Book Read Free

Ambition and Alavidha

Page 2

by Candy Rae

  At last he laid the book down with a half smile as he remembered the day he had found and stolen it, the year before he had engineered the death of his older brother. The Dukes of Duchesne had never realised the importance of the words written within its pages. More fool them! It is I who will use it and use it well. Why, perhaps I might become Emperor, not just of the Great Eastern Sea but over the entire planet!

  Taking yet another piece of paper from his desk, he began to write some more. This time he was writing not just notes and plans but an order.

  It was addressed to one Baron Erik Halfarm; a man, possibly the only person alive on the planet who Cadan believed was utterly loyal to him.

  Erik would know what to do. Erik would know who to send.

  Baron Erik Halfarm did better than that. He went himself, taking his most trusted man-servant with him.

  * * * * *


  AL 805


  Thalia Josensdochter looked at herself in the wall glass and frowning, adjusted her kepi for the umpteenth time, eyes glaring at her image. She twisted and turned, making sure her uniform was sitting just right. Yes, nothing out of place, the very picture of a model Vada Cadet.

  As usual diffident and critical of her self-image, Thalia thought she might just pass inspection, as long as Ryzcka Dominik didn’t examine too closely.

  In actuality, Thalia looked good in her cadet dress uniform. The maroon suited her and the lines of the tunic set off her trim figure to perfection.

  Today would be the very last time she would wear this tunic. Back in her cubicle, hanging on its hook was the dress uniform tunic of a vadeln-proper of the Vada.

  For this was Thalia and her Lind Josei’s graduation day. Today she and Josei would cease to be cadets and enter service with one of the Ryzcks and she and Josei knew which one; the Fifteenth.

  Thalia had already met some of the vadeln-pairs who were serving with the Fifteenth and she was not displeased about the posting. On the tunic waiting on her cubicle peg she had sewn the Ryzck badge of the Fifteenth, of a silver (all the badges and trimmings on Vada uniforms were silver) Lai in flight. Cadet badges, trimming and year stripes were white. As well as the silver representation of a Lai in flight she had sewn on the silver Lind head, the badge all serving vadeln wore.

  It will be great not to have to keep all the white, white, she hummed as she turned this way and that, now admiring herself in the wall glass. Even she had to admit she looked smart.

  The tunic was high necked and trimmed at the edges with the ubiquitous white beading at the neck and cuff. On her left breast was the white Lind head badge of a cadet and on her left arm the four white inverted stripes denoting her rank as a fourth and final year cadet.

  Thalia was twenty-one, older than most in her graduating class but younger than some.

  The Vada could begin training when both the girl or boy and their respective Lind were fourteen summers of age (a Lind became an adult at fourteen summers). Cadets usually spent four years training, gaining a year stripe on each anniversary of joining.

  Some cadets started when they were older. If they were over sixteen when they did begin, they did not wear the narrow white year stripe of a first year (two for second years) but a broad white stripe. This they wore until they were deemed proficient enough to be integrated in with the third years who then became their year-mates. If however the cadet was over twenty-four he or she retained the broad stripe until graduation.

  The training of Thalia and Josei had taken three years, one year in the adult beginner class then two as part of the more usual cadet structure. That was why on the dress uniform tunic she was wearing were sewn the four stripes, one for each year group. Her kepi too was trimmed with white beading. Sitting on her bunk her new kepi waited, this one trimmed with the traditional silver piping.

  Thalia and Josei were two of twenty-three cadet duos graduating this day. All but two wore the four stripes. They were about to become one of the most recent vadeln-pairs to become a part of what was a long line of those serving in the Vada, these men, women and Lind who had for eight hundred and four years given their oaths to protect the freedom enjoyed by all the species who lived on the northern mainland and beyond.

  These days there were no Larg to fight. If not yet allies at least they no longer wished to do incessant battle with the inhabitants on the northern continent. During the almost two hundred years since the Battle of Duchesne, the battle which had signalled the end of the Dglai Wars, there had not been another. The Larg had retreated into their Nadlians and ventured out rarely. If they weren’t isolationalists like the Lai then they ran them a very close second.

  “Thalia?” The question came out of the blue and she jumped.

  “Aren’t you ready yet?” Thalia knew this voice and she turned with a smile. It was her friend Katie. Younger than Thalia by just a few months over a year, they had gone through their training practically side by side.

  Although Thalia was smiling, she was sighing inside. Katie always managed to look tidy and elegant even when she was not. Today she looked the very model of a model; there wasn’t a wrinkle in either tunic or trews and her boots didn’t just shine, they shone.

  Like her friend, Katie Durand had been born in Argyll, but there the similarities between their pre Vada lives stopped. Thalia came from what might be termed a ‘middle-class’ family whilst Katie was the daughter of one of the richest (and thus most powerful) in the country. Thalia had been a student at the University when she had life-bonded with Josei. Katie had been a Senis (a second year trainee) at the Garda Officer Training Establishment known as the Academie when her Kenlei had appeared to whisk her away. Katie’s family had been delighted with the lind-choice whilst Thalia’s had most certainly not been.

