Sweeter Pleasures

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Sweeter Pleasures Page 4

by Lyssa Cole

  “Ahem, Bree?”

  My head snapped up and there he was in all his glory, standing right in front of me. Our eyes locked and I could feel the sparks jumping between us. I swallowed, trying to get my mouth, my tongue, something working to help me speak. God, Bree, just speak all ready. I’m standing here like a fool while he just stares at me.

  I shook my head slightly and snapped myself back to reality as best as I could. “Drake, good morning! So nice to see you again,” I said as I beamed up at him. Jesus, I sounded like an old lady.

  He chuckled softly under his breath but I still caught it. “Good morning.” His eyes held mine as I waited for him to say more but he didn’t. We both just stood there staring at each other for a few seconds and it was as if the world had stopped. Time slowed and it was only me and him in the bakery, everything else disappearing… The air grew thick and I felt it was hard to breath. My hands instantly went up to my neck, wanting to scratch at the tender skin there, desire and anxiousness swirling through me. How the hell was I going to test this hot fucking man? I was melting into a hot mess, a puddle on the floor.

  “Follow me, let’s…uh, let’s start the test,” I stammered as I turned and headed out back, making sure he was following behind. Once there, I stood over by the baker’s table where everything was set up. “First things first, let’s start with the basics. Let’s see how you do with baking bread.

  Drake morphed into action, and I stepped back as he took over the baker’s table. It was amazing watching him work as he was quite skilled, working clean and efficiently. The problem was I wasn’t really watching what he was doing with the bread. Instead I couldn’t help but notice how the muscles in his arms would flex and move with each knead of dough; his long, seemingly skilled fingers working the dough perfectly, with just the right touch. I grew hot and bothered watching him, my eyes skimming his entire body, down his lean, muscular back, past his ass, all the way down his strong legs, moving back up to land on his ass. I wanted to reach out and squeeze it, my mind running wild with thoughts.

  “Bree? Bree? You in there?”

  Shit, I was totally lost in that fantasy.

  I looked up and his eyes caught mine, a stupid grin playing on his face. He caught me staring at his ass. Great, how professional. I felt my entire body flush and I wished I could vanish into thin air like a wisp of smoke.

  I shook my head, my cheeks burning so hot, I felt like I needed to step into the freezer for a moment. “Um, just give me one second.” I held a finger up and darted away to the freezer. I needed an icy blast.

  I opened the door and stepped inside, gulping big breaths of ice cold air, trying to cool myself and calm myself at the same time. Fuck, Bree, get your shit together girl. Don’t let a man effect you like this. It’s not worth it.

  Just then, the door popped open and in walked Julie. Of course. I turned around and she was laughing, making me burst out laughing. “Get out of the fucking freezer babe! Your hot baker is waiting for you.”

  “He made me so fucking hot, I just had to cool off.” I leaned back against the frozen ice cream, having no idea how I was going to explain this one to Drake. He probably is running for the hills by now.

  “Uh, yeah, Bree. We all pretty much figured that out. But the poor guy is standing back there with his beautiful pieces of dough. I mean, damn, I have never seen some dough look that good.” She burst out laughing and I just shook my head, grinning at her. Thank God she always made me feel better, my girl, my rock.

  “Okay okay, I’m going.” I threw my hands out in the air and brushed past Julie. Just as I did, I grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze, before whispering, “Thank you. I really don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Julie smiled. “You would probably be drunk in a hotel somewhere. But if that were the case, I’d be drunk right along with you.” With that, she pushed me out the freezer, giving my ass a slap. I glanced back quickly, flipping her the middle finger as I turned back, running my hands through my hair and down my shirt and apron, hoping I still looked decent.

  Drake was standing by the baker’s table, placing his dough on a sheet pan, ready to go into the proofer. I watched him from behind, as he placed each perfectly shaped dough ball into the pan. He then walked over to the proofer and slid them inside, still not even noticing me standing there. When he turned back, he saw me and stopped short.

  “I figured I’d continue as I wasn’t sure where you went.” He shrugged and continued walking again, coming to stand in front of me. The electricity was even stronger with him being so close, the sparks flying between us. I tried my hardest to ignore it but I knew he felt it too. His breath caught as he looked down at me, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. He smelt so good, a musky, intoxicating scent that made me want to run my tongue all over him. “Shall we continue?” He said, almost in a whisper.

  I moved back slightly, needing some distance. Even his smell could do me in. “Um, yeah…yeah, I mean, yes, let’s,” I stammered out. Shit I really needed to get it together. “Let’s see what you can do with croissant dough and pastries.”

  I turned back to the table and pulled out what I had set up earlier for him. I wanted him to show me how to make croissants and also our daily pastries. “Have you made croissants and pastry dough before?” I asked him, looking up at him as he took his place next to me.

