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Bad Boys of BDSM Omnibus No. 1

Page 19

by Anita Lawless, Leigh Foxlee, C. J. Sneere

  Her tiny lips drew down in a pout. “But I thought we had fun that night.”

  He sighed, rubbed his tired eyes. “One date that lasted, what, forty-five minutes? We didn’t even fuck. Have I returned your texts? Nope. That’s a sure sign it’s time to move on.” He hated being an asshole, but right now that was exactly what he needed to be for her to get the message.

  She looked down at her feet, nodded. “I thought we could have some fun. I’ve heard the stories about you in Rexton, even here in Moncton. You were quite a guy before you got married.”

  Before Corey married Bekka, he was a player. There was no denying he had gotten around. Love and leave was his way back then, though there had been some brief relationships. He’d always been upfront with women about that, letting them know the affair wouldn’t last long. Bekka changed all of that. She got into his heart and made his playing ways seem old and tiresome. Ultimately, he had wanted love. He’d just needed to meet the right woman for it.

  “I’m not that guy anymore, sweetheart. Haven’t been in a long, long time.”

  Corey pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and took a picture of Bekka out. One from their first trip together. They’d stayed at cabin for the weekend, near the Bay of Fundy. He’d know then he loved her.

  “That’s my ex-wife.” He showed the photo to Gwen. “The only woman I’ve ever loved. We’re trying to work things out, and that’s all that matters to me. Got it?”

  “Sure.” Gwen’s amorous interest appeared to have cooled and she went all aloof.

  “Good. Now, how’d you get my number, and why’d you say my step-mom gave it to you?”

  Gwen glared. “What are you, the fuckin’ police?” She stared him down and he returned the gesture, until she broke eye contact and continued. “Since our date … I’ve kind of been keeping tabs on you. I knew you were trying to get back with your ex-wife.” She shrugged. “Guess I hoped she’d read my texts and get pissed.”

  “Do you even know my step-mom?”

  She gazed at her shoes again, picked some lint off her tank top, showing how nervous he made her. “I’ve been in her coffee shop a couple times. I asked Sarah if she was related to you, and she told me she was your step-mom, told me her name.”

  He didn’t blame Sarah for the information she’d given. She’d probably thought it was all innocent small talk and no big deal. Corey’s blood boiled. This woman was stalking him! Not to mention trying to sabotage the only relationship that meant anything to him. He clenched his hands into tight fists.

  “Well, you got what you wanted. She isn’t too happy about you. So you’re going to set the record straight.”

  She gave a confused frown.

  “I’m going to bring my wife here—”


  He glared. “Not for long. Anyway, I’m bringing her here so you can tell her the truth. Now, who did give you that number?”

  Gwen muttered something about a fucking interrogation then said, “The guy who works for you. I called, hoping to get a hold of you, but he answered. I pretended to be your insurance agent. Said I had something important to discuss with you. He gave me your number.”

  Corey shook his head. This woman was creeping him out. She’d gone to way too much effort. There were plenty more guys out there, so why him? Because of his prior reputation? That was the only thing he could figure.

  He got up from his chair. “I’ll be back, with Bekka, and I expect you to tell her everything you’ve told me.”

  She tossed her head, flashed him a defiant look. “What if I don’t? You can’t make me.”

  Rage rushed through his veins once more. He knelt down in front of her and gave her a steely glare. “I know everyone in tattooing and piercing from here to Ontario. You want an apprenticeship? Then you will tell Bekka the truth, because all I have to do is make some calls, and I’ll make sure you never work in this business.”

  She glared back. Her cheeks reddened with anger.

  “Do we have a deal?” His words were cold and clipped.

  “Deal,” she said, and she remained in her chair as Corey stalked out of the duplex.


  Bekka knew she had overreacted. She could’ve given Corey the chance to explain, should have, but her anger over the betrayal guided her thoughts and she panicked. Took off. But how fair was that? She’d been on a blind date since the breakup, so didn’t that make her a hypocrite. And he didn’t even know about it, so he wasn’t the only one keeping secrets. She hated herself in that moment.

