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by Lane, Arie


  It pays every now and again to be friendly with people. Tony, for example, is an awesome friend, but he is also a wealth of information. Case and point, Jacob...yeah, I knew something was off there. Tony slipped me his name this morning over a cup of coffee. I guess he wasn’t getting all goody, goody vibes from him either.

  Of course, what’s a girl to do? Well, if she’s fucking smart, she turns on her laptop and background checks the shit out of that fucker, which is exactly what I do. I’d love to say I’m surprised, but I’m not really. No way in hell could two people have that same out of this world eye color without sharing blood somewhere down the line. It turns out Jacob is Tristan’s cousin and Tristan’s mom’s brother is Jacob’s father. I’d never heard of him before, but that’s probably because Tristan said he didn’t have any family left on his mother’s side.

  I know I should be pissed that he’s still checking up on me, even after he’s moved on. I mean what the fuck? Why is this asshole here? Does Tristan need some kind of reassurance that I’m alive and well? I don’t fucking get it, and how the hell did this jerk-off find me? I’ve been so goddamn careful not to leave any kind of footprint. Everything is strictly cash. The property was bought through an account that was set up by proxy and not through my name. Who the fuck are these people, and why can’t they just take a hint? Doesn’t he understand he’s safer away from me?

  I’m pacing the floor in my kitchen, stewing over this new discovery. Jacob better hope he stays the fuck away from me because I’m done being cordial. Sneaky bastard. All of those fucking questions, he just wanted to know if I had replaced Tristan. As if that would ever be possible. Nope, no more of that shit. I won’t let on that I know who the fuck he is, but I’m done with trying politely to get him to go the fuck away. He wants to stick around me, then he’s going to be privy to the whole Bentley fucking experience.

  Sitting back down at my laptop, I have the most brilliant death scene play out for my next book, death by fire ants and chocolate sauce. Although this time it isn’t Cora’s attacker I want to punish through my words. It’s the lying, conniving, dick muncher who thinks he can invade my happy little sanctuary. He wants to know what paradise is like, well shit, I’ll show him what makes a girl like me happy.

  Stepping into Coffeeholics, I quickly place an order for two hot chocolates, one plain and one with peppermint. Slipping the little bottle out of my purse I dab a toothpick into the bottle then swirl it into the plain cup. I do this five times before placing the bottle back into my purse.

  Cora was a hot sauce freak, the hotter, the better. By the time she was done dowsing her food with the stuff, her mouth was burning so bad that whatever she was eating no longer had any flavor. This little bottle was her favorite. It comes with a warning label and a suggested use of nothing more than the tip of the toothpick. Oops, pretty sure that recommendation is shot to shit.

  Opening up my laptop, I sit and wait while sipping my own hot chocolate. The other cup is sitting across from me, so he’ll either suspect it’s someone else’s or he’ll be a cocky fucker and assume it’s for him and take it. I’m counting on the latter. Payback is a bitch and this good ol’ boy is about to learn so am I.

  I’m immersed in my writing, and fail to notice him enter the shop. In fact, I don’t even see him sit across from me. I’m in complete concentration until I hear him choking on the drink across from me. Looking up, I give him a sly smile. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it isn’t polite to take things that aren’t yours?”

  I bite my cheek to stop myself from laughing as I watch him haul ass to the counter, choking as he asks for water. I try hiding my amusement of his suffering, knowing water is only going to make the burn even worse. The idiot needs to drink milk, but I’m not about to be the one to tell him that. The poor girl at the counter is looking like she’s going to pass out as she hands him the cup. I look out the window to hide my giggling as he downs the glass of water and starts hacking and coughing.

  I guess I should put the moron out of his misery before he ends up hospitalizing himself. Walking to the counter I ask the girl for a glass of milk. After another minute of running around, she hands me the cup and I hand it to Jacob. I pay the girl and return to my seat as he drinks the cup, pretending like nothing happened at all. It’s another couple minutes before he returns to the seat across from me.

  Still coughing, he lowers his eyes at me. “What in sam hell did you put in that cup?”

  “Well, if you kept your hands off of shit that isn’t yours, it wouldn’t matter. What’s the matter, Jacob? Not man enough to handle a little heat?” I retort before looking back at my laptop.

  “If you’re going to try and kill me, can you do it with something other than food? I happen to really enjoy eating so having it ruined really sucks ass.”

  I laugh at his ridiculous statement. “I’m not trying to kill you Jacob, I’m simply trying to get you to leave me the fuck alone. So why don’t you just tell me what it’s going to take to get you back in that truck of yours and the hell out of my town?”

  “Sorry pretty lady, no can do!” he says with a sickeningly sweet smile. “I’m under strict orders to keep an eye on this here little town of yours.”

  Leaning across the table, I lower my voice so he has to really listen to my words. “Tell General Tristan I said to back the hell off. When I told him to move the fuck on, I meant it. Can’t you just say something useful? Lie to him and tell him I met some Italian playboy who is planning to whisk me the fuck away to my happily ever after. I mean seriously, can’t you do something fucking constructive before he gets himself hurt? I don’t need a goddamn baby sitter. What I need is for you, and him, and I’m sure Cage, to stay the hell out of this. Walk the fuck away Jacob. I don’t want him in my life and you giving him little progress reports isn’t exactly productive for my cause.”

