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Past Will Haunt

Page 23

by Morgan Kelley

  Chris swallowed his pizza. “What do we have to do?”

  “You and I have hours to figure out who the hell this killer is, get the connection between Boston and DC, and save Livy’s life.”

  “Well that doesn’t sound daunting.”

  “The pressure is on, Christopher.”

  “Then we better move.”

  “Where’s your gun?” she asked.

  “I didn't bring it.”


  “What? I didn't think we’d get jumped by an ME and some Feds. I’m not usually in the line of fire. Who shoots at the doctor?” he asked.

  Elizabeth pulled open her messenger bag. Inside, she kept her backup piece. Handing it to him, she was dead serious. “You be safe. If you get hurt, I’m going to kill you.”

  He laughed. “So, if I die?”

  “Christopher, I’ll use your corpse as my Halloween decorations for the next twenty years. Do you really want kids grabbing candy out of your lap?”

  “It must be love.”

  “Yeah, or insanity.”

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  He wasn’t going to take another one.

  It wasn’t his intent.

  In fact, he didn't want to risk getting caught tonight, but the female Fed pissed him off. When she wasn’t the one who opened the door, he wanted to kill someone.

  So…he did.

  He headed back to the pub and waited inside. He was very familiar with the place. In fact, he could see it from his place of business.

  It was something he liked to watch all day long. He would stand there, toiling away, and before he would know it, the day would pass. See, they never saw him.

  Not once.

  He was invisible, and that’s why he had to hurt them. His art made him stand out. As long as he had that, he had a voice in the cold world.

  He had power.

  In life, that’s all that mattered.

  So, while lost in the anger, he went back there. Once he did, he found the perfect woman to be his canvas. She wasn’t perfect like the Fed, but she’d do.

  Oh, she was Irish enough. Plus, she reminded him of that woman he used to love until she broke his heart, so she’d be suitable for what he wanted to do.

  The only thing he wished was that he had more time to follow her. If he didn't take his time, this could blow up in his face.

  It was about the risk, and he was taking a big one.

  He sat there watching, and when she left the building to head to her car, he knew it was time to strike.

  No, he wouldn’t take her home.

  He would keep her where they would find her.

  As she put the keys in the lock of her car, he made his move. Quickly, he slammed her head off the window before she could make a sound.

  Then, he shoved her inside the vehicle and hurriedly pulled away. Oh, he’d be going back, but he needed to make sure all the other employees were gone for the night. It looked like he would just have to wait.

  Then the fun would begin.

  Well, for him.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *


  To say that Elizabeth was nervous would be an understatement. Normally, she had Livy at her back watching her flank.

  Oh, someone was behind her alright. Only, she suspected he was checking out her ass in her jeans instead of keeping them safe.


  She missed Livy.

  “Okay,” Elizabeth stated. “This is the bar where they all partied or worked before they died.”

  Chris stood there, his hand on the sidearm. He was worried that someone was going to jump them. This was Boston, and not the good part of town. There were shadows lurking, and they had nothing to do with the streetlights. Chris suspected they were being watched.


  “What do you see?” Elizabeth asked, hoping Chris’s FBI training would rise to the surface and come back to him. She had to hope.

  “Well, there are some drug dealers, murderers, and a few hookers,” he stated.

  She laughed. “I meant other than that.”

  Chris looked around. “Buildings. I see quite a few empty buildings.”

  “You’re supposed to be super observant, Chris. Don’t you use that skill with the dead?”

  “I do, and I am observant. Right now, I can tell you’re wearing vanilla body lotion and something else. It’s a little spicy. I think it may be your shampoo, but I’m not quite sure.”

  She stared at him. “Seriously? Are you sniffing me?”

  He ignored her. “Plus, you’re wearing a black bra and a matching thong.”

  “Christopher! How the hell did you know that?”

  “What? I undress bodies for a living. I notice what’s under the clothes. It’s part of the job.”

  “No. Really.”

  “I saw the strap of the bra, and when you bent over, the top of the thong peeked out from the back of your jeans. Pink and black are sexy.”

  “You’re such a weirdo.”

  He laughed. “Oddly, I’ve heard that before from the opposite sex, so I’m not surprised.”

  “How about you use your powers of observation on the surrounding area and not me? What do you see?”

  He stared at each building while she flipped through the reports. “There’s a butcher, a baker, and a…”

  “I swear to God if you say candlestick maker, I’m going to kick your ass. This isn’t a nursery rhyme.”

  Chris laughed. “Noted, boss.”

  “Don’t call me boss.”

  “You’re the lead investigator. You’re technically…” He was cut off.

  “I’m not the boss. I’m just an agent. I don’t want to be the boss. All I want is to do my job.”

  “A parking garage.”


  “There’s a parking garage. There’s one not far from ‘The Bog’. At first I wanted to point out the butcher, since our killer is practicing to be one, but it doesn’t fit the area back home. That garage is the only thing that’s the same about this area, other than the seedy location.”