  Thankfully her cousin Angie had been more than happy to let her stay with her for a week. Angie was easygoing and didn’t ask questions. This was one of the reasons Bekka loved her, and thought of her as a sister more so than a cousin.

  Why had she overreacted so badly? Yes, he had lied to her, but she knew it went deeper than that. Thoughts of Corey’s past, before he met her and before the accident, had reared their ugly head and taunted her. That was what sent her into this spiral. Deep down, she’d feared he’d slept with this woman and was hiding it, but Corey had always been faithful during their short marriage. She should have trusted him.

  Corey had gotten around at one time. He’d been known as that guy who had a new girl in his bed every week, if not every night. This had made Bekka hesitant to even start a relationship with him back then, and she’d kept her distance for a long time before she’d trusted him. They’d been friends for over a year before they started dating. She’d told him up front she knew he wasn’t a relationship guy, and if he just wanted a fuck buddy, that was fine. She just wanted the truth about his intentions.

  Much to her surprise, he had shocked her by saying he was ready for commitment. The accident made him reevaluate his life, and though he’d never been interested in being a one woman man before, he was now. Sure, he still wanted to experiment sexually and have erotic adventures with her. He said that was just his way, and he understood if she wasn’t into that, but he’d like to take the journey with her.

  She’d been hooked that night. They’d talked for hours often, and she lost her heart despite her reservations. So she gave a relationship with him a try, and six months later they were married in a small civil ceremony with just his mom, Sarah, Paul, and Jamie attending, and Bekka’s cousin Angie.

  Her smartphone let out a musical ring, bringing her out of her musings, and Bekka wiped the tears from her eyes. She’d been a fool taking off like this.

  A glance at the smartphone screen revealed a text from Corey waited. She heaved a sigh and promised herself she’d text him back later. Still, she read the message now, unable to wait.

  Corey: Where are you?

  Her fingers shook as she typed a response, deciding she didn’t want to wait.

  Bekka: I’m at Angie’s.

  Corey: We need to talk.

  Bekka: Later. K?

  She just needed a bit more time to get her head straight, clear her thoughts.

  There was no return message, so she put the smartphone down and stared out the window at the moon rising over the lake.

  An hour later, her cousin Angie came in the guest room. Her face was flushed and sweaty from working in the garden. Sweat stains showed through her baseball cap.

  “Hey, Bekka.” She huffed air in between her words. Obviously she’d ran in here to tell Bekka something. “Corey’s here, out on the front porch.”

  Her heart fluttered like a caged bird beating at her ribs. “Thanks, Ang. I’ll go talk to him.”

  Her cousin gave her a concerned look. “You going to be okay?”

  She nodded and got up from her chair, wrapping her cousin in a quick hug before she headed to the porch.

  “Don’t hug too long. I stink,” Angie said. “I need a shower.”

  Bekka chuckled then headed through the living room and out the front door. Corey was sitting on the porch swing, waiting for her. The moonlight cast shadows over his face, so she couldn’t clearly make out his expression. She swallowed a lump in
her throat and went to sit beside him.

  After a moment of silence, she spoke first, “I’m sorry. I overreacted and ran. I should’ve let you explain.”

  He wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder. “No, I should’ve told you the truth. It was stupid to lie.”

  “So did Sarah give her your number?” Bekka stared into his sparkling eyes as the moon rose higher in the sky. “I’m not mad if she did. It was a mistake.”

  Corey shook his head. “No, Jamie did, by accident. I guess Gwen kind of got hooked on me. Not sure how from one date.” He shrugged. “Anyway, she called pretending to be my insurance agent and Jamie gave her the number. I told him to check with me first from now on.”

  “Sounds like she was pretty obsessed with you.”

  Corey nodded. “I went to see her. Told her to back off, and she told me about the phone number. Told her I’d be back, with you.”

  Bekka frowned in confusion. “Why?”

  “Cause I want you to hear the truth from Gwen. I just want you to have proof.”

