spot of blue next to her nail that Lucinda must have missed, they were perfectly clean.

  “Let me guess. You painted it blue?” Her eyes lit up, and she giggled.

  “Only the sky, silly.” She turned her head to the side. “What other colors do you think I painted.”

  I pretended to think really hard. “Apple?”

  She shook her head and giggled louder as Lucinda walked away smiling. “Apple isn’t a color, Daddy. Don’t you know your colors?” She put her hand on her hip being sassy.

  “Well, what is it then?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “It’s a fruit that you eat.” She spoke very precisely, as if each word was more important than the next.

  “Opposed to a fruit that you don’t eat?”

  She sighed. “You eat all fruit, silly.”

  “But what about an orange?” I smiled as her eyes narrowed and she frowned as if she had to think about that. “It’s a fruit too, right?”

  She nodded her head. “But it’s a color too, Daddy. But an apple isn’t a color.”

  I held up a finger. “You’re so smart.” I walked her into the kitchen where Lucinda was pulling cookies out of the oven.

  “Lucinda baked cookies while I painted.” She went to the fridge and pulled down her paper causing the magnets holding it to fall to the floor.

  Lucinda picked them up and stuck them back in the fridge. “The paint’s still a bit wet,” she warned. The woman was so thoughtful I was glad we had her in our lives, and Blythe was crazy about her.

  “Sorry, I’m a bit late. I had to meet with a colleague about a trip I have to take this weekend. I will need you here through Sunday, and I’ll pay you overtime.” The woman’s face lit up like she was happy with the idea, which made it much easier. We’d discussed the crazy schedule when I hired her, and since she lived alone only five minutes away, she was good with my last-minute traveling or call-ins at the hospital. I had also offered to pay her rent to keep her in that location instead of moving her in with us to give Blythe and I more quality time.

  Blythe wandered into the other room to see something on TV and Lucinda stepped closer and lowered her voice. “That’s fine, Sir. Do you mind if I take Blythe to a play on Saturday? I was going to ask anyway, but now we could perhaps make a whole day of it?” She had hopeful eyes, and I appreciated her not asking in front of Blythe. If I had to say no, it could make me look like the bad guy, and Lucinda always respected me in that manner and not put me in that position.

  “Yes, that would be great, thanks. It’ll be good to know she’s having fun.” I thought a moment about the fun I’d be having.

  “Oh, thank you. She’s going to be excited when I ask her. She’s seen it on TV all week, and I would like to see it myself. It looks fun.” She walked to the other room to see Blythe and then the two returned happy.

  “I’m going to see the big rabbits dance, Daddy.” She danced in a little circle and pumped her fist. I couldn’t help but laugh, and I know she’d seen me do the same thing when watching sports.

  I had no idea what she was talking about. “I know, I’m so excited about it. You’re going to have so much fun!”

  She ran to Lucinda, and the two hugged. Lucinda stood upright and walked to where she kept her purse. “I’ll leave you two alone now, if you need anything you know to call, I’ll be here.”

  “Thanks so much, Luc. Take care.” And then it was just the two of us. My precious angel and her devil of a daddy.

  “What do you want for dinner?”

  “Pizza!” she cheered, and then she danced around the kitchen.

  We’d had pizza three nights in a row, but there was no way I wasn’t going to give my sweet pea exactly what she wanted. So, I grabbed my phone and made the order as she danced around me.

  Even though all the excitement over pizza and finger paintings was the center of my attention, I couldn’t get that hot little intern off my mind.

  Chapter 4: Harbor

  I hated going home some days. It
wasn’t often that I had the pleasure of silence with Courtney’s boyfriend, Scott around, but at least today he’d managed to cook dinner and had the decency to ask me if I would like some. And this time he’d actually been talking about food.

  I shrugged and said sure as Courtney came out of the bathroom. “Good news, I’m not pregnant.” She showed us the test on her way to the trash and then she went to the sink and washed her hands.

  “Awesome, now we can have more sex,” Scott cheered as I rolled my eyes.

