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The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  There was so much about her that he admired, and he wanted to know her better, learn everything about her. For the first time in years he was the one pursuing instead of the one being pursued.

  “Is dinner ready?” Sandman asked.

  “Yes, and I’m looking forward to dessert,” Big Jay said then winked at Grace, making her blush before she shyly turned away and checked on the meal.

  * * * *

  The four of them sat around the island in the kitchen eating and talking. Grace was happy that they complimented her cooking and truly seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was funny to watch the three tough, big men banter over silly things like who was responsible for what chores. It was crazy when the conversation turned to who could shoot a gun farther and with more accuracy.

  She chuckled as she took a sip from her wine glass.

  “Hey, Grace, you have brothers. Did you argue with them or did you always get along?” Duke asked and the others became silent.

  “We had our moments but for the most part we got along great.”

  “Oh sure, you never argued or stopped speaking to any of them for days?” Big Jay asked. She shook her head.

  “My dad got sick with cancer when I was young. It was tough on my mom trying to raise five kids herself. We didn’t want to make matters worse so we really tried our hardest to behave. I think that’s why we’re so close to one another now, too.”

  Big Jay smiled at her but Sandman looked serious.

  “Your family does seem very close. I didn’t know about your father. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you leave them, Grace?”

  She took a deep breath then looked at each of them. “It wasn’t an easy decision. My sister Clara and I looked like twins. So often people would confuse us, calling us by the other person’s name. We were only fourteen months apart and were very close.” She paused a moment.

  “After she was murdered, my family life turned into a complete mess. It’s not something everyone can understand or comprehend. There’s a big difference between someone dying from an illness, disease or even an accident, than someone being murdered. Clara was alive one moment and the next she was dead. She was robbed of everything. The rest of us were alive.” She looked away from him.

  She felt Big Jay place a hand on her knee. She turned to look at him.

  “You shouldn’t feel guilty because Clara was killed and you’re alive.”

  “You don’t understand, Big Jay. I can’t help but to feel guilty. Part of why I left was the guilt I felt looking like her, feeling I had to act like her. It’s what my family wanted. Everything I did was compared to Clara. The way I even combed my hair, or walked down the street. Everyone including my family did that to me. At first I didn’t mind, believe me it made me feel even closer to Clara, but then it got crazy. I started to feel as if I didn’t exist. Can you understand what I mean?” she asked him.

  “Yes. I think I do. You were feeling smothered and controlled which made you feel out of control and dependent. You started to give in to them treating you like Clara instead of remembering that you were Grace, your own person,” Sandman said.

  She was shocked at his response.

  She smiled at him softly.

  “Exactly. God, I wish I met you two years ago. It’s like you understand because you feel or felt the same way yourself once,” she said to him.

  “I think I kind of felt that way before I called it quits with the Marine Corps. I had no idea who I was when I returned after fighting in the war multiple tours. It was like I became a name and a number. I’m not sure if we would have hit it off if we met back then, Grace. You needed those years to become so independent. To figure out who Grace was and what she wanted.” Sandman gently brushed a piece of her hair away from her eyes.

  “You’re right about that, it was a tough move. I cried a lot and even went as far as buying a plane ticket home only two weeks after leaving. I talked myself out of it and decided that was exactly what my family wanted and expected. The new me wasn’t going to be like that. So that became my new motto. Every time there was a decision to make in my new life, I’d ask myself one simple question. What does the new me want to do? And in doing so I became who I am today.”

  “Well I think you did a great job. I definitely like the new you, although I suppose one would say I’m biased considering the intimacy we just shared,” Duke said then winked. She of course felt her cheeks warm as she shyly looked down to her lap.

  “I’m so glad that I met you guys. I’m not glad that these circumstances brought us together, but the one positive is the three of you.”

  Big Jay leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She placed her palms against both of his cheeks and kissed him back. When they finally ended the kiss, they leaned foreheads together and smiled.

  “I think I’m ready for dessert now,” Big Jay whispered and Grace chuckled as her pussy clenched and her heart soared to the highest level she’d ever felt before.

  * * * *

  Donald couldn’t stop thinking about Sarah. He called the house, surprised that Eric wasn’t screening the calls. He would be doing that if Sarah were his wife. Donald ran a hand through his hair. He knew that was never going to happen. She was with Eric, despite his attempts at letting her know he had wanted her. Being best friends with her husband Frank Sr., who died suddenly, placed him right beside Sarah during the mourning process until Eric arrived on scene. The man came out of nowhere and swept Sarah off her feet. He knew how to control the media. He knew how to gain Sarah’s full attention. Donald failed in that department.

  “You sound funny, Donald. Are you holding up okay?” she asked. Sarah was the one who was suffering.

  “I’m good, Sarah. I was just worried about you. I wanted to see if you heard from Grace at all.” She was quiet a moment.

  Then she whispered, “I’m not supposed to say anything. But yes, I did. She’s safe. It doesn’t mean I’m not worried though.”

