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Blake, Abby - Suddenly Bear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Abby Blake

  She glanced at the clock, then at the watch on her wrist, and then at the man sitting beside her.

  “They’ll be hours yet,” Declan assured her. “And I have a great idea for how to pass the time.” He gave her a lascivious smile that had her toes curling inside her boots.

  “And what would that be?” she asked with a breathless little sigh. She’d talked to this man so often over the webcam that it seemed almost ridiculous that they hadn’t actually touched each other yet—well, not intimately at least.

  “I think,” Declan said as he turned to her and started to undo the buttons of her shirt, “that it might just be easier to show you.”

  “Is that so?” She smirked at him, and he leaned in to press his lips against her smile. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and she lasted all of half a second before opening her mouth and letting him inside. He caressed her tongue with his own, the sensual dance distracting her from the fact that the man was busily getting her naked. Not that she minded. Naked was exactly what she wanted.

  Declan’s kiss was like a drug, going on and on and leaving her breathless with desire. She could feel her pussy contracting, her body demanding his attention. Her breasts tingled, her nipples pulling tighter as the cooler air touched them.

  “Okay, what did you have in mind?” she asked a moment before the front door opened. Declan groaned as his brothers came back into the apartment, both wearing huge grins.

  “That was fun,” Jayden said as he lifted Violet to her feet and practically danced her around the room. “By the time we left the hospital Bruce was confessing all. He was babbling about big nasty bears, ghosts, and gambling debts.” Jayden became more serious as he pressed a kiss to her open mouth. “His boss overheard the gambling debts part, and must know the guy pretty well because he immediately connected Bruce with the stolen prescription pads and got a full confession. Even if Bruce manages to convince himself he isn’t insane, the stolen drugs will make sure he’s struck off the medical register, and he’ll probably do some time in jail.”

  And that, Violet knew, would be more painful for her ex-fiancé than any other punishment. He’d always planned to grow rich from his work as a doctor. Losing his ability to make heaps of money was almost as good as locking him away for attempted murder.

  “So now what?” she asked as she hugged Jayden and watched the faces of the other two men.

  “Now, baby girl, we take you home.”

  Chapter Seven

  It was cold. Not the biting, bracing, chilly, in-your-face cold of home. More like freeze-the-tongue-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth cold. But Violet barely noticed. Surrounded by two of her bears—her bears? Would she ever get used to that?—was like being surrounded by sunshine. The warmth the men generated was astounding. No wonder they enjoyed living in a cold climate. Somehow, she couldn’t quite envision a tropical beach holiday with these two.

  “Can we call Jayden?” she asked, not even trying to hide her anxiety. It didn’t matter that he was a bear-shifter or that Bruce was safely locked in a psych ward, pending trial for various misdeeds. She didn’t like the idea of him being back home all alone. If Declan hadn’t been there to get the bullet out, Jayden would likely have died.

  “Of course, kitten,” Declan said as he pulled her into his arms. Brandon stepped into the hotel foyer ahead of them, so she didn’t see the opulence of the place until they were in the lobby.

  It was gorgeous, the type of holiday destination most people only ever saw on television shows that advertised ski lodges the average waitress would never be able to afford. Hell. Violet was certain even on a wage ten times her current income she wouldn’t have been able to afford this place.

  She glanced around the area taking in the designer-dressed patrons, the professional-looking staff, the obviously expensive and well-maintained surroundings, and wanted to crawl into a hole. She’d dressed for comfort on the plane, and while her clothes might be practical and in good repair, they certainly weren’t anything special. It would be obvious to anyone who glanced in her direction that she didn’t belong here.

  Why the hell had the Delko brothers even given her a second glance?

  “Stop it, kitten.”

  Startled, she glared at Declan. They’d said they couldn’t read minds. Had they been lying?

  He laughed and pulled her closer. “We want you here, Violet. Don’t let designer clothes intimidate you.” Considering that the brothers were both dressed the same way she was—and they obviously had more than enough money—she tried to relax.