  She looked around.

  “Way to use your skill, Chris. Now we need information.”

  As she headed toward the garage, she noticed there was a booth. In it, there was an attendant. He jumped when she banged on the door.

  “What?” he asked, his eyes wide.

  “I need to ask you some questions.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t leave the booth. My boss will fire me.”

  She pulled her blazer back. “If you don’t leave the booth, I’m going to shoot you in the ass. I’m betting it’s not bullet proof glass.”

  He didn't hesitate.

  “What do you want?”

  “How long have you worked here?”

  “I don’t know, maybe four months. I do it part time to pay for school.”

  “Who worked here before you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Why did they quit?”

  “Lady, listen. You’re out of your fucking mind.”

  Chris grabbed him by the front of the shirt. “You better not be talking to my partner that way.”

  He swallowed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn't mean any harm. I don’t know, but I can give you the office’s number. You can call it tomorrow when it opens up.”

  “When’s that?”


  She sighed. “Okay. Get back inside before you get shot.”

  The man hustled.

  As they were walking away, she started laughing. “You are NEVER coming out in the field again.”

  “Why not?”

  “You just manhandled an eighteen year old child. Last I looked, I was pretty capable of busting balls.”

  “You’re just jealous.”


  “I thought to do it first.”

  She laughed and then offered him a fist bump. “Okay, you may have me on that

  Chris grinned. “I dig this job. I hope you weren’t serious about me not going out in the field again.”

  “I told you that you’d like it. This is one adventure after another. As for you coming out in the field…we’ll see.”

  “Now do we go to bed?” he asked, yawning. “I’m beat. I was up partying with a hot Fed.”

  “Christopher, because we’re friends, I’ll warn you before I punch you.”

  She hit him.

  “Hey! That wasn’t a warning!”

  She laughed. “Yeah, it was. Learn it. I do it often.”

  He grinned. He really didn't mind. For the first time, in a long time, he was getting into the FBI thing.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *


  Thursday Morning

  Most of the night, Livy was as sick as a dog. Around three in the morning, it leveled off. Finally, Gabe felt safe enough to close his eyes. He could feel the morning breaking through her window, and he was slowly coming awake.

  Then he realized something.

  He was alone in bed.

  Immediately, his heart began pounding in his chest. All he could think of was the killer and the visit last night. As he jumped out of bed, forgetting that he was only wearing his boxers, he raced toward the only sound he heard. Someone was in the bathroom, and the water was running.

  As he flung open the door, it scared Livy. She shrieked.


  He closed his eyes, trying to calm his pounding heart. “I was worried about you. Are you feeling any better?”

  She smiled at him. “I still feel like shit, but I’m getting better. I never want to feel like that again.”

  “I don’t blame you.” Gabe couldn’t help but notice she was naked. Livy stood in the shower, water and soap streaming down her body. It was incredibly sexy.

  His body reacted.

  When Livy let her gaze slide down his body, it was quite obvious what had her attention.

  Boxers didn't hide anything.

  Gabe was hard and erect.

  Livy saw the flush moving up his chest and to his neck. That, in combination with the way he took care of her last night, made her wet.

  Reaching out, she yanked him into the water with her. He sputtered as she pressed herself against him.

  “I think I owe you for taking care of me. I’m sorry I ruined our date. Can we redo it tonight?”

  It was hard to think.

  Her hands were pushing his boxers down his legs, and when they landed with a wet ‘plop’ on the floor, his heart skipped.

  “Livy,” he muttered.

  “Let me make love to you. You have to be the sweetest man in the world. You didn't have to stay, Gabriel. You could have run.”

  No, he couldn’t.

  Livy was being hunted, and it was all his fault.

  When she found out the truth, she was going to push him away. How could she not? The director had ordered him, but he still allowed it to happen.

  Gabe knew he could have said no.

  He could have stood up to his boss and protected her. Before this case, he’d felt the same about her, but he’d been afraid.

  Gabe could have quit or stood up for Livy.

  As her lips moved across his torso, she left warm openmouthed kisses on his flesh. He moaned despite the battle brewing in his mind.

  Livy was tearing him apart from the inside out. He wanted to tell her, but he never wanted this to end.

  He was torn.

  Now her hand was stroking him, heating his body all over again. The way she touched him pulled him under the pleasure. A part of him wanted to believe she’d not hate him when this was over. It had to be his heart.

  “You saw me at my worst, and you still stayed. That means everything, Gabriel. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  He swallowed.

  “Livy,” he muttered as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his hips. Gabe could feel the tip of his erection pressing against her.

  He wanted to dive in, but he owed her the truth.

  Unfortunately, he was only human, and as a wet woman was pressed to his body…no, as a wet Livy was pressed to him, he was helpless to say no.

  When he opened his mouth to beg her to forgive him, she slid him home.

  Gabe’s legs gave out as the pleasure overwhelmed him. As soon as he landed on the tiled floor, Livy took over. She worked him in and out of her body, trying to bury him so deeply in hers.

