Sinful Biker
Page 47
She thrilled at the way he responded to her touch, and moaned at the desire that was rising inside her. Her hands shifted her dress, pulling up the hemline, finding their way into her panties so that she could shimmy them down her legs. All the while, she never stopped sucking, or twirling her tongue around in a way that she was quickly learning, made him shudder.
Julia teased herself all the while, her fingers slipping within her own aching heat as she groaned. She wiggled her hips and looked up at him as she did it and James gripped her hair firmly in response, pulling her in so that she could suck deeper.
She wasn’t sure what was coming over her—it wasn’t like her to act like this, pleasuring herself in front of men. But this man was an exception. Sexy, confident, and loving in a way that she couldn’t even describe. She wanted to spend her life with this man, wanted to be in his bed and at his side.
This fueled her on and she moaned quietly as she rocked her hips and pushed her fingers in deeper. James gasped and held her hair firmly. She could sense a shift in him as she licked and sucked, as the pleasurable tide rose within her, burning her skin, and making her moan and gasp in a way that seemed to thrill James to no end.
He moved his hand, so that Julia could gasp for air. Picking her up, he pulled her onto him, onto the couch, hiking up her skirt so that she could straddle him. She bit her lip, breasts bouncing enticingly as she began to shift, letting him enter her in a long, slow movement.
“Mm…” she gasped as she began to rock and bounce on him. The feel of him within her sent sparks through her skin. So good, so, so good. “Oh yes! More…!” she mumbled, she gasped, she bit her lip and drove him crazy, drove herself crazy.
His hands were on her breasts, lips on her skin. He thrusted within her, deep and strong. Julia gasped and groaned and held on tight, feeling the rippling muscles beneath his shirt.
And when he climaxed, hard and deep, Julia couldn’t stop herself from doing the same. The waves hit her deeply, making her groan and shudder and whisper his name. James held her tightly to his chest and she could smell his scent and hear his heartbeat. He groaned with pleasure as she tightened up around him and they rocked together in the blissful afterglow.
It clouded Julia’s vision and made her sigh in dreamy pleasure, in a bliss she didn’t understand. James glanced at the closed door, which was also locked, and grinned tiredly. “Sleep?”
“Why not?” He smiled, and shut his eyes, after leaving a lingering kiss on her lips, one that seemed to burn and tingle all the way to her toes.
“Okay…” She sighed in contentment, dozing on his chest, peaceful and content, everything right with the world.
And for now, that was enough.
The next morning, while preparing breakfast for Penny, Julia thought that she could not get any happier, that the bubble in her chest would not be able to take any more good things happening. She didn’t know how very wrong she was.
When she collected the mail, she was confronted with a letter addressed to her, from the college. She opened it with trembling hands, and her breath caught in her chest, expecting the worst. Instead, the news that she got was the best news that she possibly could have received.
The appeal had worked, and her name had been cleared. Her good name was restored and she would be able to work at the college again. Excitement bubbled up within her and she wanted to scream.
She had done it! She had done it and she could go back to her career—free to be with James, if he would have her, and she had a sneaky suspicion that he would.
When James wandered in for breakfast, she threw her arms around him, beaming as she told him the good news.
A broad smile broke out across his face and he declared that they would be going out to celebrate. Penny was more than happy to come with, since she had the day off from school. The rest of their day passed happily, time spent together going out for something to eat, before lounging around on the couch watching movies. Penny was so happy to have her father around for a whole day and Julia could not agree more.
It was only after Penny had gone to bed, that James brought up a proposition—he suggested that she go into freelancing, build her own research consultancy, her own teaching campaigns, educational courses, and leave the college behind. After all, the college had never done anything for her.
She was touched that he thought she could do it, thrilled that he had so much faith in her, but she was worried, she had no money to do it with, just her good name.
When James offered to put in the collateral so that she could pursue this dream, Julia realized just how lucky she was, and just what a good guy he really was. Once the details were worked out, it was settled. Julia would start her own company, freeing her of the place that tried to bring down her good name and reputation, freeing up family time, being able to earn good money and build a meaningful career that she loved.
She jumped at the chance. The added income meant James could relax a little, coming home more often for Penny, so that there was no need for another nanny.
It sounded perfect, and when James took her in his arms, his lips meeting hers, Julia knew that it was.
She had found her happily ever after, and she was never looking back again.
What had seemed like a downward slide was the best thing that had ever happened to her. She had found her place in the world. And she loved it.
= Bonus Book 6 of 20 =
Son of an Alien Prince
Shining bright lights rose overhead. A wind whirled around and kicked up the dirt from the ground, surrounding the area in a tornado of soil and dead leaves. The brush around the great disc bowed to the mighty wind that swept a young woman up towards the sky.
Melody Harp watched the ground recede. Leaves followed her up into the air and blanketed her body as she rose higher above the ground. She looked down at the swirling leaves. It was hypnotizing to watch them dance, the haze of color resembling a natural mosaic. She couldn’t look away.
