Sweeter Pleasures

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Sweeter Pleasures Page 5

by Lyssa Cole

  “Can you start soon, perhaps tomorrow like you had mentioned?” I asked him, hoping he said yes. I desperately needed a day off and less stress.

  “Sure, whenever you want me to. I don’t have anything else on the horizon right now.” He smiled that winning smile again and I couldn’t help but feel weak. I wished I could control myself better.

  “Tomorrow is really okay? Only because we have been shorthanded for a week now without a baker, and I’m running myself ragged trying to do all of the baking and keep up with the business side of things. My team of ladies are great, but only Julie can bake some and she still only knows what I have showed her to help me in a pinch.” Shit there I go babbling again.

  I had noticed Drake’s eyes never left my face, the entire time I was speaking, as if he was very interested in what I had been saying. He had this glint in his eye that he seemed to find me amusing and for some odd reason, it turned me on even more. I loved to crack jokes and laugh with people and I would want that in a relationship too. Stop, hold up Bree. Relationship? Shut that brain up!

  But even in a professional relationship, I would like to be comfortable enough to laugh, so I think of it as liking his personality. Drake was very charming, his smile infectious, his mood calm and relaxing. He seemed to always be smiling at me, his eyes playfully dancing over my face and I couldn’t help but to like him; his vibe that he didn’t give a shit and enjoyed life. I needed that attitude for myself. I needed to relax and chill out, finding peace in the small things. Like this gorgeous man just staring at me right now, his handsome face causing my body to feel things it’s never felt before. Things I want to keep on feeling, that I want to feel more of. So at least we could be friends, we were going to work together and things were always better when everyone got along. Just as Drake began to speak, the door burst open and Liz came flying in, no knock to be heard.

  “Ahh! Guess who is going to be playing at Bar Nine tonight?” She shrieked and I almost covered my ears, the noise that shrill. Drake looked at Liz, chuckling under his breath, probably at her wild energy. Her rocker ex-boyfriend must be back in town. Every time he comes through, she goes wild. And I don’t understand why because he treats her like shit. He uses her while he’s here, getting what he wants from her, and then he takes off, on the road again, a million women all over him. And Liz said she didn’t care, but we all knew she did. I was happy for her when he came to town because I didn’t want to burst her excitement.

  “The Five Suns?” I asked her and she nodded excitedly. I grinned at her, her excitement contagious. “Let’s go there tonight then.” I confirmed and glanced over at Drake, wondering what he was thinking. He didn’t say anything, just kept his eyes on my face like he had been doing since he had gotten here.

  Liz turned towards Drake and asked the question I wished she hadn’t, but at the same time happy she did, my mind completely conflicted, “Want to join us tonight Drake? It can be a sort of welcome to the team party!” Liz glanced back at me, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder, and giving me a sexy wink.

  I couldn’t help but feel shocked as I was not expecting her to do that. My mouth slightly dropped open but I quickly shut it, hoping no one noticed. Waiting for Drake to say something, I just glanced down at my paperwork, stalling for time. It felt like hours passed when it was really only seconds. “I’d love to go, as long as Bree doesn’t mind, being the boss and all.”

  I lifted my head to find them both now staring at me, that cute amusing look playing on Drake’s face, and of course I said the only thing I could, “That’d be great.”

  Chapter Six


  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I stared at her. She was so fucking cute in everything she did. The way she rolled her eyes, the way she seemed to always be scratching her neck, even the way she nervously tapped her foot, without even noticing she was doing it. But I noticed everything. As I sat there in front of her, I studied her, my eyes never leaving her, committing her to my memory. It was a bad idea to go out tonight, to put myself in a public place, to possibly expose myself even. But I had to. I had to be near her.