  That touched Bekka’s heart. She relaxed against his arm, letting his warmth seep into her, and rested a hand on his knee. He didn’t need to do that, but that he’d gone this extra mile to prove himself to her was a testament to how much he truly loved her. She felt like an even bigger ass for overreacting.

  “She could just tell me a load of bullshit,” Bekka said. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, she’ll tell you the truth.” Corey pulled her closer and pushed with his heel, making the swing sway back and forth at a soothing pace.

  Bekka raised an eyebrow and stared at him. “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because Gwen wants to do body piercing, and she wants to get an apprenticeship in Moncton. I told her if she lied to you, I’d make sure she never works in this city.”

  Bekka couldn’t help but smile as she nestled deeper against him. But guilt seeped into her thoughts, too. “I need to tell you something.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “What’s that?”

  “When we were apart, I went out on a blind date with this guy.” She sighed. “Nothing happened. He was dull as dirt. But I feel like a real ass for judging you when I had my own secret. Sorry.”

  “Shit, that’s no big deal, hon.” His chin rested on the top of her head.

  “So all’s forgiven?” She pressed her nose into the open V of his shirt and inhaled his scent. His fine chest hair tickled her nostrils.

  “You bet.” He hugged her tighter.


  Corey brought Bekka home that night and they stayed at his place. They spent most of her week off making love in every room of his apartment, plus the tattoo shop after it was closed. Corey took her to see Gwen and the truth was confirmed, even if Bekka didn’t need confirmation. Gwen hadn’t called since his first visit, and Corey was certain she’d backed off for good now.

  Bekka only had two days left in her vacation, and Corey had plans to make tomorrow night unforgettable for her. He’d been working on setting this up, with Jamie’s help, since long before they got back from Angie’s place.

  “What will Bekka say when she finds out you’ve hooked up with a dominatrix?” he teased Jamie.

  Jamie blushed to the tip of his ears. “She’ll probably want to take her out for coffee. Get a few ideas for torturing you.”

  Corey laughed and slapped his apprentice on the back. “Knowing Bekka, you got that right.”

  Jamie had been seeing Mistress Veronique for over a month now. She worked at an exclusive Moncton BDSM club called Entwined. Originally, she’d worked in a renowned club in Montreal, her home city, but she’d travelled the world, applying bondage and all forms of titillating torment to submissives ranging from rock stars to other influential people. Jamie had given Veronique a tattoo and she’d become instantly smitten with the shy, former farm boy from Rexton. She’d invited him into Entwined, he’d passed their rigorous entry requirements that included tests for sexual and mental health, and the two had been practically inseparable since.

  “I appreciate you getting me into this place,” Corey said. “Especially without Bekka knowing.”

  “Hey, no problem, man.” Jamie beamed. “But if you want to become full members, Bekka will have to take all the tests, just like you did.”

  Corey had undergone the same requirements to gain entry into Entwined. It had been hard keeping it all from Bekka, but he really wanted their first visit to be a surprise for her. Afterwards, he’d discuss if she wanted to join the club and Bekka would need to fulfill the necessary prerequisites too. They had always talked about taking their sexual experiments further, so he had a feeling she would be interested in more than one night.

  For their first visit, he planned on making one of Bekka’s biggest fantasies come true. He and another dom he’d already selected would pleasure Bekka for hours. A mixture of pain and bliss that would take her to the limit of ecstasy. He and Bekka had talked about threesomes, and he’d always said if he had her and another woman, she deserved him with another man. Tomorrow night, he would give her just that.

  “So the room is booked for 8 PM,” Jamie told him, bringing him out of his thoughts. “You’ve got it and Master Lowe for two hours.”

  “Thanks again, bro,” Corey said. “And tell Veronique I owe her. Free tattoos for life.”


  Chapter 12

  Corey was as nervous as a teen going on his first date the next day. He’d dropped some subtle hints, but he wasn’t sure if Bekka was picking up on his vibe or not. Before they headed to the club, he planned on making her a sumptuous meal, and he’d prepare her for what was to follow as best he could without giving the surprise away. So he closed up the shop early and headed upstairs to prepare dinner and wait for her arrival.

