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Sweeter Pleasures

Page 7

by Lyssa Cole

  He nodded glumly, “Can’t two coworkers just go out for a bite to eat as friends, as professionals? I promise, no funny business. I just want to hang out with someone. It gets lonely not knowing a lot of people and I need someone to actually talk back to me instead of just my dog staring at me.” He chuckled softly, which seemed to ease some of the tension he was carrying.

  “Your dog huh? What kind of dog?” I asked him. I’ve always had a special place in my heart for dogs, having a black lab when I was growing up. I couldn’t wait to have one with my kids someday.

  His eyes lit up and I could tell he really loved his dog. “Oh he’s a big goofy lab, my favorite kind. His name is Diesel because he thinks he’s tough like a pitbull but he’s actually as sweet as a little kitten.” We both laughed, his humor infectious. I enjoyed being in his mere presence, his personality so infectious. No wonder everyone loved him.

  “I love labs. I had a black lab named Magic when I was growing up. She was one of my best friends.” I smiled thinking of her cute face and how she would run around the backyard with me for hours. She was such a great companion to me; it had been hard on me when she got older and began getting sick. The day we had to put her down almost killed me. I sighed, remembering those sad days.

  “You miss her, huh? They become such a big part of our lives, it’s hard to not miss them. I would be lost without Diesel but I know he won’t be around forever and that just plain sucks.” A small chuckle sounded from his throat, so low it almost sounded like a growl. Damn, he was so sexy.

  “It does suck, that’s for sure. One day, when I have more time, I’ll get another lab.” His eyes held mine and our connection was so strong, it was hard to ignore. A life with him…kids…dogs…

  Snap out of it, Bree. It’s not happening.

  “So, drinks? Dinner? What do you say, Bree? A fun bar somewhere?”

  His voice was so deep and sexy, his questions so hopeful, it was hard to resist. I always enjoyed my time with him, as our personalities connected well.

  What the hell? Why not?

  “Okay, fine. But only as friends, got it?” I stated, and Drake nodded, standing quickly.

  “I hear you loud and clear.” He raised his hands in surrender. “I will be on my best behavior. How’s Tavern Sun?”

  “Tavern Sun it is, meet you there?”

  Drake seemed to hesitate and I knew he was debating asking me to ride with him. That just felt too close. I was perfectly capable of driving myself. “I can give you a ride if you want and then bring you back to your car later. Whatever works for you.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll drive myself there. See you in a bit?”

  Drake nodded and headed for the office door. He glanced back before opening the door, a beautiful smile illuminating his face. “How’s an hour or so? And don’t stand me up…” With that he laughed and then he was out the door.

  I was left feeling confused once again. Shit. Was I ever going to be able to focus again?

  At least Drake was being respectful and when I said I wanted to be friends only, he had no problem with that. Besides it’s just dinner and drinks, what would happen anyway?

  Chapter Nine

  When I walked into Tavern Sun an hour later, I spotted Drake sitting at the bar, already working on a beer, a beer for me waiting next to him. The place was warm and packed already and the alcohol permeated the air. There were big screen TVs hung on every wall and lots of tables and chairs along with booths lining the walls as well. The place was huge and just that many more people filed in. I made my way over to him, pushing down the flurry of nerves that kept popping up inside me. I tried not to over dress, going for more casual than sexy. I had on a pair of tight dark blue jeans with a black lacy top that had flowing arms and hung down my back. I also had on my black knee high boots, a big zipper decorating the side of each boot. I had on a light leather jacket over my top that I knew was going to be coming off, seeing as it was smoldering hot in here. My hair fell down my back in long, loose waves, its light brown color shining under the bar lights. I had on a small amount of makeup, not too much as I didn’t want him to think I got all dolled up for him. I already looked different than what he was used to seeing at work.

  When I reached him, I stood behind him, his scent invading my senses. It was heavenly-a mixture of spice cologne and aftershave. I reached out and tapped him on the shoulder and he turned quickly, his whole face darkening when he saw me. His eyes dropped down to my body, running up and down and I couldn’t help but blush as he checked me out.