  We had just entered the bar, the crowd not having picked up yet as it was only nine. The band was going to be going on around ten and Drake said he was going to be here somewhere between now and then. I felt better than I had a couple hours ago, the alcohol soothing my nerves. I downed about four of Mackenzie’s famous Jell-O shots and I had two frozen watermelon margaritas. Julie had the best frozen mix around. My buzz felt great and we had also enjoyed a joint on the way over, the marijuana giving us an amazing mellow high on top of our alcohol buzz. Sawyer was our designated driver tonight, as we rotated every time we went out to be fair. We used to go out almost every weekend, more so Julie, Liz, and I, but now the bakery keeps us really busy. I don’t know what I would do without these girls, they are my life.

  As soon as we entered, I could feel the energy of the place, this always being one of my favorite places to go out to. There was always great music, great people, and the service, drinks, and food were impeccable. We found a high top table in the corner, one of our usual spots, and settled in, Liz ordering a round of margaritas for everyone. Sawyer was going to have one drink, which is what our designated driver was always allowed, but not much more. We needed someone to cart our drunk, silly asses home.

  The drinks arrived and I held mine up, tears springing to my eyes. Alcohol always made me so damn emotional. “To my awesome girls, for always being there for me and the bakery. You guys mean more to me than you ever will know. I couldn’t keep Sweet Bites afloat without you all and I hope you all know that this business is just as much mine as it is yours. We run this thing together. And I want to stay a team…” I trailed off as I felt the hot tears slip down my cheeks. I was rambling but I couldn’t help the emotion. They all smiled back at me, each having their own tears in their eyes. We clinked glasses and shouted a loud “Cheers!”, each of us taking a big gulp. These margaritas were to die for.

  A round of appetizers were ordered and just as the food came, my mouth watering from being so hungry, I felt it-him. The air buzzed and I stiffened slightly, my eyes locking with his. Drake’s eyes scanned me up and down before he slid into the empty seat next me, that seat had been empty on purpose I bet, and finally spoke in barely a whisper, “Hello, Bree. Damn, do you clean up well.”

  Before I could even respond, he had looked around the table, greeting the rest of the girls. I glanced at them and they were all practically swooning, and I didn’t blame them. Drake looked even hotter than earlier. He was wearing dark blue fitted jeans that hugged his fit body well, a tight black t-shirt with a fitted button down shirt over the top. The button down had been a black color as well, the sleeves unbuttoned and rolled slightly up, and the couple of buttons at the top undone, along with a few at the bottom. He was absolutely mind blowingly gorgeous. I almost fell off my seat, the alcohol going straight to my head and between my legs. Oh God, I was growing hot already, being buzzed and stoned not a good combination for my horny ass.

  I dragged my eyes away from him and forced myself to look at Julie. But she was grinning at Drake along with the rest of them. They were all love-struck like me. Or lust struck. Whatever the fuck this was. I didn’t know but damn I needed to find out. Just then I noticed, Drake was in the middle of a story, his arms moving about, all of my friends’ attentions completely captured. What the fuck just happened here? He just sat down and he took over the entire table? When did he even begin telling a story? I tried to focus on what Drake was saying but the alcohol was confusing my brain and all I could think about was his hot body…his delicious mouth…his tongue licking and tasting every inch of me…

  Suddenly, I jumped back, feeling ice cold liquid in my lap. Shit! My drink! I had spilled my drink all over my lap while lost in my fantasy. Drake had jumped up, grabbing whatever napkins he could from the table and placing them in front of me. He offered me one which I took gratefully, my entire
face flushing. Julie and Liz were right next to me while Mackenzie and Sawyer went to the bar for more napkins and another round of drinks. As Julie and Liz helped to wipe my dress off, I got a massive case of the giggles, the whole situation suddenly so funny to me. Here I was looking like I peed myself while Drake stood by helplessly, but ever the gentlemen as he wiped down the table and my chair. Liz and Julie began laughing too and Drake couldn’t help but join in.

  “Oh Lord only me right?” I muttered under my breath as we all sat back down, “Such alcohol abuse.” I shook my head just as Sawyer placed my fresh margarita in front of me. The food came just then and the laughter died down as we all dug in. The band would be playing soon and I was looking forward to getting up and dancing. Maybe it would distract myself from this hunk of man who kept staring at me. We kept sneaking glances at each other as everyone was eating and I prayed no one noticed. The conversation was flowing well as were the drinks and even Sawyer was loosening up. Lexi and Miles were due to arrive soon and Julie’s husband should be coming soon as well.

