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Ambition and Alavidha

Page 10

by Candy Rae

  “I’ll go back to Fort and keep an eye on Prince Crispin,” decided Robert Crawford. “If I hear anything I’ll send word.”

  “That would be best and, Robert, send your family here, they’re vulnerable at Fort. I’ll look after them. If those behind the unrest find out that you suspect them they might decide to get at you through them.”

  “I’ll do that and my thanks.”

  “Now gentlemen, I think we’d better join the ladies for supper. Tomorrow we put our plans into action.”

  * * * * *



  Master Drellor was a rosy-faced man in his early forties. He shook Chad’s hand in a firm manner, his eyes calculating as he assessed the newest member of his trade caravan.

  “Mr Whiteman, Mr Jason Whiteman, I presume?”

  “I am he,” Chad answered, “you were expecting us this day?”

  “Nonder said you’d be coming,” Master Drellor answered, adding, “I owe him one, else you wouldn’t be here. I run a clean caravan, squeaky clean, no hanky-panky.” He paused. “No thieving or swindling.” Chad found out later that Drellor said this to every new trader who joined his caravans.

  Chad was quick to assure Drellor that thievery was far from his intent. “I’m and honest jewellery merchant,” he said, trying to keep his countenance fixed in the way he thought a jewellery merchant should look.

  Drellor was only partly convinced and continued to warn Chad, “I’ll be watching you, you and your boy both. One false move and I’ll run you off, no matter where. I’ve got a reputation to uphold, one that’s taken me years to achieve. Keep your nose clean and we’ll get along famously I’m sure.” He didn’t look as if he believed it.

  “Understood,” Chad replied, “we won’t cause trouble. You have my word.” He actually meant it. He wouldn’t be playing the honest merchant, he was about to become one, at least for the time being.

  Drellor nodded, “I’ll hold you to that. I make it my job to believe in a man’s word until he does something to make me disbelieve and Nonder told me that you don’t lie.” He pointed. “You can pitch your stuff into that tent there. It’s yours for as long as you are with us.”

  Chad noticed that it was one in a line of neatly lined tents. The tents looked well-maintained too. He also noticed that his was the tent right next to where Drellor’s guards had their tents. This didn’t bother Chad, in fact he was rather pleased. His sale goods were worth a fair bit of coin after all and he had no intention of blowing his cover by doing anything untoward. He would play the bona fide merchant for as long as he needed to, until the Gtrathlin’s domta was reached and afterwards too if necessary.

  “Glad of the spot,” he told Drellor and the pleased smile on his face was genuine. “With valuable merchandise it will be good to have protection close.”

  Drellor nodded and moved away.

  Chad turned to Zeb, “you keep your nose clean to you hear?”

  Nonder’s nephew Zeb donated on Chad a disgusted, indignant and comprehensive look. He felt aggrieved that Chad felt he needed reminding.

  “I’ll see to the horses,” was all he said as he took hold of the lead rein of Chad’s sturdy mount and made for the horse lines.

  * * * * *



  Kellen-Heir Daniel Ross clattered over the drawbridge.

  He had been wondering and worrying about his visit during his journey. What he would find when he arrived at the castle? He was wondering how he, a twenty year old minor noble could stop the Duke of Markwood’s insanity (for that was the word used by his uncle and father to describe it) and had come to realise that he hadn’t an iota of an idea in his head, even though he had racked his brains to think of something at every opportunity. Of course, the Queen would likely send troops, they were probably just some few days behind him, but that wasn’t much help to Daniel at this moment. What would he do if the expedition had already set out?

  Play it by ear, he told himself, and perhaps the Markwoods have come to their senses. He wasn’t holding out much hope in that direction.

  As Duke Paul Hallam had said; sense and the Markwood Ducal House were the exact antithesis of each other and to this his father had added the phrase mutually exclusive.

  Still, surely he would be able to do something, perhaps talk some sense of proportion into their ears, appeal to their sense of duty? He would at least be able to tell the Queen’s officers what was happening when they did arrive and perhaps, even if he was already too late Queen Antoinette would be able to negate some of the damage by diplomatic measures.

  I wonder if Ian is involved in it? He shook his head ruefully. Count Ian Markwood was a childhood friend, they were the same age, had served as pages together at court for three years. Ian, being the least quick-witted (by a long way) of the two had always followed Daniel’s lead and Daniel was hoping he might still retain some influence. He wasn’t holding out much hope in that direction either.

  He’s married now, with a child. He has responsibilities! Perhaps he, Daniel would be able to use that as an argument and dissuade at least his friend from going along with the expedition.

  Alas, it was not to be. Ian came running down into the outer bailey almost as soon as he had reined in Firefly. He was bubbling over with joy at the sight of his friend.

  “You’ve made it in time! I’d hoped you would! We leave tomorrow!”

  “In time for what?” was Daniel’s guarded question.

  “We leave tomorrow,” Ian repeated, almost with bated breath, “I told Uncle Philip you would come. He was pleased. You will be joining us, won’t you? You have come to join the expedition?” His words were tumbling over each other he was talking so fast. “Uncle Philip is upstairs, with Robert.”

