Book Read Free

Past Will Haunt

Page 16

by Morgan Kelley

  Elizabeth revved the engine.

  The whole team looked over.

  “Yeah, that he should have his head checked out. No one in their right mind would do anything so insane.”

  Livy held on as she took off.

  This was going to be one hell of a ride. Chris wasn’t the only insane one. Apparently, she was too.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *



  Together, they strolled into the office.

  Elizabeth looked smug.

  Livy looked frazzled.

  Before they even got to their desks, they were met by their boss. Gabe was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and he looked just as worked up as Livy.

  “What?” she asked, taking a seat.

  “Why did the Capitol police call me to verify that we have a Doctor Leonard on staff, and to make sure you hadn’t stolen a hundred grand Mercedes for a joy ride?”

  She laughed. “What a jackwagon! I told him I borrowed it, but he must not have believed me.”

  He stared at Livy as if expecting some sort of logical explanation. “What did she do?”

  The woman shook her head. “Sorry, Gabriel, but it’s the girlfriend code. I can’t say shit, and she knows it.”

  “Well, make sure you give it back to Doctor Leonard, and don’t do it again. For Christ’s sake, Elizabeth, stop screwing with the cops. You’re going to turn my hair gray.”

  “Yee haw.”

  “Zip it.”

  “We just got back from the scene, and you may want to take a seat,” Elizabeth said, noticing a folder on her desk.

  “What happened?”

  She told him about the previous night.

  “What? Wait! I know I didn't hear you right. You took your ME to get him drunk, got into a fist fight, and then brought him back to your place?”

  She laughed. “Well, when you put it like that, it sounds horrible. I was actually working, and it paid off.”

  He closed his eyes. “Elizabeth, what the hell am I going to do with you?”

  She snorted. “I don’t know, Dad, what are you going to do?” she teased.

  He growled. “Be serious.”

  Livy tried not to laugh. It was fun to watch her partner stir Gabe up. They were close, and this proved that it was one hell of a bond. Anyone else would be in his office, door closed, and getting their ass chewed off. Gabe truly loved Elizabeth.

  “Why were you out screwing with the ME? He’s a hot mess as it is, and he doesn’t need Hurricane Lyzee rocking his world.”

  She snorted.

  “I’m serious.”

  “Gabe, I’m entitled to a personal life outside the office. If I want to go out with Chris, I can. Not that it’s any of your business, but I didn't sleep with him. He went with me so I’d have backup at the bar, but he got a little tipsy. I didn't dump him at his place, since I don’t know where he lives.”

  “Oh, it was a spectacle when they rolled up in his very pricy ride,” Livy stated, enjoying the mêlée.

  He tried to keep his blood pressure down. “So, the techs think you…”

  “Yep, and I don’t care.”

  He knew this was a mess.

  “He’s a good ME. I’ll bet my paycheck on him. He just needs a chance.”

  Gabe just didn't see it. He had his own team of staff he liked to use, and he thought Elizabeth was crazy for taking on the new ME. His people were seasoned. Gabe was betting that the new ME would burn out and never last.

  “Then he’s your responsibility. If you take the nerd to the scenes, you need to keep his ass from getting hurt. This one is on you.”

  “Deal. I’ll train him. Be patient.”

  “You said you were working at the bar. Why?”

  “After Livy and I found that napkin from Stephanie’s home, I was curious. So, we headed there to take in the surroundings. Chris and I both saw today’s victim there. She was having a few drinks and trying to pick up men.”

  Gabe trusted Elizabeth in the field. If she was working on getting information for the case, she’d find a way to pull it off. While it might be unorthodox, it generally panned out.

  “We have two victims tied to ‘The Bog’, and that’s not going to be a coincidence. We just have to figure out how he’s picking them, and if they’re connected.”

  Elizabeth read the note on the folder on her desk.

  “This is for you,” she said, handing it to him.

  Gabe took it and opened it. As he was reading, both women moved to flank him.

  Silently, they all studied it.

  “Is this from your profiler?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Yeah, this is good, damn good.”

  She thought about it. “If he’s right, I should head to Boston, and before you say no, you don’t have a choice. This started there, and your profiler suggested it.”

  “I don’t know if this is a good idea,” he admitted. Honestly, Gabe didn't want her running loose in another city. DC was already terrorized by hurricane Lyzee, he didn't need more mess.

  “I hear you, but I need you to listen before you say no.”

  Gabe waited.

  “Your profiler said that the killer is a watcher, and this is a game, right?”


  “So, he watched the last victims, correct?”


  “I need to study the location, Gabe. I want to see if he hunted in a specific place, and if he did, I can see what’s around it. That may be the key to breaking this wide open. You know you want this notch in your belt.”

  He stared at her. “You have to give me more.”

  “Chris also believes that the city ME didn't do the job justice. He said the files are half-assed. I need to see what other information he has on the murders. There aren’t nearly enough photos in the files. I have this gut feeling that we’re missing something.”

