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Small Town Sass

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by Breanna Hayse

  Small Town Sass


  Breanna Hayse

  Copyright © 2013 by Stormy Night Publications and Breanna Hayse

  Copyright © 2013 by Stormy Night Publications and Breanna Hayse

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  Hayse, Breanna

  Small Town Sass

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by BigStock (Tyler Olson) and The Killion Group

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.


  This story is dedicated to the real-life Nikki and Jeff, whose Indiana small town sass has brought them much love, happiness, and joy. Thank you for sharing your lives with me!

  Small Town Sass

  Nikki sighed, looking around the little shop that was heaped with bottles, sachets, and every other kind of container one could imagine. Grams had never understood the concept of arranging items. She only knew one thing: make people smile and you will have a perfect day. Today, though, would be a hard one. With her old mentor now laid to rest, Nikki felt responsible for making the shop one that would stay alive in the tiny artist colony of Chassy, Indiana. She glanced up at the clock, knowing she had a long evening ahead of her.

  She eased her heart by sorting through the various herbal and aroma therapies lining the myriad of dusty shelves belonging to Lotions and Potions. She hated cleaning, almost as much as she hated the little pink eyes of the tiny mouse that stared down at her from the rafters.

  “Grams isn't here to protect you any more, Squeakers, so you just better not get in my way,” she warned the little rodent while waving a broom at it. She turned when she heard the ringing at the front door. She was certain she had put up the closed sign.

  “Yes? May I help you?”

  A man entered, a skeptical expression on his rugged face as he silently glanced about the cluttered shop. Without a word, he took out a notepad and began to write, much to Nikki’s annoyance.

  “Excuse me, but can I help you with something? I am about to close up here,” she asked impatiently, distastefully eyeing his tailored suit and expensive Italian boots.

  “Is this your place?” he asked, as he jotted another note.

  “Yes. My name is Nikki Coolridge. And you?”

  “How long have you been here?”

  She glared at the man. He was not excessively tall… about average really. He had a strong, solid body and a pleasant enough face. Perhaps it was the fact that she lived in this tiny little town and the available selection of men was slim, but she was instantly attracted to him. Except for his outlandish attitude!

  “Pardon me, but when someone asks a question or extends a greeting, it is customary to respond. Let me guess, there are no manners from where you come from, right?”

  “Ahh, yes, I forgot about the small town sass. It’s been a while,” he grinned, amused at Nikki’s ire. “Used to come here as a boy. Name is Jeff. Jeffrey Chassy.”

  “Gram's grandson? I remember you! You came to visit shortly after I moved in and left one night after making Grams cry! Why show up now, after she’s dead? Whatever do you want?!” Nikki was outraged. How dare he prance into town after causing so much pain to his grandmother by disappearing over ten years ago? Even worse, Grams had refused to tell her why.

  Jeff raised his eyebrow and picked up a canister of scented Epsom salts with aversion. “And you are? I got the name, but how do you fit in this?”

  “Don't you remember? Your grandmother fostered me when I was twelve. You used to yank my hair like I was a little kid. Grams taught me everything she knew about her lotions and potions. She left me to tend this shop when she passed and, as proprietor, I think it is past time you left. Goodbye and good riddance!” Nikki held the door for him, the angry look plastered across her face.

  “Oh yeah, the runaway… you've grown up a lot since I saw you last."

  "I said it's time for you to leave, Mr. Chassy. You are not welcome in my home or my store."

  "I hate to break the news to you, but this shop… in fact, this whole piece of property, belongs to me now.” Jeff quietly interrupted her. “For the time being, until you turn twenty-five, I am the trustee of all land and properties which belonged to my grandmother, including this place. So watch the tone, young lady. You are my employee now.”

  The silence was deafening between them as Jeff stared unflinchingly at the young woman whose eyes bored hateful holes right through him. Chattering near his head caused Jeff to break the eye contact and notice the little white mouse near his elbow.

  “I see Grams still kept her pets. What is your name, buddy?” Jeff asked, holding his hand out and grinning as the little rodent scampered upon it. Nikki was appalled, and amazed. Squeakers came to no one except Grams! “My grandmother used to fill the house with pets when she was little girl. She moved here after she was married and added four children to the mix. Three of them died before the age of eight. My father was the youngest, and she sent him to live with her sister in the city because she was afraid she would lose him too. He never understood that she did it to protect him because she was scared.”

  “His name is Squeakers. What happened?” Nikki asked softly, watching in amazement as the little mouse played happily among his fingers.

  “Sickness back in those days was hard to diagnose. That’s why she started this shop. She learned all of this from the local tribes. This town refused to have a real doctor after so many were lost. They decided to go back to the old days… potions and witch doctors.”

  “Now see here,” Nikki took offense, “Don’t think for one minute that I am going to be quiet as you insult everything I’ve been taught and believe in. I’ve seen these remedies help so many people and…”

  "I believe that I told you to watch your tone with me. I will not tolerate being screeched at. We need to bring this place up to the twentieth century and bring in enough money to at least pay for its existence. Now, where is my room?”