  Robert was Ian’s brother and the young Duke of Markwood. He had recently succeeded to the ducal title after the premature death of their father.

  “Hold on Ian, not so fast. What exactly are you talking about?”

  Ian Markwood’s empty face fell, he looked almost if he was crying, “but I thought you knew! I thought you being here meant that your father and uncle were supporting the plan.”

  “What plan?”

  “We’re going to Dagan! Tomorrow! There’s land there for everyone to take, more than you could ever imagine! I’m going to be a Duke in my own right!”

  Daniel understood Ian’s excitement and that of his uncle although he couldn’t condone it. Ian’s uncle, Count Philip was descended from a junior ducal line. Him and his were not destined to wear the ducal coronet and their land holdings were small. The chance to take land elsewhere was too tempting to resist, especially for those with not enough intelligence to think the plan through thoroughly. Ian was also a younger son and instead of making him distance himself from the plan, the fact that he too, had a child to provide for, was actually egging him on.

  This was a never to be solved problem in the kingdom; that of what to do with the younger sons. How much land to give them, if any. The late duke hadn’t made any provision for Ian in his will. Ian held no land and to date his brother hadn’t handed any over. Daniel knew that Ian was angry and resentful.

  “I came to see you, your good wife and your boy,” lied Daniel, being careful not to let his thoughts show, “I’ve got presents.” He pointed to his pack-mare. He laid his arm round Ian’s shoulders, “but I’d be right pleased to hear more about all this. Vast amounts of land for the taking eh? Sounds almost too good to be true.”

  Perhaps if he couldn’t stop the expedition his best plan would be to join it.

  “I’d really like to hear more,” he continued, “how did you learn about the land?” he was trying hard to sound enthusiastic. His dissembling probably wouldn’t have worked on anyone apart from Ian (and his family who were blessed with no more intelligence than his friend) but it was good enough. “Is it Count Philip who is leading the expedition? Doe
s your cousin Philip go too?”

  “Yes,” answered Ian happily, eyes glowing at the prospect of the adventure ahead, “and you simply must join us, you know you simply must. It won’t be the same if you’re not there with me.”

  “I rather think I will,” Daniel answered, “why don’t we go see your uncle and ask him?”

  “He’s bound to say yes,” laughed Ian, drawing him in the direction of the family’s private quarters, “he likes you. He says you’ve got brains.”

  Have I? Daniel was thinking as he allowed Ian to drag him inside. Brains? Only an idiot would actually volunteer for this but there’s nought I can do to stop them, that’s for sure.

  Best go along, said his logical inner voice. You must. You can diffuse the situation. You must! Queen Antoinette is depending on you!

  * * * * *

  The Great Hall at Castle Markwood was very noisy. The sound hit Daniel as he followed Ian inside.

  The young Duke of Markwood kept to the traditional ways. Grand Feasts were for men and men only. On these occasions the women remained in their private solars.

  And tonight was the grandest feast of all; a celebration to cap all previous celebrations. The Duke of Markwood was positive that he was about to go down in history as one of the most wonderful Dukes the Kingdom of Murdoch had ever known.

  Ian led Daniel to the high table, snagging an extra chair which he placed beside his own place while winking at his brother.

  At twenty-five Duke Robert Markwood was one of the youngest of the twelve men who wore the ducal coronet, he was hot-headed and keen to make a name for himself; but the Dukedom had been on the whole peaceful under his tenure until that is, a certain emissary had arrived and planted the concept of ambition into his limited brain.

  It would not have gone any further except that the duke’s uncle, Count Philip was even more intellectually challenged that his great-nephew. He had latched on to the idea of an expedition to the continent of Dagan like a terrier would a bone and had immediately begun to make plans.

  As with many ideas in Markwood it had started small and escalated. Originally Count Philip had envisioned a visit to Talastown to enquire if a colony might be possible but at the urging of the emissary, now departed, it had grown, getting larger and ever more complicated.

  A fleet was being prepared.

  Count Philip intended now to travel to Dagan aboard a large pinnacle (a ship rather like a naval frigate but civilian) and sailing, not to Talastown but to an inlet further down the coast. There he would land a pioneering group of men with materials and weapons. Only then would he would travel north to Talastown to acquaint those in charge of the fait accompli.

  With him on this expedition would go his heir Philip. Ian had been invited along too.

  Daniel hadn’t been surprised to learn that Ian was going, nor that his uncle had leapt at the chance because the reasons were, as was so often the case in the kingdom, land and power. Dagan was immense. There would be plenty of land up for grabs for him and his heirs.

  Daniel knew that the Markwoods were not the first ducal family to wish to colonise Dagan. He rather thought however that they might just be the first to try and put their wishes into planned action.

  The emissary who had put the idea in their heads Daniel learned over the drunken orgy of food and drink that followed, had made it sound so easy.

  Daniel wondered who he had been and more importantly, who had sent him.

  He would not find out for sure until much later and a lot of water would have passed under his life-bridge by then.

  * * * * *



  Thalia and Josei were at last going on Long Leave and were looking ahead to both their holiday and to their future life with the Western Ryzcks.