  “Are your family here?” Thalia asked, one eye on the glass, her right hand doing the last moment adjustments to her hair.

  “Just come from them,” Katie replied, her face one great beam of satisfaction. “Mother and father and my brother Francis! I’m really surprised he made it. Father wrote to say he didn’t think he would be but he has!” Her face fell. “Sorry Thalia. I mean, I’m sorry your family isn’t here.”

  Thalia shrugged, trying not to show that she minded.

  “I never expected they would, remember? Father’s still not pleased about all this, Mother won’t come without him and Tara (Tara was the afterthought of the family and the only one still residing at home) can’t for the same reason. She sent me a lovely letter though, I’ll let you see it after the parade. And of course, Hal can’t make it, Aya’s disability makes running long distances difficult.”

  “What I actually came to say,” interrupted Katie, “was that Father would like you to join us for a celebratory meal this evening and before you say anything, (Katie knew her Thalia) it’s not because he feels sorry for you ‘cos you’d be on your own otherwise. He wants you to come ‘cos you’re my friend. I’d have asked if he hadn’t said it first too but he did. It won’t be as much fun if you aren’t there.”

  Thalia was pleased.

  “Thank him for me will you?” she asked, “it is very kind of him and I’ll be delighted to accept.”

  “Not kindness,” Katie insisted, “actually I think he’s happy to have one non-family member there, someone outside the circle so to speak, to brag to.” She grimaced.

  “Well, you did gain the Sword of Honour for best cadet you goop! Most fathers would be as proud as a malinon with two tails if their daughter achieved that! Not to mention the fact that you’ve been posted to the Fifty-first Ryzck.”

  Thalia wasn’t envious of Katie’s achievements. Her friends always said that Thalia didn’t have a jealous bone in her entire body. The Fifty-first, known as the ‘Susa’s Own’ was the most prestigious Ryzck in the Vada. Very few graduating cadet duos were ever given that posting. Katie’s father had more right than most to be proud.

  “I hope me and Kenlei don
’t let Susa Malkum down,” fretted Katie.

  “You’ll both do just fine,” said Thalia, at last deciding that she was as ready as she would ever be and that there was little she could do about it if she wasn’t. “How long have we got?”

  “We’d be better to make steps,” Katie replied and the two young women linked arms and made for the door. The stepped outside the cadet barracks for the last time as cadets.

  Josei and Kenlei were waiting with impatience, conversing with three other Lind who were also waiting for their partners.

  Thalia realised that most of their year mates (and the more junior cadets who would also be attending the parade) must have already left for the flat practice field where the parade muster was scheduled for Fourth Bell.

  As the two women checked Josei and Kenlei, making sure that their harnesses were as Katie said, all trim and proper, they heard a commotion behind them and the sound of running feet. It was the last three soon to be ex-cadets.

  Adam looked neater than Thalia had ever seen him, he had always been on the receiving end of demerits for untidiness and she correctly surmised that the other two had been helping him get ready.

  “Are we the last?” queried Rodick in an excited voice.

  “Yep, so you’d better hurry up or we’ll be late,” Katie advised from her vantage point astride leggy Kenlei. “It’s not too late for a toasting from Ryzcka Dominik.”

  The three boys took the hint and with a haste born of much practice began to check harnesses and accoutrements before spring-mounting their Lind.

  Then the five soon to be fully fledged vadeln-pairs made their way to the practice field.

  * * * * *

  It’s like a carnival, thought Thalia as she and Josei took their place in file. Katie and Kenlei, as the recipients of the Sword of Honour took their place at the front. Katie, realised Thalia, was looking flushed. ‘Feeling her position’ was the Vada term for this.

  She deserves it. She and Kenlei have worked so hard. I’m so glad for her.

  She caught Rodick’s eye. The young man, he was eighteen, caught hers by return and winked. He had a devil may care attitude to life that reminded Thalia of her eldest brother Hal, the only other of her siblings to be serving in the Vada.

  She was trying hard not to be too bothered by the absence of her family on this all-important day and was managing pretty well.

  Josei, attuned to her thoughts as always tried to help : I am here, some of my lisyas are here and we are your family too. So you do have family here to celebrate our success :

  : Success? Is that what you call it? : asked Thalia, diverted by the idea and much comforted.

  : Yes it is. We, together, have graduated. We should be proud you and I :

  : I am Josei, I am :

  * * * * *

  The Vada had been graduating cadets for eight hundred and three years and the ceremony hadn’t changed much in all that time. It had perhaps just got a little more elaborate since that day in AL 2 when the first commanders of the Vada led by Susa Francis and his Lind Asya had stood to take the salute.

  The cadets still took their oath to protect and they still performed a mock cavalry charge for the entertainment of their families, guests and onlookers. The younger cadets still stood in rank and watched, imagining the day when it would be their turn to walk up to the Susa and salute, a salute the Susa would return with a few well chosen words of congratulations. The Lind half of the duo would incline his or her head, a gesture of respect and one as seeped deep within the traditions of the Lind as it was with humankind.