  “I know. That special investigator is really good. More thorough than any of us ever expected or considered being detectives in this small town. I’m sure he’ll keep her safe.”

  “There’s others with them, too. He’s being very cautious.”


  “That’s all I know. I’m sorry, Donald. I need to go. Eric just got here and he’s giving me that look. I know it was safe to tell you. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Later, Sarah.”

  Donald hung up the phone and leaned back into the chair. That guy was never too far from her side. Eavesdropping on her phone calls. One thing was for sure, Eric hadn’t been hamming it up with the media as much as when Clara went missing. God, he remembered those days. That guy had the media everywhere. It was difficult to ditch them so he could get his personal business done. Donald ran his hands through his hair. He didn’t like being out of the loop. He wanted to be part of Sarah’s life. Her sons came to talk to him about their personal lives and about their professions, not Eric. Donald felt his blood pressure rising. There wasn’t a thing he could do about that. He had to lie low and observe from afar. After all, he loved Sarah.

  * * * *

  The following morning Grace awoke alone in bed. She was a little sad they hadn’t stayed in bed with her, but when she turned over and saw the time she was shocked.

  Grace couldn’t remember the last time she slept until 10:00 a.m.

  But she was so comfortable and felt so safe in their arms. She hadn’t even had a bad dream last night and she knew it was because of Sandman, Big Jay, and Duke.

  She took a quick shower then headed downstairs. As she came around the corner to where the kitchen was, she saw Sandman and Big Jay standing around the large rectangular kitchen table.

  Sandman was on his cell phone and Big Jay looked at her as if he was shocked to see her but recovered nicely.

  “Good morning, Grace. Did you sleep well?” Big Jay asked her as Sandman spun around with the same surprised look that Big Jay had.

Yes, I did, thank you. Now why don’t you tell me what’s up?” she asked Big Jay who turned to look at Sandman.

  Grace watched him and she could tell the news was bad as the little veins by Sandman’s temples pushed out. His teeth clenched and his shoulders tensed up as he looked at her. He gave a nod with his head indicating for Big Jay to take her out of the room. She shook her head. “What’s going on? What’s wrong? Tell me.” He continued to listen attentively to the caller and ignored her demands.

  “Come with me into the living room, Grace. Let Sandman finish the call.”

  She looked up at Big Jay. He caressed her arm and then her back with one hand then took her other hand and led her out of the room. She planted her feet. She wouldn’t leave the room.

  “No, damn it. Something is wrong. I can tell by his face, his body language. Something happened. Tell me please?”

  * * * *

  “Her eyes were taped closed, she was raped and tortured. The medical examiner’s report isn’t back yet but her throat appeared to be cut open with some sort of thin, sharp weapon. We’ll know soon enough, Sandman, then I’ll call you back,” Jim told Sandman.

  He couldn’t respond and Jim got the message.

  “Grace is there now?”


  “Shit, she’s going to take this badly. This could send her over the edge.”

  “I know. I’ll handle it,” he responded.

  “Good luck and I’ll call back soon enough. This is terrible. We have to find this asshole and soon.”

  “I know.”

  Sandman disconnected the call and turned toward Big Jay and Grace.

  “Well?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “Sit down, Grace.”

  She shook her head, refusing to listen. “Just tell me. Tell me what happened now.”

  Big Jay had his eyebrows scrunched and his hands were on Grace’s shoulders.

  “Your brother John’s girlfriend…Maggie.”

  “Oh God…Oh no.” She shook her head and she covered her face with her hands.

  “She was found off the side of the road somewhere along Allington Way. She’s been murdered, baby.” He walked toward her.

  Grace turned away. She pulled from Big Jay’s hands. She was angry and upset. She would want to go see her family, to see John and be there for them. But she couldn’t. That was exactly what the killer wanted.

  Sandman grabbed her arm and pulled her into his embrace despite her attempts to stop him.

  Grace was crying. “I want to go home. I need to go home. Now.”

  “You can’t go, Grace. You know I can’t let you.”

  She tried to push away from him, still crying with her hands against his chest. “I want to go. I need to see John. I don’t care if I die. Maybe everything will just stop if he kills me already.”

  Big Jay caressed her hair. “Baby, that’s not an option. This guy wants to hurt you, cause you pain and make you come back to him.”

  “It’s all my fault. He killed Maggie because of me.”

  “No, baby. He’s the one committing murder. Whether you’re in Houston or out here, he’s got an agenda and we need to figure it out,” Big Jay added.

  Sandman was at a loss for words. He was angry and pissed off and he felt so awful for Grace his heart actually ached, indicating it was still functional with emotions. He thought he had grown coldhearted and unaffected and he was wrong. Grace came into his life and his brothers’ lives and changed them.

  “You can’t leave, Grace. It’s not even an option. What we need to do is sit down and go over the information I have. Maybe together we could come up with something concrete. As far as your family’s concerned, we’ll set up your laptop in my office. You can e-mail Donald. That’s where the other secure line will be set up.”

  “What’s going on?” Duke asked as he walked into the room carrying a bunch of papers. Big Jay explained as Sandman tried to get through to Grace.