  “Your room? Your room! You are not staying here, Mr. Chassy. This is my home and…”

  "I warned you not to raise your voice to me. I will not tolerate it," Jeff stated, staring down at her. Her molten chocolate-brown eyes stared back at him without fear.

  "What are you going to do, throw me bodily onto the street? Touch me and I will call the sheriff and…"

  On impulse, and upon recollection a brief moment of insanity, Jeff grabbed her shoulders and lifted her off the ground, pressing his lips firmly against hers, ignoring her struggle against his hard body. He felt her go limp in his arms and then finally lowered her to the ground. She stepped back, touching her mouth with the back of his hand. Silently, she watched as he walked by her, an arrogant smile planted on his face and a little white mouse on his shoulder. Her heart pounded. Jeffrey Chassy was not going to leave peacefully. If she had known that he had come upon Grams’ request to meet her and make certain that she would be cared for, a simple kiss would not have silenced the screeching.

  * * *

  Nikki rose early the following morning. She would rather stay in bed, but Grams always insisted that the early morning was the best time to gather herbs. Grumbling, she shot a look at the closed door across the hall which led to the room in which Jeff had decided to take up residence. It was Grams’ old room and she felt… violated… that he would not only assume that the
little sanctuary belonged to him, but that he did not concern himself for her reputation in the little town. Chassy, Indiana had struggled to keep things as far from the modern world as possible, even adopting the clothing habits of the late eighteenth century, dispensing with motorized vehicles (except for the incoming delivery trucks), and kept modern conveniences to a minimum. Horses and buggies still frequented the town, and the shops were filled with handmade items, art work, and organic foodstuffs. There was one small hotel on the edge of town for visitors, a restaurant that offered only items grown locally, and a single telephone. It was a simple and beautifully peaceful life, and the sight of Jeff’s large Mercedes polluted the view.

  She kicked the tire as she went by, not unnoticed by the milkman who was dropping off bottles at doorways. He grinned, tilting his hat to her, and continued on his route. Large woven basket in hand, Nikki stomped behind her home and into the thick woods to gather items she had been running low on. It only took a few minutes for the fresh, crisp autumn air to clear her head. The trees were starting to turn and flashes of brilliant oranges, reds, and golds flickered in the light breeze. She paused to close her eyes and listen to the whispering of the trees and an occasional splash of a fish in the small lake that held many beloved childhood memories.

  Nikki sat on the edge, looking out over the water as she twirled a sprig of mint in her fingers. Grams had taught her how to fish, swim, and gather and prepare the natural remedies of the old days. They had nursed her through many bouts of sickness, sadness, injuries, and ‘the grumps’. She had been a stubborn and opinionated child, and it had taken all of Grams’ patience to teach the girl how to focus and stay interested. But she had learned and knew, without doubt, that Gram’s ways were useful! How dare Jeff question Grams and her abilities to help people? With a growl, she threw a rock into the water, satisfied to hear the loud splash as it broke the surface.

  “You’re up early,” a low voice said from behind her, startling her. “Did the lake do something, or are you mad at it too?”

  “Don’t sneak up on me, Mr. Chassy! Are you following me around?” Nikki demanded, both angry and a little excited that he had presented himself. He was dressed in old jeans and a sweatshirt, his hair looking as though he ran his fingers (rather than a brush) through it. He had not yet shaved, and the rough appearance made him even more attractive than the clean cut, well dressed businessman she had fought with the evening before.

  “Sneak? I was making enough noise to wake the dead. What’s in there?”

  “Herbs. Nothing you would…”

  “What are they for?”

  Nikki stared at him. His question, oddly enough, seemed to be genuine. Slowly, she explained the different plants, having him smell and taste them as she told him of their uses. He was, at least, a good actor and feigned interest.

  “I was thinking,” he said, chewing on a piece of peppermint, “that people nowadays like the old fashioned get-away for vacations. We could update the shop and bring in a real pharmacy…”

  “No! Don’t you get it? This shop… this town… it is who we are. Are you too stupid to grasp that? We don’t want you, your money, or your changes.”

  “You know what, Miss Coolridge,” Jeff said with a low growl, “I’ve warned you twice now to watch your tone with me. I will not tolerate being yelled at or disrespected…”

  “Respect is to be earned, and you don’t rate it. And don’t kiss me again! I…”

  Too late. He had already drawn her into his arms and pulled her close to his body. She was irresistible to the man. Her beauty, fire, and snippy attitude left him desiring both to have her in his bed and across his lap. He broke away from the embrace and forced her to look into his eyes, ignoring the stunned expression.

  “Next time you take that tone, little lady, I promise to put you across my knee. You want old-fashioned? I will show you old-fashioned in the form of a bare bottomed spanking, understand? Now, you have the option: you can work peacefully by my side and help me build up this town, or you can find a new place to work. It’s quite simple. I assure you that I will do my best to keep the feel of this place as unchanged as possible.”

