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Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1

Page 7

by Anita Lawless, Leigh Foxlee, C. J. Sneere

  I collapse beside him and he gathers me into his arms, kissing my hair.

  “Thank you,” he murmurs against my ear.

  “You’re welcome.” I grab his boxers and toss them at him. “But we better get dressed and let the others know you’re okay. We have to figure out an escape plan.”


  Chapter 12

  Once we’re dressed, I call out to Regina, letting her know she can bring the wall down. Vines retract and soon we’re staring at our cell mates. I blush when Adam looks away, obviously embarrassed about overhearing. Even in her weakened state, Rita flashes a cheeky smile. Ignoring this, Noah and I walk over to them.

  “How’re you doing?” Rita says to him in a saucy tone.

  I give her a look that says, ‘Not now.”

  “Never better.” Noah smiles and puts an arm around my shoulder. “Now how are we going to get out of here?”

  Adam glances at Regina. “Could you create a portal?”

  She shakes her head. “The walls are lined with iron.”

  I give her a confused frown.

  “Iron is a fairy’s weakness. Just like werewolves and silver. I felt it when they put us in here. It’ll drain my power.”

  “What about you, Adam?” I say to him. “Could you burn the lock off like before?”

  He shakes his head. “When that wolf took me down, he put a spell on me. My power’s no good for a least twenty four hours, until his magic wears off.”

  We sit in a semi-circle on the cold concrete, brainstorming an escape plan. Noah is just about to say something when our cell door opens and we all turns to see who our visitor is.

  The girl from my vision walks in, and Noah tenses beside me. We’re still in a partially transformed state, and I notice yellow flame flicker through his eyes. Brigette Gévaudan, princess of the Dark Moon pack, moves towards us.

  She picks up on Noah’s suspicion and holds up a hand in a gesture of peace. “I’m not working with them. I’m here to get you all out of here.”

  “Seems pretty convenient that we keep getting ambushed like this whenever you, Adam, or Regina are around.”

  “Come on, Noah.” Adam jumps to his feet. “If we were really working with Andre and Pierre, you’d all be dead by now. Like we told you before, we plan on turning them over to Glamour’s leaders.”

  Brigette nods, and I notice a look pass between her and Adam. It makes me wonder just how close they really are. “That’s what I’m here for now.” She focuses on Regina. “If I get you out of here, can you create a portal?”

  “Once I’m away from the iron, no problem.” Regina stands and moves toward Brigette.

  Noah gets between them. “How do we know you won’t lead us right to your father?”

  Brigette gives him a frustrated glare. “Noah, be serious. I broke the binding spell Pierre put on you so you could get back to Merry.” She gives me a tired smile. “Why would I let you go only to help Dad trap you again? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “I believe her,” I say to Noah. “What other choice do we have?”

  His shoulders relax. “Let’s get out of here.”

  We move into the hallway, but voices filter toward us from around the corner. Frantically, Brigette motions for us to move fast and we turn right, away from the approaching werewolves. We move into another dark corridor and stop just before another row of patchwork metal doors separated by an elevator.

  “Take us to Moira’s club,” Brigette tells Regina.

  Regina gives her a confused expression. “Why there?”

  “Because I have the evidence I need to nail Andre and Dad.” Brigette looks at me and Rita. “You two.”

  We give each other a bewildered glance, but there is no time to argue. The voices of the approaching wolf guard’s grow louder.

  Regina begins the chant and an elevator ripples then tears away, revealing the inside of an empty bar. The image wavers as if it is made of water.

  Just as it solidifies, three werewolves appears around the corner and enter the hallway behind us.

  “Go through!” Regina shouts as they begin to run toward our group.

  We all jump into the portal. As I glance back, Brigette runs through, and on the other side, Pierre stares after her with accusing eyes. He shouts her name just as Regina closes up the portal quickly, sealing our pursuers off.

