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Breaking Old Habits

Page 3

by Melissa Bender

  Something flashed in his eyes, his face changing for a moment, but it was gone before I could notice what it had been. Maybe it was fear or possibly excitement. I was a long way off babies, but I did want them, and he knew that. It had been a major factor in me moving in. Children were eagerly anticipated.

  “Pregnancy… of course,” he said with a nod, dropping the towel from around his waist. As he walked past me, I could not help but reach out and slap his cheeky bum before walking into our bedroom to get dressed.

  I stood facing the foggy mirror as I rubbed the green hand towel over the glass, staring at myself as my dark blue eyes stared back from the reflection. I could see my black feather tattoo curling beneath my left breast, peeking from the underside. Each of my tattoos told a story. My very first one was the blackbird on the inside of my index finger. It was for when I lost my virginity. My eyes trailed down to my flat stomach, and I sighed. I should not have brought up pregnancy, not after what Karen had put him through with promising she was on the pill and then lying about the condom breaking. Unbeknown to him, she was not on anything and fell pregnant immediately. My bet was that she poked holes through the latex, so it broke, just to knock herself up. I did not like to think about the two of them together, in bed.

  Lying, conniving bitch. There, I said it—although I did not really say it. She was the devil in disguise.

  That was a big part of the reason he was so adamant about us using condoms even though I was taking the pill. He did not think I noticed, but I knew he was in the bathroom with me every morning to make sure I was taking the pill. I always took it in front of him, not letting him know that I knew what he was doing.

  Drying my hair, I dressed in the walk-in robe and made my way to the bedroom where he was sitting on the king bed, tying his laces up. “I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “I didn’t think that through.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I won’t deny you of children. You know that.” He spoke so formally, it almost felt forced.

  “I’m not asking for them right now. You know that I’m happy with you and the boys. That’s plenty for me.” For now. We would revisit the baby talk in a year or more… or I would ask him once his cock was inside me and he wasn’t so wound up about the subject. “I just look forward to babies with you. Is that a bad thing?”

  Smiling as he stood, he tied his hair back and walked towards me. “I know what you meant. Don’t panic.”

  “So, I’ll get the boys fed and ready and wait for you to come back home.” Karen had swapped weekends with us yet again, and next weekend, we would likely have them too. She liked to change everything around, and because there was no real set plan, Griffin went along with whatever the boys wanted to do.

  “Taking them to the café? They’d like that.”

  I smiled, running my flat palms up and down the front of his casual red t-shirt, then taking a step back to admire the sight before me. “Okay. I shall do that for dinner.”

  His eyes on mine, he stared down at me. The strong gaze gave me a shiver down my spine as he said, “Good girl.”

  I melted. I adored being called that. “Thank you.”

  “And I will also try not to get a wide on at the thought of you surrounded by men in suits and cash. Are you wearing the suit I came—”

  It was his lucky suit, as he claimed.

  His hand flew over my mouth, and a grin spread over his mouth. “Yes, dirty woman. I remember that night very well. If you’re a good girl, I’ll give you something when I get back home.”

  “You know I love presents.” I winked, my voice coming out muffled underneath his palm. With a lick against his salty skin, he moved it away, and I laughed. “What are you giving me?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Wait.” I frowned slightly. “An actual gift or your dick?”

  He walked out and did not answer, but I could hear the laughter, so it was probably sex.

  Mack was sitting on the marble kitchen bench doing homework as I went into the kitchen. It was not a large area but enough for a counter and dining table. We rarely ate out here, anyway. It was just for formality. Everything was open planned—bare white walls and furniture Griffin had purchased before we met. I would love to put a picture up, but he was anti nails in his nice, clean walls.

  He looked up when I ran my fingers through his light brown hair and smiled as I slid into the seat opposite him. “We’re going out for dinner tonight, excited?”

  Sometimes, I felt like their bigger protective sister, and it probably was a good thing. They already had parents; I was not going to step in and take that role away.

  Mack, with a shrug, just nodded. “Guess so.”