  Ten whole tendays! Thalia hugged herself in gleeful anticipation. Plenty of time to run to the rtathlian of Josei’s rtath and back and more importantly, plenty of time to spend at the domta with Josei and his rtathen, the domta Josei called home.

  It had been six long years since Josei had last seen his family and rtath. He had left then, to travel east in search of his vadeln, his mind and life partner.

  Then had come the years of Vada training and on graduating Thalia and Josei had been assigned to the Fifteenth Ryzck. At this time of posting the Fifteenth had just completed its Long Leave and as they only happened every two years (minus one month) Thalia and Josei had had to wait.

  The Vada, in this the year of AL 808, was split into two sections. Out of the fifty Ryzcks, thirty-four were known as the Eastern Ryzcks and served in Vadath and Argyll.

  The others served and were based in the Rtathlians of the Lind.

  Although the headquarters of the Vada was at the Stronghold (also called Vada) the Western Ryzcks as the remaining sixteen were called had as their headquarters a small fort situated at the south-western tip of the rtathlians. It was supplied by sea by a small fleet of Vada luggers and was largely self-sufficient. It even had a Weaponsmaster to help the serving vadeln keep up their skills. It was called Vadarnth. The commander at Vadarnth held a comparatively new rank, that of Ryzcksusa, Susa being Lindish for commander. The overall commanders (Vadeln and Lind) of the Vada were called Susa. The commander at Vadarnth held a comparatively new rank, that of Ryzcksusa.

  Thalia and Josei’s transfer to one of the Western Ryzcks had been finally approved some time before so they would be closer to Josei’s rtathen; that was another reason why Thalia and Josei were in fine fettle. They had been told by Susa Malkum that after Long Leave they were to report to Ryzcksusa Delia and Retei who would tell them to which of the Ryzcks of the west they had been assigned. Susa Malkum said he had been told it would be the Thirty-eighth.

  Her and Josei’s possessions (Thalia owned an inordinate amount of books) were being sent on by sea and would be waiting for them when they reported for duty. Until then their days were their own.

  “Jiggerty jig,” murmured Thalia as she joined another two vadeln-pairs, recently her and Josei’s comrades with the Fifteenth as they left Vada. They were also departing for Long Leave but unlike Thalia and Josei they would be returning afterwards to begin their nineteen month duty-leave cycle again. After Long Leave the Fifteenth were going to a sector in southern Argyll.

  The other two human halves of the other two vadeln-pairings couldn’t understand why Thalia and Josei had asked for the transfer, but then they had been brought up by their parents in a town, in Stewarton, the city of Argyll. Why Thalia and Josei should want to exile themselves in ‘The Wilds of Lind’ as a Murdochian scholar had once put it was beyond their comprehension.

  Thalia had spent her early years in Stewarton too and studied there as a teenager but she had never been overly enamoured with it.

  “No libraries where you’re going,” commented Rodick with a sly grin, “how on Lai are you going to manage?”

  “Well enough,” Thalia answered in her usual composed way. “Traders and merchants do go there you know. Anyway, Josei wants to live closer to home and that’s good enough for me. Don’t go on about it Rodick, please.”

  “Me and Anya will miss you.”

  Thalia laughed. It was common knowledge amongst the other members of the Fifteenth Ryzck that Rodick harboured a secret affection for Thalia Josensdochter and a desire for her, a desire that was not reciprocated. She liked him well enough but not as a bed-mate. Josei also liked Rodick’s Lind Anya but also not in that way. He had no wish to take Anya as a mate. For that Thalia was grateful. It might have been difficult she knew to say no to the relationship Rodick so craved if their respective Lind life-partners were genuinely attached.

  The twenty-four year old Thalia remained blissfully single and had every intention that her marital status should remain that way. In this desire she was not alone. Many vadeln would not commit themselves, the relationship between them and their Lind such a deep mind-linked bond that they never felt the need.

  * * * * *

  Josei was greeted by his family and rtathen with a whole bell-time filled with a serious of rapturous barks, whines and licks by the ltsctas as well as a plenitude of the more reserved and refined (and mostly silent) greetings from the adults.

  During their years together Thalia had met some of Josei’s family before, not a few had searched out their human life-mates but more had remained within their rtath. She had never met so many all at once and felt overwhelmed by the emotive lashing of it all. She was glad when Josei blocked it. She wasn’t left on her own either, being welcomed by Janya, the mother of Josei, with grave courtesy.

  “Dedta domta Thalia,” Janya said to her human guest, “we are very happy to meet you at last.” Her large blue eyes shone with the truth behind her words. Thalia felt, knew, that Janya thought of her as a part of Josei and had been looking forward to their visit.

  “Thank you,” she replied, they were speaking in Lindish, “I can’t imagine why we waited so long to come. Josei has told me so much about you,” she smiled, “I feel as if I almost know you already.”

  “Well, we Lind are never really apart,” Janya replied, “Josei will be glad to show you our domta. We have wonderful hunting lians.” Her ears pricked forward. A regretful look appeared in her eyes but only for an instant. In fact, Thalia wondered if that was actually what it was, Janya’s facial expression had returned to normal so fast.


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