  “Damn, do you clean up nice Bree. I should have known seeing how your always so gorgeous at work.” I blushed. God damn my red cheeks. I didn’t think I had put enough makeup on to cover them.

  I slid onto the bar stool next to him, sliding my leather jacket off my shoulders. I watched Drake eye my top, his eyes scanning my top half. I felt the heat building already. Shit, this man drove me crazy, my insides clenched.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself, Drake. Thanks for the beer.” I lifted mine to his for a cheers, holding the bottle high for a moment, “To Drake, for joining my wonderful team and being an awesome baker!” We clinked bottles and then took a hardy sip.

  “And don’t forget to include yourself. You are a great boss, have a great group of girls, and it’s a great place to work.” His eyes shined down at me and I almost melted. God how can this man be so sweet?

  “Thank you, that means a lot to me.” I said softly, feeling slightly embarrassed. The rollercoaster of emotions this man put me on was so hard to keep up with.

  “How about some food? You hungry?” Drake asked, picking up the menu. I nodded as our eyes both scanned the listings quickly.

  “I think I’m going to go for a burger and fries. Sounds like the perfect Friday night dinner to me.”

  I nodded in agreement. “I’ll get the same thing, that sounds delicious.” The hunger rolled through me. I hadn’t even realized how hungry I had been.

  “So Bree, tell me, what’s your story?” Drake turned to face me, taking a sip of his beer. “Your family live around here?”

  “Yep, but it’s just my parents. They aren’t from around here so we never had family close. And I’m an only child. My parents, Greg and Lily, went to college in Boston and that’s where they met. They settled here and the rest is history. My grandparents are all deceased and there isn’t much other family. Both my parents were only children, too.”

  “Oh wow, a nice small family, huh? I wouldn’t know what that was like. I have four siblings.” He rolled his eyes and chuckled, his tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. “It definitely keeps things interesting. But I’ve always wished for less people, more privacy.”

  I took a swig of my beer, the cold liquid running down my throat. If only it would cool the heat between my legs. “I know what you mean, but it gets lonely. I always wished for a sibling, even just one. But my mom had problems when she gave birth to me. She couldn’t have any more children.” I smiled sadly, flashbacks of my mother crying a lot filling my head. She had always wanted more children and was devastated she couldn’t. She never blamed me or made me feel bad but I did feel bad anyway. I wished she could’ve experience another child. My mother lavished me with attention and affection and we grew inseparable. We still were really close and I was supposed to be seeing her and my father this Sunday for dinner.

  Drake’s hand landed on mine and I was jolted with electricity. The heat sizzled between us and I swear, it was palpable. The couples around us must feel it, how could they not?

  “I’m sorry, Bree. You can have one of my siblings if you’d like. I have plenty to go around.”

  I laughed, the beer already going straight to my head. Beer always made me drunk quicker, only needing one or two. “Nah, I’m good. I have enough people around me right now to deal with.”

  Drake laughed as well, his whole body shaking. When he removed his hand, I felt its warmth gone and wished he hadn’t moved it. Just then, the smell
of fries filled my nose and I turned to see our food arriving. Mmm, I was suddenly ravenous.

  We both dug in right away, eating like we hadn’t ever had food so good. “Damn, this burger is outstanding.” Drake winked at me and I eagerly nodded back, trying not to shove too much in my mouth at once.

  I chewed my next bite thoughtfully, surprising myself that I wanted to know more about Drake. I wanted to know everything about him. I swallowed my bite and took a big swig of beer. “Tell me about you now and this big family of yours.”

  Drake nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Well, my family is from this town. Born and raised. Until I was about five. Then shit began happening. I don’t remember all of it, but we had to suddenly move. We moved all over the place year after year until I finally figured out my father’s so called job was much more a drug lord type of deal. And my poor mother. She was a good person; she just was hopelessly in love with him. Roger and Natalie were their names.” He took a big long sip of beer before continuing, his eyes looking sad.