  The bar reminds me of Adam’s place, only it’s a bit more upscale and modern. It is done up in dark wood that reminds me of my grandmother’s antique bureau. Overhead lights draped in green shades light our way. The floor is a lighter shade of hardwood. Simple wooden tables and chairs line the area, and some booths with plush red seats line the walls. At one near the very back of the club, a woman sits. The light hanging above her table casts shadows across her form, so all you can see is her silhouette. I’m guessing this is Moira.

  As we move closer, she speaks, “Have you got the evidence this time?”

  I get a good look at her as we stand in front of her table. Long blonde hair sweeps over her forehead and falls down her shoulders. Her icy blue eyes roam over us all as she looks down her slim, aristocratic nose. Sharp cheek bones and a well defined chin make her appear smug and royal.

  “We do,” Brigette says, and she puts a hand on my shoulder and Rita’s then urges us forward. “These two were turned by Pierre and Andre without their consent. Read them and see.”

  The blonde woman stands and smiles, revealing gleaming white fangs. As she slips out of the booth and saunters toward us, more people flit out of the shadows and enter the bar. A man with silver hair and glimmering white wings joins us, followed by a woman with horns curling under her ears. One eye placed in the center of her forehead blinks at us. A bald, blue skinned male wearing nothing but a loincloth and a lady covered in shimmering green scales also walk forward.

  Moira whispers something in the winged man’s ear and he turns to me and Rita. After placing a hand on top of my head then hers, he closes his eyes and his face wrinkles from concentration. It feels like someone is reaching inside my skull and squeezing my brain.

  “It’s true,” he tells Moira. “Pierre and Andre turned them.”

  Moira’s cold eyes sweep over us again. “And you two didn’t consent to being changed?”

  “No, being a werewolf wasn’t in my plans,” I say.

  Rita shakes her head. “Yeah, vamping out wasn’t on my bucket list.”

  Moira focuses on Regina. “Can you get us to the lair fast?”

  Regina shakes her head. “I’m drained. I had to make two portals already. I need to recharge.”

  Adam leans toward her. “I’ll take you to my place when this is all over.”

  She smiles. “Thank you.”

  Looking to Brigette, I expect to see some jealousy. I’m confused by Adam and Regina’s flirting. Back in the cell, the vibes all seemed to point to Adam and Brigette being together, but now I’m not so sure.

  “We’ll take the cars.” Moira’s voice rings with an air of authority. “Make and entrance.” She gives a wily smile. “Adam and Brigette, you can bring your little team.”

  The cyclops woman throws Adam a set of car keys. Outside, we’re led to a black BMW.

  Before we pile in, I turn to Brigette and ask, “What’s going on here?”

  Her hand stops on the front passenger side door.“We’re going to arrest my father and Andre. I needed to prove his guilt to the Glamour leaders. Gabriel read you.” She points to the winged guy who is climbing in another car with Moira. “He saw my father’s mark on you, and Andre’s on Rita. When a monster turns you, they leave a psychic brand on you.”

  “That’s why I saw you in that vision,” I blurt out.

  She gives me a confused look, but then realization dawns on her face. “A monster is always bonded with the ones they make. So, yes, it sounds like you got a peek at my father’s life. That happens with the first transformation usually.”

  I climb into the back beside Noah, and Regina joins us.
  “I’m sorry I doubted you,” Noah tells the others in a low voice. “After what happened to Malcolm, I shouldn’t have.”

  Brigette looks at him through the rearview mirror. “And I’m sorry I helped Dad kidnap you in the first place, Noah. I shouldn’t have let him manipulate me.” She touches Adam’s leg before he starts up the car. “Glad you’ve got some closure on your brother’s death.”

  Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “What did they do to Malcolm? Can I get the whole story here?” I know I’m being insensitive, but I’m tired of being in dark.

  Noah turns to me. “Malcolm was Adam’s brother. I met him and Adam when Pierre and Brigette trapped me in Glamour. He had evidence to prove Pierre was turning humans without their consent and blackmailing fairies.”