  He crosses his arms and glares at me as I lean back in my chair. “You keep saying you don’t want him in your life, but I’m not buying that bullshit, Sweetheart. You wouldn’t be checking up on him, and getting all heartbroken and bent out of shape over some girl in a picture with him, if you really meant it. So how 'bout you stop being such an ungrateful little thing? He’s trying to protect you. Don’t you get that, don’t you see that you’re the one thing he has good in his life and he wants to keep you safe? He’s not moving on, Sugar, so you need to let that ship sail.”

  I mimic his posture before responding, “Don’t you get it? I don’t want him involved. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to him because of me. It would fucking kill me if that bitch harmed him because we’re together. So again I’ll ask, please try to convince him to just let me go.”

  I close my laptop and get up from the table. As I walk out the door, I consider his words and remind myself that I’m making the best decision for both of us. I shake off the notion that being away from me is worse than him being in danger of Darla. Nothing could be worse than what that woman is capable of. I once saw her throw a bucket of tree sap onto one of Cora’s boyfriends then knock a hornet’s nest onto the poor guy’s head. He was hospitalized for a month and that was relatively tame for her. I shudder at the thought of what she would do to Tristan, considering she actually liked that kid. He just happened to bring Cora home late the night before and she was tired and washed out for her photo shoot the next morning.

  Chapter 6


  Aggie thinks I need a break from everything. She wants me to go meet my mother’s family. I’m not sure I’m ready though. I get her concern, but I need to concentrate on Darla. The timing really sucks, and Cage and I are ready to get this over with. It isn’t like I’ve been a complete stranger, I’ve been texting with Jacob’s sister, Andy, and I talk to them on the phone a few times. Shortly after coming to help, Jacob asked me if I would spend a few days and meet them. I said I would once all of this was taken care of. Aggie insists I go now though, so I promise her two days. I’ll meet Jacob
’s parents, my aunt and uncle, then I’m coming back to track this bitch down.

  I pack lightly since I don’t want to haul a bunch of shit through the airport. Security is a breeze and it seems like a slow travel day with very few people in each of the terminals. I opted for the smaller airport since it has a direct flight and I’m not in the mood for layovers.

  Landing at the airport, I depart the plane and find huge snow banks where it has recently been cleared from the runways. It’s still falling and it’s fucking freezing. I’m ready to turn the hell around and head back to the heat and sunshine I’ve become accustomed to. I made a promise to Aggie though, so instead I plaster on my grin and bear it as I walk to where my luggage is located.

  Grabbing my bags from the conveyer belt, I turn to see a woman and a teenage girl holding a homemade sign with my name on it. I walk over to them and am instantly greeted with a hug.

  “My goodness, you look so much like my Jacob it’s insane. He said I wouldn’t be able to mistake you, and he damn sure was right. This is your cousin Andy,” she says while looking over at the girl.

  “Hi,” Andy says, wrapping me in a hug. “It’s about damn time I finally get to meet you. Jacob wasn’t sure you would come…since well you know.”

  I squeeze her tightly. She’s tall for only thirteen. “It’s nice to finally meet you too kiddo, instead of just texting. And yeah, you can thank Aggie for this little visit,” I say while steering them both towards the door. There was some concern about Jacob coming to help me when he did. I guess he has some issues of his own to deal with. But once he filled them in on what was happening with my life, they insisted he help…that his problem could wait. For his sake, I really hope that’s true.

  The drive back to their house is exhausting as Andy asks me tons of questions, going a mile a minute. Half the time she doesn’t stop long enough for me to answer. When we get to the house, I meet a man that could be Jacob’s twin, except for the graying in his hair. I never met my mom, and my dad didn’t keep any pictures of her in the house. He told me it was too painful to see her every day and not be able to hear or feel her. I’m sure his many conquests insisted on not having to see her either.

  What that really translates to is I have nothing to remember my mother by. I don’t even know what she looked like. I know when she died; my father broke all connections with her family. He created this lie for himself that she never existed and neither did anyone she was related to, except for me. Of course, when I turned thirteen, he decided I no longer existed either.

  My uncle greets me with a handshake and a hug. As we walk inside, I am surrounded by a wall of pictures, most are of a woman with one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen. Her presence lights up the photographs.

  “That’s your mom. She was a beautiful girl. I was always chasing away some jerk-off intent on breaking her heart and getting into her pants,” he said while laughing. “She fell hard for your father though. It’s a shame really. Instead of honoring the life she chose to live with him, he tossed her memory away like those years meant nothing.”

  I look away from the pictures to face him, “She’s not the only thing he tossed away. I guess her dying made it easier for him to forget the gifts she gave him in this lifetime. No matter, it’s better that she wasn’t around to see it. Who knows what would have happened had he grown bored with us and taken a woman to his bed with her still around.”

  “Do you really believe he would have done that?” he asks.