  “So what happens now?”

  Declan pulled her into his arms, pressed his lips against hers, and then whispered, “Guess.”

  Judging by the hard cock pressed against her stomach, it wasn’t going to be much of a guess. When Brandon pressed up against her from behind and she felt his hard rod poking her back, all thoughts of guessing flew out of her mind.

  She’d been walking a tightrope of desire since they’d been interrupted yesterday afternoon, and she was more than ready to spend quality time with her men. But a soft voice halted her lascivious thoughts.

  “Declan, Brandon, at least let the woman get in the door.”

  Recognizing Eileen Delko from their few brief talks over the webcam, Violet tried to extricate herself from between the two men as embarrassment overrode every other thought. But they wouldn’t let her go, and rather than causing a scene, Violet stopped struggling.

  Declan laughed, obviously aware of what she was thinking. But he finally stepped away and let her turn to face his mother. The woman was beautiful but, like her sons, was dressed in casual clothes that belied her wealth. As strange as it probably was, that fact more than any helped Violet to relax. As a family they were financially very comfortable, but they apparently had no need to succumb to an ostentatious display of extreme wealth.

  “Welcome to the family,” Eileen said with a bright smile, and a friendly hug. Violet hugged the woman back, very relieved to receive such a genuine greeting. Eileen looked quite happy when she turned her attention to her sons. “Everything’s under control, so your father and I are heading home. I trust we won’t be getting any more frantic calls to fill in while you’re away.”

  “No, Mom,” Brandon said, pulling Violet back into his embrace. “Everything we need is right here.”

  The woman gave her sons an affectionate smile, patted Declan’s arm, and left the foyer.

  “They don’t live here?” Violet asked, feeling a little confused.

  “Nope, they retired a few years ago.”

  “Oh, well that’s nice,” she said in a distracted voice. She knew it wasn’t exactly intelligent conversation, but she was still processing the fact that their parents didn’t actually live at the resort. Somehow that had never come up in conversation, and she’d made assumptions that were obviously incorrect. She sighed quietly, very relieved to realize that she would have a chance to get to know her men without having to worry about running into their parents on a daily basis.

  Declan quirked an eyebrow and gave her a knowing look. “You thought we lived with our parents?”

  “Well, I…um…yeah, I suppose I did.”

  “And you still came here? Thinking that?” Brandon asked as he shook with laughter. “I think it’s time we got a few things straight.” In a deft move that had her suddenly hanging upside down, Brandon carried her over his shoulder like a sack of grain.

  Mortified at what the people in the foyer would think, Violet decided to go quietly. Surely a request to be put down would result in refusal. But she couldn’t hold on to the annoyance very long because just having Brandon’s warm hand caressing her thighs and ass as he carried her was enough to short-circuit every sensible thought in her brain.

  When they stepped into an elevator, she had a moment to catch a glimpse of herself upside down in the mirror before the world righted itself. As she tried to stand, her legs felt a little wobbly, but with a man pressed front and back she had little chance of falling o

  “We’re going to make love to you together,” Brandon said as he caressed her face with his warm fingers. “I’m going to fill your gorgeous pussy at the same time Declan takes your ass.” Desire, hot and urgent, melted through her, but fear niggled at the edges. She’d never had a man in her ass before, and as naughty as the idea seemed, two men at once sounded painful. “It’s okay, baby girl,” Brandon said as she shivered in his arms. “We’ll take good care of you.”

  He nibbled on her neck as Declan leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, raiding, exploring, claiming her in a devastating kiss that had her knees shaking and her pussy creaming. Both men took deep breaths and groaned, but the elevator stopped, and she found herself upside down once more.

  “I can walk,” she groused, but changed her attitude a moment later when she realized that the elevator had opened directly into an apartment and they were no longer in public. She skimmed her hands over Brandon’s ass as he walked, a smirk covering her face as his step faltered slightly.