  “When I decided I wasn’t going to help Dad anymore, Malcolm and Adam brought the evidence to me,” Brigette adds. “They had digital recordings of Dad and Andre talking about their plans. We were going to turn them over to Glamour’s leaders, but then Malcolm turned up dead and the smartphone he had those files on went missing.”

  “He was poisoned by silver,” Adam says. “But we couldn’t prove Pierre did it.”

  “We went to the Glamour leaders, but we had no concrete proof. Until now.”

  Once more we return to the lair. The Glamour leaders storm the place and we move in to back them up. We find Pierre and Andre, along with those wolves loyal to Pierre, in the basement of the skyscraper. They’re gathered around a long, wide table filled with documents and maps. Most of them stand as we burst into the room.

  “Pierre Gévaudan, Andre Hallway.” Moira stares them down, and the Glamour leaders move in close so none can escape. “You, and those gathered here, have broken the laws of Glamour. You’ll be held in one of the lower levels until your trial.”

  Pierre struggles as the bald, blue monster binds him with an arc of electricity he produces from his palms. His eyes narrow in on Brigette. “I can’t believe you betrayed me.”

  “You betrayed all of us, Dad.” She sounds sad. “I was stupid to go along with you.”

  All the prisoners are led out and a large black van has pulled out up front. The Glamour leaders load the criminals inside.

  “What’ll happen to you?” I ask Brigette as we stand on the steps and watch the van doors slide closed.

  Sadness lingers on her face when she looks at me. “I don’t know. Just have to wait and see what the leaders decide.”

  Moira returns to our group and stands in front of us, staring us down like she’s an army admiral. “You three.” She points to me, Noah, and Rita. “Adam will take you back to the human world and he’s going to keep a close eye on you. One screw up, and I’ll have you back here so fast your heads will spin. Then I’ll either execute you or exile you to the lower levels. Got it?”

  I gape at Noah, but I nod my head, careful not to keep this vampire leader waiting.

  “Good. Keep your mouths shut and your monster side under control.” Her attention moves to Adam. “Have them back here once every three months. Just to check in.” She focuses on Brigette next. “Come with me.”

  Brigette gives us a concerned glance, but she follows the vampire without question. My heart lurches, and though I’m glad to be safe and headed home with my friends, I hope Brigette will be all right. I wonder if we’ll ever see her again.


  Chapter 13

  Two weeks later

  You were awesome tonight,” Noah says, as I peel off my pleather pants (fyi, those things stick like a bitch when you’re sweaty and fresh off the stage) and throw them over a chair in our bedroom.

  “Hey, so were you. I’m glad you’re sharing lead vocals with me.” I go to him and wrap my arms around his neck. “It’s great to have you back in the band. By the way, we should start auditioning some lead guitarists.”

  He kisses the tip of my nose before saying, “You don’t want to keep doing it?”

  I shrug. “It feels weird having three members. I’m superstitious about anything less than four in the band.”

  He laughs at this. “Okay, let’s talk to Regina and set something up soon. Now, I think we’ve earned some quality alone time.”

  This is Noah’s code word for sex.

  With his arms still around me, Noah walks us over to my dresser and slips open the top drawer. I keep my sex toy stash in the top two compartments.

  He pulls out a rabbit vibrator and twings the ears on the little plastic animal that strokes the clitoris. “I’ve missed using these on you.”

  I dig my hand into the pile and pull out a paddle with a velvety red surface. “I’ve missed it too.”

  His eyebrows shoot up in mock surprise, and he puts on a bad faux accent somewhere between English and Aussie. “Young lady, are you asking me to spank you?”

  I giggle. “It’s good to see you have your sense of humor back, too.” Then I hand him over the paddle.

  He runs his wide palm over the flat surface. “Okay, I’ll spank you, but on one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I get to handcuff you to the bedpost.” He points to one of the four white pillars that supports a canopy.

  I cross my arms over my breasts and give him a saucy look. “Deal.”

  His lips spread in a sexy grin. “Good. Take off your clothes.”