  “My dad eventually got caught when I was nineteen and he is now spending the rest of his life in prison. My mother lost it after that, going into a deep depression. Last I knew her and my grandmother were off running around the world somewhere, blowing my father’s money, traveling everywhere. I guess it was her way of dealing.” He shrugged, taking another bite of his burger. I watched as he chewed and swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. He was so fucking handsome, I could stare at him all night long.

  “When they left, I moved Victoria and I to Colorado where she was going to be going to school. She was riding on a full scholarship and I wasn’t going to let her miss that. So we headed there early in July and I stayed with her for a while. I also have two older sisters. So I’m the only boy.”

  I stopped chewing and tried not to look surprised. What? All sisters? Oh my God, drama city. No wonder he didn’t like his big family and no wonder he was such a nice man. Those girls trained him right.

  “What? All girls?” I couldn’t help but turn my surprise into laughter, the giggles escaping my throat.

  “Yep, it’s the truth. And let me tell you, the cat fights were not pretty.” His eyes filled with laughter as he chortled. “Layla is the oldest and then there is Quinn.”

  “Such pretty names. I love the name Layla.”

  Drake grinned. “Yeah my mother was into names, browsing lists of names to find different ones.”

  “Where is everyone now? Besides your parents I mean?”

  “All are still floating around. None have settled down yet. I was hoping Quinn would make her way back here. She’s the one I’m closest too. But Layla is traveling for her work, Quinn is still in school getting her masters out in California, and Victoria is at college in Colorado still. She’s been taking on extra classes. I think she just wants to avoid the real world.” He shrugged, his eyes drifting away from mine.

  “All spread out huh?” The waiter came and cleared our plates, bringing us two fresh beers.

  Drake nodded, “We traveled so much as kids that we all ended up liking different areas of the country. When we were free to go out on our own, that’s where we all ended up. I flitted around for a while, traveling here and there, spending money and getting into trouble, and finally I stopped, got serious, and got my Bachelors of Science degree in Baking & Pastry Arts down in New York. I wanted to come back here, to where I was born. I just felt some pull, some connection. And I guess I was right. The beautiful girl I saw when I was a young boy.”

  Our eyes locked and I knew he was talking about me. He must have been. I don’t know, I could be wrong. But then a memory unexpectedly came to me, of being a young girl, and seeing a boy at school, a boy with shaggy brown hair and deep brown eyes, just like Drake. He was there one week, gone the next. Could it be? Could that little boy have been Drake? I remember even at that young young age, feeling something when I looked at the boy. A tingle, a spark. Hell, I had no clue what it is, chalking it up to just thinking he was cute. But now it’s like he’s back here, just for me. Our connection never having been broken.

  Drake leaned towards me and I could tell he was going to kiss me. I should pull away; I have to pull away. Bree, this isn’t a good idea. Bree…what are you doing girl?

  Professional, it has to stay professional…

  The noise, the bar, it all faded away around me, around us. I wouldn’t be able to stop it if I tried. I was frozen in place as Drake inched his face closer to mine.

  His lips touched mine for the first time and I felt the ground shift beneath me. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, and here I was, getting lost in the moment, getting lost in him.

  I pushed back against him, molding my lips to him, the feeling unbelievable. Drake’s hands were now in my hair and he was pulling me even closer, our mouths moving passionately together. I was so swept away; I didn’t even realize we were full on making out in a bar full of people.

  And then it was broken. I heard my name screamed from across the bar and I broke away, panting as I gasped for air. My brain was in such a haze; I couldn’t concentrate on trying to figure out who was calling me.

  But then I knew because he was standing right there in front of us, glaring down at us like. He could just kill us right there.

  “And just what in the fuck is going on here?” Kyle said as he grabbed Drake by the collar of his shirt, his other hand pulling back, ready to strike.

  Oh fuck.