  “Enough,” he mock growled as a hand landed hard against her jean-clad ass. She gasped, giggled, and did it again. The second smack was even harder, but somehow all it did was make her hotter. “Stop it, baby girl.”

  “Bite me,” she said in a sassy voice, and, holy fucking crap, he did. The feel of Brandon’s teeth biting her on the ass was one of the weirdest and hottest things she’d ever experienced. She yelped at the strange sensation but couldn’t hold back the moan a moment later when heat burst through her lower body and her clit swelled and throbbed.

  Finally he put her back on her feet, and she once again found herself pressed between two massive, hard-muscled, incredibly hot men. Declan grinned, his confident demeanor suggesting he knew exactly how they were affecting her. Brandon lifted her shirt, sweater, and jacket straight over her head in one quick movement. He flicked her bra open, dragging it down her arms before pressing tender kisses to the red lines the restrictive garment had left on her skin.

  “No more bras,” he growled in between kisses.


  “No buts, baby girl,” he said as he palmed her breasts and rubbed his thumbs over the nipples. They peaked, pulling tight and begging for his attention, completely derailing any argument she might have made. Declan had her jeans undone and her panties around her ankles before she could think clearly enough to try and drag her shoes off. She attempted to kick the garments away, but Brandon used his big hands to press her thighs together and still her movement. She glanced over her shoulder to give him a bewildered look, but he just kissed her hard. It felt very weird to be almost naked, but to have her feet so tangled that she couldn’t move her legs. She broke the kiss, panting hard, unable to comprehend the incredible arousal these two men were inspiring.

  She reached up, determined to at least get Declan’s shirt off, but Brandon caught her hands, pinned them to her lower back, pushing her breasts up, the nipples now red and swollen and begging for Declan’s attention. Violet gasped, barely able to breathe as he lowered his head and took one aching bud in his mouth. His deep brown hair fell forward, tickling her skin as he tortured her with teeth and tongue.

  Violet was almost out of her mind with need, her pussy throbbing in time with her pulse. She could feel her juices beginning to flow, and she squirmed away, needing space, needing respite, but somehow needing more of them.

  Declan trailed his tongue lower, the warm, wet glide leaving her shivering in its wake. With her legs tangled and Brandon still holding her thighs closed, the touch of Declan’s tongue against her clit was completely unexpected. She shook all over as he forced his tongue between her swollen labia and stroked the swollen bundle of nerves. He pushed a hand between her tightly closed knees, his rough, calloused fingers traveling up the inside of her thighs until they pressed into her pussy.

  She fell back slightly, off-balance, and hopelessly aroused by the unusual touch. Brandon tilted her farther back, his hands on her ass lifting her to his brother’s mouth as the man suckled her clit and drove his fingers deeper into her dripping pussy.

  Violet was squirming in their arms, overwhelmed by the sensations bombarding her. Never in a million years would she have considered something like this so damned erotic, but every touch, every shiver, every groan took her need even higher.

  “Come for us,” Brandon said as he balanced her one-handed and lifted the other to squeeze her nipple, hard, really, really hard. A scream escaped her as heat exploded in her midsection and her body shook uncontrollably. Warmth was flooding through her, the melting, undulating, rolling feeling suffusing her mind even as her body continued to shake in ecstasy.

  She sighed, the sound long and drawn-out and oh, so satisfied. Finally, completely spent, she sagged in their embrace, no longer aware of anything other than the two men who’d just turned her world upside down.

  Declan wrapped an arm around her waist and moved backward until he sat on the sofa. He held her close as Brandon untangled the clothing and shoes from around her feet. When she was completely naked, Declan lifted her easily onto his lap, her back against his chest, and spread his legs wide, forcing hers open, exposing her pussy lips.

  “She tastes delicious,” Declan said, toying with her nipples as he held her open for his brother’s enjoyment. Brandon knelt at her feet, his warm hands running up her thighs, pushing her open even wider, his mouth finding her nipple as his fingers found her dripping pussy. He toyed with her labia, caressing the swollen flesh, but not pressing inside, not giving her what she suddenly needed. She whined a high-pitched, squeaking sound as her renewed arousal took her completely by surprise.