  “Or would you rather have a happy meal at McDonald’s?” I suggested, teasing him. “Maybe an ice-cream sundae? Mm, hot fudge sounds amazing, doesn’t it?”

  Looking up, he opened his mouth and then closed it again as Toby walked in, wearing a hoodie and baggy jeans. He kicked my chair as he walked past. “I’m hungry.” He grumbled, definitely in a hormonal mood. “Like starving.”

  “Just wait twenty minutes. We’re going out.” I was bot feeding them before we sat and ate. I was not stupid. I knew he would never eat his actual dinner if he pigged on something beforehand. Checking my watch, I stood up. “Ten minutes, and you can eat all you want.”

  “Dad…” Toby called out. “I’m hungry!”

  Typical Toby. He did not like what I had to say, so he goes to his father. “What?” Griffin called out, doing his black silk tie as he walked into the room, joining us.

  I forced my eyes off his irresistible body and went back to helping Mack. He did not need it, but I still did it, anyway.

  “I’m hungry… like really hungry.” Toby groaned. “I don’t want to wait ten minutes.”

  “Eight actually,” I winked, giving him a playful beam which earned me a scowl.

  “You’re not eating anything now. Ayla is taking you both out.” I loved that Griffin did not go behind my back and did the opposite of what I had said. He told me from the day I moved in here that his children were to treat me with respect and that I had the authority to scold them if necessary. He did not want them having one over my head.

  Not that I scolded them a lot, but I did not let anyone walk all over me.

  Toby, in a grumpy mood, was testing his father’s patience. “I’ll go over to mum’s then. She’ll let me eat what I want. She always does.”

  Griffin raised a brow down at him. “Don’t be rude. I said no, and I meant it. You’re not going over there, and since you’re being a pain in my ass, you can take the garbage out.”

  As Toby stomped off, Griffin glanced over and winked. I laughed, walking towards him and sliding my arms around his waist. “Are you eating first?”

  “No. I’m not hungry.” He raised his brow and nodded over at Mack’s homework. “Why are you doing your brother’s work?” he asked, not sounding angry. He was more amused than anything.

  Mack shrugged and put the pen down. “Toby’s dumb. I’m helping him, and he’s going to pay me for it.”

  “Is he?” Griffin smirked, grabbing me by the hips as I went to brush past them. He pulled me against him, holding me close. The warmth of his affection made me smile. “Where’s he getting the money from?”

  “You,” Toby answered for him with a wide grin. “When are we leaving? I’m halfway through an Xbox game—Call of Duty.”

  Boys and their toys.

  “Toby, what’s going to happen when you’re tested on the homework Mack’s doing for you?” I asked. “You know… they make you sit in a room and watch you answer all those questions.”

  His eyes widened for a moment, and then they dipped into a frown. “I’ll know it by then. He wants to do the work so he can do it.”

  I sighed. This boy had no clue.

  “Ayla’s right. If you get caught cheating, they’ll make you repeat your year.” Pointing towards Mack, he spoke to him. “Don’t do anyone else’s homework, excep
t your own. If they offer to pay you, tell them to shove it up their arse.”

  Mack stifled a laugh. “Got it, Dad.”

  Griffin’s eyes went to Toby’s. He was going into stern dad mode. “Your own homework, alright?”

  With a groan, he also agreed. “Alright, Dad.”

  A kissed him goodbye, and Griffin was out the door and on his way to the game. We were soon set for the road to go and eat. Grabbing my bag and keys, I locked the door, and we headed down to the car.

  “Where are you going with them?” her nosy voice called out from above us. “It’s too late to be up on a school night.”

  “Dad said it’s okay,” Toby spoke back, hesitating before he opened the car door and jumped inside.

  I internally groaned as she put down the can of Red Bear on the cement and made her way down the steps. For the love of god! Couldn’t she keep to her own side of the place? I get that she was their mother, but this was ridiculous. Watching her stalk over in a pair of black leggings and an off the shoulder green top, I contemplated on getting in my car and just driving off. They were in our care. I loved how she was home, though, just drinking.