  “Oh, Gabe,” she whispered, tugging on his ear with teeth.

  His hands went to her hips.

  He fell into the rhythm.

  As she bounced, he prayed he didn't come before her. That was the only thing in his mind at that moment. It pushed all the guilt away.

  “Olivia,” he shouted, as she began grinding down against him. It was hot and wild, and he made up his mind in that moment. He couldn’t let anything happen to her.

  Fuck his job.

  She mattered.

  His heart stuttered in his chest.

  Livy was all he wanted. He’d turn in his badge if that’s what she ordered him to do. For weeks, he’d wanted her from a far, and he’d kept her at arm’s length. Now she’d broken through his walls. They’d come crumbling down.

  “Gabriel, I’m close,” she muttered, finding his mouth with hers as the water pelted them from above.

  He struggled to stay afloat.

  He wanted to pour into her with all he had.

  She began whispering his name over and over again, until it reverberated across the tile in an echo.

  Gabriel Rothschild was doomed. He was lost. As she slammed down, his body reacted, setting off one hell of an explosion.

  He came and came hard.

  Livy shouted his name as the orgasm tore through her. When she stopped shaking, she rested against him as the colors swirled around them.

  Everything stopped until he heard her laughter.

  Lifting her head, she touched his cheek. “Having you around is handy. That has to be the best way to wake up in the morning.”

  Gabe’s eyes must have given him away, because Livy went still. As the water still pelted them, now getting chilly, she knew something bad was coming.

  “What’s wrong? Have you changed your mind about us?” Livy asked, reaching up to turn off the shower. “I know you had to witness all kinds of horrible things last night, but I swear I’m not this bad.”

  He touched her lower lip with the pad of his thumb. In his head, he was already bidding her farewell. There was no way this was going to end well. He knew he’d screwed up.

  “Livy, something has happened.”

  “Is Elizabeth okay? I should be in the field with her, watching her back. I promised never to ditch her.”

  “She’s okay, but you’re not.”

  Gabe hated that he’d had incredible sex and it was about to be destroyed. He was still buried in her body as he came clean about what he’d allowed.

  “I don’t understand. Why do you look like you’re about to lose it?”

  “Last night, after I tucked you in, someone rang your doorbell.”

  “It was probably the neighborhood kids. They do that until I bribe them with ice cream. They probably didn't mean to bug us.”

  He shook his head.


  He only wished that was it.

  “What happened, Gabriel? You’re scaring me.”

  “When I opened the door, no one was there. Instead, someone left a gutted cat, message, and medallion.”

  The second he got to the last part, she gasped. Livy knew what that meant.

  “He found me.”

  Gabe couldn’t speak. He wanted to be sick.

  Livy was pissed. “Well, good! I’ll jack him up if he tries to come for me. I’m not some flighty girl walking home alone. He’s not going to enjoy the outcome.”

  He closed his eyes.

  Gabe appreciated her tenacity, but she
needed to know everything. If they had a chance, Livy had to hear his part in this. Hopefully, she’d forgive him.

  “I did something bad, Olivia. If we’re going to move forward as a couple, then you should know the truth.”

  She didn't like the sound of that.

  “What did you do?”

  “I betrayed you and Elizabeth.”

  She stared at him in horror. “What?”

  Gabe held onto her like she was his lifeline. He could feel himself sinking. If he let go, he was going to lose her. The second she moved from his body, he would fall.

  “When this case landed in my lap, my boss called. He told me he wanted you and Elizabeth on it. The second he found out you two were next up in the rotation, he had a plan.”

  She didn't understand.

  “You look like his victims, Livy. He didn't want you and Elizabeth for your skills.”

  She stared at him.

  “So, he only gave us this case so I’d be bait? Does Elizabeth know this?”

  “No.” He’d protect his friendship to the end. That mattered too. She knew, but he wouldn’t betray a woman he called family. He would carry this one.

  Livy stood, and his heart thumped erratically in his chest.

  “Please don’t hate me.”

  “Is this part of it, Gabe? Did you sleep with me to keep me on the case? Is that all I am to you? I’m simply handy bait to screw?”

  He stood up. “No! Livy that’s not what this is about. The case is the case, but you’re personal. You’re part of me. I didn't lie when I said I loved you. I meant every word.”

  She backed away from him. “I need a few minutes. I need to think about all of this.”

  “I love you, Olivia. I shouldn’t, and I’m going to destroy us both, but it changes nothing. You aren’t bait. You’re half of me.”

  She stared at him.

  “I need to go.”

  As she walked away, slamming the door behind her, Livy wanted to be sick. It wasn’t because the killer found her. It was because Gabe hadn’t trusted them enough to tell her. Keeping secrets was a dangerous thing. Why didn't he see what was between them?

  She thought…

  She hoped…

  She was wrong.

  As Livy began getting dressed, she heard him entering her room. He was wet and had a towel wrapped around his waist. In his hands were his wet boxers.


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