  Brandon released her nipple and kissed his way down her belly. She writhed with need as he pressed three thick fingers against her opening, caressing the flesh, pushing a little deeper as she whimpered her arousal.

  He thrust them into her, the sudden movement unexpected, the deep ache it created unexplainable. He finger-fucked her, stretching her, watching her face. Declan still held her close, his arms pinning hers by her side, as her body ached for their possession and her climax spiraled closer once more.

  What was it about the Delko brothers? Every one of them somehow knew exactly where to caress her, how to please her, how to bring her to the verge of orgasm with barely a touch. She cried out when Brandon pulled his fingers away, her pussy pulsing in protest. He lifted the digits, shiny with her juices, to his mouth and licked them clean.

  “Baby girl, you really do taste delicious.” She moaned as he thrust his fingers back into her pussy this time, the gentle, almost lazy thrusting so different to Declan’s earlier fucking that she pushed her hips toward Brandon, her body jerking as she tried to get closer, tried to speed the pace, tried to demand he fuck her now.

  But Brandon had other ideas.

  He pulled her forward, dragging her closer to his mouth, her ass supported only by her knees wrapped over Declan’s thighs. Brandon’s hands caressed her butt cheeks, and his mouth pressed soft kisses to her belly as he drew closer to her pussy. He lifted her to him, the first touch of his tongue incredible, the soft graze of his teeth shocking. She shook hard as he traced her labia with his tongue, licking and suckling the flesh until she was struggling to free her hands from Declan’s hold.

  Both men suddenly stopped.

  Brandon leaned back, looking into her eyes, his concern written all over his handsome features. “Violet, do you want us to stop?”

  “Fuck, no!” she exclaimed before she realized what had happened. “Sorry, no. Please don’t stop. God, I want you both so much.” She realized that Declan had released her hands, and she reached out to touch Brandon’s face. “That was me demanding more, not asking you to stop.”

  A broad grin spread across his face. “Well in that case…” He ducked low, grabbed her from Declan’s embrace, and draped her over his shoulder again. He marched toward the bedroom, but landed a hard slap on her bottom before putting her down.

p; She rubbed the offended flesh, silently noting the slight sting left her more aroused, not less. “What was that for?”

  “For scaring the hell out of us.”

  “I didn’t mean to,” she said with a frown.

  “We suspect that it could be overwhelming sometimes to have three partners. We just want you to promise that you’ll speak up if there’s ever a problem.” She nodded, noticing for the first time that the color had drained from Declan’s face. She stepped into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his solid frame.

  “I promise,” she said solemnly. “Any time I feel scared or overwhelmed I will say something out loud.”

  “Thank you, kitten,” Declan said as he pulled her closer.


  “Yes, kitten.”

  “Can you fuck me now?”

  The look on his face was priceless. She heard Brandon laugh at his brother’s reaction, but her soft giggle turned into a shriek when Declan lifted her and tossed her safely onto the bed.

  “I’m not sure,” Brandon said with a smart-ass grin, “but I think that was a yes.”

  Violet giggled again, amazed to realize she was actually having fun. It seemed kind of strange, but she’d never expected fun and silliness to come from the man in front of her. Declan had been so serious over the webcam.

  Completely naked, she lay in the middle of the bed, breathing hard as she watched the two men undress.

  “Play with yourself,” Declan said as he tore off his shirt. “Show us what you like.”

  Violet shook her head, feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment. She’d masturbated herself to orgasm before, but never in front of someone.

  “Do it,” Brandon said with a broad grin, “or I’ll flip you over and turn that beautiful bottom a lovely shade of pink.” She giggled again. Surely he was joking, but her clit throbbed at just the idea of his large hand spanking her ass. “Baby girl…” he warned as he stepped closer to the bed, his clothes finally gone, his cock so hard and thick she could barely wait to take him inside her.


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