  He could have more sex, and I’d have to hear it. Not to mention the two of them had offered more times than once to include me, which I’d politely refused. They did it after learning I was still a virgin, but I wasn’t inclined to lose my virginity that way.

  Courtney and I were practically strangers who had only become roommates out of necessity. Rent and food were a lot cheaper when split, and since she’d started dating Scott, he’d even pitched in a little because he was always around.

  Courtney gave him a dead-eyed stare. “No, now you can be more careful. I’m not ready to be a mother.”

  “I told you, you should have volunteered for the procedure. God knows it would do more good to you than it would do to me. I’ll be the only virgin on the list of volunteers.” I had told her about the trial the day I’d signed up, and of course, she’d told Scott all about it. There wasn’t anything he didn’t know about me.

  “Yeah, what a waste. You should take us up on our offer, Harbor. I’ll put that baby to use.” Scott’s brows jogged up and down.

  “Don’t be crass, Scott and don’t use the word baby, I’m still a bit freaked out. Could you imagine me as a mother?”

  “I want to be a mom.” I had always wanted children, and I’d always considered the idea a happy thought. It would be an amazing experience. I thought about the treatment and hoped that it wouldn’t have any ill effects on me. I had read some of the side-effects, and everything seemed common, but Dr. Strong had warned me that it could make my natural hormones go a bit haywire at first. She’d wanted me to know all the risks before I signed on the dotted line.

  “You’ve got to get laid first,” said Courtney. I could always count on her to be blunt.

  Scott made a noise that let us know he was totally offended and to drive the point home he put his hand on his chest. “Who’s being crass now?”

  Courtney wound up the dish towel she’d dried her hand on and popped it in his direction, and as the two danced around the kitchen, I contemplated telling them about Dr. Black. They’d surely have something to say knowing I would be staying with the handsome, single doctor.

  Courtney glanced at me over Scott’s shoulder. “So did you find out where you’re staying? Is it a nice hotel?” We’d hoped it would be something decent, but I wasn’t going to complain about a free room on the way to earning money. She pushed Scott one more time and sat with me at the table.

  I took a deep breath. I may as well get this over with. “Yeah, about that, I don’t know where I’m staying, but I’m sure it’s nice. Dr. Black is taking care of the arrangements, so I am sure it’s going to be some high-class place. He’s too arrogant for anything less.” I lifted my shoulder as Scott put a plate of his spaghetti special in front of us.

  Courtney’s eyes narrowed. “So you’re staying in the same place?”

  “He said Dr. Strong wanted him to keep an eye on me.” I twirled the pasta on my fork.

  The two exchanged a smirk. “I bet he only booked one room. Maybe he’s hoping to pop your cherry this weekend.” Scott grabbed his plate and sat with us avoiding Courtney’s elbow.

  “Well, if he’s hoping, he’s wasting his time.”

  Courtney leaned in on one elbow. “Dr. Evan Black? I’ve heard about him. He’s a player. I think he was seeing my friend’s sister. She worked for him or something. He’s gorgeous if it’s the same man. He has to be.”

  “It is. You know I’ve told you about him—the dreamy one everyone moons over.” I rolled my eyes. “You know my rule. It has to be the right time, and I doubt it will be with him anyway. He’s not going to notice someone like me.” I pushed my glasses up on my nose as if to prove my point.

  Courtney frowned. “Don’t sell yourself short. I’d kill for your looks. You’re a natural beauty, and any man would love to be with you.” She was laying it on as thick as she was when Scott convinced her to ask me to join them. Though it had been flattering in a strange way, it wasn’t my style.

  I snapped my fingers. “Oh, that reminds me, do you have any dresses I could borrow? Something I could wear to a fancy dinner?”

  She put a finger to her lip and then nodded. “I think I have just the thing. I wore it last vacation when we went to Vegas. And then I have another little silk number you might be into.” She nudged Scott. “So, he’s taking you to dinner?”

  “Yeah, we have to eat. He said he’s pretty picky, so I will just be along for the ride.” I didn’t want to make too much out of it.