It wasn’t until the orb above made a loud, sonorous sound that Melody redirected her eyes above. She gasped. The great structure seemed to vibrate with electricity, but never once was she shocked by its steel plates. The wind picked up and she watched helplessly as the tube of light continued to pull her up into the air.
Is this what flying feels like? She thought to herself. I’ve never felt such a subliminal feeling.
Up she flew. Though she felt fear, she didn’t fight against the orb pulling her up higher and higher. It wasn’t long before she was far above the ground, the field, and soaring out of the atmosphere. Smoke billowed around her. It smelled metallic. She tried to turn her head, but couldn’t seem to control her own body.
The lights dimmed and she panicked briefly, her heart picking up a beat as she stopped floating. Everything was still around her, the darkness shrouding her eyes, keeping her from determining her surroundings. A faint blue light grew in the distance and seemed to shine brighter the more she stared at it. The only thing she could focus on was that light. It washed her over, pulling her forward without much effort.
She reached out. Her hand went through the blue light and caressed its edges, but it didn’t feel fully formed. There was nothing solid inside of it, only the persistent feeling that she knew exactly what it was. She knew where she was. But how could she know? This place was still foreign regardless of its familiarity and she knew that for a fact.
But it persisted.
A growing sense of camaraderie stuck with her as she floated forward with the light, following it even though her feet refused to move. There was nothing else but that light. Her arm remained outstretched, continuing to follow the light through the obscure darkness. It was incredible to feel so attracted to it.
Her legs shivered as her feet touched metal, hissing as her bare feet met the cold floor. It was then she noticed the cold. The icy air caused her to shudder and she hugged herse
lf with her free arm. A thin layer of ice had formed on her skin. She plucked it off with ease only for it to be replaced just as quickly.
It remained dark. The fear was replaced with curiosity as her hand pressed against something solid, something warm. It felt like skin.
“Finally,” she whispered. “I found you.”
Melody shot up from her bed, her hand extended in front of her still. The feeling of skin pressed against her fingers remained, the warm comfort familiar to her brain as if she had felt it a million times. She looked down at her bed sheets that were askew. She had been thrashing again.
“Another dream,” she said out loud.
She lowered her arm, feeling suddenly glum. It was the same dream that persisted through her childhood, the faint memory of it suddenly becoming sharp. It was the same dream she had experienced a million times or more. Its persistence left her drained as if it was a burden just to watch it unfold.
As the last bits played across her eyes, she covered her face with her hands and cringed. Everything felt so real. The lights were warm when they shined down on her and she swore she could smell the smoke billowing from the strange metallic machine. The whirling air blared in her ears, as close as if she were wearing headphones. It faded to silence.
Behind her, she could hear the soft hum of motors and the intermittent beep of horns. Traffic would pick up soon. She had to get up and get ready now before it became too clogged to go to work. She sighed, her shoulders sagging forward as she tried to gather the strength to move.
A soft mew came from below the bed. She watched as the bed sheets stretched a bit, feeling them being pulled by the creature below. It hopped up on the bed. She smiled as she patted its fur, the fluffy cat purring as she scratched its head.
“Hello, Flynn,” she said.
The cat mewed in response to his name.
“Are you hungry?” she asked.
Flynn purred in response, shoving his head into her hand and closing his eyes. Melody smiled again. She lifted the purring cat and swung her legs over the bed, stretching out her toes and sighing contentedly. The muscles of her legs were tense. She felt like she had been running. These dreams were taking a toll of her body and she wondered when they would let up.
As she stood from the bed, Flynn twisted his body in her arms and she set him down. He ran out of the room and she followed him into the kitchen where she opened a can of food. He jumped on the counter when he heard the can pop and licked at the moist food sitting in his bowl.
Melody turned around and set a pan on the stove, turning the heat up and listening to it simmer. It soothed her to listen to the eggs crackle in the pan. When they were cooked, she replaced them with bacon and watched the flaccid strips bounce around in the pan. The scent of cooked bacon reached her nostrils and she smiled, her stomach growling in response.
She set up her coffee maker, dumping grounds into the white filter and then adding water before pressing the black button. It hummed as it came to life and sizzled while the water heated in the container. Soon, the apartment was filled with the smell of breakfast and she shooed Flynn off the counter in order to set up her plate.
When she was done, she poured herself a tall glass of orange juice and went to the couch where she turned on the television to watch the morning news. A number of stories were announced and she disregarded most of them while munching on bacon. The weather appeared and she watched intently as they announced the temperature for the day. She frowned. It was going to be hot again. That wasn’t terribly unusual for summertime in New York, but she longed for the icy winters when snow blessed the earth.
Melody finished her food and set her dishes in the sink, stroking Flynn again as he reached down to lap up the grease from her plate. She giggled and retreated to her room where she pulled on her attire for the day. The pink blouse and slacks were all that was left of her wardrobe, the rest sitting in the basket waiting to be washed. She sat at her vanity and began applying make-up to her pale face, frowning at her skin that desperately needed a tan.