  Sighing, I knew I she was going to want an explanation. “Karen, we’re going for a drive.”

  “You mean he’s gone gambling and you’re bringing my children along to watch.”

  Damn it. He did not want her to know that he had gone there.

  I could not lie, and I refused to get in between their chaotic drama. “I’m taking the boys to get dinner. Then we’re coming back home.”

  “You tell him if he wins, then he better not skimp out on me.” She narrowed her eyes, placing a hand on her hip to make her small build seem more intimidating. It worked, only because I knew she could knock me out in an instant. I have heard and seen her scrap, like a bulldog with a bone. “You take your eyes off my children for one second, and I’ll have your scrawny ass buried—”

  I cut her off with an impulsive eye roll. “Six feet under? Yeah, I get it. You can trust me with them. Griffin sure does.”

  “The father of my children is blinded by your perky tits and pussy. Once he’s over the beauty of you and done with his thrill of fucking another woman, he’ll finally see that there’s really nothing special about you. He’s a man, and well, you just graduated pre-school.” I hated when she brought up the twelve-year age gap between us. Being twenty-two did not make me young and stupid.

  I got in the car and ignored her burning blaze of a glare as I drove out down the driveway and drove in the opposite direction of her.

  “Mum doesn’t like you,” Toby stated with far too much enthusiasm as he scrolled through my iPod shuffle to change the music selection and finally settles on Linkin Park, but I skipped it with the button on the wheel before the swearing starts up.

  Mack, in the back seat, raised his head up and joined in on our conversation. “Why doesn’t she like her?”

  “Mum said Dad’s thinking with his dick,” Toby replied.

  Oh, god.

  “Please don’t talk that way. Your dad happens to love me. Do you think he would have asked me to move in if he didn’t?” Glancing over, I raised a brow and turned my eyes back on the road. “Your mum shouldn’t say things like that to you.”

  “Doesn’t matter. We like you, and she’s just mad since Dad is happy.” As much as Toby could be a pain in my ass with his teenager mood swings, he really could be a sweet kid. It was rare when it happens, but it made being here worth it.

  “What is this?” Mack asked, peering out the tinted window. “We’re having dinner here?”

  I twisted the keys and pulled them out, turning slightly to look over to where he sat in the back seat. “We sure are.”

  “Why is dad gambling?”

  “I don’t know.” I really didn’t.

  “Maybe he’s secretly planning something like when he changed your car.” Toby pointed out, laughing loudly.

  “That was the best.” Mack joined him in laughing, and I just rolled my eyes, rather wanting to forget how my boyfriend decided to change my little white lancer that I paid five grand for myself for a black pimped out Audi.

  After the initial shock of bursting into tears, I realised that yes, it did look sexier. I especially loved that the inside now had pink lighting instead of the usual red or white. But I told him that he owned that car and I would just drive it.

  As I held the café door open for them both, I said with a slight grin, “Ever seen Fast and the Furious?”

  “Yeah,” they both said in unison.

  “Well, maybe we can do a few hot laps around the city before we head home.”

  Both boys rolled their eyes, groaning. It did not take much to embarrass them. I loved it.

  We took a table by the corner where we were able to see the busy streets at knock off rush hour, and I could not help but worry about Griffin. I knew it was safe, but it was also very dangerous. When I had first found out about his underground poker games, I did not believe him. Then he took me to watch one night, and I still could not believe it. He bought five grands worth of chips and won a total of forty that night. It was easy money—fun money—but it was also very, very illegal money.

  They played hard, but they won harder. The drawback was that there was a risk of getting caught. Then comes the fallout if things get way worse. I have only ever asked him to stop playing once, in case he got caught, and he did for a while. But I had since then realised that it had nothing to do with the money. He just loved the adrenaline rush.