  Drake nodded. “I can pretty much make anything. I mean, not tooting my own horn or anything, but I’ve been very well trained.” His eyes sparkled down at me and my knees felt weak. Oh God. The power this man had just from him looking at me. My eyes fell down to his gorgeous, perfect mouth. It was shaped nicely and his lips looked soft and full, the best kind to kiss. I wanted to taste that mouth and have it all over me. I felt my panties flood with wetness, my stomach spinning with butterflies. I gripped the baker’s table, hoping I could contain myself. I could hear the girls in the front, laughing and cutting up, but I knew it was a cover and they were watching us like a hawk.

  I pulled myself out of my thoughts. I nodded at him and looked back at the table, reaching for the ingredients of the croissant dough. “Okay then, master baker, show me your croissant dough and then your pastry dough.”

  He chuckled under his breath, a deep, sexy growl almost and I grew hot all over again. I moved to the side of the table so I could watch him work. He prepared the croissant dough effortlessly, rolling the butter in perfect folds, so that it would all be even. Then he made the pastry dough, the whole time working neatly and never asking questions or hesitating. I could tell he knew his shit and he would work wonderfully in here. He was quick and efficient and that was just what I needed.

  After he finished the two doughs, I had him make my most popular pastry filling which was strawberry cheesecake. I showed him the ingredients and told him how to make it and then he took over. Working next to him was putting me into a fog, every brush of our arms, every intake of our breath, was causing me to lose focus. Drake was amazing though and I had to try to ignore it.

  When he finished the filling, he got his dough out of the proofer, put it in the oven, and then filled his pastries. After getting his pastries in the oven, he rolled and folded his croissant dough again, then checked on his bread.

  “Once everything is done baking, we can sit down in my office and go over everything. I am just going to go check on the front,” I told him and then I headed to the front where I saw the girls scatter as soon as they saw me push through the swinging doors.

  “Working hard are we?” I asked them as I scanned the room, noticing that we were pretty busy but everything was spot on.

  “We could ask you the same question, boss lady,” Liz said, giggling as she came over to me, her eyes shining. “Seems like you were admiring the hot baker quite a bit?”

  I flushed and shook my head. “No, I was just watching his skills. I have to make sure he can perform well and all.”

  Liz laughed, “Sure, his performance where actually?”

  I sma
cked her arm playfully, “I tried very hard not to drool bitch!”

  We both laughed, the sound filling the room.

  Julie and Mackenzie came strolling over. It was almost noon by now and Mackenzie would be heading home soon. “So what’s the scoop?” Mack said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  I began checking the cases, moving away from them. I couldn’t handle all of these questions right now. My whole face would betray me.

  “Hey! Bree!” Julie said, following me, my ever persistent best friend.

  I turned and faced them, crossing my arms. I could already feel my face flushing again. “He’s a really great baker and I am going to hire him.” With that, I turned and went back to checking the stock, even though it was already fully stocked, my girls never letting me down.

  And of course, all three of them were hot on my heels. “That’s all you have to say?” Liz asked, her voice full of wonderment and surprise. I know she wanted more details but I wasn’t going to give them. Because this had to stay completely professional no matter how I felt.

  Julie knew what I was doing, I could tell by the way she was looking at me. She grabbed my arm, stopping me from checking the next case. “Bree, honey, the cases are stocked full. Stop avoiding us.”

  I sighed, turning to face them again. “I’m not avoiding you guys. I just…I can’t go there yet. I’m not ready. And Drake…he’s…he’s dangerous. He’s the type you fall head over heels for and never come up for air and I sure as hell don’t need that in my life. I was destroyed by love once before and I won’t be destroyed again.”

  All of their eyes grew sad which made me feel even worse. “Don’t feel sad guys, please. It’s just better this way. I am going to go sit down with Drake and go over everything with him. Any objections?”

  They all shook their head no, their mouths closed for now. But I knew I was going to get more of an earful later when we went out for dinner and drinks.


  I watched her from behind as she walked to the front of the bakery, her perfect round ass begging to be grabbed. I had to work here, if anything, just to be close to her. She was intoxicating, and I wanted to breath her in and drink her down. This way I could be near her without putting her in danger. My danger, that was always lurking right around the corner.

  As soon I entered the kitchen, I could feel Drake’s eyes on me. Desire swirled through my body and it was hard to believe he had this much effect on me. Even with Kyle…well Kyle was more love, less lust. This was like pure, carnal pleasure. Delicious smells wafted into my nose, the bread and pastries smelling scrumptious, but there was something else. I flushed as I realized it was him I was smelling as he was now standing right next to me, so close my heart begin to pound.

  I could feel it in my ears, it was so loud. Oh God. This man. This fucking fine man. I had to get myself together. Maybe I just needed some sex. I hadn’t gotten laid in a couple of weeks.

  I turned quickly, heading to my office. “Once everything is out of the oven, you can come meet me in my office and we can discuss everything.”

  I had run off again like a scared little kitten. Fuck, what was it with this guy? He just got me, and there was something about him I couldn’t quite figure out yet. Closing the door softly behind me, I scampered to my desk, plopping down in my chair. I leaned forward on my desk, resting my head in my hands. Anxiety swirled through me. I didn’t want to be feel these types of feelings. The memories and pain of what I went through with Kyle came rushing back. I can’t put myself through that again. It was so painful and I know that man out there can cause some fucking heartbreak. There is just something about him.