  I couldn’t believe how great Drake just seemed to fit in with us. Our normal craziness was even crazier tonight, the full moon in the sky was probably the cause. No wait, it was the alcohol, we seemed to have had a lot more this evening than usual. But even still Drake seemed to be enjoying every minute telling his own funny stories and joining in the conversation. The girls were smitten with him and so was I. In a purely professional way of course.

  After our food was cleared we ordered another round of drinks just as Lexi, Miles, and Blake showed up. Once our drinks arrived, we all grabbed them and headed to the front to get a good spot. Liz was practically jumping out of her skin in anticipation and I couldn’t help but love the energy she was giving off. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her in for a big hug. “You ready for your man?” I asked her already knowing her answer. She nodded wildly and shook her ass. I slapped it and she started to grind against me, and I joined right back. I could feel Drakes eyes on me and I knew it must be affecting him. Lexi and Miles were practically dry humping on the floor while Julie and Blake were wrapped around each other, whispering in each other’s ears. I looked around but didn’t see Mack or Sawyer and I figured they must have taken off together.

  A loud burst of music began playing and the band came running out onto the stage. Liz’s entire face lit up and she was practically swooning. But damn, did Trent look hot. He had always been smoking hot, but tonight he was something else. Or else I just had some serious beer goggles on.

  I felt a hand touch my waist and I just knew it was him. My entire body tingled from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I spun around and there he was, grinning down at me. I tried not to melt on the spot, but I couldn’t help but smile back, his gorgeous face doing me in. It was as if his eyes beckoned to me, calling me from some faraway place that only I knew how to reach. Drake began to lower his head and I had a feeling he was going to lean in to close, possibly even kiss me, so I stepped back, breaking our connection. I instantly felt cold, wishing I could still be near him, his warmth. I turned and tried to watched the band, needing to keep my distance from him before things entered some dangerous territory.

  Drake came up next to me, leaning down to whisper in my ear, “I’m sorry, it’s just hard to stay away from such a beautiful woman.” His words washed over me, causing me to shiver in delight. His breath smelled delicious, warm and sweet, and I wanted more of it in my ear. I looked up at him, and had to shout back as I couldn’t reach his ear, his height overwhelming me, “We just need to keep things professional. Pleasure and business don’t mix.” Something flashed in his eyes and I knew he didn’t like what I said. But he had to accept it or he wouldn’t be able to work with me. I had to accept it, even though my body was screaming at me to wrap myself aound this Greek god of a man. Because not only did we have to work together, but I still felt the same way about love as I did yesterday. There is just no place in my life for it and I don’t want to be brought down by it again.

  Drake doesn’t say anything else so I turned and watched the band play. Their music was enjoyable and Mackenzie and Sawyer had made their way back to us. We all danced together and had some more drinks, the night passing quickly with all the fun we were having. Drake stood by us girls dancing and he also had been talking to Miles and Blake back at the table for a while. He seemed to be able to get along with everyone. He didn’t try to touch me again, which made me happy but also filled me with a sadness I hated. I forced it away, pushing down my emotions as best I could in my drunken state of mind.

  Just as the band was finishing up their set, I heard some commotion behind me, and what sounded like Julie screaming at someone to leave. My eyes looked in the direction of the noise and my heart dropped into my stomach. There stood Kyle, looking handsome as ever, his eyes wildly scanning the room. What the fuck was he doing here?

  Julie was in his face, blocking him from getting any closer to the dance floor, and I stood frozen to the spot, unsure what to do. Blake, Miles, and Lexi surrounded Kyle, helping Julie to diffuse the situation while everyone else surrounded me. I shook my head, the tears slipping down my face, I couldn’t stop them. And then I did the only thing I ever knew to do. I ran.