  When they were almost done their shrimp curry, he took a sip of wine then said, “Remember how we talked about visiting a BDSM club?” Shit, he wasn’t being as subtle as he wanted to be.

  Her eyes widened and she almost choked on the mouthful of shrimp and rice she chewed. “Yeah, but there aren’t any BDSM clubs in Moncton.”

  Corey smirked. “Want to make a bet?” He folded his hands together and rested his chin on them as he stared at her. “I have a couple surprises for you tonight.”

  She swallowed hard and put her fork down. “Apparently.”

  “The first one is waiting in the bedroom.” Corey got up and held out his hand to take hers. “Let me show you.”

  He led her into the room and her eyes fell on the lingerie spread out for her. A crimson sweetheart corset rested beside ruffled, silky black underwear and thigh high stockings with scalloped, lacy tops. There was a pair of sparkly black stilettos with red soles, and silver studs lined the edges and backs.

  “You want me to wear this in public?” She feigned shock.

  He grinned. “You’ll have your coat on, until we get to the club.” Corey indicated he’d brought over her leather trench coat that fell to her thighs. It hung on a hanger beside the dresser. “I’m going to go change,” he said over his shoulder as he left the room. “Be ready in ten, or I’ll have to dress you myself.”

  The threat sent a shiver up her spine. Bekka figured he would change in the bathroom, and she wondered what his attire for the night would consist of. She wasted no time shedding her clothes and slipping into the corset, which she had to ask for help with. She knocked on the bathroom door, hoping to get a peek at his outfit, but no luck. He made her promise not to look after he told her to turn around so he could help do her up. Then she scampered back to the bedroom to slid into the silky panties, which felt like heaven against her skin, and pull on the sheer stockings. The final touch consisted of slipping her feet into those sexy shoes.

  Fifteen minutes later, he held her hand and helped her down the stairs to his car. They drove to an upscale area of the city, past shops and restaurants that would cost Bekka a day’s profit to buy anything in. Then they pulled into an underground
parking lot next to an old industrial building that had obviously been converted into some sort of club. Any passerby would’ve assumed it was just another night club, but a shiver of anticipation went up Bekka’s spine, knowing the pleasure waiting within.

  Corey paid for parking and they headed inside. As they entered, industrial techno boomed out of the speakers and made her skin thrum. Blue lights flashed and dancers gyrated atop scarlet, circular platforms.

  On a long, black oval stage, a BDSM scene played out. Bekka watched as two men tied a woman to a twisted iron rack with rich, red padding covering its frame. Then they teased her exposed nipples with the tips of shiny black crops. The men were well muscled, looking like Greek gods, and their tight leather pants molded to their sculpted thighs.

  Corey guided her to the bar, where he talked to a big, muscular black man. The man spoke to another bartender who took over for him, and he led Corey and Bekka through double doors covered in red button vinyl. They entered a long hall that forked left and right toward two staircases, also painted red and black. At the end of the hall, just before the staircases, the man opened a door and gestured for the two of them to enter.

  “I’ll tell Master Lowe you’re here,” he said to Corey before he left them.

  Corey slipped off Bekka’s coat and she stared in awe at the room. The walls were lined with devices that would bring pleasure through pain and torment: whips, canes, crops, paddles, and more. There were glass cases filled with a variety of sex toys and other equipment, as well as steel trays set on wheeled frames that were filled with more devices and a diverse selection of lotions. She shuddered from anticipation as she took it all in.

  “Stand here, sub,” Corey told her, slipping into master mode. He removed his coat too, and she saw he was wearing nothing but tight leather pants, like the doms they’d seen when walking in. Leather boots finished off his attire. His muscular frame rippled as he moved toward her.

  She looked at the space he indicated, where glimmering chains dangled down from the ceiling, each ending in a leather manacle. An iron framework snaked out of the plaster above her. It curled in an intricate pattern, and the chains were woven to these metal limbs. The sturdy apparatus would allow a submissive to hang suspended in the air, swaying while their master applied sweet torture. Once more, a thrill shot through Bekka as she visualized the possible night before her.


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