  When it was Thalia and Josei’s turn Susa Malkum returned her salute with the grave courtesy that was his trademark, even to the youngest, most troublesome cadets. He complimented her on her achievement and wished her and Josei good luck and good hunting when they joined the Fifteenth Ryzck.

  In file with the others she watched with pride as Katie and Kenlei walked up to the Susas, saluted then received the Sword of Honour.

  She listened to the cheers and clapping as Katie saluted again, this time the formal salute with sword and remembered Katie practicing the moves over and over again in her cubicle under the amused gazes of Thalia herself and their two Lind. She had been so terrified of the idea that her wrist would wobble and everyone would laugh. It didn’t and the laughter was more akin to joyful cheering.

  Thalia wondered if Susa Malkum had himself gained the sword-accolade when he and Freya had graduated.

  : They did and his arm didn’t wobble either : was Josei’s comment.

  Well, Thalia decided; if anylind would know it would be Josei. Freya was distantly related to him.

  The presentation of the Sword of Honour completed, Thalia. Josei and the other new vadeln-pairs trotted over to the edge of the field to get ready for their mock charge.

  Weaponsmaster Alkin handed over command of the ryz to Katie who cleared her throat.

  “Swords ready!” she shouted.

  There was a steely rustle as swords, they had been polished until they shone, whistled out of their scabbards.

  “Charge!” the command emitted from Katie was more of a squeak than a shout but it didn’t matter. As one the riders leant forward, swords in the ready position and their Lind leapt forward, gaining speed within a matter of three bounds until it looked as if they were flying across the field.

  “For Vadath!” they cried.

  * * * * *

  Now that the graduation ceremony was over Susa Malkum and Freya dismissed the parade.

  With many a whoop of joy and a chalcedony of cheers, Thalia, Josei and their year mates fell out and sped back to their barracks for the all important changeover of uniform.

  At least the human halves of the vadeln-pairs did. The Lind? Well, almost as one they demanded that their harness be removed. Almost as one again they rolled about on the grass behind the barracks. They were acting more than ltsctas rather than adults and bona-fide vadelns of their respective Ryzcks.

  This was also tradition and the Lind always respected tradition even when some who might be watching might think it made them all look rather silly.

  * * * * *




  Argyll is the country that occupies the area to the far east of the larger of the two northern continents. It is inhabited by and ruled by humans. Its topography of Argyll is varied, with hills and flatlands, forest and plains and there are many rivers. Society is largely agricultural; there are many villages, a few towns and one city, Stewarton, situated at Lake Stewart almost in the exact centre of the country. The currency of Argyll is gold crowns, silver florins and shillings and copper pennies. Argyll is defended by an army called the Garda; its headquarters are based in the original settlement at the southern tip of the continent. As well as the Garda, the Vada from the country of Vadath patrol the coastal and northern wards, providing a fast and effective first line of defence against predators and the pirates that ravage the shores. Argyll sends tithe to Vadath for this service.

  Since AL 608, Argyll has not changed much. It remains a democracy, ruled by an elected Council. If anything, the merchant class has grown more powerful.

  There has been a cooling of relations between Argyll and Vadath in recent years although the Ryzcks continue to patrol in the north and along the eastern seaboard. Some politicians and also not a few of the ordinary citizenry (mostly those residing in the urban areas) believe that the Vada’s raison d’être has disappeared now that the Larg have ceased to be a threat and think they can manage their own defences. The Garda however, with their eight hundred year history of fighting with the Ryzcks of the Vada do not concur with these sentiments.


  There is still not much known in Murdoch, the Islands of the Great Eastern Sea and Argyll about the other northern continent on the p
lanet which lies west of the Rtathlians of the Lind.

  The Lai (called dragons in Argyllian fables and cold-drakes in the Murdochian equivalents) remain secretive and do not emerge from their continent often, even in the Rtathlians of the Lind, the Nadlians of the Larg or Vadath. For a short time (twenty years or so and even perhaps into the mid seventh century) the Lai were sighted in the skies above but suddenly, in around AL 648 even these occasional sightings ceased. Once more the Lai had become beings of whom legends were made and fictitious stories were told.

  However, during the two centuries since AL 608, it is the continent that has changed the most. Lind, Lai and some Larg now live there and in harmony with the world around them and with each other.

  There is now, situated in the north east a township called Talastown which is home to a thriving human community which trades with the mainland and also with the south. They do not however, answer questions about their Lai neighbours.

  It is still a continent of mystery to most. Its people, whether two legged, four pawed or winged, prefer it that way.

  The Islands of the Great Eastern Sea

  The Islands to the east of the northern mainland were first colonised by humans during the first decade after landing on Rybak. There are estimated to be over four hundred islands, ranging from small rocklike crags to large arable areas as much as a hundred miles long and wide.


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