  When I first heard the commotion, I froze. They were here. They found me. I was fucked. Panic flooded through me in sharp, crushing waves and I tried to take big gulps of air. But then I heard Julie’s voice screaming. I looked up and she was yelling at some guy to leave, that Bree didn’t want to see him. Bree? I scanned the crowd, finding her in less than a second, my heart stopping as I see her. My gorgeous Bree, upset and shaking, this man obviously bothering her. And then she ran. I started to go after her but her words stopped me, replaying in my head, “Pleasure and business don’t mix.” I turned to face the band, guzzling down the rest of my beer.

  The cold air hit my face, causing me to sputter and gasp as I ran to the side of the building, collapsing against the hard cold steel. Winters here were brutal and even though we were in March, the cold hadn’t let up yet. Suddenly, dizziness took over and I felt very nauseous. I doubled over and threw up, my drinks and dinner pouring out of me. As I was finishing, I felt hands on my neck and head, pulling my hair back. I knew it was Julie, her scent invading my nose. She secured my hair in an elastic and moved her hands down to my back, rubbing softly. I couldn’t help the sob that escaped, as I fell to my knees, Julie coming down with me. Julie wrapped her body around mine and I sobbed, so many emotions pouring through me. That was the first time I had seen him since I walked out.

  “Bree, it will be okay, Hun. You are a strong woman. Look at what you have already conquered. Fuck that asshole. Blake sent him packing with his tail, or should we say small dick, between his legs,” Julie said softly, “That was the first time, wasn’t it?”

  I nodded, not able to say anything yet. What was there to say? I saw my ex-husband, still actually my husband, and I had broken down, running away like I always did. I had to stop running. My problems would still be there when I came back.

  Just then, Mackenzie and Sawyer came up, both of them leaning down, concerned looks on their faces. Julie’s soft voice came tumbling out, “She’s okay. First time she’s seen Kyle since you know…” As she trailed off, I felt Mackenzie and Sawyer each give me a hug. Thank God for these girls or I would be lost.

  “You know what, Bree, fuck that shithead. Drake is way hotter, anyway.” Mackenzie grinned at me, and I couldn’t help but laugh softly. She was right; he knocked Kyle out of the park any day. “Come on, let’s go finish this night off with a round of shots.” Mack said as she and Sawyer stood up. Julie and I followed suit and headed back inside. I felt Drake’s eyes on me as soon as I walked in, his look of concern making it hard to tell how he felt about what just happened. I sat down at the table and we had our round of shots before heading out for the night. I could feel Drake’s eyes burning into me but I never made eye contact with him. In fact
, I never made much eye contact with anyone. I simply downed my shot, said my goodbyes, and headed for the car. I knew I would be paying for that one later.

  Chapter Seven

  Surprisingly, no one mentioned anything about the way Saturday night ended. Instead, we all focused on work and getting used to Drake being there. Sunday was always a busy day and Drake kept up quite well. I was training him along with doing my usual business duties plus I have extra Sunday duties I have to do as well. I tried to remain as professional as I could without mentioning my little break down last night.

  After we left the club, I showered the night away, letting the hot water course down my body. I had felt so many emotions and all of it overwhelmed me, the alcohol not helping. I was mad at Kyle for showing up. Seeing him made everything come back and all of it punched me in the gut at once. I hated myself for still feeling something for him, a twinge of love coming back. I couldn’t help it; I had loved that man for so long. What he did had cut me so deep, I felt sad seeing him and then angry for feeling sad. Oh God it was all so complicated and it gave me a fucking headache just trying to figure it all out.

  And then to top it all off, I was mortified having a break down in front of everyone. Drake probably thinks I have issues or worse, that I was a drama queen. I’ll chalk it up to being drunk and emotional. I haven’t even talked to Julie about it yet; I had just wanted to forget it happened. But she was giving me the stink eye all day so it was coming. She understood last night when her head was filled with alcohol; why can’t she understand me today? Besides her, no one said a thing which I was grateful for.

  The day was ending and Sawyer and Lexi were finishing up cleaning the front while I was showing Drake how to prep for the following day. Julie had left a little while ago and the girls and Drake would be heading out soon. I was going to be staying late to do paperwork, the thing I always dreaded the most.


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