  There were cops there who were in on the betting. They had their radios with them so everyone would know if any suspicion was being raised and could quickly tell players to take off the moment someone rings the bell, giving everyone enough time to flee the scene before any arrests were made. Usually, they would get a call through the week. The venue often changed, too.

  Still, as much as he tried to say it was just a game, it worried me. I could not relax until he was back home with us. After the boys had finished their shakes and fries, I drove home without embarrassing the boys and spotted Griffin’s red Mustang in the driveway.

  He was back early.

  “I tried calling. I thought something happened,” he said, walking over as I stepped outside. I had not noticed the missed calls.

  “You’re home early.” I pointed out. He normally did not come back until well into the early hours. “Why? Did something happen?”

  “I missed you, that’s all. Is that such a bad thing?”

  Slowly, a smile crept over my lips as my eyes closed momentarily.

  He kissed me, keeping me close once more and inhaling the scent of my hair. He had one of his arms wrapped around my side as he kept a close eye on his sons who were gawking at the beauty before them—their father's sleek red car that had been christened with a glorious fuck on the hood and a blowjob on the drive home.

  “We were distracted by cake after dinner. Even brought you a slice home.”

  “Just a slice?” He cocked a brow.

  “Mum said you have to give her half of what you win,” Toby said, getting on the driver’s side and sitting on the comfortable black leather seat as Mack got on the other side.

  Griffin just chewed on his lower lip and shook his head. “Nothing gets past her,” he muttered with a grim expression.

  “She told the boys you’re thinking with your cock. That’s disgusting to say, especially to children.” He knew I was referring to him and I being together. “It’s hurtful.”

  Sliding his hand over my ass in the jeans I wore, he cupped my cheek and squeezed it. “Ignore her.” There he went again, ignoring my feelings over the matter and letting her win. He was never one for conflict. He preferred to ignore and get along than deal with the fighting.

  Of course, she was soon coming down, knowing we were here and that Griffin had a fresh lot of money waiting for her to collect. He told the boys he won ten grand and put five in an envelope for their mother.

  The boys trott
ed off inside, and I began to follow when he grabbed my elbow and pulled me to a stop. “Wait here.”

  I watched him as he reached in and pulled out the envelope from his back pocket. Griffin walked over to where Karen stood and climbed the two steps to her porch, holding out the thick white envelope. He handed it to her and said something which caused her to glance at me and smirk.

  I looked away and was about to walk inside when he turned and came back. He took me by the hand and led me up inside our house as the boys were eager to go and do their own thing.

  “You didn’t answer earlier. How come you’re back so soon?”

  “I told you, I missed you.”

  “Griffin…” I raised a brow, crossing both arms over my chest. “Tell me.”

  He started to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. “It was a quick game.”

  “So…” I started, my smile beginning to grow. “My present?”

  His fingers stopped on the last button before undoing it and pulling his shirt off over his shoulders. “You’re about to get it.”

  Throwing me down on the bed after I was stripped naked, he pushed me face first into the white pillow and reached underneath my belly, lifting me so that my ass was in the air. He teased me by dragging his swollen cock between my inner lips, and I sighed in anticipation, pushing out into him with need. Finally, he plunged in and grasped my hips with rough fingers that would surely leave bruises—his marks.

  He balled his fists on a tight grip on my hair, and he pulled my head back as his other hand reached in front. The first slap stung, catching me off guard as my clit pulsed from sensitivity. His cock sliding in and out soon set the pace for another slap, and my body reacted. The orgasm was coming on. Then he stopped.

  My legs shook, my body aching with the need to get off. He moved from the bed, walking towards his bedside drawer, opening it. “I brought you something.”

  “Oh?” I said, expecting nipple clamps.

  Instead, he pulled out a black velvet pouch, and my pussy clenched in what was to come. A stainless butt plug with a purple jewelled top was revealed before my very eyes. It was very pretty. “For my good girl. I want to stare at this as I fuck your cunt.” He then pushed it into my pussy, just enough to lube it up. Easing it out, he dragged it back towards my ass as I stayed on all fours. I bent lower, allowing him full access.


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