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Wicked Game

Page 15

by Romy Lockhart

  “Dark forces Gods are natural enemies to Eden. It’s not safe for her to be around them.”

  He’s scowling. I have to smile.

  “Once she decides something, it’s as good as done.” She’s always been like that. Wants something, goes after it until she gets it. “So what did she tell you?”

  He sighs and leans against the wall. “She said the Gods are running the cult.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “She destroyed one already and rescued Skyler.”

  “Well, see, that’s good.”

  “But there are two left and they have Lawson, who is apparently a God of Love.”

  His frown deepens on that reveal. I can guess why it’s not sitting too well with him, but I doubt Eden wants to take Skyler’s latest boy-crush off of her hands.

  “Eden’s not into Lawson.”

  The frown slackens. Oh, yeah, that was bugging the shit out of him. I smile wryly as he clears his throat.

  “I just...”

  “I mean, it’s a surprise that he’s one of them, but that doesn’t have to mean anything.”

  “I guess not.” He sighs deeply. “Are you ready?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “You’re not bringing anything?”

  I shrug. Oh wait. I find the bottle of lube and stuff it into my jeans pocket before I come back into the hall. I pick up my jacket on impulse and go back into the hall. “Now, I’m ready.”

  “We’re driving to the airport.” He picks up his bag and heads down the stairs, picking up his pace once we get downstairs.

  “Asher?” I ask while he’s screwing around with the alarm in preparation for leaving.


  “Why does Eden need you for this?”

  He pauses, before he opens the door and motions for me to go first. He keys something else in and comes out after me. He still hasn’t answered. I wait for him locking the door.

  “You don’t know, do you?” That has to be it. He always has an answer. He doesn’t like not having one for this.

  “She can’t take on two Gods alone.”

  I was sure she believed she couldn’t. Why else would she call?

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  The waiting is going to drive me insane. The drive to the airport helps. I turn on the radio to discourage Nick from making small talk. He leans back in his seat and it looks like he’s trying to doze off. It’ll be quicker if we can get a flight, but I have no illusions over how excruciating it’s going to be until I’ve got Eden in my sights. I never should have let her go with Lawson in the first place.

  I should have gone with them. I can’t stand the thought of waiting to get to her while she could be in danger. She’d assured me it wasn’t imminent, but just knowing she’s in the orbit of two Dark Forces Gods is making me incredibly nervous.

  When Nick’s phone starts to ring and he doesn’t immediately move to answer it, I give his shoulder a nudge. He sits up slowly, groaning a little. He was actually sleeping. I shake my head. The guy must be part-bear. He could hibernate for seasons.

  He yawns as he answers, “Levine here.”

  I can’t hear the other side of the conversation, but it seems to be a positive result. Nick’s lips stretch into a grin when I glance over again.

  “All right, Jay. I knew you could hook me up, man.”

  Apparently, we’re waiting around for a flight instead of driving full speed all the way there with no stops. Probably won’t be much of a difference overall. An hour, two, maybe.

  “Okay. Yeah, I know it. We’re heading there now. You still have my card on file? Great.”

  He hangs up. “Head left at that junction. We’re going to a landing pad out that way.”

  “Not the airport...”

  “This is where the old weirdo who used to live in Eden’s mansion used to fly from, apparently.”

  “He told you that?”

  “He bought one of the guy’s helicopters after he died.”

  “You learn something new every day.” I didn’t know the guy. No-one in Rapture really had. He’d been a shut-in. Don’t even know how he made his money.

  “We’ll be waiting almost two hours. There’s a gas station that sells donuts and coffee up this way.”

  Okay, that’ll kill some time. “Didn’t pick you for a donut guy.”

  He laughs. “Yeah. I’m usually not. But I doubt we’re going to find a healthier option out this way.”

  He’s probably right. There’s nothing but desert for miles.

  My phone starts to ring when I’m pulling into the gas station. I take it out of my pocket the second the car is parked. Nick glances at me and I shake my head. It’s not Eden. It’s Logan.

  I consider ending the call but I know he’ll only persist until I pick up.

  Sighing, I answer it. “Logan, hey.”

  “I need you to meet me tonight.”

  “Tonight?” I seriously doubt I’ll be back from L.A. by the end of the day.

  “Diana’s pregnant. She’s going to tell her mother this afternoon. I doubt I’ll have much time left once she does.”

  “Well, I’m headed to L.A. I don’t think I’ll be back.”

  I listen to him cursing. It might garner more sympathy if he hadn’t killed me twice by now.

  “Eden needs me. She’s my priority.”

  “Call me the second you get back to town.” He hangs up.

  I put the phone away. Diana’s pregnant? That was fast. I hate to think how the kid will turn out with two psycho parents, but it’s not my place to worry about that.

  Nick comes out of the gas station with two coffees and a box of donuts. I take one out of his hand.

  “Black, no sugar?”

  I nod and sip at it. The bitter taste feels right for this shit-show of a morning. Logan’s problem is going to be hanging over my head while I’m trying to help Eden with hers. If his didn’t impact her so deeply I wouldn’t be worrying about it. As it is, I’m exhausted just thinking about everything that needs to happen today. I need to help Eden and bring her home safely. I need to help Logan and eliminate Catherine Milner as a threat. There’s not going to be time for much else.