  We both get undressed fast. He tugs me into his arms and his hands cherish my body, cupping and squeezing my ass, caressing up my back, exploring my breasts with hungry hands. Then he turns me so I’m pressed against his chest and his hard cock brushes over my cheeks. After he places a kiss to my temple, he leads me to the bedpost, a pair of silvery handcuffs in his left hand.

  His palms skim up my arms, raising the small hairs there. It tickles, and goosebumps, along with a shiver, follow. His hands clasp my wrists and place them against the cool, smooth bedpost. He snicks one handcuff shut, loops it around the pillar, and then fastens the other to my wrist.

  “I’m going to tease you like crazy,” he says, before kissing me breathless.

  Next he sweeps the soft paddle over my shoulders, and when its touch leaves me, he peppers kisses over my sensitive skin. The velvet surface caresses along my spine and his lips follow after it, along with hot licks from his tongue. He traces circles over each butt cheek, arousing me further, until my pussy throbs. Then he rains little bites along the small of my back. I let out a little moan that makes him laugh.

  Strong hands urge my legs wider apart then massage me from knee to upper thigh. He also skims a trail over this tingling flesh with the paddle, then he torments my wet sex with it. He slides the edge between my labia, brushes it over the side of my pussy, then rubs it into my clit. More moans escape me and I arch my back to give him better access. The more he rubs, the more my hips sway in time with the pleasure he delivers.

  He swirls the paddle over my nipples in soft circles and sensation spikes through the taut tips, zipping straight to my pussy. Lips close around the hard buds and suckle until they throb and I let out a long groan. My sex is so wet and ready for him. I squirm and clank the handcuffs, wishing I could bury my hands in his long, dark hair.

  The plush surface strokes under my breasts then caresses my rib cage, moving lower while my horniness climbs higher. This feathery touch moves over my stomach and the muscle in my lower abdomen tighten from expectation. He tortures me still, skimming the paddle so close to my mound, then between the crease of my inner thigh.

  “Spank me or fuck me,” I beg. “I can’t take it anymore.”

  “I’m going to torture you.” His words are throaty and the laugh that follows is pure evil. “Isn’t that what I promised? Don’t come until I tell you to.”

  This command draws a moan of disappointment from me, but I also know the release will be that much sweeter because of the denial.

  The tip of his tongue flicks over my clitoris, igniting the fire there until it’s a blaze. I buck into his face, trying to take more of w
hat he has to give, but he digs his fingers into my hips and holds me still.

  “Fuck me with your fingers,” I plead.

  “Not yet. Be a good girl.” His words are followed by a sharp rap to my ass that only makes my desire hotter.

  His fingers explore my labia, tease my wet slit, while he continues to eat me out. I’m on the edge of climax when he stops, pulls away, and smirks up at me.

  “Not yet.” His smile taunts me, and I hate him and love him in that moment.

  He stands up and slides behind me, pressing his hard body and cock against my back and ass. “You want to come so bad, don’t you, sweetie?” His sensuous tone mocks my need. “It’s driving you crazy.”

  “Yes, oh yes.” I breathe, growing dazed and frustrated by my unsatisfied lust.

  His palm slips down one butt cheek then probes my sex. He steps away enough to place the paddle against my warm skin. As his fingers rub and pinch my clit, he draws the paddle back and gives my ass another stinging slap.

  I let out a cry and rock forward. My eyes flutter shut as heat floods my body. I want him inside me so bad, right now, but I know he won’t let me orgasm yet. Bastard.

  Those fingers curl and stroke my g-spot, sending pulses of bliss through me. When I rub my ass against his cock, I earn another strike from the paddle. I gasp as the stinging pain radiates through my ass and makes my pussy twinge.

  Once more he kneels before me and eats me out while he keeps the paddle pressed against my left hip. His free hand slides between my legs, and fingers slip into my soaking pussy, curling and exploring until I’m on the edge of coming again. But he denies me still, pulling out and taking his mouth away.

  “Not yet,” he growls, and another slap jiggles my rounded bottom.

  “You’re an asshole,” I say in a breathy voice.

  This earns me another slap.


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