  Chapter Ten

  Kyle never made the strike. Drake reacted so quickly it was like he was a trained fighter. His fist met Kyle’s face instantaneously and Kyle was knocked to the ground, blood gushing from his nose. I screamed and jumped back, unsure of what to do. I didn’t like seeing Kyle hurt as bad as he was but at the same time I wanted to scream fuck you! Who was he to come in here trying to stake claim on something he didn’t have? And Drake had every right to defend himself. So I decided to go with my gut.

  “Fuck you, Kyle! Leave me alone!” I screamed at him as I stormed off towards the front of the bar, Drake hot on my heels. I just needed air. And to get away from that evil son of a bitch.

  “Bree, wait! Wait!” Drake was yelling but I just needed to get the fuck out of there and clear my head.

  The fresh air hit my face, the cold biting at me. I slipped my jacket on just as I felt Drake at my side, pulling me against the building. “I’m sorry, Bree. I didn’t want to hit him but he was going to punch me.”

  He pulled me tight against him and I didn’t resist. I needed the comfort right now. He wrapped his arms tight around me, and I reciprocated, pressing my head against his chest. I felt him rest his face in the top of my head, breathing my scent in.

  “If he were to hurt you, Bree, so help me God…” Drake said, whispering against me. A million feelings ran through me as tingles invaded every inch of my skin. Tears pricked my eyes. Why was Kyle doing this? I just wanted him to be gone. Seeing him brought back memories and feelings I didn’t want to have, didn’t want to feel. And now, this gorgeous man, this sweet caring man was here and I wasn’t ready but I wanted him so much. I felt so confused and the tears only came harder, as I held in a few sobs.

  “Don’t cry, Bree. You’re too beautiful to cry. I hate seeing you cry.” He pulled my head back, making me look up into his face. “Who is this Kyle and what has he done to you?”

  I closed my eyes in pain and let out a soft breath. “He’s my ex and he cheated on me and now he’s trying to come back after two years. I just want him to leave me alone.”


  Fuck. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. A part of me thought Kyle was one of them, pretending to know her, just trying to fuck with me. But now that I know it’s Bree’s ex, I feel anger. Fury and rage pulsed through me. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? Sneaking up on her all the time…laying his hands on her…it was fucking bullshit. I held her close against me once again, a strong need to protect her suddenly overwhelming me.
What the fuck is happening with me? I glanced around the lot, shadows tricking my eyes. I feel like I’m being watched, my danger ready to strike at any moment. I pulled back to look at Bree once again.

  Drake’s eyes searched mine. I could tell he had questions but I couldn’t provide answers right now. I didn’t want him to know I was still married. That was going to be taken care of as soon as I could get Kyle to file the papers. My lawyer keeps trying to serve him and he keeps refusing. I just don’t want Drake to look at me differently.

  Instead of asking me anything, he did just what I needed at the moment. He took my mouth with his, his lips searing to mine with such ferocity, my knees went weak. I didn’t hold back this time. I met his passion back and we devoured each other. My mouth opened to let his tongue slide inside and it danced with my own, making me groan low in my throat. That only spurred Drake on further, as he deepened the kiss, spinning me so my back was against the wall. He pinned his body against mine, holding me there as we kissed with such passion, such lust, I thought I was going to combust. I could feel his erection, his rather large erection pressed against my belly and I only wanted him more. Why fight this anymore? It’s only been a week and it felt like so much longer.

  We finally broke apart when we heard some commotion coming from the front of the bar. We both turned and looked and there was Kyle, being helped out by some of the employees. I hid my face behind Drake’s large form as I didn’t want him to see me. Drake grinned down at me, despite the situation. “Need some protection?”

  I chuckled softly, giving him a light smack on his arm. “You know you like it.”

  “You’re damn right I do. Do you want to go back in? I kind of want another beer.”

  I laughed. I fucking needed one too. After we watched Kyle drive off, we headed back into the bar. The rest of the night was spent chugging beer after beer, our laughter and kisses becoming more frequent and definitely more heated.


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