  Nick opens the box of donuts in the car and offers me first pick.

  “I like to think I can work out what someone’s like by the kind of donut they pick,” he tells me, swaying me away from the plain glazed to the Boston Cream. If he’s going to judge me it’s not going to be as boring just because I prefer plainer foods in the morning.

  “You were going for the plain before I said that,” he tells me, picking out something that looks like it might have peanut butter as well as chocolate in it.

  “A guy can change his mind.” I eat it before I can try to defend my choice more vehemently.

  “I swayed you.” He smirks slightly before he bites into his.

  I swallow. “Was that the real test? Finding out if you telling me you’re going to judge me for my choice makes any difference?”

  He shrugs. “Maybe it’s just about the donuts.”

  “Okay then,” I mutter, finishing mine and snatching up a plain glazed. If this is breakfast, I’m taking the sugar rush as hard as I can get it.

  “Now, that’s interesting.”

  “What does your choice say about you?”

  “I always go for the richest ones. Triple chocolate, or a mix of chocolate and nuts.” He shrugs. “I’m kind of hedonistic, maybe a little excessive. I definitely have superior taste.”

  I have to laugh. “Sounds like you.”

  “You take the safe choices, the stuff you know you’ll like. Nothing too sweet or excessive. It should make you boring, so I guess this donut reasoning doesn’t always work.”

  “Was that actually a compliment?”

  “Maybe I’m just buttering you up.”

  That would seem more likely. I finish the plain glazed and drain the rest of the coffee before I take us back out onto the road. “How much further
is it to this landing pad?”

  “An hour, maybe less.”

  I hit the speed limit and inch up over it. The road’s pretty clear out this way. No-one’s going to catch us speeding. The sooner we get on that helicopter, the better.

  Chapter Forty


  I was ready for Cupid’s return by the time he deigned to grace us with his presence at lunch. Eli had gone out to a sandwich shop around the corner for food and I hadn’t been able to relax the whole time he was gone. Paranoia was running through me. What if they’d been watching us since we’d escaped? What if they were just waiting for the chance to grab him? Why had I let him go out? Then he came back through the door and I’d thrown my arms around him as if he’d just come back from war. I was so glad he was safe. I didn’t want to let him out of my sight again, but I knew I was going to have to.

  Everything was in motion. The bodyguards had been hired to start in another hour’s time. It was the soonest we could get them. Nick and Asher were on route and would arrive in the next hour if Nick’s last text was anything to go by.

  I put down the remains of my club sandwich and wipe my hands on a napkin.

  Hands on his waist, Cupid stares me down through his dark glasses. “You haven’t changed your mind.”

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  “Jesus,” Eli curses. “Does he always just sneak in like that?”

  “He’s very sneaky.”

  “I don’t like the way you’re saying that Eden.” He sounds suspicious.

  “Well, what use is sneaky if we can’t utilize it?”

  He sighs. “They’ll see me coming. I can’t sneak up on either of them. They’re not fresh out of the box like you.”

  “I’m not asking you to do that.” I just want him to point us to them. Tell us where they are so we can work this shit out and execute the plan as flawlessly as possible.

  “Eden, this is a suicide mission.”

  “Fred, what’s my purpose on this earth?”

  His jaw drops open. He closes it again quickly, but too late. I saw that, my so called guide. What the hell?

  “We’re... not at that point in your training.”

  “Whatever,” I tell him. His bullshit can wait. We have more important things to discuss. “Lawson told me that when Gods get close they boost each other’s abilities. Is that true?”

  “It can happen, but that goes both ways.” Meaning the bad guys would be boosted too from their proximity to one and other. “It doesn’t level the playing ground, Eden. They’ve been aware for much longer, they’ve been using their powers for years. One newly awakened Goddess and a God who’s seriously cut off from his heart isn’t enough for a win here.”

  “That’s why Asher’s on his way.”

  He sighs. “You’re maddening.”

  “I’m not leaving Lawson in their hands. I’m not leaving their cult where it stands. This is evil. I’m supposed to be a force against that.”

  “Eden, you’re not even at full strength.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “It means you’ve only bonded with three of your intended lovers.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  I think back to what the God I destroyed had said. “I’m going to have four lovers?”

  “I can’t confirm that.”

  “The God I destroyed told me.”

  He shrugs. “He could have been trying to hurt you. That is kind of what they do.”

  Ugh. He’s so damned frustrating. “Just don’t go anywhere. We need your help.”

  He kicks at the ground, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He’s not leaving?

  “You don’t miraculously have someplace more important to be?”

  He shakes his head. “You have no idea how fucked I am if you screw this up, Eden.”

  “Then I guess you need to stick around and make sure I don’t.”

  Good. He’s not leaving. I look at Eli. He’s been quiet. It’s a lot to absorb, I guess.