  He stared at her. One of the things he loved best about Elizabeth LaRue was that she was a damn good agent. She had the potential to go far in the FBI, if she didn't tank her own career with that wild streak of hers.

  “You travel there tonight, you stay over, and you come back. I can’t authorize a week of you taking in the Irish pubs in Boston with your favorite ME.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “I can take Chris?”

  Before he could answer, Livy interjected.

  “Hey! What about me?” she asked. “Shouldn’t her partner be joining her on the field trip?”

  Gabe stared at her. “I think you have a prior commitment tonight, don’t you?” he asked. “Or is this your way of backing out?”

  She had to choose between work or her date with Gabe. Yeah, that was a no brainer.

  “Oh, yeah, have fun in Boston, Lyzee.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, great to see my sidekick ditched me for someone tall, dark, and bossy.”

  Gabe was going to object, but before he could comment, Livy defended him.

  “Technically, you’re tall, dark, and bossy. He’s more tall, dark, and boss.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “You’re a traitor. I’ll remember this,” she teased, winking at her partner.

  “I’ll get clearance for one of the jets, but don’t do anything stupid, Elizabeth,” Gabe warned.

  “Like stealing it and taking it for a joy ride?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Exactly that. I hope you have kids one day, and they’re just like you, so then you can see what hell you’ve put me through.”

  She snorted. “Right. We both know that’s never going to happen.”

  Gabe rolled his eyes. “Good. We don’t need more of you running around. One Lyzee is plenty. When are you going to tell the ME he’s taking a road trip?”

  Elizabeth looked down at her watch. “We need to grab a coffee, hit the autopsy suite, and then run to the pub for some interviews when it’s open. Then I’ll be heading out. I’ll give Christopher my timeline and get him to sync his with it.”

abe was good with that. “Let’s just hope the killer doesn’t make a move tonight. If he does, we’re going to be down an ME and an investigator.”

  Elizabeth got it. “If he does, we can be on the jet and back here fast.”

  Gabe shook his head. “No, I’ll run it while you’re gone.”

  “As in out in the field?”

  He stared at her. “I was ‘running it’ when you were still in high school. I think I can manage.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I know. I just love when you get that look on your face. It’s somewhere between stress and constipation.”

  He closed his eyes as he fought for the diminishing calm he’d been feeling before Elizabeth rolled into the office. “Go. Please. Just go do your work.”

  Livy laughed. She loved how the two of them played off each other. It was fun to watch.

  “I’ll drop your date off at her place before we head out.”

  Gabe glared at her even as his body reacted to the words. All night, he’d been thinking about tonight. He couldn’t keep his libido from responding.

  “Can you keep it down?” he hissed. “We’re trying to be low key. If you’ve forgotten, that’s the opposite of your normal behavior.”

  Elizabeth was amused.

  How could she not be? It wasn’t often that she saw Gabe flush from lust and not simple frustration.

  This was going to be fun.

  “Darlin’, go big, or go home. It’s as simple as that. Now, we have to go screw with some techs. I’m going to mold them into what I need or…”

  He stared. “If you cause paperwork, I’m going to be pissed. Let that be your warning. I will ride your ass for the rest of my career here in the FBI.”

  She wiggled her eyebrows. “What could possibly happen? I mean, it’s Boston, and I’m running this.”

  Yeah, that was what he was worried about. With Elizabeth, one never knew. It was part of her charm, and what kept you awake all night.

  Well, him anyway.

  In the elevator, Livy shook her head. “One day, he’s going to stroke out.”

  She doubted that.

  “If it happens, before I get to have sex with him, I’m divorcing you. Let that be your warning from me.”

  “I get it. Come on! I’m not that bad.”

  “And one last thing?”

  “What?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Under no circumstance are you to call him tonight. I don’t care if Boston is on fire. I don’t care if the British threaten to take it back. You cannot call him. Are we clear?”

  “Geez! I get it. I won’t interrupt your date.”

  “If you do, it’ll be me who strokes out.”

  Now she laughed, glad the mood was light and easy.

  It was a good thing. They had to deal with an autopsy and another mutilated woman.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  To say that the killer was proud of himself would be an understatement. He knew they’d be coming back to the scene later to canvas, and they wouldn’t find a trace of him.

  He was going to lay low.

  If the agents found him there, the game would be up, and he couldn’t let that happen. Instead, he was going to play with them.

  Why not?

  After all, he was having so much fun yanking their chain. They thought they were so smart being at the pub the night before, but he had the last laugh. He’d stolen the woman right out from beneath her nose.

  It was way too easy.

  If this was the best the FBI had to offer, he was never getting caught. They were memorable, but not for the right reasons.

  Well, the one was.

  She’d been in his mind all day, and when he thought about her, he wanted to make her scream and bleed.

  So, he was going to play with her before he destroyed her. Later, he’d prove to her that she wasn’t safe. Oh, he was going to really rattle her cage.