  Nikki’s mouth hung open. She was speechless. Never before had she been threatened with such degradation! Nor had she ever before been faced with such a determined opponent. He had to be much older than she, at least by fifteen years, and she was not accustomed to his type of confidence. It made her uncomfortable and she felt decidedly childish in his presence. His threat to bare her bottom and spank her sent a shudder down her spine. Her instincts rose, knowing that this was a man who knew what he wanted and how to get it.

  Jeff studied the flickers of emotion that ran across the pretty girl's face. Satisfied that she understood his intent and his promise, he stood and offered her his hand. Reluctantly, Nikki stiffly accepted it and allowed him to pull her to her feet, casually brushing on the leaves and twigs from the long gauze skirt she wore. He watched her with a curious eye, strongly suspecting that her momentary silence did not imply compliance, but rather issued him a challenge.

  He hoped so. Jeff Chassy liked challenges, which was the primary reason he had responded to Grams’ request to come and watch over her beloved little town, shop, and adopted child. She had warned him of two things—Nikki’s temper and her stubborn nature—and had asked him not to reveal her requests to care for Nikki to save Jeff from the torment of listening to the girl insist that she was able to care for herself. Be strong for her, my boy, and don’t let her bully you.

  His grip on her elbow was firm as he silently escorted her along the forest path and back to the main streets of the town. It was now bustling with early morning activity as shop owners swept the stoops, watered flowers in little pots, and stepped aside to allow the autumn air to wisp through the open doors. A distinct scent of apple pie and coffee wafted past his nostrils and Jeff inhaled deeply as his mouth watered at the delightful aroma.

  “Mmmm, something smells good. So, where do we begin? Introduce me to people.”

  “As what? The new landlord who is going to make his fortune at our expense? Or as an arrogant city dweller determined to destroy our way of life?”

  “Darn it, girl. I knew your silence was too good to be true,” Jeff sighed, snatching her wrist in his hand and dragging her bodily back to her shop. Nikki yelled for help but, surprisingly enough, no one came to her assistance. Jeff noticed that as well, chuckling that it seemed the townspeople knew she had it coming to her eventually.

  Squeakers ran to greet them, hopping on the edge of a lamp and chattering as Jeff lifted the fighting woman around the waist with a single arm and kicked the door closed behind him. He grabbed the closest chair in reach, a solid oak straight back with a needlepoint cushion. Nikki shouted, cursed, and scratched at him, dismayed to find the excessive material in her clothing hampering her movements. Mortified, she found herself facing the wooden floor with her bottom propped high over the man’s hard right thigh. She screamed, fighting to grab at her skirts as he easily pulled them away from her body. He paused to smile at her bloomers.

  “You really take this old-fashioned life seriously. I like these,” he commented, eyeing her well-rounded posterior through the white cotton fabric. It stretched over her backside, clearly outlining the very luscious curves of her mounds. With a grin, Jeff raised his hand.

  SMACK! Nikki shrieked as she felt his wide, flat palm contact her cotton-covered flesh. It burned! A second smack fell over the soft tenderness of her upper thigh, causing her to yelp out once again. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Jeff’s heavy hand fell in precise rhythm over the squirming, wriggling cheeks. Already he could feel the heat through the thin material!

  "You son of a—let go of me! I swear, I will report you to the sheriff, you bastard!"

  "Go ahead, honey,” Jeff stated, his hand splatting sharply against her sit spot. "I would surely love to explain the reason why a grown woman required a spanking while across my knee."

  "You jerk! OWWW!"

  "Maybe we can even show him the evidence," Jeff commented, while focusing on the lovely swell of the squirming hills, wondering if they were as delightfully red as they felt.

  “Please! Let me up!” Nikki wailed, fighting against the tears of anger and frustration that threatened to spill from her eyes. “I’m sorry! You just make me so mad!”

  “I warned you little girl, didn’t I?” Jeff said calmly, applying five more hearty slaps to her wriggling rump. “I am a man of my word and I promised you a bare-bottom spanking if you got sassy with me again.”

  “No!” Nikki begged, reaching back but failing to prevent Jeff from skimming down the cotton bloomers to expose a bright red, perfect bottom. With a grin unseen by the girl, Jeff brought down his hand fast and hard over the peaks of her mounds, watching in fascination as they blanched before turning a delicious shade of pink.

  “Whatcha think, Squeakers? Is she learning yet?” Jeff asked the little mouse who watched the activity with quiet interest. Nikki pressed her hands against his leg, arching her back in a feeble attempt to escape the sharp, repeated blows to her stinging back end. A tear, then two, leaked from her eyes before she began to beg for release. Jeff paused, considering the condition of the warm, rosy little bottom that rested under his hand.

  “I don’t know. You could be making this promise to get me to stop this spanking,” he said, his eyes now catching glimpses of her soft womanly lips. He looked closer… the little hypocrite shaved! So much for old fashioned!

  “I promise,” Nikki pleaded, trying to catch her breath and not give him the gratification of seeing her cry. “I’ll try to be nicer. I swear!”

  “We’ll see. And Nikki? Next time you sass me in public, you will be spanked in public. Got that?” he said, pulling her to stand before him and forcing her to look directly into his eyes.


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