  “Yeah, actually I do. He only ever mentioned her once or twice in the thirteen years he stuck around. Not that he was actually there often. I know he claimed she was the love of his life, but I don’t think if you love someone that much that you’d destroy every reminder you have of them. Maybe that’s just me though. I can’t imagine throwing her memory away, not having her to look at every day, to remember what I had.”

  “Something tells me you’re not just referring to your mother,” he goads.

  “Never am... I just can’t imagine it. Loving her that way then tossing her memory aside like she was nothing. So no, I don’t think my father loved my mother nearly as much as he swears he did.”

  Over the next two days, I get to see what it’s really like when a family loves each other. I learn that the age gap between Andy and Jacob means absolutely nothing, even though people often mistake him for her father instead of her brother. I learn so much about my mother, and the love she had for me that I never knew. How she used to sing to me because the doctor told her I’d recognize her voice. Her excitement the first time she felt me kick. How overwhelmed with happiness she was when she called her brother before leaving for the hospital to tell him she was going to meet her baby boy. I learn what unconditional feels like, and I embrace the knowledge that my mother felt it for me. But I learned something even greater on this trip. I always thought I loved Bentley, but now I knew. She is my unconditional. She is the one person I love to the point where I would die to see her live.

  That revelation made leaving these people who I have come to care about less difficult. Even if it was just a 'see you later' rather than a good bye, it was hard to walk away. Now, I know where I need to be. I finally understand why the pull is so strong. I used to think it was an obsession, that I just couldn’t kick her, like she’s an addiction. I thought maybe if I was the one to walk away like my father had then maybe it would be easier not having her in my life. Now I know better; I would never be able to walk away.

  After arriving home, I pack lightly and finalize the plans with Cage. Aggie is waiting at the car with one of her famous care packages filled with homemade sweets of the cookie and brownie variety. I give her a tight hug and a reassuring kiss before getting in the car and buckling up. I know she’s worried about what will become of us on that mountain. Whether we will come back as changed men, or if we will return at all. I assure her the only one not coming off of that mountain is Darla. Five minutes later, Cage and I are on the road heading to some bum fucked hell-hole in the middle of who the fuck knows where to hunt down the bitch trying to destroy my future.


  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stay in contact with anyone from the life I walked away from, but Sarah is different. She’s a good friend and knows my mother’s history. I’ve never discussed my personal relationships with her though. She’s really weary of models, yet she is the only person I trust enough to capture the essence of my books with the perfect cover image. It took a lot of convincing to get her to pick up her camera again since it’s the instrument of most of her anguish. However, I didn’t push it. Eventually she let me in and we bonded over our pasts. Though hers is much different than mine, we both faced many horrors.

  She is one of the few people I am comfortable with even though I rarely get to spend time with her. So when she said she is in town for a few hours and wants to cut loose, I jump at the chance of a much needed girls’ night out. Sarah and I are at a club, standing around listening to music, when I catch a blast from my past I never expected to see again. I am holding onto my small purse for dear life, knowing it holds the only form of redemption I need. I don’t stop to explain where I’m heading; I just take off in his direction.

  I enter the darkened hallway, and pause as he stands a few feet in front of me.

  “I don’t know how you found me, but you shouldn’t have come here.” I don’t even try to mask the hatred in my voice, as I speak to the man who stole my sister away from me seven years ago.

  “I didn’t have much of a choice,” he said, while stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  “You're either the dumbest fucking man alive, or you have a death wish so which is it?”

  “Just let me explain, I swear I’m not here to harm you.”

  I laugh at the insane notion that I’d ever let him get close enough to harm me. I’ve spent years preparing for my mother…the idea of him being able to hurt me just seems impossible. A voice chimes in behind me, and I don’t bother turning around.
“What the hell is going on here? Who the fuck are you?”

  I pull the small pistol out of my bag and point it straight ahead of me.

  “This doesn’t fucking concern you, Jacob,” I reply as I tilt my head back towards him before aiming at my target.

  “The fuck it doesn’t, I’m not about to let you kill some fucking dude until I know why he’s watching you. Not that I’m going to just stand by and watch you shoot him either. Put the fucking gun away Bentley.”

  Keeping my eyes trained forward, I try not to shake at the mention of my real name, as I answer the man who just doesn’t know when to fucking walk away. “I told you to leave; this isn’t your problem. It’s none of your fucking concern, so just go. He and I have unfinished business,” I say with false confidence.

  Focusing back on the man standing ahead of me who now has his hands stretched out in surrender, I ask what I really need to know. “Why the fuck are you here?!? I won’t go down as easy as Cora did motherfucker. I promise you’ll eat my bullets before you ever stuff me in a trunk like my sister,” I spit the words out, knowing I want nothing more than to see this cocksucker lying in a pool of blood like he left my sister.

  “I told you, it’s not what you think. Cora isn’t dead, Bentley.”

  For a second, I almost believe him. My heart wants to believe that my sister is still out there somewhere. Since we didn’t bury a body, maybe she’s still alive. But that’s a pipe dream. He’s just looking for some way to catch me off guard, I’m sure of it.


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