  “Well, I’ll hook you up.” She gave me a wink, and I focused on my plate and making it empty. I hurried to my room hoping to get done in the bathroom and ready for bed before they decided to take it over.

  Two hours later I had gotten everything packed, and Courtney had even brought me a few nice dresses to wear, including two different pairs of shoes. I slid into my bed listening to the sounds of their moans and the creaking of the headboard next door. I’d asked her to move her bed to a different wall thinking it would help, but it hadn’t. The rhythmic knock had me stirring as well as my thoughts of Dr. Evan Black.

  He had been on my mind all evening, and I wasn’t sure I’d make it through the night without working one off. I tossed and turned another hour after the idea crossed my mind. I wouldn’t stop wondering where I’d be staying and just how much time I’d be spending with him. I was also afraid of the trial and hoped that I hadn’t gotten myself into something dangerous or that would make me sick. I knew the risks were minimal, but one could never be too careful. By the time I’d finally decided to slip my hand down into my panties, I’d decided that Dr. Evan Black was what scared me most.

  I rubbed a finger across my aching bud and bit my lip so I wouldn’t moan out loud. Courtney was doing enough moaning for the both of us, and I didn’t need to give those two any further ammunition or worse, the idea that it was time to extend another invitation.

  I slipped the other hand up my night shirt and found my tight nipple and pinched it sending waves of pleasure down to my little slit which I stroked nice and slow.

  I could imagine Dr. Black naked, his thick erection jutting out from his hips and me taking it into my hands. It seemed strange calling him Evan, and I didn’t think I could call him anything but Dr. Black. How weird would that be? If I couldn’t call him by his first name, then I couldn’t fuck him even if I ever did get the opportunity.

  I imagined myself working his cock, pumping it in my fist and then leaning forward to suckle the tip. I could imagine how he’d taste and how much pleasure he’d give me as well. I could see us spread out together, lying in a sixty-nine position and sucking each other. I’d done that once before, and that was my very first taste of a man’s pleasure. Once the guy was finished, he stopped working me and fell asleep. At the time, I hadn’t even minded, my heart had been so full of love and hopes of what was to come. Silly me.

  I’d had limited sexual experiences, all being oral and none being satisfying, but I imagined him being much more capable. I wondered what it would be like to have him above me, and I imagined him taking his hard cock and putting it right inside my slit, rubbing it gently against me up and down to spread the juices around and coat his cock. Then he’d slip it inside me, nice and slow, inching it deeper. I wondered if he’d be a gentle lover or a man-handling sex machine who would make me scream and claw my way through my first orgasm. I wasn’t sure which I’d prefer, so I imagined having him both ways.

  I even pictured myself straddling his hips, sitting right down on his
cock, letting it fill me to my limits, stretching me and breaking me apart to steal my virginity.

  I’d always heard it hurt the first time, and I was okay with that. I wanted to feel everything, the entire experience, from that first pinch of pain to the final break of ecstasy. I wanted my toes to curl, my eyes to roll back in my head.

  My legs started to tremble, and I picked them up, bending my knees and spreading wider as if he were really there. Part of me wondered if he really would want to be with me, with some ounce of hope lingering, but I shut it down. I wasn’t going to let me get my hopes up for something that wasn’t ever going to happen, not only because he’d never want me, but because I wasn’t going to pursue it.

  Something inside told me to go for it. And that defiant voice was just what I needed to push me over the edge. I muffled my moans with my pillow and bit it as the pleasure ripped through me. And in my head, I screamed his name. Evan.

  Chapter 5: Evan

  Once I got lined out on the highway, it was smooth sailing, and we were well on our way. I’d picked Harbor up from her apartment and was surprised to find her wearing a short black skirt and purple silk blouse. Unsteady on her feet, she’d walked around the car and gotten in, and for the last ten minutes she’d been shifting in her seat and tugging at the hem of the skirt.

  It was a battle to keep my eyes on the road with her thighs and modest tugging attracting my attention. Her thighs were the silkiest peaches and cream, and I wondered if they tasted as sweet. My cock punched at my zipper as she crossed her legs and tugged the hem down once again.


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