  If it was up to him, he was going to make her so afraid, she would lock herself away.

  He loved a challenge, and he couldn’t help but want to make her a work of art. It was all that red hair, the pale skin, and green eyes.

  Yes, he was obsessed.

  She was just like the others, and that marked her as one of his. She had the potential to be beautiful. When he was done with her, she’d be remembered.

  It wouldn’t be for her job.

  Or her bravery.

  It would be because he made her special.

  He wanted to hurt the agent so much that he could taste it. He was going to make sure she suffered for even daring to stop him. Oh, he liked a game, but when it came down to it, he hated anyone who tried to stop him.

  This was his fun.

  He was going to screw with her mind.

  Then, if it was the last thing he did, he was going to screw with her body.

  All. Night. Long.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  As they headed into the autopsy suite, there was plenty of chitchat going on. As Chris was trying to work, his team was acting as if he wasn’t even there—now whether it was their intent or not—they were being incredibly disrespectful to the man running the show.

  It pissed her off.

  They were talking about the two of them, and how there was no way they could be a couple. It was like he wasn’t even there. Elizabeth could see how it was affecting the ME, and it had to stop.

  It made her long to take their heads and crack them together. She hated that Chris was being tortured.

  When she cleared her voice, they all looked over at her.

  Silence fell.

  “First off, if you want to talk about me, do it to my face. I’m here now, so feel free to continue,” she stated.

  Of course no one did.

  Livy struggled not to smile. She’d seen Elizabeth go shit nuts on teams before, but never like this. She was really fired up.

  She was actually flushed red.

  Everyone tried to look busy.

  “Next, he’s your freaking boss, so show some respect. He’s in charge of this nuthouse, and when I’m not here, he can, and will bust you down to night shift. Who here wants that job?”

  No one spoke.

  “Now, if you are done speculating, get your work done. I want details. You’ve had ninety minutes and the other half of the team should be transmitting details as we speak.”

  No one spoke.

  She pointed at the head tech. “What do you have?”

  “We found the same trace fibers at the other woman’s home. We’re guessing that he was wearing gloves while he killed her. There were no fingerprints in the place but hers.”

  Elizabeth wasn’t impressed by what they were giving her. She wanted more, and she wanted blood—theirs. “By saying ‘hers’ are you referencing our victim?”


  “Does she have a name? Have we ID’d her yet?”

  “We have. Her name is Missy Kelly.”

  “Well, then I suggest you use it. She’s not some tossed away being. She has an identity. While the killer stripped her, we give her that back. Got it?”


  “What else do we have?”

  “There was no security, no cameras, and it looks like he either watched her to find her routine, or he got lucky.”

  She’d bet it was the first part.

  Elizabeth thought back to the profile Gabe had gotten from his profiler, and it looked like his golden boy had been right. If their paths ever crossed, she’d buy him a beer. He might just be solving this case for her.

  “What else?”

  “She was sexually assaulted,” Carol stated. “We found trace. He’s still leaving his swimmers behind.”

  Elizabeth focused on Chris. He was working on her internal organs. “Doc, do you have anything to add?”

  The snickering and whispering started.

  Elizabeth was about to bust chops when there was an outburst from Chris.

  “Really?” he
asked, slamming down the empty tray and turning. “Have you nothing better to do? I’ve never seen anyone lack more professionalism in my life. I’ve had to stand here the last forty five minutes while you’ve made comments, did a shotty job, and irritated the shit out of me. This is important, and I’m so done with your behavior.”

  The woman stared at him.

  “Since you think this is a joke and you don’t want to give this woman any dignity, I’ll be forced to treat you like this is kindergarten.”

  No one spoke.

  Silently, Elizabeth was cheering him on. Little did he know, but this was going to be what changed the tides. Chris was standing up for himself, and that was exactly what he needed to do to survive this.

  “You,” he said, pointing at a handful of techs. “Into the lab and do your damn job. I want all that trace done before end of shift. If you have to stay here and sleep on tables, then so be it, but I will have it done before tomorrow morning.”

  They stared at him like he was crazy, but they listened. The techs that he’d pointed at headed into the other room to work.

  “You,” he said, pointing at Carol. “We are not going to be able to work together. I have to have a serene environment while I’m digging around in someone’s body. I’m trying to figure out what happened to this woman. There are a million things that could have gone down, and instead of thinking about any of them, I’m stressed by you. We are not compatible.”

  Elizabeth said nothing.

  Chris was on a roll.

  When he turned to face her, she lifted a brow.


  “Yes, Doctor?”

  “Do you object to me finding another head teach for this team?” he asked the two agents.

  Livy shook her head.

  “Nope. This is your domain, Doctor. Run it like you see fit. Own it.”

  He finally was, and it was about damn time.

  “You can head out,” he said to Carol. “Take today off, and tomorrow, I want you to report to one of the other ME’s on staff. Find one with a vacancy on their team.”

  “But they already have head techs.”


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