  I lifted my head, staring at my dark computer screen. My fingers found my neck, gently scraping along the skin as the butterflies had a hell of a storm in my stomach. How was I going to be able to work around this guy? He was causing a huge fucking storm in my head and my stomach. I leaned back in my chair and tried to think of the pros and cons here. Drake was a great baker. He was clean and fast; I just knew he would be efficient and help me produce the amount of product I needed to. He was amazing to look at. I just had to ignore the insane attraction that was happening between us. How do you do that when you are working with someone? Especially when the girls would be up my ass the whole time. I laughed to myself thinking of their reactions when seeing Drake. At least I know I’m not going crazy and he really is that hot. I mean, insanely hot. Panty melting, fuck me on the table hot. Sex with him must be fucking amazing. I moaned just thinking about it, his huge body wrapping around mine…my own body climbing his, wrapping my legs around his.

  A soft knock came to the door, jolting me from my thoughts. Mackenzie popped her head in, grinning at me. “Can I come in?”

  I smiled back; she was such a cute chick. “Of course.” Julie and Liz just barge in whenever they feel like it but Mack still likes to be polite even though we have reached the same level in our friendship. Mack squeezed her tiny body in without opening the door more than a couple inches, a pang of jealously flowing through me. She had always been so thin, even when she ate crap all the time. But she was such a nice person, you couldn’t help but love her.

  She planted herself in the chair in front of my desk, leaning forward. “I just wanted to say bye. It’s a little after noon and I want to take a nap before we head out tonight. You still okay to go?” Her eyes showed concern, their big green color shining through. Mackenzie was gorgeous with her long curly red hair and big green eyes. She had creamy white skin, with a perfect hint of pink on her cheeks and just a splattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks. I knew she was a firecracker and wasn’t looking for love, her weekend adventures were something for the books.

  I nodded, my eyes betraying my sadness and I knew Mack picked right up on it. “What’s wrong then, babe?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, not really sure how to put what I was feeling into words. How do you really explain to someone that you don’t want love but you are a sad bitch without it? That you love and hate everything about Drake all at the same time and you curse Kyle for ruining you? It’s so hard for me to put it all into some type of explanation, so I just said what I always said, the words tumbling out effortlessly now, “I’m fine, I just get sad sometimes is all.”

  Mackenzie nodded, not seeing through my bullshit like Julie would. She was always the one that saw right through me, making me want to scream and run for the hills. I didn’t always want to face the truth and I felt like she was always forcing me to. But Mackenzie, even though I had a feeling she maybe did see through my bullshit, she didn’t let on that she did. She was just there for me. Mack reached out and squeezed my hand, “I get it Hun. That’s why tonight we are going out, having some delicious food and drinks, and then finding some men to spend some time with. Ones without commitments.” She winked at me and then stood. “I’ll come over around seven tonight? We can pregame it some before we leave, sound good?”

  I nodded, knowing Liz and Julie would be there early too; they always were. We loved to pregame at home, alcoholic drinks being really expensive when you go out and much cheaper to drink at home, plus we had our own little dance party before leaving, enjoying time together before heading out into the crowd. Mackenzie left, not without throwing me a wink first, and I was back alone with my thoughts. Sawyer must have already been out in the front and I really hoped Julie didn’t come back here, asking me a million questions. I loved my girl but sometimes she was a bit much.

  Another knock came to the door, this time much louder. I knew it must’ve been Drake, the knock as loud and tall as he, his shadow behind the door giving his complete profile away. I called for him to come in and as soon as he entered the small office space, I felt the zap of our connection. Sliding in the chair in front of me, his huge body smoothly landing, I couldn’t help but flush and smile. I couldn’t pull my eyes off him, he was just such a gorgeous hunk of man meat.

  Drake chuckled, that deep, sexy growl sound coming from his throat and when I
looked up, his intense brown eyes caught me off guard. He looked as if he wanted to eat me. I could feel myself flush even deeper red, my ears burning with fire. I leaned back and tried to regain my composure, sitting straight and breathing deep.

  I tried to look professional but I was failing miserably. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. Drake cocked an eyebrow at me, as his own grin played on his lips. “What’s so funny, Bree?” His voice washed over me like warm melted chocolate, sweet and smooth, but also comforting.

  “Oh nothing,” I said as I waved my hand at him, wanting to quickly change the subject. Drake didn’t need to know how much he made me want to bend over this desk and let him have his way with me. “So getting down to business.”

  He nodded at me so I continued on, hoping I wouldn’t start rambling too much, “You are a great baker, Drake. I mean really great. Your doughs came out perfectly, and I was glad you know how to do croissant dough well. A lot of bakers don’t know how well to get that butter incorporated. And you also work very clean and you seem to be fast and efficient so I really think you would make an excellent addition to our team.” I took a deep breath when I was finished, knowing I said way too much, but Drake just watched me with amusement in his face, obviously enjoying my discomfort.


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