  Chapter Forty-One


  “I’ll check on Skyler.” I leave Eden with Fred. He doesn’t seem to like the name, winces every time she speaks it. She smiles at me as I go. I can tell Sky’s still sleeping from the slow rise and fall of her chest. I move closer and check her pulse. She’s fine.

  I wonder how she’d feel if she knew the danger Eden was about to put herself in to save a guy she barely knew. If she wasn’t also determined to take down the cult who tortured Sky growing up, I doubt she’d allow this to happen.

  I was worried about Eden, I won’t lie. I’d do anything not to lose her. I wasn’t sure I’d get a choice, if these Gods were are dangerous as Fred seemed to think. They’ll use me against her if they can. I don’t know what I can do to stop that. Maybe I don’t need to.

  When I was younger, I believed in fate. If something was meant to be, it would. No matter how many things conspired otherwise. If it was meant to be.

  Everything about Eden felt that way, but I don’t think I’m fool enough to pretend I still believe in destiny. Karma is a bigger part of me now. We get what we deserve. And the truth is, I don’t deserve Eden. I want her so badly that the biggest part of me doesn’t fucking care. But I’m waiting for karma to catch up. Maybe this is it.

  If it is, what do I want to do with that?

  The minutes tick by as I try to work it out. I have to help Eden end this cult. It’s a big enough action to mean something. It will balance the books before I go.

  “Eli?” Eden pushes the door open a crack.

  I move towards her. “I just thought you might want a few minutes with him.”

  Concern fills her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “Never better.” I pull her to me and taste those soft, sweet lips. As much as I want a life of this, I think my time is almost up. My hands are steady on her face as I keep her there, deepening the kiss. If this is the end of the road, I couldn’t have found a better way to go.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  “How do I read minds?” I ask Cupid since he’s lurking. I’m honestly shocked he hasn’t decided to rush off by now. How many others is he really a guide to? This can’t be the biggest, most important thing he needs to deal with. Can it?

  “You just need to concentrate on the person you want to read. I don’t think you’re ready for it, Eden. I think being close to Lawson was the only reason it happened for you before. He amplified your abilities. They’re not developed enough yet.”

  “Lawson taught you to read minds?” Eli asks, raising his eyebrows.

  “Don’t worry. I didn’t hear anything too scandalous.” I frown at Cupid, though. “Seriously? I could use some training here. It could be the difference between getting out of this intact and being broken apart by these bastards.”

  He just looks at me. I mean, I think he does. For all I know, in those glasses, he could be sleeping. He might as well be for all the help he’s giving me. I blow out a breath. “Okay, I get it. I’m supposed to learn on my own by doing. You’re not supposed to help me.”

  “This is not going to end well for you, Eden.” He’s so damned negative.

  There’s a knock at the door and Eli answers it. Asher and Nick walk in. I’m so glad to see them. I rush over and hug them both at once. When I step back, I see the concern on Asher’s face and I know I need to get talking. The explanation I’d given him was sparse.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. Hopefully we can get this over and done with quickly.”

  “What exactly are we doing?” He takes my hand in his.

  “We’re going to a hotel to get Lawson, and destroy two Gods of Destruction.”

  Cupid sighs wearily. “We need to go now.”

  He blinks out of existence and I really hope he’s only gone to check where Lawson is inside the hotel. I look at Nick. “You’ll need to stay here with Eli.”

  He nods and makes himself at home on the cou
ch. “Sounds good to me. Hey, Eli.”

  “We should get moving.” I pick up the car keys as Cupid gets back.

  “Lawson is with one of them now.”

  Shit. I steel myself. “Okay. Do you have a room number?”

  He gives me it reluctantly and we head to the car. Please let this be easier than it sounds.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  How much do I need Asher’s help? I’m still trying to weigh up whether it’s worth attempting this alone. He gave me her location. If I can time this just right, I can do it on my own. The clock is ticking down. I need to make the decision.

  Diana insisted on visiting her alone to tell her the news. I didn’t like that but if I’d insisted on going it would have only made it easier for her mother to kill me in front of her. I can’t even get moving on this until she returns. It would be crazy to try to get to her mother while the sun’s still scorching the sky.

  I look outside and wonder if crazy is what it’s going to take. I think the answer to that is yes.

  Moving away from the window, I walk over to the bed and check my kit. I’m still low on weapons, but I don’t need firepower for this plan. I just need Diana to come home and not freak when I need to go out. Considering she took a test this morning and got a positive result, I don’t think she’ll go too nuts over me having to go out for a couple of hours.

  She’ll only get that way if I don’t come back. So I’m going to have to make sure I do.

  I arrange the inner pockets of my leather jacket to contain the essentials.

  Then I go downstairs, sling my jacket over the bottom of the banister and go into the kitchen to make coffee and generally keep my hands busy while I wait.

  Diana returns when I’m on my second mug. I put it down and move out into the hallway.

  She smiles weakly at me. “Well, that was painful, but she’ll leave us be.”

  Why don’t her words match her expression? She seems deflated. What did that bitch do to her? I pull her into my arms and hold her close. “What happened?”

  She sighs deeply. “I don’t want to talk about it. I need to relax, Logan. This stress can’t be good for the pregnancy.”


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