  “Son of a bitch. Damn, honey, I’m so fucking sorry,” Duke said then placed the papers down onto the island and pulled her into his arms. She allowed Duke to hold her and to Sandman it was a step in the right direction.

  She stepped from Duke’s arms and rubbed her tears away from her eyes. Sandman took her hand and pulled her against his chest.

  “We’ll set up the secure line right away, baby. You’ll be able to talk with your family,” Sandman told her.

  “Let me go, Sandman. You said you would set that line up. You haven’t even done that for me? What were you waiting for? Something like this to happen? I need to be alone.” She pulled from him and walked out of the room.

  “I want this guy’s head on a fucking platter,” Sandman stated with fists by his sides.

  “We do, too, but we need to be rational,” Big Jay said.

  “Fuck rational. If this continues, we’ll lose her,” Sandman said.

  “He’s right, Jay. Grace is not going to be able to handle much more bad news like this,” Duke stated.

  “Let’s start off with the material you have, Duke, and then we’ll see what our next move is. There is more to this guy. I know it. His MO is changing regularly. Just as I think he’s some sick serial killer out for personal pleasure, someone else pops up dead. I think there’s a definite connection to those other murders of those men. There’s a link there somewhere. We need to find it.”

  “You’re right, Sandman, but first, let’s get Grace through this current situation. She’ll need us,” Big Jay added, and they agreed as they went in search of her.

  * * * *

  “Damn it. I should have known something was wrong. She would have called, should have called. How could I have been so stupid? What now?” John asked, rambling on and on about Maggie.

  “It’s not your fault, John. How could you know? You said it yourself you thought she might be with her ex-boyfriend. Listen it doesn’t matter now. We have to help these detectives find out who’s responsible. We need to stay focused. The word is that they’re calling in some federal agents. This guy is now a cop killer, too,” Donald stated to John, and Frank agreed as he placed his hand on John’s shoulder.

  “You know Maggie’s family, John. Take a few days off and help her parents with the arrangements. Take as much time as you need,” Donald said.

  “What about Grace? Does she know yet?” John asked.

  “Probably. Jim called Sandman about ten minutes ago. He figured better to find out from Sandman than the media,” Frank told his brother

  “God, this is probably killing her. I wish I could talk to her,” John said

  “Sandman said he set up a secure line for her to e-mail us here in Donald’s office. We should hear from her soon,” Frank added.

  Donald opened up his e-mails to check to see if Grace had e-mailed yet.

  Donald, it’s Grace. I heard about Maggie. How is John doing?

  I’m so sorry this is happening. If I could stop it I would.

  I wish I was back in Europe where everything was normal and my family was safe. God, how I wish so many things were different. How are my mom and Eric doing? Please tell them I love them. Tell John I’m so sorry and that I love him so much and Frank and Peter, too.

  I’m racking my brain. I feel so alone, out of control, weak, and this killer is doing it to me. I want to be strong, I need to be strong but just as I feel a little strength, a little confidence, he strikes again. I want to be there with all of you. I want to be there with John. Oh God, Donald, please tell him I’m so sorry. So sorry.

  Donald read the message and felt heartbroken for Grace. She felt Maggie’s murder was her fault. She was blaming herself for the killings and was losing her confidence and control.

  Her brothers read the message and felt the same way. They had tears in their eyes as they each responded back to her. They told her how much they loved her and that it wasn’t her fault. They told her to be strong and positive that together they would stop this killer. They told her not to blame herself and they prayed th
ey would see her again.

  * * * *

  Grace sat in the office and read the return e-mails from her brothers and Donald. She was crying now and wondered how she could stay strong. Her brother John didn’t blame her for Maggie’s death. He blamed the killer and his warped, demented mind.

  “How are you doing, baby?” Sandman asked as he entered the office.

  Grace looked up at him, trying to wipe her tears away with her hand.

  “They don’t blame me. They’re so worried.” She wiped her tears then stared at the last line on the page. The words “We love you, Grace” were typed in at the end.

  “Why would they? It’s not your fault. This guy is sick, Grace. He’s playing a game. There are no rules, only his. He wants to be in control.” He sat on the edge of the desk next to Grace.

  “He is in control. He is winning this sick game. I don’t want to play it, Sandman. I can’t take this. I need to be with my family. Can’t you protect me there at home? There are three of you.”

  He let out a long sigh as he looked at her.

  “You’re better off here where we can go over everything and keep you safe. I know it’s hard.”

  Grace stood up and cut him off as she moved around the desk.

  “You know it’s hard? How do you know how I’m feeling? You couldn’t possibly understand. This is killing me. I’d rather he just find me and kill me than just drag this thing out. He’s hurting people I love. He wants me and I don’t know why. I don’t know who he is. I’m racking my brain, Sandman, and coming up with nothing. I can’t handle this. I need to be in control. I want to stop this asshole and I can’t do anything. My arms are tied behind my back, he’s winning, Goddamn him, he’s winning!” She raised her voice as she turned and faced the doorway.


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