I need a vacation, she thought. I just want to lie on the beach with a martini and maybe an attractive man.
The sound of her clock chiming the hour signaled she needed to go, and she quickly gathered her things for the day before slipping on a pair of heels.
Here we go, she thought glumly.
The city was abuzz outside. Her heels clicked against the cement with a dull sound, echoing off the buildings surrounding her apartment. She walked down the street to her car and hopped in, turning it on immediately. The heat was sweltering inside the small vehicle. She could see it rising off the dashboard in little waves, imitating the way it rose from the tar. It was going to be far too hot for what she was wearing, but she didn’t have a choice. She had to wear sleeves at work.
Though the drive to work was relatively short, it took longer than anticipated due to the increase in traffic. Melody never honked her horn. She found it pointless. She sat against the driver’s side window and stared listlessly at the cars in front of her. The clock on the dash told her she was late and she sighed, knowing her boss would have a mouthful of words as soon as she walked in the door.
A pedestrian weaved through the mess of cars and she envied the way he seamlessly walked. She wished she could walk to work, but it was too much in heels. The bus was always crowded otherwise she would have opted for that. Sometimes she wondered if the city was even right for her. But it provided ample opportunities for her degree in graphic design, and the pay was far beyond anything she could dream.
As she pondered her career choices, she pulled into the parking garage and paid the small fee. When she pulled into a space close enough to the elevator, she hopped out and shook her long black hair from her shoulders. It was sticking to her sweaty neck.
She walked towards the elevators and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. When she was safely inside, a man ran towards the doors while yelling. She held it open and he thanked her as he stepped inside, his forehead wet with sweat.
“Thanks, Mel,” he said.
“How’s it going, Seth?” Melody asked.
She pressed the button for the tenth floor.
“It goes. The heat is killing me. I wish we could wear shorts to work,” he replied.
“Tell me about it. Thank the heavens we have air conditioning,” she said.
Seth chuckled.
“For sure,” he said.
The elevator dinged. They both stepped out and sighed with joy when the cool air greeted them, walking towards the double doors labeled “Halsey Design.” Seth held it open for Melody who smiled politely. They parted ways at the main desk, Melody heading for the main area where her computer was located. She dumped her bag on the floor and plopped into the chair. A woman with red hair and black glasses popped up from behind the barrier and smiled wide.
“Hey, Mel,” she said.
“Hey, Lauren,” Melody replied.
“You look great today,” Lauren commented.
Melody shrugged.
“I hardly had time to get ready. I didn’t sleep well,” she said.
“Another dream?” Lauren asked.
“If you can call it that,” Melody replied.
“You should really go see that hypnotist I told you about. He does wonders,” Lauren said.
“And have someone poke around in my brain? No, thanks,” Melody said.
She turned on her laptop and opened her first task, panting still from being out in the heat.
“He’s really cheap and he’ll help you uncover whatever memories might be hiding up there,” Lauren went on.
“Is that what he did for you?” Melody asked.
“I mean, it really helped me understand my attachment issues,” Lauren explained.
“I still think Doug was just pulling your strings with that one,” Melody said.
“He kinda was. He was preying on my fear of abandonment. I seriously think it would help you un
derstand what’s going on. You’ve been having the same dream for a decade. It’s really time for you to unravel it,” Lauren said.
Melody squinted at the screen, ignoring her coworker’s suggestion. It wasn’t like she wasn’t curious, but paying someone to help her flesh out this weird dream would only further her anxiety about it. It was best to leave it alone.
“Want to go out tonight? Jana found a new spot to dance,” Lauren said.
Melody perked up.
“I could use some dancing,” she said.
“Maybe that dream just means you need to get laid,” Lauren added.
Melody shot her a hard look.
“Please,” she said. “I doubt it’s that.”
“Oh, come on. You’ve been miserable since Mark left for Europe. I really think you just need to hook up with someone and forget about it,” Lauren said.
“I forgot about him until you mentioned it,” Melody said, her eyes fixed to the computer screen.
“Well, it’s been six months and I haven’t seen you go on a single date,” Lauren said.
“I like my solitude,” Melody insisted.
“Sure you do. I’m sure your vibrators like it, too,” Lauren joked.
Melody’s eyes went wide and she leaned in close to Lauren.
“We’re at work,” she hissed.
Lauren shrugged with a grin.
“Nobody is listening to us. So, what do you say?” she asked.
Melody sighed and rolled her eyes, looking down at her red nails that were chipping.
“Okay, that’s fine. I need to hit the salon before we go. Do you want to come along, too?” she asked.
“Absolutely. It’s a date,” Lauren said.
When Lauren retreated behind the barrier, Melody looked back at the screen and realized she had been drawing out a map with different continents. It seemed strange. The collections of land were labeled in a foreign language. It looked like something out of a fantasy book. An ‘x’ was placed over one patch and she leaned in close to inspect it.